The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 18, 1898, Image 2

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‘WOFIWKH'’ Mark EUbanks, Rome’s Re cording Angel. • , -- - CARES FOR THE SINNERS Several of Ihe ‘Ketched’ Were Sentenced. • ■ The regular Monday morning matiure of the “Fall of Nineveh” was successfully pulled off this morning, Recorder Eubanks occu pying “the seat over the gateway” and assisted by the gallant officers of the police force. The first Daniel brought to the judgement was not a Daniel but a son of Darktown by the name of Plumb Dillard. Plumb was fined $5 fcr obstruct ing the sidewalk. Silas Slack, a young “Moke,” who has a police court habit was tried for using profane language in the presence of ladies and was sentenced to serve sirty days on the street gang in default of a $25 fine. The good people of Rome will commend Recorder Eubanks fur this severe hut just sentence. Two moulders by name Kaigle and Tyner »ere sentenced to pay a fine of $7.50 each for drunk and disorderly conduct yesterday. But the most humiliating scene in the matinee was when Annie Hyneman, a pleasant faced young woman stood up and entered a plea of guilty to a charge of drunk and disorderly. She wes arrested at a house on Mauphin, alias Morphine, street at 1 o’clock Sunday morning. She plead that this was her first offense and promised never to be guilty again. After administering a severe lecture, his Honor fined the wom an $3 or six days. Judge Eubanks stated in pass ing sentence that unless the firing of pistols and the general bad con duct on M auphin street was sup pressed he would detail a special officer and have this scum center broken up. Mauphin street is near the Etowah river, between 2nd and 3rd avenne and is in the Third Ward. • “With five saloons and such • dive »s this to look after.’’remark ed a pul iceman,“the one man who must look after the third ward lies abcut all tl e w<rk he can say grace over. Court adjourned. Maj. R. T. Fouche went down to Cedartown yesterday to at tend Polk’s superior court which convenes there this morning. __—_— t Y-WRm 1 ■ A Desperate Woman. Experts in insanity tell r us that when anyone goes —■"* insane, frequently their whole natnre is re. versed. They do and sav exajtly the op posite things to what they vjfctild do in their sane minds. A mother whose mind breaks down under extreme nervous ten sion may turn upon the one object in all the world most precious to hey—her baby. The terrible nervous tension Under which many women live and suffer because of some weakness or disease of their sex, keeps them on the very verge of insanity' The constant drag and drain upon the com plicated and delicate organism affects the whole nervous system and works upon the brain with an almost irresistible madness. Thousands of suffering women have been literally saved from the insane asylum by the timely influence of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the one peifect and pos itive specific for every derangement of wo man’s special organism. It is a scientific and permanent cure for those severe, chronic, complicated cases which doctors usually consider hopeless. It is the only medicine of its kind devised by an educated and skilled physician. Mrs Sarah E. Rains, of Dayton. Cass Co.. Mo., in a letter to Dr Pierce writes: -It was in the winter of IS9O that my sufferings commenced. It was close to my time of confinement. I took the grip and that with the labor pains all went to ny head. I suffered dreadfully and when I gave birth to my little boy I kept getting worse I doctored but nothing did me any good. I had nervous spasms and was delirious Oh no tongue can express m- sufferings. I was advised <v a lady to try your medicine and 1 did. I got out bottle of the l-avorite Prescription ' and one of the ‘Golden Medical Discovery ' I had taken two-thirds of the medicine when it commenced its work I began to feel better, and stilt con tinued getting better In a short lime I felt like another woman I gained strength and flesh. I am now fortv-one vears of age. This is true and it was your medicine that saved my life." t Dr Pierce’s 1000 page illustrated book, “The People's Medical Adviser ' sent, paper bound, free for the cost of mailing on/,-, at one-cent stantoS; or. cloth Imnnd 31 stamp*. Address Dr. R V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. IT WAS A GEM. Thu Woman's Special Hos pital Edition OF THE ROME GEORGIAN. A Success From Every Point of View woman’a special edition of the Rome Georgian, the hos pital number, is out and is a daisy. From everv point of view this special edition is a success and from every angle of the public mind, the mirror reflects buck beauty and honor on the enter prise and noble spirit of the women who have budded this paper. Few incidents have occurred to mar the pleasure while no obstacle has been too great to retard the efforts of these ladies. The paper is a beauty. As a souvenir it is a treasure, as a city builder every citizen in Rome should buy copies and send them away, as a monument to Rome it is a lasting shaft erected by noble womanhood out of splendid material. The paper is printed on hos pital colors and in that way and only in that is it classed as yel low journalism. PURELYJ’ERSONAL Dr. Henry Turner, spent today in the city. Mr. T. L. Collins, of Atlanta, is in the city. Bud Hargis, of Birmingham, is in the city. Mr E. P.Price,of Nannie, spent today in the city. L ’tiie Bass, of Lavender, spent, ’oday in the city. Squire Lee Early, of Cuoea, was in the city today, Mr. S. C. Callaway, of Atlan ta, is here today. Mr. J. M. Martin is registered at the Armstrong. Mr. W. M. Baker, of Atlanta,is here today on business. Mr. John H, Hawkins, of Her mitage, is in the city today, Mr. Barry Cothran went down to Cave Spring on business to day. ’Squire Powers, of Lindale, spent the day yesterday in the city. ’Squire L. B. Farley and Dr. Brown, of Coosa, spent today in the city. Misses Lillian and Lydii Woed spent yesterday in Chica amauga. Mr. Will Berry returned from a business trip to Cedartown yesterday. Mr. T. L. Findley, of Gads den, spent the day in Rome yesterday. Mr R, B. McArver, of Coosa was among the visitors to the Hili city today . Jeweler J. K. Williamson left this afternoon for Aiiiilston. He will return tomorrow. Mr. Eugene Pentecost, of Gadsden,and popular ex-Roman, spent yesterday in the city. Messrs. Will Harbour, Dudley Magruder and Wade Lowry “pent yesterday in Chattanooga. Capt. John C. Foster, one of the best farmers in Georgia, and a candidate for the state legisla ture, is in the city today. Clever Jim Fritz, after spend ing several days in the city most pleasantly, returned to his home in Carrollton this morning. A Tumor Formed Finally It Broke Inwardly and Discharged Trouble Benan With Dyspepsia and Impure Blood Thorough Ccirse of Hood’s Sarsa parilla Completely Cures. There it d.uigei' in impure blood. I license ami suffering are surely com ing to those why neglect this threaten ing symptom. Read this: “Gilliam, Missouri. “C. J. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: “Gentlemen:—My troubles began with nervous headaches, which would last rue for two or three days. The doctors pronounced my trouble dyspepsia, but they could not do anything for me, and advised a change of location. At the age of 55 a tumor formed on my spine, which Was Very Painful but did not rise or discharge. The doctor thought best to cut it out, but I objected. It finally broke and discharged a great deal. Th doctors said they could do nothing for if Then the tumor began to rise inwar' y 11 discharge. 1 reed much about cures by Hol d’s Sarsaparilla and thought I v.<> :;d try it. Before 1 had inished taking one bottle I was much •elieved. I continued the use of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, a-i.I after taking 12 bottles 1 was entirely < urad. lam now well, have •: good appetite and feel that I owe my ife to Houtf's tii rsnparilla.” W. D. Fore. HOOdS S parill*a s the best 11 fll the < >ue True blood Purifier. void by a!! gsi s. SI: six for $5. Hnnri’c PiJlc :let harmoniously with (I "v L j i it.b Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 25c. APPLICATION FOR LET- TERS OF DL MISSION. Georgia, Floyd County : Whereas L. W. Palen, ad ministrator of B. A. Connelly, represents co the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered B. A. Connelly’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they cxn, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in June. 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LET TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY : Whereas Eben Hillyer, trus lee of tho Mil ton A. Cooley est tate, under the will of Alfred Shorter, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered said Milton A. Cooley estate. This is to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said trustee should not be discharged from his trus teeship and receive Idtters of dismission on the first Monday in May 1898. This April 4, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. ST R EEF ATTRA CTIONS Not the least of the sights of fered by Chattanooga during her Spring Festival May 3, 4 and 5 will be the side attractions such as the manufacturers’ exhibit, the woman’s display and the hand somely decorated buildings. The s reels will be brilliant with gay colors, joy; us crowds and the various attractions always atten dant upon such events. Music will I e furnished by several fine bands and there will hardly be a mirute m which some form of amusement will not be furnished the public Bdiides. there are so many points of interest around Chattanooga that a week could be profitably and pleasantly spent in visiting them if there were nothing going on in the town itself. LETTE RS ()F A DMINISTRA TION. Georgia, Floyd C- unty: T > all whom it may concern : \V. M. Gammon having in pro per form applied to me for per manent letters of administration on the estate of C. A. Gammon, late of Calhoun county, Ala. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of C. A. Gammon to be and appear at my cilice within the time al lowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. M. Gammon on C. A. Gammon estate. Witness my hand and signature this 4th day of April 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. 4 s BEST SANITARY PLUMBING K A ' r <. IVI $ N ... ■ L n * X Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. P T « w . S A * Qas Fixtures, Gas Stoves, M R | Pumps, Hydraulic ranis, steam fix- p tr Y ♦ tures ’ Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- M - # trie fixtures. W ’Cfll p L W 1 jj I have employed Alex S. Pierce to $ L # take charge of my shop department. t (J He is one of the best workmen in the k W M I South. Repair work attended to i « ni & promptly. f 4b J £ if 1 t JOHN O- CHILDS, t N * 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fahy. > *****:************* *.**.*.*.*.*.*.**>* | | EASTER « | I O * Is over and now the post-lenten # * season is on. You are most cor- J * 3Y * dially invited to call and seethe * « very latest fads and fancies, nov- # * elties, and nice things in sash- * g * ionable millinery. We receive- # 8 > new goods dvery day and they * 8 5 .* come specially selected from the * B J fashion centers. Our new flow- * S | ers are exceptionally pretty. * 8 # 1 Hrs, A, 0 o Garrard t i PHEW, BUT IT IS GETTING nt I HOT ’ t i u ncle Sa in thinks, and wai ts <•-! H his thirst for revenge on the n Maine appeased. When the T weather is war n and you want * pk’ .a 1 your thirst quenche 1, there is HwmM’BJ? no place in Rome where it chi r l h '' M be done with more pleasure and satisfaction than from our soda fountain. Cold, sparkling and ' delicious are the refreshing " llnrst quenchers drawn from it. *' ‘L Curry-Arrington Co. LIVERY, SALE "AND FEED STABLES, Offers the public the finest teann, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. t The best stock of horses and mules on s;ale con- stantly. 306 ANDJ 303 BRlMO) ISTRELT.J RJML GEORGIA, Ours is the Most Complete! uur wants from •? _ ' ! Pe l? art iT e c t r 1; in tn 9 Ua S« lowrates - publish one of f ■1 m u—■—hi— thc fading Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, ' which will be mailed! rec. Send for it now, it will 1 save you money. Try us, can refer you to customer., in every state and territory ‘ in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends far and / near. Have hundreds of carloads of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival c satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 3 a greenhouses. 1,000 acre t THE STORRS 4t HARRISON CO-, Box 528 C t The Constitution taker the pod tion that candidates for the De®’ cratic nomination for governor have no right to speak as pass by. If they do, it becomes • suspicious circumstance News, A..d the Griffin News, no* supporting a gold bug, a roan did not attend the Griffin si‘ vtl convention, a man who is in the act of holding consultations with an alleged riV * candidate and in a gold sanctum at that, can enter no I* l ter defense than tie above. Gi r!, ‘ tier will have to fall back ou^1 * old scheme of making Ido of Can dler's one eye. REDUCED RATES To Norfolk and return. I' ol tie meeting of the Southern Bapd Convention at Norfolk, May Gth to 13th, Southern Railway tvill sell i ets to Norfolk at rate of one 1 for the round trip. ~ , Tickets will be on sale 2nd to Gth, inclusive, for return p; ssage until 15lh, 1898. . rite For further information ''' to C. E. Jackson,T. !’• A tanooga- Tenn.