The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 14, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL TH- HUSTLER OF ROME Established, inun THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. IHWS, Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL <i BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. ortice. Wilkerson Block. Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION tally and Sui.uay.per year •** I hinder, i>er year • Weekly (The KomkCovhibb) pel year. BY CARRIER IN CITY AND SUBUIBfi Du* y an-t Sunday, locents per weal. Remit by batik draft, exptfiJJ, money order or registered letl»r Add-ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. (ROME, GA. Entered at the PoStofflce at Rome, Ga., as eeconu elans matter. Advertising rates and sample co, lessor th asking, I—.. - 11 '. - BUSINESS OFFICE I’ HONE 85 Ml THE STATE TICKET. *! For Governor, ALLEN I). CANDLER, of Hall . —J ForJSecretary of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General, JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merriwether. For Treasurer, I W. M. SPEER, of Fuiton, FoiJCommissioner of Agriculture, 10. B. STEPHENS, For School (Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. I Til EII ( -TI.ER-CoMMERCIAL IB I the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has the combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and !the Rome Daily Commercial, and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome The City Marshal The Sheriff of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co. The Hustler-Commercial has the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. • , Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. No gunboats on the Cincinnati river have been blown up yet. - - ■ The m >st swell affnr in S'Cie ty is the boil on a maidens nose. Mark Hanna is ‘‘Napoleon” McKinley’s Waterloo. Mark, oh Mark, he is just a lulu. - They tell us that a man who confesses his ignorance is on the 1 road to wisdom. '1 he manner in which the confession is made, however, has some bearing on the proposition. . A fine of a penny was recent ly inflicted on a policeman by Mr. Hannay, the Magistrate at Marlborough street police court, London, for pulling a woman off her bicycle because her lamp was not lighted. Josephine Kipling, the eldest child of Rudyard Kipling, win . recently punished for telling an untrqth, and went to bed sob bing rebellious!?: “I think it’s real mean, so there. My pa writes great big whoppers and everybody thinks they’re lovely, while I told just a tiny story and gets whipped and sent to KI Led. ” DEADLIER THAN BEFORE The superiority of the Dum- Dum bullet as a death-dealing missile o v er all other modern bullets is attracting wide spread attention in Europe since its adoption by the British army, and the discussion has reached this country. It is noticeable that in the struggle to produce a rifle with the longest and most accurate range the diameter of the bullet has been gradually reduced. To I give penetrating power and more accurate flight the sub stance of outer coating has been made harder, until in the British army the pencil-like metalcoated Lee-Metford, bullet, with a diameter of a little more than a third of an inch, has been evolved. This bullet at short range mi ay produce terrible effects if it strikes a hard bone, but passes clean through soft parts without causing any material shock to the system. It thus allows a wounded man to charge home, and has consequently been found to be ineffective in stopping rushes of desperate and deter mined fighters. To end this difficulty the Dum-Dum bullet was introduced into England’s armies. It is pre cisely similar to the Lee-Metford bullet, except that the cupro nickel covering is not continued over its pointed end. The consequence that when it comes into contact with the body the softer lead and antimony core which is exposed “sets up” into a broader mushroom-like end and inflicts a more tearing wound than the hard metal coated point of the Lee-Metford bullet. When next two great armies, well equipped and well trained, confronteacli other, the horrible possibilities of slaughter fiom rapid fire, accurate aim and de structive bullets may actually prevent battle and reduce a campaign to a game of maneuv ering, in which the side placed at a disadvantage will admit de feat. IRONICAL IFS If a man is in the right he doesn’t have to get mad about it. If a woman lacks a graceful for m there are ways to make up for it. If everyone could have his own way this world would not be worth living in. It you hav* a man’s past record you can predict his future with reasonable accuracy. If the patient has faith in the doctor the doctor should recipro cate by trusting the patient. It ghosts haunt churchyards it is probably for the purpose of fmd idg out from the epitaphs how good they were during life.— Chicago Dail) News. This week’s Forsyth Chronicle, Handsome Bob’s chief organ, seems to have quit the field. Perhaps an ice wagon has run over Col. Stone. m, An Indian firm is making a trolley sprinkling car which will appeal to dust-abhorring cyclists who travel over roads paralleled by electric lines. A portrait of General Albert Sidney Johnson has been pre sented to the Confederate Bazar, of Baltimore. It is from a pho tograph which was taken in San Francisco, when Johnson was a colonel in the United States Army, stationed at that place. He is represented in the painting as wearing the uniform of a Confederate General, and the work is a faithful likeness of the man as he appeared two years before his death at the Battle of Shiloh. * The Atlanta Constitution is very much stirred up because Judge Atkinson and Mr. Berner met in Mm <»d and had a friendly conversnt'on. Did the Constitution j expect them to throw bricka at each oiher. Savannah Press. Scarcely -but the Constitution has warned the public of the anti- Cand'er gold-brick schemers, the lovely young pair who sought the dark sheth s of night in the gloom of a goldbng sanctum where they might lay plans by which they could mail ipu I ate pai ty machinery ai.d thwart the will of the masses in c< mpoesing the defeat of the peoples choice, Albn D Candler. Ibe Constitution is enterprising and honest. The anti-Candlerites are enterpris'ng. o o o The Augusta Herald says: “The contest lor the Deniperatic guber natorial nomination seems now to be between Judge Atkinson and Senator Berner. His two oppo nents a'ready seem to have dis tanced Col. Candler and reports indicate that Col. Candler is losing strength thoroughout the State rapidly.”—Griffin News. And yet, Bob and Spence are diseovered holding secret mid night caucuses in the cilices of the Macon Telegraph, and while they persist in aj int debate with Col. Candler they refuse to meet each other oi. the stump The anti-Uan dler organs seem to think the common people are tools—if they exist—and that the uncommon people are lunatics. o o o A ycient.fic exchange says:“The roe of the codfish contains more latent livi • g creatures than the whole population of the globe.” And they are all in a roe, too, adds the Columbus Ledger. o o o The public is waiting to see a joint debate between Messrs. At kinson and Berner. One was ar ranged between thorn at Columbus but it has not been pulled off. These gentlemen met at the office of the Macon Telegraph hist week and held a consultation. Possibly th y were arranging a joint diacus sion but if po the public has net been apprised of it. If the debates w<-re so necessary. why do not these gen'lemen enter upon the “series of j tint debates” arranged between them. —Walton News. Concerning the “accidental” meeting of Messrs Atkinson and Berner in the Telegraph office the Savannah News has this political note: “Judge Spencer R. Atkinson and Senator Robert L. Berner held a long conference in the editorial rooms of the Macon Telegraph Thursday night, and while the result is not definitely known, it may safely be stated that no agree -ment was reached touching anv radical change in their present program. Neither had anything to say for publication at the conclusion of their labors, except that they had met by the merest accident. At the same-time the prevailing opinion is that both Judge Atkinson and Senator Berner will continue their tour of the state speaking every day on their former lines, and de pending upon their united efforts to keep Col Candler from get ting a majority of votes in the convention. The “Texas” may have her “sinking spells” but she always picks shallow water and a smooth bed. The flying squadron has no picnic ahead. The statement that the squadron is off for trial practice, sounds “funny,” when •he same news report paints a pathetic picture of tearful part ings of officers and wives HOW THE COMMITTEE STOOD. “In the Seventh district con gressional convention held in Rome last Saturday, the Candler j men declared that it would be impossible to get out a full vote for the farmers in this section of Georgia on June 6th. They .will be too busy then. It was announced that Walker county in this district did not expect to hold any primary on that date.” The above is quoted from the morning paper. It is a fact that three committeemen, represent ing two counties, were opposed to the early congressional pri mary. They were Candler men. It is also true that all other speakers, with one exception, or in other words, all the rest of the committeemen, with possi bly one exception, were Candler men. Let all the facts appear The Candler tide sweeps on to victory. A man’s deeds live after him —so do his mortgages. It’s Spain and not Cuba that is granting an armistice. Good evening ; have you heard from the flying squadron? John W. Maddox is measuring up every meh a man and a states man . Editor Loyless suggests that Gen. Lee’s triumphal journey gives rise to the impression that the old rebel yell is greased and ready for business. ♦ Senator Bill Ennis is in the city again. Col. Ennis is making a winning race for a seat in the upper house of the next general assembly of Georgia. Uncle Sam is slow to anger —too painfully slow when hundreds of thousands of helpless Cuban wo men and children are being starved to death by Spain. John W. Maddox voted for the minori'y report. Read it for your self and compare it with ths majority report and see if “Our John” is not your representative as uiual. It is bad enough for a Demo cratic candidate to be on speak ing terms with the Macon Tele graph. but to hold a secret po litical conference in its editorial rooms, is nothing less than par ty treason. —Macon News. Because Col. Candler’s friends brought to light that midnight conference of the anti-Candler “running mates,” the Macon Telegraph is charging Co). Can dler with another mistake. And the Telegraph is pure in heart, so truly Democratic and so “fair and impartial. ” Judge Atkinson’s “running mate.” Mr. Berner, doesn’t seem to be setting the rivers afire with his eloquence these days. The trouble about the matter is that the peopl don’t propose to elect a man governor just because he is a flowery ora tor. If that were the case, John Temple Groves would be in the United States senate by this irae.—Lee County Journal. Mr. Wyche, who travels for the Franklin Pub. Co., of At lanta, said while here last week that it was his business to see the county officers in every coun ty in the state; and shat from previous experience he could al ways tell what the exact political situation is. From bis investigr tions thus incidentally made; Mr. Wyche says the Col. Allen I). Candler is by all odds the faverite for Governor. — : Warton News. MOTHER! SS* and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of “ Mother ” —she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. | .a ■ so assists nature MnthPr Q in the change tak lllUlllul U ing place that —a . the Expectant I* I Ah fl Mother is ena- ■ IIHIIII bletl to look for ' ■ ■ I V 11 ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement —in short, it “makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don’t be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER'S FRIEND “ My wife suffered more in ten min utes witli either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with hei last, having previously used four bot tles of ‘Mother’s Friend.’ It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER,” says a customer. Hendbrbon Dalx, Carmi, Illinois. Os Druggists at fit 00, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Write for book containing testimonials and valuable information for all Mothers, free The Bradfield BecalaUr Co., Atlaate, «a. YEAR’S SUPPORT . GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern! Notice ie hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Mrs . Lizzie T Talley, the wid< w ot George T . Talley, deceased have filled their award, and unless good i nd sufficient cause? is shown, the sam-i will he made the judg niHTit of the Court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Ordi nary, This Maroh 7th, 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, Geergia. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. To all whom it may concern : L. A. Dean having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Lucy Parker, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next Kin of Luc\ Parker to be and appear at m\ office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if an) they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy Parker’s estate. Witness my hand signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd coun ty, will be sold at auction at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 24th district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Georgia, known and distinguished in the plan of said district atid section as No. one hundred and seventy nine (179) containing one hundred ai d twenty acres more or less of said lot and lying all of said lot ex cept a small portion sold by J. M. Ellis, while in life, said land joins the corporate limits of Plainville, Ga. Sold as the prop erty of James M. Eliis, late of said county, deceased. Terms one-half cash, and the remainder Dec. Ist, ’9B. J. H. Ellis, Executor of Jas. M. Ellis de ceased. " • * 1 f A • APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. OE RGIA FLOYD CuUNTY. Whe 6*B Vm. A.Wright executor of Mrs. Mary W. Quinn represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered Mrs Mary W. Quinn estate. This is to cite all persoi s concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in June 1898. This March 4 th 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. notice of divorce " State of Georgia, Floyd Co Winnie Lee Woodward ( i?* VS \ ‘■‘ l “fel William E. Woodward '/2 dl - In Floyd County Superior (J’ state of Georgia. No2l term, 1898. ’ Jul J To William Edward W OO( | ward : ... The defendant i 8 | ler . qinred, personally or by L* ney tobe and appear’ J next Superior court, to be h ! in and for said county 1 bd , third Monday in Jul/n ext • a, ‘ t J tliere t 0 answer the p ■ “ bol for Divorce, as in d ‘J* thereof, sanl court will p,S as to justice shall appertain d ! Witness the Honorable WM court J,, 14th day of Mardh, 1898. I Hiegel, | Clk Superior Court. Fl °yd Co., G a< LET’ERSOF ADMINISTRATION . GEORGIA Fl OYD COUNTY. I To all whom it may concern; ; Farris P. Nixon having in proper form applied to me for permanent i letter# of administration on th, ' estate of Dr. W. C. Nixon lat lo f said county deceased. This ist o cite all and singular the creditor! and next of kin of Dr. W. C Nixon to be and appear at mv of flee within the time allowed br law ar.d show cause if.any they they can why permanent adminii. tration should not be granted to Farris P. Nixon on Dr. W. C. Nu one estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 10th day of ebF. 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary, NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at the court home door of said county on the flrit Tuesday in \prrl next within tb» legal hours of sale, the following property towit.—South half ol lot No. 177, containing 80 mi, North half lot No. 185 coutoHMig 80 a res, 80 acres efl Int No. 184 all in 22nd District and W Sectien known as the home place whereon the deceased resided it the time of his death centainiug in all 190 aciee more or lew, fioll as the propertv of Hulbert E»»ni, late of said county, deceMfd’ Terms of sale caeh. This Bth day of March. 1898, Julius »V. Evam. Executor. YEARS SUPPORf. GE'.RGLA, FLOYD COUNTY. To ail whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to Ml apart and assign a euplimencnl year’s support to Mrs Georgian* M. George, the widow of Junius A George, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good »nd sufflciant cause is shows.» the same will be made the Judgment of the Court at the April term. 1898, of- the Court of Ordinary, This March 8 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, G<*orgi»- LETTERS OF ADMINISTR i- TION. Gkorgia, Floyd County : To all whom it may conoei »: George W. Williaman having in proper form applied to rno for permanent letters of admin" istration on the estate of R. " ■ Richardson, late of said county, deceased. Tins is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of R. W. Richardson to be and appear at my office with' in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Georg® W. Williaman on R. W. Rich ardson’s estate. Witness my hand add official signature tin® 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary . BEST OF ALL ’ To cleanse the system in a g«mtl« and truly beneficial manner, wn® u the Springtime comes, use *** true and perfect remedy. Syrup 11 Figs. One bottle wili answer all the family and costs only cents. Buy the genuine. factored by the California Syrup Company only, and for **• by *ll druggists. f