The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 15, 1898, Image 1

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eighth year smoke xtra good and rebel veil cigars QUEEN is "HUFFY" Proposes lo Resign if Her Cabinet Compromise. THE “HONOR" OF SPAIN Wey ler Has Tendered His Mer ciful Services. Madrid April 15,-The que n regent haa inform-d the members Os berocurt that it isher inten ion to abdicate immediately if 'he cab inet takes any steps derogatory to Spain’s honor and dignity. The la-t dispatches from Wash ington have created profound ex citement throughout Spain. The Spaniards protest against the “odi ous imputation setting forth that Spanish officers were responsible for the loss of the Maine. It is asserted here that proof can be furdished to show that no tor pedoes have ever been laid in Havana harbor. This official gazette tomorrow make a decree organizing a nation al subscription to increase the strength of the Spanish .fleet. The correspondent of the As sociated Press here has had a long interview with Seiior Silvela, the conservative leader. As a man who has held power and who may before long be in office again, Bmor Silvela’s views are impor tant at this juncture. He main tained that Bpain has m*de every’ concession in favor of peace con sislent with her national honor. “I knew,” said Senor Silvda, iu concluding the interview, “iliat 5 Lost, Strayed or Stolen--An advance copy of the Woman’s , Hosp tai edition of the Rome Georgian. The party who has ) it will confer a favor by returning same to its rightful owners. the army i 8 so well <1 isc : p 11 nf d that it will net loyally with the ji government m ail cases, and I >. know that ail parties, except the extreme revolutionaries, fuel the | necessity of supporting the present K ministry in the taci of the enemy. I know, too, that most of the poliical parties in Spain are B"are that adj noetic change *ouil mean the fall of monarchial I institutions in this country.'' Genera 1 Wtyler, the former i' captain general of Cuba, arrived K at Madrid today, apparently be called here by the govern- ■ me nt. He was met at the niil- ■ road station by Gen. Prat, in 11 1 uniform, and many friends, | Military men and civilians. I 'i'lie governor of Madrid pro wled a demonstration, which U Wa “ proposed to make, and ® opted precautionary measures, ’ere was a detachment of po -ICe at the station, there were P° jeemen in the streets through “<* the general passed, and ICe odicers were stationed ; fcVP “ Wlthin the entrance of the i en ® ra l’ 8 residence. | f m hlo ' n the railr oad station the "icr captain general was driv ,a Pidly to lii 9 home. When limned on the subject, Gen. I « re . fUS ° d W “V '>e «a 8 “»«1 o Madrid by the govern , ' J “t he added, speaking to I ci l tTp esponde,itof the Ass °- J Cl “ted Press: I vices? 6 i" deed ° ffeie d ,n y ser | u ar w ?, t ’ equeen - I consider I Cut >& is 1 n,erica inevitable, or *ari ß ,° f S tU Spam. I believe K thebroV * al> 'i et 0 aconti nation Wn?m' lße<l ? ensioH between fc gton and Madrid. THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL GEfl. Fin LEE Wants io Send His Card to Gen. Blanco Again. UNDER MORE "FETCHING" Circumstances and Surround ings- What He Says. Washington, April 15.—The Naval Strategic Board consists of Assistant Secretary Roosevelt Rear Admiral Walker, retired; Commander Clover, Commander Crowinshield and Captain Good rich, of the Naval War College. The board met this morning in Assistant Secretary Roosevelt’s official room, and Consul Gener al Lee was present for more than an hour. The veteran Virginian soldier who is a graduate of West Point Military Academy, and a grad uate also of the civil war, gave valuable information to the board concerning the condition of the defenses of Havana and other points in Cuba as ascer tained by him during his resi dence there. During the progress of the conference, the details of which have not been given out, it is known that General Lee express ed a personal desire to enter the military service and Rad an army corps in Cuba He repeated to the board what he said to a personal friend after his brilliant reception last night: “I want to send my card to General Blanco again, under such circumstances that he may not have the insolence to refuse me an audience.” This refers to the tact that when General Lee was leaving Havana he called on Blanco and that Spanish official refused to see Lee or ex change official courtesies with him. Now the doughty Virginian wants to call on Blanco, at the head of an army of American soldiers, and take Havana from him. Fitz is every inch an Amer ican patriot. MUNITIONS AT ANY PRICE Unlimited Okders ,Placed By Spain With English Firms. Washington, April 15 —Infor- mation has reached here showing that the Spanish Government is making extraordinary efforts to obtain all the munitions of war possible. She recently gave to one of the most prominent En glish firms unlimited orders for all the munitions of war it could deliver up to the Ist of May. A cabinet council, at which the queen regent presided, was held this afternoon. The queen regent signed the national sub scription decree to increase the navy. It was decided to hasten the reopening of the Spaish parlia ment. The date set for the as sembling of the cortes was April 25th, but parliament will now be summoned to meet on Wed nesday next, April 20th. ROME GEORGIA. FRIDAY EVENING. APR'L 15. 1898. 100,000 TROOPS Are to be Called For in Case of War, AND CHICAMAUGft PARK Will Become The National Camping Ground. Washington. D. C. April 15 —ln he event that the war policy con templa es the invasion of Cuba, the army maybe ii creased to 100,- 000 men . Cf this, the regular troops and the national guard will aggregate about 55,000 men, a d the remainder will be made up of volunteers. Id the event of a cull upon the national guard, attention will be directed first to the organizations in the state of New York, Peunsylvana and Ohio and the District ofC olumbia. General Mile’s plan to mobilize seventeen of the twenty-hive regiments of infantry and five of the ten regiments of cavalry at the C’aicamauga park as speedily as possible. THE “LAST PEACEFUL ILLU, I .n’ hAS completely disappeared. Madrid, April 15--The Liberal says • “War is inevitable, the las 1 peaceful illusion disappearing be fore the decision announced yester day by the sena‘e committee at tributing to Spain the Maine ex plosion, recognizing Cuba inde pendence and announcing that armed intervention will shortly take p'ace.’’Thereupon the Liberal warns Spain ot the danger of delay and “further confidence in America” lest Spain “lose by a coup ce main, without a fight and honor, what she can well defend." The Liberal then urges the reas sembling of the cortes immediate'} and openly accuses President Mc- Kinley of seeking annexation under the noses of the powers, in h manner similar to the British occupation of Egypt.” CONSUL resign. • ■ — Representative at Carthagena, Spain, And His Assistant. * " 11 Madrid. April 15. Advices just received from Carthagena confirm the report that the United States vice consul at that port, both of whom natives of Spain, have resigned . C. Mo’ina and Alberto Molina, accordii g to the Cougmsiona Di rectory, are respectively United States Consul and United States Vice Consul at Carthag na, Spain. > » Adjourned Meeting.—Attention Rainbow, attend adjourned mist ing to night at 8 p. m. Geo. Ramey, Pres. Harry Rawlins Secy. ‘ ---' i , Good for nothing—is the unpaid minister —no difference how abld lie be. Neither Corbett, Fitzsimmons or Kid McK »v have been heard from since the the scrap opened. These bullies seem to know real danger when they read about it The lily of the valley toils not neither does it spin, I ut the hab its oCthe wheel woman are differ ent, T1 ] e Mi 11 ine ry Fe ast _ LANHAM’S , ■ r • * ;!! • * 11 " ■ ' STILL CONTINUES. I * > ■ t EOOffi I Him 15 Nearly two hundred styles of S 5 hats just received and placed on sale 5b 5 at most reasonable prices. We have 5 5 convinced the ladies of Rome that jb . they can get, right here in this city, as fine and stylish millinery as they can in any city in the land. We spare time nor ex- Z; pense to make our millinery store the very best . How well we have sue- jp ceeded we leave to the intelligent la aj dies of Rome who have seen the dis- S play. Our prices are as far below as the quality of the goods are above, J 5 and we expect to keep them that way. : : £ You had better come and get your J' share of the good things we are of- SE sering. 5L • ■’ ' - y * In Shipments. EMBROIDERIES., The greatest sale of embroideries ever undertaken in-Rome. You had be ter come before they are all gone. The usnal low prices will prevail until this lot is exhausted. Percales, Lawns, Domestics, Ginghams, Madras, Crash, Pique, India Linen; and thousands of seasonable goods at prices a little lower than elsewhere. Remember the sailors we sell for 98: are the exact kind you pay $1.25 and $1.50 for at other stores. Mffl a as. IO CENTS PER WEEK