The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 15, 1898, Image 8

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The Royal i» the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests show it goes one third further than any other brand. fcoV4| &AKIHO POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL P LWOER CO., HEW YORK. JI CANDLER DAY, Was Yesterday in the Little City of Hamilton. CARD FROM GAINESVILLE Makes Interesting Reading Mat ter for Anti-Candlerites. Hamilton, Ga., April 15. Yesterday was Candler day in Hamilton. The superior court, which is now in session, was ad journed at 11 o’clock a. m., and at once seats that had all day “been vacant began to fill up with Candler admirers, consist ing of secession warriors, sons of Confederates and lovely daugh ters. His audience was large and enthusiastic. No man could have had a grander ovation, and strange to say, every one was su prised that his neighbor was so enthusiastic, presumably be cause politics, and especially candidates have been so little discussed in this county recent ly- lion. Thomas H. Kimbrough introduced Colonel Candler in a most feeling and eloquent man- Deafening applause followed Mr. Kimbrough’s introduction, and as Col. Can Iler ascended to the judge’s stand thundering hurrahs were deafening for most a mile around. His premonitory remarks were ■'■ assurances that he was not a mud-slinger, and detested all unfair and un meritorious meas ures. Col. Candler’s address was received with frequent and deafening applause. HALL ACTS 6TH, OF JUNE. . Effort to Mislead Thorough ly Exposed by one Who Knows. Gainesville, Ga*, April 15. & one ENJOYS < Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who jpv not have it on Land will pro ci-.e it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. UfUISV lU£. KY N£W The latest effort of the anti-Cau dler newspapers to make a little capital is shown in this para graph from The Savanna Press of : “Col. Candler’s home county ty of Hall, orders its local pri mary to be held on July 15lh. June 6th is too soon for the Democrats of that county. And Habersham, the adjoining coun ty, is calling for joint debate.” The evident purpose of the above paragraph will be seen at once, when it is stated that the gubernatorial primary will take place on June 6th as recom mended by the state committee. For local reasons, the county nominations were fixed for an other day, so as to keep local quarrels out of state matters . I’his is very annoying to the en emies of Col Candler, but they will have to stand it. GREAT REVIVAL In Progress at The First Meth odist Church. Dr. S. R. Belk, the beloved pastor of the First Methodist church is conducting a grand and glorious revival, assisted by a number of local ministers, in the First Methodist church. The meetings are largely at tended and a great work for the cause of God is being done. Dr. Belk preached a beautiful and forceful sermon last evening from Galations, the 6 chapter, 7 to 8 verses. The music is unusually fine. Prof. E. C. Ford, the talented musician, renders some beauti ful music on the cornet assisted by Miss Dimon on the organ. Go out tonight and hear a good sermon, it will do you good, COL KELL FOR WAR. Hero of the "Alabama'’ Says Fight The Spaniards. Col. John Mclntosh Kell, one of the heroic officers of the “Al abama” and now Adjutant Gen eral of Georgia, has the follow ing to say about the prospects of war : “I would drive every Span iard off the island if I had my way, We ought to have been at it long ago.” .The hero of the Alabama was emphatic and for war. He was asked what the result would be of a naval engagement between the American navy and Spain’s. “We would sink or drive away every ship they have,” he declared. “It would be a short engagement and the most dead ly ever known. It would not last long. We have the best fighters in the world. No other people can whip us. We could hardly whip each other in our own war. But there is no com parison between the Americans and the Spanish in point of fighting ability. I know some thing about both people. Seama nship does not play such . n im portant the naval battles these days of steam battleships as in the old days. The cool bead and the best shot will determine •iaval fights in the future. If I were twenty years younger I would be in tfie war if one comes, and if I can only get a little stronger I shall go anyway, i f war is declared. This country has had abundant provocation for war, and I think there ought to be a fight to teach the Span ish a lesson or two and at the same time to show the world that Americans have not forgot ten liow.” Dr Tay >r, experiei ced optician is at Wooten's Drug store, 309 Broad St. fora few d>ys. Eyes i xaniined free. For a good smoke try War era’ “Extra Good” cigars, 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM. Law OBicu, 2'lo Bist Firs'. Street, HOME, GA. w,. underwood, Attorney'at Law, Koine, Ga. Corporation Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Atteruey at law. otticeKing Building. Koine, va. tW H. ENNIS, Attorneyat Law Will Practice in al! courts Office, Masonic Temple, Koine, Ga. W' J. NEEL, Attorney at law Will practice in all courts, Special attention given to commercial law and the examic avion cf land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB <Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Office in Armstrong hotel > me, Ga J SA.NOY CRjA'WF'ORD; Attorney at law, Koine, Ga. Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 240 1-2 Broad. K Over Cantrell & Owens. J. L PENNINGTON. D.D.S..M D. DENTIST: Office. 305 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. O H bJ, M ID- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building. Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. 62. I_i. F HAMMOND, LI. ID., Physician and Surgeon. Office In Medical building. Residence, N>. 403 West First st. Office ’phone No. 62. LUMPKI >1 & PRINUTP, ATTO {SEYS AT LAW, Rome, : : : : Georgia. General practice throughout North Georgia. Correspondence solicited. Special attention to mercantile collections. i, ■ i _ ■ ~ application for LET TERS OF DI MISSION. Georgia, Floyd County : Whereas L. W. Palen, ad ministrator of B. A. Connelly, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered B. A. Connelly’s estate. This cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they cau, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in June. 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LET TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY I Whereas Eben Hillyer, trus tee of tho Mil ton A. Cooley est tate, under the will of Alfred Shorter, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered said Milton A. Cooley estate. This is to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said trustee should not be discharged from his trus teeship and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in May 1898. This April 4, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Mrs. A Invei n, residing at 720 Henry Alton, 111., suffered w ilh sciatic rheumatism for over eight mouths. She doctored for it t.early the whole of this time, using various remedies recom mended ;by friends; and was treated by the physicians, but re ceived no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm which effected a com ple e cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured her. The '25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry-Arringtob Co. With the opening of the spring poet season comes a renew al jf real s_-nLy romancing from the loi.e fishermen. 'WoFtn STREET ATTRACTIONS N t the least of the sights of fered by Chattanooga luring her Spring Festival May 3, 4 and 5' will be the side attractions such; ns the manufacturers’exhibit, the woman’s dismay and the hand • Homely decorated buildings The streets will be brilliant with gay colors, joyous crowds and the various attractions always atten dant upon such events. Music will he furnished by several fine bands and there will hardly be a mirute in which some form of amusement will not be furnished the public Brides, there are so many points of interest around Chat'nnooga that a week cou'd be pr fitably and pleasantly spent in visiting them if 'here were nothing going, on in the town itse f. Con'lruMd Schedule la Effect January lb, Is'.lH. sTATii'VS. j No. 10 INo 14 No 8 Ev Chattanooga S OOainl 6 lOpm'lO.OOpni Ar Dalton 9.23 am 7 20pm;I ? 10am Ar Rome 10.40am| 8.21 pm 1.40 am Ar Atlanta I.loamlo 40pm 5 OJam Lv Atlanta 4.20 pm 10 55pm 5 20am Ar Macon 7.10 pm 105 am B.loam Ar Jesup 5.46 am 2.38 pm Ar Everett 6 25am 3.25 pm Ar Jacksonville 8 .40am 9.25 pm Lv Jesup 1 i (Ham 6.50 pm Ar Jacksonville I.oopm 10. 15pm Lv Everett . 6.55 am 3.31 pm Ar Brunswick 7.55 am 4.30 pm No. 8 carries Pullm an Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. No. 10 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullman Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping Cur Chatt_4iooga to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brunswick STATIONS. _?To 7 I No. 9 1 No. 13 Ev Atlanta 750 am 2.20 pm 5.30 am Ar Rome 10. loam, 4.45 pm 7.37 am; Ar Dalton 11.35 am 5 54pm 8.38 am | Ar Chattanooga I.oopm 7.2optr. 9.50 am , Lv Chattanooga . 7.50 pm 10.00 am > Ar Burgin 4.15 pm I Ar Lexington. 4 30am 5.00 pm < Ar Louisville. 7.27 am 7 .lupin Ar Cincinnati .. 7.20aml 7.30 pm Lv Chattanooga.... 1.25 pm l.lsarn; 125 pm Ar Nashville . 6.55 pm 6.4oum| 6.55 pm No 7 Carrie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattanooga. No 9 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Pullman Sleeping ; Car Chattanooga to Louisville "• No. 13 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta toCiucinnali without change STATIONS. No. 6. No. 12 . No. 18. Lv Chattanooga 10.00 am 4.10 am 6.20 pm A-Knoxville 115 pm 8.05 am 9.50 pm ArMorrist wn 2.44 pm 9.50 am 10.55 pm ArHol Springs 11.46 am 12.23 am Ar Asheville j... 1.15 pm! 1.39 am Ar Salisbury 6 40pm! 6.00 am Ar Greensboro 9.52 pm 8.50 am ArHaleigh 7 luum; 1 1.45 am Ar Norfolk 5.2.5 pm Ar Wa hington..... ... ... .. 6 42am. 9.25 pm I Ar’ New s'orl: .... .... .... ~ 12 4.Jpin' 6.23 am I No. 12 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatla- ! nooga to New York via Asheville and Sal isbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond 6.Goa.m No. Hi Is solid train Chattanooga to Norfolk, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to [ Raleigh w.thout thange Close connections I made al Norfolk with team ts lor Bakimore. New York and Boston. Pullman sleeping Car ‘ Salisbury to New York via Washington. stations. 'pj ' No. 6 Lv Chattanooga 6.2opm'utooani Ar Knoxville 9.50 pm 1.15 am Ar Morristown 12 01am! 2.44 pm Ar Bristol «. 5.00 am! 5.15 pm Ar Washington 11.25 pm, 7.4uam Ar New York 6.25 am 1.20 pm No. A carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Washington and Chattan. oga to New York wifthout change. No 16 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Knoxville and Knoxville toßri tol. stationsl ' SfaTfF tv Rome ! .7 ifteoam Ar Anniston LOOpm Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar Selimv 5.35 pm Ar Meridian 9 sopm Ar New Orleans 8.30 am Ar Jackson ... 9.45 am Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport 7.20 pm ♦No. is’TNoTTI ie~|No. 10 2 15pm 5.00 pm Lv Rema ar 10 00am 9.3otini 6.00 pm 7.15 pm! Ar Gad-den nr 6.35 am 7. Ram _&3opm 7.3opmlAr Atlanta 17 6.15 am 700 am ♦ Dally except Sunday § Sunday only. F S. GANNON, 3dv p & g m Washington. D.C J. M. CULP. Traf Mgr., Washington. D. C. W. A. TURK, G. P A, Washington. D C. Q A BEN SCOT EK A.O.P. A. Chattanooga, Tea» DIETZ H No. 3 Street Lamp HAS A SHINING RECORD OF 20 YEARS. It ’» offered as an effectual antidote for “outer darkness," and ii thor i, \ oughly well made on scientific principle*. I It will give more light —I niFTT i - * 'han any gas-burning / n-jciMt \ la "' p ’ do “ chea P er and / tubuiar \ do it with kerosene(coa> / 4TKHTLAMP \ oil). I \ If cun t>e lit and regu- ill f 1 I lated from the outside; \ \ / / can continue in business K q despite the wind; can I ' . pfl and will give youentire I satisfaction, by reason ■-4 j. y of its absolute reha- \ / It I* but one member of -i y' an enormous family of “ light goods ’’ that we build, and to whom we I I would be glad to intro- duce you by 'xeans of our Catalogue, which we mail free upon applk 'tion. If you insist upon having the very best ’ made, your dealer will give you “ Diets.** If you cannot obtain this Lamp of your dealer, we will deliver it, freight prepaid, to any part of the M.S. or Canada, upon receipt of its price, viz., R. E. DIETZ CO., 60 Laight Street, New York. Established in 1840. * - It rests with you whether you continue tho n.-rve killing toiuu-ro habit. ri n.-'V.-N the <h sir- for tobiu • o. w out nervous distress ex pels n j W tine, purifies the blood, P U stores lost manhood. lioxes makes you in health, sea cured Buy TO HA( from b°<»k. own druggist, who 5 vouch for us. Take it with A w will,patiently, persistently One ■■■ K boT usually cures; 3 boxes. *2 50. • guaranteed to cure, or we refund money Burling Kenedy Co., Chicago, lontreal, Mew rfork. Dr. Taylor’s first engagement in Rome nears its end about eight weeks before the next. Gome at once and get your eyes examined free at Wooten’s drug store. FOR THE O pr Q T* ldl-L'ZZ) I Ofc sAND - PVRESI nDiiPo unUUu Come to us. We h ive them. t DON'T FORGET THAT. I I Now is the time to kill bed bugs, Try a bottle of our BUG-1 - OIIDE. JERVIS & WRI GHT, Uptown Druggists. OCXDOOOOOO 000 0000 l >ooooooo oqq qOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTOOOO Bp. Montgomery | |: O 227, BROAD ST. > C o SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFt § Insurance ( Q WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE < Q VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. s * * V 'X WANTED - —We want wide-awake agents to represent >ur companies in the counties of Polk, Bartow, Floyd, f Chattooga, Gordon, Walk. r, Whitfield, Catoosa and i Dade. Call on or address us at our Rome office, I 'Q SB. F. MONTGOMERY Qen’l AOT, x O ' ‘ zv OOOOOOOQQ OOOOOOOOCX X JOQOOOOOOOOOOOOUJ I' F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH, j THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. I ! Plumbing and Tinning. j Engineers’ and machinists ; supplies. Stoves, rangesand > tinware. Gas and electric fix- ; tures. INSURANCE gasoline ( stoves. Water meters. 3 v 325 Broad st. Phone 32. ! hl ' 1 • ’ • Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC ggee#t* surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGRIMINE CO- South Denu.