The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 15, 1898, Image 7

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BRGfIWS CLUB Entertained by Mrs. J. Lind say Johnson. SCENE OF 3KAUTY. Home’s Society out In Full Force Last Evening. Romes swell society was out in full force last evening at the palatielhome of Mr. and Mrs. j Lindsay Johnson, in East Rome, where an elegant recep tion and german was given in honor of the Bachelor’s Club, by Mrs. Johnson. The spacious parlors and halls were brilliantly lighted and tastefully decorated for the oc casion. Rome’s creole orchestra dis coursed sweet music for the dancers. Those present were : Paul Jack, Miss Julia Dean; Will Sandford, Miss Emma Wright; Dave Ford, New York, Miss Miss Lizzie Simpson ; Ed West, Jr., Miss Lianie Thomas; Will Towers, Miss Lucy Wright; Mortimer Griffin, Miss B nnie King; Cliff Seay, Miss Emma Hume: Chas. Coperton, Miss Jessie Towers; Will McWilliams, Miss Nellie Printup ; Dwight Shaw, Miss Julia Bayard ; Wade Lowry, Lula West; Barry Cotbran, Miss Julia Smith, Jim Smith and Reuben Towers. Refreshments were served in a most charming manner and the occasion will long be remem bered by those so fortunate as to be present. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Many North Georgians Rank High. In the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Honor, held at Macon this week, North Georgia fared very well in the way of securing honors. 1 hose who were elected to high positions fur the en uing two years are: J.G. Bloodworth, of Atlanta, past grand dictator. 8. R. Johnson, of Atlanta, grand dictator. J. K. Adams, of Augusta, grand vice dictator. IV. 0. Conner, of Cave Spring, guind assistant dictator. Edward Elder, Barnesville, grand reporter. L I . Nash, Stone Mountain, grand treasurer. W. A. Allen, Sylvester, grand guide. A. 1. Jones, LaGrange, gr ind clinplain. •L. Mullen, Rome, grand guardian. 11 • Welbourn, Augusta, grnnd sentinel. J- luinlin, Cave Spring; f k gl‘orn, and J. M. Thornton, 0 Liriwell, grand trustees. '■ 8. Ledbetter, Cedartown ; /■Walker, Atlanta; J. Q. Atlanta; M. M. 1 • supreme representatives, ""/r»nd llui, Rem <• 1 lalt ’ All «“ sta ; J ■ l. / ’ ( ">lhn, and W. C. Neid- Savannah, finance com mittee. A »a» appointed '"7 tlle Bl ‘P™>i« gland 3 118 Ullited State, •<> tan Allll " ta ">'« year. Ma- pluee I* Sl '!" ted “ Permanent ll ‘e biennial O.»r “ ‘ h<! grand lod g» »i Mulli,, andG. F. Chid re‘ Urned trom their at ” on Hie Grand taxige ot Knights of Honor at Macon. They bring back the good news of the condition of the order, not only in Georgia, but also of the United States. The order is in good condition both numerical ly and financially everywhere, having had a large increase in membership during the past two yens in Georgia. Alabama leading all of the Southern states in the increase of mem bers. Macon was selected as the next place of meeting on the second Wednesday in April 1900 The State commissioners will appoint a state organizer and lecturer to take the field, not later than June Ist, whose duty will be to visit every lodge in Georgia and render such help a : may be necessary to help build up the order. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Motion- Court. —Ju'lge Henry held motion court in the city court room, at the c< urt house this morning. Children Meeting.—There will boa chi’drene meeting at the First Methodist church. tomcrrow evening at 1 o’clock. An i tiesing program has been arranged for the occasion . Two Ghosts.—“Two Ghosts,” a pleasing entertainment will be given at Shorter College tonight by the senior class. It promises to be a very interesting enter tainment. Admission 15c or two for 25c. The City Sprinkler.—Many of the merchants on Broad street ‘were complaining today because, the street sprinkler was failing to hold down the dust. The dry winds certainly had the upper crust of chert on the wing. Negro Troops.—Several cars of negro troops, containing 130 men passed through Koine last night at 11:30 o’clock. They were bound for Key West. Some of the regiment stopped at Chick amauga. New Foundry —The new stove foundry in North Rome is nearing completion. The ma chinery is being placed rapidly and in a few weeks Rome will have a new make of stoves on the market. Buck's Juni r.—Perhaps the prettiest model stove ever brought to the city, is the nick eled “Buck’s Junicr,” now on exhibition at the McDonald-, Sparks-Stewart Go’s., stores This beautiful little stove is to be given away to the best little cook in Rome. Biscuits to be the article of food to be cooked in the contest. Look out for the advertisement. Baseball Nine Rome is going to have a first ciars baseball nine this season A meeting was held this morning and the following will compose the Dim : Walter Griffin, Mang.. Pete Logan and Cliff Seay catchers. Will Sunfoni pitcher, Dock Gnflin first base. | Emmett Jz-dbetter, Piedmont, 2 d base, IL-nrv Adkins. Bid base. Bank Mitche'l, r liort stop. Joe Pattoii, Left fi Id, Tramp Braz lion center fie'd No Peace Warrant —Yester day afternoon Ela Mc.Ch nd n, colored, went fit fore Justice of lhe Peace vValter Harris to g t < u a Deice warrant loi 1 nima Hi I tower, colored. Col. Hal. Wright represented Ela, Pierce McGinnis, the painter, at Led permissiAi to defend. Emma Mr. Harris con sented. Pierce then examined the witness and made a speech, in conclusion, the ’squire told Mr. McGinnis, that he had won his case and refused to grant Ela a peace warrant Wherr is That Paper —On Friday night the noble hearted and enterprising ladies wbo are getting, out the Woman’s special hospital edition of the Rome Georgian, . left an advanced cpy of a few g sheets of said special edition with t the Rome B >ard of Trade. The 8 ladies were anxious to secure a t contract from the Rome Board of I’rade und left the advauca sheets with Col. Al Walton. This morn ing those advance sheets had dis -1 appi arvd, much to the annoyance of" the ladies and of Col. Walton • No one has any honorable right to 1 have this paper in his possession. • Will the party wbo holds this copv return it to Col. Waltons d< wk m j the Board of Trade rooms. O ™ '■ ll ■ THE DANGERS OF SPRING Which arise from impurities in I , 1 the blood and a depleted condi tion of this vital fluid may be entirely averted by Hood’s Sar saparilla. This great medicine cures all spring humors, boils eruptions and soros, and by en riching and vitalizing the blood, it overcomes that tired feeling and gives vitality and vigor. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, billiousness and liver 1 ills. Price 25 eents. 1 LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. r , Georgia, Floyd C« unty: ’ Ti all whom it may concern: W. M. Gammon having in pro per form applied to me for per ' manent letters of administration j on the estate of 0. A. Gammon, t late of Calhoun county, Ala. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of ’ C. A. Gammon to be and appear > at my office within the time al lowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be » granted to W. M. Gammon on >, C. A. Gammon estate. Witness , my hand and signature this 4th ’ day of April 1898. John P. Davis . Ordinary. ■ LIBEL FOR DIVORCE ) STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY, — t George W. Thomas > Libel for di vs vorce in Floyd L. P. Thomas ) Super’r Court State of Georgia, No. 33 January term 1898. To I. P. Thomas, —The defend , ant is hereby required personally «.r by attorney, to be and appear; at Lbe next Supirior Co irt to be • held in and for said county on the thirl Mondav in July next, then' I and there to answer the plaintiff’s demand in an action of libel for 1 divorce, as in default thereof said court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. > Witness the Honorable W. M • • Hen-y, Judgo of said court, this . 9th day of February 1898. Wm. E. Beysiegel, C. C. Supe rior Court, Floyd county via. Dr Tayor, experiecced optician 1 is at Wooten's Drug store, 309 Broad St. for a few d iys. Eyes examined free. Something nice for Sunday dinner is a can of Tenney’s Cali fornia fruit, go to L. G. Todd and get one. j ‘ $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for $1 J. A. GAMMON 8 GOHPANI WAITING for everyone in Rome to con . in and see the mngn.ficent sto» 1 on men’s and boy’s cl«»lhii"’ x I bicycle and golf suits, is wh.. we al K " ° :,re ' HI i t ling while we wait. We will t T show you the finest stock ol ynl clothing, made from the newes l ’ XJjb styles and patterns in fabricks perfect fitting and handsome, t< *—’’J. be found in Georgia, and thy) are above competition in values for the price. The greatest line of negligee shirts ever shown H Rome. <’■ J. A. GAPIMON & CO. NO I ICE. For the purpose of securing tax returns, 1 will be at the court house every Saturday un'i 1 May, 20th and every day thereafter un til June 20th. At the March meet ing of the Board of roads and rev euue they passed a resolution compelling me as tax receiver to comply with the law and double tax every one who fails to make his returns properly and that in the specified time. Dont force me to do this but make your re turns promptly. Respt. R. L. Foster. Tax Receiver. Floyd Co. St. Germain Female Pills. The only original anil genuine French Female Regulator,of Mme, Si Germain. Paris. Un surpassed as being safe, sure and reliable in eVery ca-e Sold under positive guarantee or money refunded. Get the genuine. Price, ♦I .ID per box by mail Sole agents for the United Statesand Canada. KING HARVARD CO , 157 Wastat'ngton st., Chicago. PPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas T. A. Thrash. Admin istrator of Mrs V F. Thrash, de ceased, represet ts t.j the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered Mrs. V. F. Thrash’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindr-d and creditors to show cause if any thev can why -aid administrator should not be iischarged from his administra tion ai d receive letters of dismis sion on the first Mondav in May 1898. This Fob. 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. LETT®RS OF ADMINISTRA- TION, GEORGIA FLo v D C >UNTY. To al] whom in may concern. Frank C. Wilkerson having in proper form (applied to me for permanent letters of administra tion on the estate of William J. Witkers n late of sa d county de ceased. This is to cite all and sin gular the creditors and next of kin of William J. Wilkerson to bf and appear at my office within th« time allowed I y Jaw and show cause if any t’lfy can why perma nent administration should not be granted ta Frank C. Wilker-, son on William J. Wilkerson’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 7th day ol March 1898. John P. Davis • Ordinary. WHEN TRAVELING Whetheron pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as ii acts most pleasantly and effect ually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches, and other forms of sick ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Mann factured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. Wanted —Christian man or woman to do office work am correspondence here. Salary SBOO. Apply with self addressed stamped envelope to A. T. Elder, General Manager, care Daily H ustler-Comniercial. J»sl alomenltae The Opportunity of a Life-time For Big Dividend— Paying \ Investment I / THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY Capital stock $5,000,(XX) —full paid—aiidnon-asseßsable.Promisea to be ae good as the Beel Teleph ne, Westinghouse Air Brake, Grapho \ '.I phone or Phonograph and othef similar industrial enterpriaoß which ire paying thousands in profits to their shareholders. This is an industrial rather than a Mining Company. We have he only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (patented)that will work in the frozen ground of the Klondike and the Northwest, where we rake our machines and extract the gold from the claims of others, just as thrashing ni 'chines are taken into the wheat country to out the farmer's wheat. One of our machines does the work of over 1,000 men each day and we save the 40% of gpld that is * ly lost by other methods, so it can readily “be seen what enormous profits we will earn in the fabulously rich gold mines of the Klondil • and the Northwest, with which every one must be acquainted. Every prospector th re is our prospector, for he must eventually come to us to have his claim worked. Therefore we believe we shall in time be payin as large dividends as the world-famous en terprises mentioned above. Ours is a similar industrial.stock which an'only be hid for a limited timi at the vsry"low price of $2.50 or $lO 0) sh ire. This is an opportunity of a life time. No t ev ery day does Fortune knock at one’s.door Fee o The only svsten of . IJdl Sys ten that wi I t llc Mine .Kl o nai ko " \ &Nor th) a ten’d) -w east. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS i’ItESIDENF.’H. P. Townley, New York Hen, L. Bradford Prince, Santt Fe New Mex Manager of the Equitable,Life Assurance So (President International Mining Cong res IST VICE PRES,Hon J N Hnston. New York Hon. John P. Hoyt Seattle, wufthingt ol ! Ex-Treasurer of Che Unit sd States ; »s Fx-Chief Justice.lState of Washing t o ND VICE PReS E. Pannly Brown,New York Geo. McLean, Manufacturer, JBBflßPassaic, N.iJ Treas, Andrew McLean, Mgfr Pawaie, x. I, J > lathan Hour no, Jr,Mining Capitalists Portland Secty and Ass‘t Treas. 1, Naw York James W. Clise,;i ? Seattle, Washington Auditor an 1 Counsel, bVm R. Weeks,New York Ch. of Mining Com Ghan ber of Coinmesce Consulting Engineer Wm. F. Lav, NiwYorc Lsstie C. Bruoa, Pro'r Turf, Field, Farm. N.Y Pres Lay System Hydraulic Placer Mining Co C‘ ,ll ’" el Fisk New Yogk Lawrence P. Brown, New York. The bueiiidjs^ability^financial standing obour Directors are amo the best evidences of our success. To raise,lhe capitoEto place several“plaijts in the Klondike a small block cf stock is now offered to the public at the very >w rate of of 25 cen : » o/i the dollar or $2.50 for each $lO Whan tms bl tek is suid, uo“more will be offered at less than >r $lO per i-hare. investment of $25 to SSO in this stock should very soon '■eturn large profits—Even 100 to I—and thus afortune for the sa gacious inveeton. Certificates are in very attractive form, called “Gold-Backs” ind are trausferab’e from hand to hand. bend for illustrated Prospectus where full explanation is given of how we can earn euch enormous profits by the Lay System. Read! Reflect! Investigate! Invest 1 All information cheerfully given by ths Secretary. Call or vrite —Alaska Gold Placer Machine Mining Co. Home edicts, WXabinptnn Ruihling. No. 1 Broadway New York, N. Y. riREATMENT THAT CURES* Knowledge and skill are now at your service. Diseases once pronounced incurable now treated and cured at home. Every invalid applying is guaranteed the personal attention of Dr. Cowden. The most modern, scientific and cur ative methods in the world. Thousands enred. For three years Doctor J. M. Cowden has enjoyed the reputation of ! having cured more people by his mild, scientific modern methods of medi cation than any other physician in the City of Washington. This is not the result of accident, nor is it a popular fad, but it is altogether depend ent upon seventeen years of hard study and research. He personally con sults with his assistants over two hundred patients every day. He treats only a few diseases, and the results are almost miraculous. His specialties are Nose, Bowels, Rheumatism. Throat, Blood, Shin Diseases. Lungs, Deafness, Asthma, Stomach, Consumption, Cataract. Upon request, will send a short, readable article, explaining Doctor Cowden’s theories and treatment of disease. This is of great value to those who are sick, and of interest to those who are well. » CONSULTATION FREE. WRITS To HIM. I Address J. M.COWDEN, M. D., 715 13th St. N.W., WaShh*»Uo», D.C. Tfl 111 UCil ® r ' Cowden’s words of advice to al! men. young, middle-aged akd old, IU ALL Mllvi arc worth their weight in gold, and can be had for the asltfag* * TDNSDRIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; J Only skilled in n employed. Parlors recently renovated Mos conrt.»ous attention and satisiactory services guaranteed, at Na 4.62, Broad street.