The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 18, 1898, Image 7

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sir Hemin Apparent ia The Local Mili tary Circles. NEW NO JOIN COLORS. HUI City Cadets m Skirmish Drill Tonight. ——** Tbe war fever is at its highest wi ,|, rhe local military just now. C Jis hftV© been issued by Capt. W. A. Patton, of the nome Light Guards, and II. A. Stewart, of the Hill City Cadets for meetings of their respective commands tonight. There are from 12 to 15 appli cations for memerbship in the Light Guards to be acted on to night. All these will doubtless be enlisted and will swell the ranks of the famous old Guards to figures that approach a war footing. The Cadets report quite a number of applications for mem bership and the officers state that their enlistment rolls will show over 50 men ready for the war on tomorrow. After the armory meetings this evening Capt. Stewart will carry his command through skirmish drill on Broad street. The Guards and Cadets are members of Companies A and B respectively, of the Third regi ment of the Georgia Volunteers, Col. R. b'dier Thomason, ‘of Madison, oeing the gallant com mander and an officer greatly 'beloved by his men. Should volunteers be called for, for the army of occupation , in the invasion of Cuba, one and perhaps both of the Rome com panies will respond to the first call. Other companies would doubt less be forn ed promptly, and would tender their services to the nation and hasten to join the colors when planted on Cuban soil. SUPERIOR COURT. Met This Morning For an Ad journ id Term. .♦ Q ‘ "perior C'iui t met this morn ing tF hi o clock lor an adjourned t rm J Tbegraijd jury i s now in session au 'l will be lor several davs »Lile the nißchinery of the co: t placed in motion as usual. ‘ ' thing of special interest came ''Pth.B morning and the first threß.days will de devoted to ciin - lll(, l business only. Thursday the civil docket will b 0 reiunogj Ml.e..« sos Dr ,’.dMCh >i“, g ° l> ” ow ,h ” d “>’ s ■ • ..-1 DIVORCE OFGEo Rhia FLOYD COUNTY - Ge W. Thomas ) Libel for di- Vs ( • 1 p > vorce inFloyd f,., ' ! h " m “ s > Sowr’r Conrt 10l P Tk ant is ; Jhoma8 --The defend- h,rl M^dav r in“jm C ° U,lty the 11,1 there t, u J y next ’ the n “’“nd i u ' “" HW , er thH plaintiff’s lv,) rce a8 ln , f Jon of »’bel for c "" rl «'iU nrope A Ult tbereof said Bhtt ‘ lß PPerUin 89 t 0 -> UBtice Weii’y Honorable W ]q . ,J ofreh f < this Wm’ £ b ß eh nury In9s. S^r hi din nice • fOr cariofy d| nner is a f T ®? ney s Cali - To dd a? 4 ?’«° to L. G. and get one. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Will Entertain Q. T.Club— Mis* Elida Printup will entertain the Q T., Cluh mxt Thursday evening, at her bean ilul home on upper broad street. What She Needs.—All ladies who attend the sessions of the cooking scheol now running in the Masonic Temple are request ed to bring with them a pencil, a note book and a spoon. Conasauga Arrived Yesterday —The steamer Conasauga. arrived yesterday evening at her wharf, with a large cargo of miscellaneous freight at the foot of Broad street in charge of Capt. George Magru der. She goes to Gadsden, in the morning. Secon d Presbyterian.—Dr. George Geotchius preached at the Second Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock to a large congregation. He preached a forceful and beauti ful sermon. • Small Blaze—This morning at 9:30 o’clock a telephone alarm called the lire department to the residence of Mr. Sam Cothran, on Second Ave. The blaze caught in a clothes closet and was soon put out with a fire extinquisher. Damage slight. Don’t Fail—To go out to the revival of religion at the First Methodist church at 4 p.'m. and 7 :30 p. m. The services are helpful and well attended. Much good is being accomplished. The First church has been noted for its religious revivals, and this is one of the best. Hog Bit.—Late Saturday afternoon Mr. Henry White had the misfortune to have one of his fingers bitten off by a hog. He had just stabbed the hog, and thinking he was dead start ed to dress the porker, when he grabbed his second finger on the right hand biting it off to the first joint. Oef to Hot Springs.—After suffering excrutiating pain for nearlythree months, Mr. Tom Cornelius, acting under the ad vice of his physicians, left this afternoon for Hot Springs. His many friends wish for him a sqeedy and permanent cure from the disease of sciatic rheuma tism. Blown Out.—List night at 10:30 o’clock the furnace in New Rome blew out for repairs, c‘Using several loud reports lik 3 the firing of cannon People living in East Rome were badly shaken up by the loud reports. Every two years the furnace blows out to rebuild. The re ports were heard for miles around the city. Womans Club C S— That means the Woman's Club Cooking School. This new departure is now in (qeration, aud for the week, in the corner store of the Masonic Tempi i, Every body in Rome invited to attend as tie guest of the noble women of the Womans Club, The lectures will he fine and the practical demon strations in cooking, the highest and most tar reaching art for the good graces of the animal, man, will be the very best. Hon. Erve Price.—-Gallant old Erve Price, one of the strong men of Floyd county,was in the city today. To the Hustler-Com mercial’s inquiry, Mr. Price stated that he was neither in the race for a seat in the next leg islature or a soldiers berth in the American army of invasion of Cuba. Erve Price is one of God's noblest works —honest and brave. He says Mrs Price is in poor health and that he is staying at home and adding all that he can to her comfort. Erve Price is built of material used no where except in creation of heroes. Dr. F. M. Taylor the Chicago optician will make hi ß headquar ters al Wooten’s drug store 309 Broad St. from Thursday April 7 to Saturday April 16, inclusive Hours 10 a_ m. toll p .[n . Ej< examination fre* S. B Pullen Every body at Seney Ga. knows Mr S. B. Pullen but every one dont know that, it is due a thor ough commercial (< ur-e which he completed recently at Rome Business College which procured him a good position with Hand & Co of this city. This popular and Substantial Wholesale and Retail Grocery Co. will no doul>t find Mr. Pu'len a most capable and worthy youog man, NOW IS THE TIME TO ENTER ROME I BUSINESS COLLEGE. Because, the ensuing three months are the best for study. B cause the college will accept a time note now for tuition. Because, by entering now you will complete at a good time of the year for procuring employ ment. The college received more applications last year during July and August for its gradu ates than could be supplied. A dozen or more poung peo ple in Rome ami vicinity ought to begin a course of Commercial training now al Rome Business College. 11. S. Shockley, Principal. Dr Tayor, experienced optician is at Wooten's Drug store, 309 Broad St. for a few days. Eyes examined free. ns I have 3 more days of Dr. Lowe’s service and will be pleas - ed to have any of my friends to take advantage ot his acknowl edged skill and experience. This does not obligate you to buy glasses. If you want them 1 will sell them at the regular price with my personal guarantee. Hours for examination 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. B. F. ROARK, Jeweler. It rests witn you whether you continue tho r >— nerve-killing to:»a«’c<» habit. NO-TO-li rfunocaM out Drrvuu* dwtrCHS expels nico^-• tine, purities the blood, stores lost 'manhood. w fiS .bOTboMMJ makes vou h trong V \ sold 400.000 in health nerve IW KFe- can-scunal Buy iO KA<'froin book. * iFj! Bf> K your own drureist. who m ’ll ▼ouch forus. Tate it with R TJu wiii,patiently, persisteuUy. One 'WW k box. 41. usnc-lly cures:. 3 boxes. <2 50 jBH LriiATMOired Coeure, or we refund money Msasdy Co., Cttedfu, Rm Crssi. t '' * —• • IB ' S'-’i pgKMB m A lol' 01 |||jf H 'a Hr rl IF »«A Od m r Ml Hull Ulllnnl HA I V NE\V II O Sll <: 1 {Y, NEW CI .OTHING-, NEW NECKWEA.R. You can’t go wrong if you go to J. B. WATTERS & SON. For your spring suit or h*t You arj entitled to the newest and best your money will buy We are here to serve you. No matter what your wants in CLOTHING, JAB OR IFUftNISHINOS. Come to us, we will treat you rig t in q uality and prices. J. B. WATTERS & SDN 242 and 244 Broa Street, Rome, Ga. ’ DRIVE HIM OUT If ho won’t go quietly ; he has made trouble l«<ng enough, Uncle Sam thinks. Drive diseases from your system by using Curry’s ’ Liver compound as a spring | medicine, or you will have trouble before the summer is over. Curry’s Liver Compound is the best spring medicine for “that tired feeling” and run down condition caused bv a dis- * oidered condition of the blood NO TICE. For the purpose of s cming tax returns, I will be at the court house every Saturday un’i May 20th and every day thereafter un-I til June 20th. At the March m e!- ing of the Board of roads and rev enue they passed a resolution compelling me as tax receiver to • • * co., ply with the law aud dotibb tax every one who fails to make his r-turns, properly and thut in ’ the specified time. Dont fore 3 me to do this but make your re turns pr mptly. Respt. R L. Foste-. Tax Receiver. Floyd Co. | THE DANGERS OF SPRING | Which arise from impurities in ’ the blood and a depleted condi- ; lion of this vital fluid may be . entirely averted by Hood’s saparilla. This great medicine ( cures all spring humors, boils I eruptions and sores, and by en- 4 ricking and vitalizing the blind, ( it overcomes that tired feeling I( and gives vitality and vigor. J Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick ’ headache, billiousness and liver I ills. Price 25 cents. m CITY MARTHALLS NOTICE! J On, and after this da e, the i stock ordinance of the city of Rome will bo enforced. This is to n >tify all owners of stock, and •■specially of cows, that the im pounding fee will be collected in each and every case. | J. B. Shropshire 1 Ci’y Marshal. * Aprd 7-98 ts. $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for $i < /. A. GAMMON & COMPANY I ? , x-3— A RE WAITING 1 I' for everyone in Rome to come 1 » in and see the magnificent stock ' " wk 011 inen ’ 8 an d hoy’s clothing, |<| J3L bicycle and golf suits, is what i^iwinr— we are ‘hhiig, but we are hus tling while we wait. We will : show you the finest stock of clothing, made from the newest ?'.\. styles and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, to \ be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. Ihegreatest line of negligee shirts ever shown i i Rome. J, A. GAHMON & CO. i ~ “ — ~’lL'.. . F. HANSON. ; NORRIS N. SMITH. X THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | £ Plumbing and Tinning. 2 |x Engineers’ and machinists' 2 C supplies. Stoves, rangesand 5 c tinware. Gas and electric fix= 5 { C tures. INSURANCE gasoline 3 stoves. Water meters. 2 325 Broad st. Phone 32. C * - ■ Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WIUTEHALL MEGRIMINE CO.. South Bend, Indiana