The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 15, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-COUMERCIAL THz HUSTLER OF ROME. Established, 1890. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 1896. Issued every evening, sxcept Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. office, Wilkerson ißlock. Third Arenas LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION >ally and Sunday,pet ye*’’ * s,w • i oo Sunday, per year ***** Weekly (Thu RonuCoußinn) pel year »• BY CAKR4ER IN CITY AND BUBUIBB D»'\y and Sunday, lOcenfs per west, Remit by bank draft. expf#JJ, money order or registered letl*r Add-ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. | ROME, GA. Entered at the Postofflce at Rome, Ga., as seconu class matter. Advertising rates and sample co,.lee forth asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall., 1 For.Secretary of State, ’ PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. . For Attorney-General. JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merrlwether. For.Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fulton, Fo r of Agriculture, 0. B. STEPHENS, For School (Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, .of Bibb. The Hustler-Commercial is the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has the combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commercial, and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome The City Marshal The Sheriff of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co, The Hustler-Commercial has the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. There are now eighty-seven Can dier Clubs in Georgia. The news from Colquitt is that Candler is leading the race in that neck of the woods. Macon and Auguata tie for third place among the postdffices of the state. Gladstone and Steve Brady continue to indignantly deny their late deaths. Berry’s catsup bottle and Brann’s fate have driven Stein out of the “Looking Glass” of fice. The anti-Canfilerites have eith; er been forced into the column editorial habit or have taken to the woods. We sincerely hope that those American mules that the Spaniards been buying tor their Cuban warfare will kick the skylights out of their new owners.—Cedar town Standard. News conies from the Philip, pine Islands that the rebels at tacked the Spanish at Subigan dapatil. They captured the town and carried off the name in sec tions. I f ALABAMA IN THE WAR. A half a doxen or more of the many visitors at present in Washington from all over the Union were talking a few even ings ago at an uptown hotel where there is always a South ern contingent. Naturally the subject was the war with Spain, i “Lot the war fight proceed,” said a long-legged man from Al abama, “but I, right here, as an Alabamian, representing the best interests and the patriotism of that noble and long-suffering state, want to warn you North ern fellows to keep your hands off. You say that 50,000 troops will be all that are needed to wallop Spain off the earth, do you? Well, Alabama can send 100,000 and still have a reserve left, and, what is mire, we pro pose to do it and to carry on the war ourselves. You fellows up North in the last war had things in your own hands and swiped all the pensions, and now, if there is to be another war, Ala bama intends to do all the fight ing herself and get all the pen sions. Do you understand that, Yank? If you don’t, you had better take something to clear your thinker with in order to get out of the way when the Al abama troops get the word to charge. See!” —Washington Star. The Citizen is opposed to the Floyd county scheme for chang ing the system of num nation. It i-s unfair to the smaller coun ties and a menace to Democracy. —Dalton Citizen. The Citizen stoops to dema gagory when it says “Floyd county scheme.” Floyd’s six votes were cast for the measure as were Whitfield’s two votes. Floyd has but six votes in a district meeting of 34. The Cit izen knows this, and yet it stoops to demagogory and attempts to arraign the district against Floyd But in spite of such campaign ing old Floyd will continue to roll up her usual big majorities. The Candler papers insist that joint debates betw?en Colone 1 Candler and Judge Atkinson would “hurt the party,” but they are crazy to have Judge Atkinson and Mr. Berner “get together” oi. the stump Why is this? —Savan- nah Press. The Candler papers referred t<> hava only meant to emphasize before the people the fact that Messrs. Berner and Atkinson are notseeking joint debates for the purpose of enlightening rhe peo ple upon any party teaching, but simply desire a chance to double team on Colonel Candler If they are spoiling for a joint debate why not have it themselves? That is the only position taken by the Candler papers. They are not opposing debates for Candler anc favoring them for the other two They are simply bringing out the fact that the other two arc after Candler and not after joint debates.—Augusta Chronicle. In his speech here Judge Atkin son emphatically denied that he is Berner’s running-mate, and we are therefore greatly surprised to learn that he held a secret confer ence wit!) the genth man the other night in the office of the Macon Telegraph. Has the genial judge changed his mind and concluded that it wouid take such a combi nation to beat Candler? Or was he ta'king through his hat while here?-Cedartown Standard. Colonel Candler has told of some of these leaks, and, notwithstand ing pretended anxiety for the col onel to talk on the subject, there has been no noticeable improve ment in the feelings of the opposi tion to him. There is food for re flection in what Colonel Candler has said, and a mental microscope should net be necessary for the unlesignable candidate to search out the ideas that suggest it Dawson News. CONGRESSMAN MADDOX. lion. John W. Maddox made a very strong and able speech in congress the other day in op position to the declaration of war between this country and Spain. He showed that lie was no jingo, but a cool, calm think ! er, weighing the causes and ef fect as well as the personal re sponsibility. He looked at it from a hu mane standpoint to his own peo ple with whom he lives and represents, the hardships and burdens that it would entail upon them. His speech is one of the strongest and ablest that hat been delievered in congress, and stamps John W. Maddox as a level headed man and a safe and wise congressman. That spot ch will make John W. Maddox friends all over the Seventh congressional district —Marietta Journal. BITS OF WISDOM. No act of love is ever lost. Ihe loftj’ minds maintain tl e simplicity of children. The man who rides a hobby usee egotism for a saddle. Ignorance and supersition got married before the flood. It is worth more to the world for a man to live right than die hap py. The man aho lives for a pur pnse helps give others a pur pose for living. 3h > man vho gives 'o advertise his charity has io charit} worth advertising, The bigeest f ult of some people is their unwillingness to be told their faults. The testimony of a good con science is worth more thau all the flattey in the world. • “For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain,” the Hidal- • go heads the heap. Madrid is short on courage but long on diplomacy, while McKinley is minus a backbone bu - flush on discression. The normal population of Cuba is 1,700,000, composed of something near 1,000,000 per sons of Spanish descent, 10,000 foreign whites, 43,000 Chinese and 500,000 negroes and colored people.’ k This is what Win. McKinley t said in 1890 : “We must not . yield to the wrong, trifle with y justice, or surrender to prejudice. '1 he ji’urh of wrong must uot he 3 pursued because for the moment J it appears the easiest road to l travel.” — The refusal of Captain General Blanco to say adieu to General Fitzhugh Lee stamps the Span iard as a “veneer” man. Lika Dupuy de Lome and the rest of them his protestations were a farce. When it came to the point he lacked common courtesy. I ! Our good friends of the Rome Tribune commend the democrat ic executive committee for select ing June Gth as the date for congressional primary, but can’t get through condemning the se lection of that date for the gu bernatorial primary.— Cedar town Standard. Judge Atkinson and Mr. Ber ner were found in secret confer ence in the editorial rooms of the Macon Telegraph a few nights ago. 'This confirms Col. Candler’s contention that an un derstanding exists between these gentlemen, and that they are not oppsing each other but are jointly fighting Candler.—Daw son News. flhould Allen Candler be elected governor, would he resign hit po sition as president of the Gaines ville and Jefferson and Southern railroad, which he held on to all the lime than he was receiving a salary as S cretary of State, or would he attempt to uct for State and he railroads nt the same time? -Atlanta Commercial. I clip the abov< from the Dalton Citizen and desire to sta'e that the Ci iz’ti editor made a mistake in its c edit —as the At an'a Com mercial, unlike the Citizen is ed iedby a mai. who believed Col onel Candler, who in a spe-ch at the opening of his campaign tated that h i had resigned the presiden cy of the railroad above mention ed many years ago. Will the Cit izen correct the above statement in i’s nex' issue? We shall see. o o o This mornings Constitution, in its news columns has this to say of Col. Candlers engagement to speak io the Col< ny city on to morrow. o o o Colonel Candler’s speaking ap pointments for next week are as follows: Monday, April 18th, Mc- Donough : Tuesday. April 19th, Clinton. Wednesday, April 20th, Mcßae, Thursday, April 21st, Mt. Vernon, Friday, April 22nd, Ab beville, Saturday, April 23d, Vien na, Thursday, April 28th, Isaoel la, Saturday, April 30lh, Bain bridge, Tuesday, May 3rd, Knox ville. o o o News form the city of Fitzgerald received at the headquarters of the central Candler campaign committee in the Kimball bouse yesterday, acquainted the com mittee with the fact that all Fitz gerald was preparing to turn out to receive Colonel Candler there tomorrow. It will be by long odds the most conspicuous political event in the history of the new city, and Fitzgerald proposes to show what she can do in such an emergency. o o o The presence of so many north ern veterans will give a sentimen tal turn to the afair, too, because it is a somewhat unusual thing for a confederate veteran to plead for votes from such a source.lrwm county is practically conceded to Colonel Candler, and it is said that the old soldiers at Fitzgerald are practically solid for him. Chairman Ed Brown, of the central Candler committee contin ues to receive encouraging iep r from all parts of the state. Every individual Candb r club is wo k ng hard in the interest of then candidate, and the secretaries are keeping in constant touch with the central organization. o o o Chairman Bruwn said ye-terday that while the prediction seemed extraordinary under the circum stances —two candidates fight ng one—he would not be a bit sur prised if Colonel Candler should carry a hundred counties. A re cent canvass of counties in the cen'Tnl portion of the slate had, he said, resulted more favorably than the most sanguine Carol er -upporters had looked for. There is no question about Mayor Seay and nine-tenths of his council. Yes, Jane, dear, writers cramp may affect either the wrist or stomach —generally it is not the wrist. With the opening of the spring poet season comes a renew al of real soaley romancing from the lone fishermen. There are at least nine aldei men who undertook no “double play by writing ballots openly and claiming to have torn them up on the sly. Ladies Who Suffer from any corrjplaiot peculiar to their sex—such as Profuse, Po!q ful, Suppressed or irregular Men struation, are soon restored to health by Bradfield’s Female Regulator. It is a combination of remedial agents which have been used with the greatest success for njore than 25 years, arjd known to act speci fically with and on the organs of < Menstruation, and . recommended for such complaints \ OQly- R Qever fails \ to g’ ve ar > d b J restore the health L/ri •X'*" i| °f th® suffering 1 hj woman- It should i ’’kM taken by the ‘JKltw/ i A l 'l 9 ir l just budding w W *o to womanhood l[ rm--? *ft. when Merjstrua- 7/ tion is Scant, Sup- .k'x r or Pa in f ul, and all delicate wonjen should use it, as its tonic properties have a won derful influence in toning up and strengthening the system by driv ing through the proper channels al! impurities. “A dauguter of one of my customers missed menstruation from exposure and cold, and on arriving at puberty her health was completely wrecked, until she was twenty-four years of ago, when upon my recommendation, she used one bottle of Bradfield’s Female Regulator,com pletely restoring her to health.” J. W. Hellums, Water Valley,Miss. The 0RAO«-irLD Bilgulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. SOLO St ALL DRUGGISTS A- SI PER BOTTLE. YEAR’S SUPPORT . GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: Notice ip hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Mrs. Lizzie T I'ailey, the wid<_w ot George T. Tai ley, deceased have filled their award, and unless good i nd sufficient cause is shown, the saiin will l-e made the judg memt of the Court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Oidi nary, This March 7th, 1898. J UN P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, Geergia LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. To all whom it may concern : L. A. Dean having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Lucy Parker, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next Kin of Lucs Parker to be and appear at m\ office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad ministration should, not be granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy Parker’s estate. Witness m\ hand signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY: Whereas James 15. Sullivan, guardian of Ella A. Schirmer, represents to this court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered Ella A. Schirmer’s estate and has fully settled with his ward. This is to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administra tor should not be discharged' from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission in May 1898, This April Gth, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION . I GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas Wm. A.Wright executor of Mrs. Mary W. Qu an represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he hie administered Mrs Mary W. Quinn estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why sa ; d administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on rhe first Monday in June 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P, Davis Ordinary. Dr Tayor, experiei ced optician is at Wooten's Drug store, 309 Broad St. for a few d .ya. Eyes examined free. Fora good smoke try War eis’“Extra Good” cigars. NOTICE OF DIVORCE?' State of Georgia, FloydC o ■ Winnie Lee Woodward vs \ Libel William E. Woodward / M In Floyd County slate ol Georgia. No 2| j.., term, 1898. ’ To William Edward W ool i ward : u ' The defendant i 8 | lereb quired, personally or bv L ney, to be and next Superior court, tobe 1, ! in and for said county, O n a third Monday in J u | y 1)ex( ‘ e and there to answer the i>] h ° tiire demand in an aettft bnl for Divorce, as j n dfc ?' tl.erem, s.ud com twill p ro J as to justice shall app t)It * lin CM W itness the Honorable W V Henry, judge of said court 14tl. dayofMardh, 1898 ' Win. E. Beysiegel, Clk Superior Court. Floyd Co., Ga. LET’E RS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA Fl cYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern- Farris P. Nixon having i u proper form app’ied to me for permanent letters of administration on if,, estate of Dr. W. C. Nixon late of said county deceased. This ietu cite all and singular the crediton and next of kin- of Dr. W. C Nixon to be and appear el my of. fice within the time allowed law ai d show cause if .ary tber they can why permanent admiiin. tration should not be granted tn Farris P. Nix->n on Dr. W. C Nu ons estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 10th day of ebF. 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary « 1 NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeably to an order of ih» court of ordinary of Floyd county will he sold at the court house door of said county on the firit Tuesday in April next within th» legal hours of sule, the following property towit.—South half ol lot No. 177, containing 80 ecrea, North half lot No. 185 containing 8(1 a res, 30 acres iff lot, No. 184 ■ all iu 22nd District and hind ■ Section known as the home place I whereon the deceas'd resided it B the time of his death, ccntaining ■ in all 190 acies more or!«’, sold I as the propertv of Hulhert Evanl,■ late of said county, deceased’ B r> rnas of sale cash. Thisßthday H of March. 1898. Julius iV. Evant, B Executor. B YE \RS bUPPORI’. I GE- RGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. ■ To ail whom it inay concent-H Notice is hereby given, lb'B the appraisers appointed to >«■ apart and assign a suplimentiß year’s support to Mrs GeorgiamH M. George, the widow of Jtm'H’H A George, deceased, have their award, and unless goothjH sufficient cause is show', same will he made the Jm!g® ell w -if the Court, at the April tetniß 1898, of the Court of ordm«W This March 8 1898. B John P. Davw. E Ordinary Floyd County, G*‘ cr ! | LETTERS OF ADMINTSTK'-l TTON. I Georgia, Floyd County: B To all whom it may concet'■ George W. Willianiim haV'O in proper form applied to for permanent letters of adtu-W istration on the estate of K- fl Richardson, late of said co lll ‘-fl deceased. This is to cite al a fl singular the creditors and of kin of R. W. Richardson be and appear at my o,i j ce " B in the t ime allowed by law fl show’ cause, if any they ■ ■ why permanent adinhiist ra fl should not be granted to rfl W. William an on R «. ■ ardson’s estate. Witnes fl hand add official signature ■ 7th day of March 1898. B John P- I Ordinary ■ BEST OF ALL B To cleanse the system and truly beneficial mai' 1 " j . ■ the Springtime comes, use ■ true anti perfect remedy. Figs. One hottie wili ane* fl h1: the family and costs J cents. Buy the g''DUH' e ' . yfl factured hv tne j»fl Syrup Company only, an ■ by all druggists. fl