The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 19, 1898, Image 1

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eighth year smoke xtra good and rebel yell eigars tee, TEE BHIIIWS That Were Passed By the House and the Senate, THEY MEAN FREEDOM FOR CUBA. Whether They Mean War or Not Is Now Left With the Spanish For Consider ation and Decision. “Whereas, T he abhorrent conditions which have existed tor more tnan three years i in the island of Cuba,so nearour own borders,j have shocked the moral senses of the people of the United States, have baen a disgrace to Christian civilization, culminating. a* they, have in the destruction of a United States! battleship, with 266 of its officers and crew, while Gna friendly visit in tne harbor of Ha vana and cannot .onger be endured, as has been' set forth by the president of the United States, in his message lO congress of April I I, 1898, up'in which the action of congress was Invited; thsiefore, be it ‘•resolved. H y the senate and house of representative* of congress assembled, “Firs , That the p ople of the »sland of Cubaare, andof right ought to be, free and independent. . I ‘Second,Thxt it is the duty of the United Sta es to dem md and the govarnma it of the I'nit d States does hereby demand, that the govern nent of Spain at once relinquish its authority and government in the island of Cuoa, and withdraw its land and naval forces Cuba and Cuban waters. “Third, That the president of the United* States oe, and he is hereby directed and em powered to use the entire land and naval forces of the United States and to call into the actual service of the United States the militia ot the several states, to such extent as may : be necessary to carry these resolutions into effect ‘ Fourth, Th it the United States hereby, disclaim ary d.sposidon or intention to exer cise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over said island, except for the pacification thereof, and assert their determination when chat is accomplished to leave the government and control of the island to the UNIFORM RANK may volunteer ' ‘'form Rank, command No. 111 of Knights of Pythias of yeor gia- Capt. j. B . F Lumpkin, ma .v volunteer to go to the front in ease t| )e president calls for troops. H l ** Question ig being discussed J UBt »tih s jnoe'ure by the officers •roaemhersof the comm nd. c “Pt. Lumpkin has about 50 of •" hue cavalrymen as ever drew a ’“-reorcut off a WHg . PJ traih( , 1 18 10 Bllv he has the material ‘or making of 8!lch ft troop. Tl »e U. R. k of p. o f Georgia regiments under the C H ' lllmß "d of Brigadier Gon. “rm (ino f Savannah, and lik< Ihe volunteer forces of Georgia is Hower of Georgia Roilr * ’* Wftr " and the Uniform cirv 1 , I ’.’, ,ro " l ' Second R “derwood of th, ad ;rr , \ twillbijfoundat >he H ,IP “ bat '“ llio ’” With lighTfi 7 Cadftt8 ’ th3 R ™ guards an) u.R K . of p ba»r tr' at . lbe f™ l1 ’' eme will tbat2T herm “‘taryin away «J by p, r ? e V ’ he P nd « occasiou •irM/t? Fy r ° fl4ct « d by the <r *ti% b jjM a ?)n . TI IE ROME 111 ST IJi R-C( AIM E RCIAI THE FUNERAL OF DR. C. S. HARRIS The funeral of Dr. C. S. Har ris will take place at the resi dence in the Fourth ward at 2 o’clock tomorrow - (Wednesday) afternoon. Following is a list of the ac tive pall bearers : Drs. W. D. Hoyt, D. G. Hunt. Chas. Hamilton, Lindsay John son, I). T. McCall, D. H Ram saur and Mess s A. G Ewing, C. Rowell and Habited Smith. The honorary pall bearers are James A . Collier, James Me-: Quire, D. 'l'. Phillipo, R. T. Fouche, Carlton Wright, W. A. Wright, Judge R. R. Harris and Hugh Given. The remains will be taken to Pleasant Valley church. At the house, the Methodist funeral service will be conducted by Rev. S. 11. Dimon of the Second church. At Pleasant Valley the re mains will be interred by Chero kee Lodge No 66, F. & A. M.. Cherokee Lodge will meet at the Temple at 1 o’clock tomor row afternoon. The active pall bearers are requested to meet with the lodge at that time Mr. Will Harris, of Fort Worth, Texas, on whose account tho funeral has been delayed, arrive at 1 o’clock tonight. -r— y ’AW? ROME GEORGIA. TUESDAY EVENING, APR'L 19. 1898. ;| wii i President to Send Ultimatum, RESOLUTION I To bo Signed This Af ternoon. NATIONAL GUARD •Os New York Ordered to lie i in Armory Tonight. ALL READY FOR WAR Or For Peace, as Spain May Decide- A Call to be Issued For Volunteers. Washington, 1). C., April 19. Speaker Reed and Vice Preai j dent Hobart have signed the “ Senate and House resolution on the Cuban question. The resolutions have gone to the president and will be signed I by him by 4 o’clock. i The cabinet now, (3 p. m.) is I m session and President McKin ley is preparing his ultimatun to Spain, which will be sent during the afternoon. Excitement is at fever heat and talk of war is on every lip. It is understood that the pres-, idem will call for 200,000 volui - teers, the call to be issued before ■ night. A number of congressmen have signified their determina tion to return home and raise regiments for the war. NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARD. New York, April 19.—The > National Guard of New York, the finest volunteer force of the ’ nation, has been ordered to meet in the armories of the respective I commands at 8 o’clock this ever - > h»g- The troops are ordered to I come prepared to enter active service and march at an hour s ■ notice. Immense throngs block the streets about the bulletin boards, w'.iile the cry of “extra” is ■ heard on every side, and the newspapers are selling hundreds ' of thousands of war editions to the excited tualtitudes. t LAN! IAM A SONS. MIOCT ■’ WIFIIfifIVTiIW f Theres a dash, a high art about our millin- .. ery that makes it a legal tender this coun try over. This is especially true of the great lot just received. They are new as new can • be and ought to be seen by every woman who wishes to be a leader in fashion ins ead of a mere follower. X* jF. jP- jF. jP. yP. JP. jP. .X -X .X-X -X -X -X -X -X »X -X r "xT xT PARASOLS? We have a few left of our open , ing stock and will clear them out at prices unheard of before. ~ Choice of the lot for $2.25 and they are worth full twice this amount. -ag-fe®, RAINY WEATHER? sa y its R’°°d for ducks. Rain or shine now is a good time to buy white, black or colored duck for skirts. We are showing good values in them, and in fact all over the house ca 5 be found merchandise at prices to interest. X - ? x’’- > r . >’ r - -x -X -X -X -X -X -X X -X -X -X -X .x ««► Ladies, Misses and Children's Hosiery. Large stock and Small prices. L v VyST Fast Black, 5, 10, 15,25 and up. CHILDRENS KI SUED HOSE, DIdGK OF Ml), 5G and III). Child’s picture handkerdhief, ic. Child’s printed border handkerchief, ic. Ladies’ wide hemstitched, worth more 5 Ladies’ embroidered handkerchiefs, white and black, worth 15c, for 10c. Pretty folding fans, large or small, ic, The prettiest fans in Rome, from the cheapest upto the nicest silk, and only the price is poor 1, 2,3, 5, 10:15, 25 and up to $1.50. pP- «X -X -X -X "X -X /x X*- pF' -X -X ’X X- X- X'- x« x« x« c .'x*x* •xx ; x > '-x-xXk/Xk* X? fMore Than Ever world this season. She will be queen of May and every other month, for that matter. Why should shirt waists be popular? They are ® handy, tasty, and the very pink of fashion, fit for the house, Ihe church, or street wear. We have them from the cheapest to the nice taffata silk. Al! at reasonable prices. Come see them. UM 8 HB I U CENTS PER WEEK