The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 19, 1898, Image 2

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CfILLKD SESSION I Os The "City Fathers" field c Last Night. A COMMITTEE APPOINTED To Draft Resolutions on 1 he Death of Dr. Harris. Present, Hon. John J. Seay, mayor, and Council men 1). P. Hamilton, Jr., F. J Kane, J. I). Turner, A. B. McArver, R. A. Denny, C. W. Morris, B. T. Haynes and W. T. Jones. The mayor stated that the meeting was called for the pur pose of acting upon a petition for a beer license’to Mr. C. M. Mooney. The petition of Mr. Mooney not being present, conn cil took no action upon the same, as the ordinance required peti tion to be present before action The petition of J. 11. Rhodes and others, asking that the council re-enact the ordinance, requiring all liquor and beer sa loons to have the consent of their next door neighbor on each side before a license should be granted, was read to the count il. Upon motion, the petition was referred to the ordinance com mittee for a report at the next regular meeting ot the council An invitation was received from the mayor and council ol Augusta to the mayor and conn cil of Rome to attend the cele bration of the hundredth anni versary of the city of Augusta a city. It was resolved that the mayor and such members of the council as were able to go would attend and notice given to the Augusta authorities by tin Mayor. Notice being brought to the council, that on yesterday morn ing the city had met with the loss of hti City Physician, Dr. C. S. Harris, by his death, at his resi dence in the 4th Ward, resolver, that the announcement is received with sorrow and regret, and tha a committee, composed of council men, J. I). Turner, R. A. Denny and F. J. Kane, be appointed to draft suitable resolutions to be presented at the next meeting of council. Council adjourned. * Halstead Smith. Clerk of Council. Mrs. Mary Wood, of Annis ton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Busbin. sitW rs A woman’# attractiveness in the eves of man depends largely on her physical ap pearance. Nature, in order to preserve the race, guides mankind by the instinctive preference for a mat* who IS physically sound and wholesome. If intellect alone were chiefly sought, the offspring might be a generation of Solo mons for wisdom, but they would perish in infancy for want of physical stamina. A weak or unhealthy woman is unfitted to fulfil her part in perpetuating the race: she is unequal to the demand# of motherhood and wif’teood. she is robbed of her natural womanly attractiveness. Many a woman is clie ited of life's choicest gifts by a dyspeptic, bile poisoned condi tion of the system, which shows itself in a pimply skin, sallow complexion, tainted breath, or thin, ungraceful form. The most perfect remedy for all the morti fying symptoms of mal nutrition and ini pure blood is Dr. Pierce’# Golden Medical Discovery. Through its remarkable effect upon the liver and digestive organs it sweeps all impurities out of the circula tion and creates a fresh supply of new. rich, life giving blo< « It gives clearness and bloom to the com plexion; sweetens the breath; rounds out the face and form, and invigorates the en tire constitution with vital energy It restores the invincible beauty of whole someness and womanly capacity. “ I was a complete wreck: appetite gone nerv ous syste n impaired; could not sleep and was so weak that I could not stand on my feet ten min utes." writes Miss Ella Bartley of No. >l3’ South Grant Avenue Columbus, Ohio: "I onlv weighed -iUZ pounds when I commenced taking Dr Pierce's Gold, n Medical Discovery, At - had taken a half tiottle I began to improve: I could sleep soundly the whole night, and would awaken with an appetite for breakfast, which was a rare thing as I never had for two wars back eaten a hearty breakfast I now hatfe an excellent .appetite, and my f: iends say thov never saw me looking Letter or in better •niri> since they knew me. I tell them it is all due to Dr Pierce’s ‘ Disccarery ’ ” In all cases of obstinate constipation, the “ Discovery ” should b<- supplemented with Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets LOCAL H4PPESIKGS. I Ko C- UHT. —'11l 'll was lb> po lios emit this ni'H'ii) .g. E.>ry- I thing is 1-, .j ii.-t in police! circles. Tlb-re w.iv no tin ‘.-th' mu le tod .y. Sons of Vi-'rhi;AN#.—Then* will be a n>e< ti; g <-i tlni Sons <f, Cellleil.-rnt'' Vi.t 'i*iins at t h I’.oiirt i house St. u.dtiy morning at It); I’clock, fi liul corps I - Hi t-rs are to be el. cU d. Ii !■’.< i- i"i i< n. Mr-. George Wright wi.l entertain the Bach elor's Club tonight at her home »n Fourth avenue, complimen tary to Mis I- aye Word of Macon. Blue Hor e I isjt —A negro brought a wagon had of blue horse fish to the city this com ing which attracted a rood d'ui] of attention. The fi-h were caught ina net a inih- up the | Etowah. Leg Bin ke . Er,ink, the 12 year old son. of Mr Joe McPhee, broke both bones ol his leg jits’ above the knee while playing in front of h ' Emergency Hospital yesterday alu rnm n. The li'tle fellow was carried home and inju ries dressed by Dr. Cox. He is resting easy t< ilay. Beai tii tl Beauties.—Mrs. A. 0. Garrard has placed all trimmed h:d -, now in stock, on i sale at reduced prices. These' •mbrace a few choice patterns' and must goto make way for | new goods. For the very latest tads, fashions .and novelties call at Mrs. Garrards. New ship ments nearly every day in the week. •Dr Belk's Card. Dr. S. R. Belk, pastor of the First Meth odist, is busy handing to all he meets a card bearing the follow ing message: “Revival services at the First M 'tliodist- church every day at 4 p. in. ‘Prepare to meet thy God.’ ‘How shall we esc ipe if wo neglect so great salvation?’ hon are cordially invited to attend these services. S. R. Belk, Pastor.” Off to Cumberland.—Dr. Harbin left yesterday for Cum berland Island, where he goes to attend the annual meeting ol the Georgia Medical Association, which convenes on the 20th 21st, and 22nd.’ Drs. Will Johnson and T. R. Garlington will leave this afternoon for the same pur pose. Drs. Harbin, Johnson and Garlington are three of the most successful young physicians in ’ the South. Dr. Garlington will ' read a paper on the subject of: “Compound Fractures in 'Rail wav Accidents,’’ before the as- I sociation. , R >ME LIGHT GUARDS ATTENTION. You are hereby ordered to me«t lat your armoiiy tonight at 8 o’clock, sharp. Biuinss of im port By order of ■ W. A. I'att -n, Cupt. Alm ar R. Davi , Secy. I PHEW, BUT IT IS GETTING - i HOT, « -• i Uncle Sam thinks, and wants 1 t- '-■■ » Ids thirst for revenge on the ' 4 Maine appeased. When the x .l’i/ I Hl weather is war n and you want " t I your thirst quenched, there is 'V’ ‘ •'*’>.-•''■^’•ll noplicein Rome where it can be done with more pleasure and 1 u -a satisfaction than from our soda .. f ; • ' 7 ''.- . ' fountain. Cold, sparkling and l * delicious are the refreshing \. 7 / thirst quenchers drawn from it. I P* Curry-Arrington Co. ■ ■ ( w' Wdllii .«l 11 nil ;i luo: w 'Ui.l-' 'iiiuiil ililillill UlriiiH W luJllll w sW- -lillll U LIVERY, SALEjIAND FEED OH’ts the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. I The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. * 306 AND 303 BH3ADJISUIEETS RSML GEORGIA, '< ■ Fhe People Believe i What They Read About Mood’s Sa> shpai tiia Their Faith ’n " lbs Medicine is I Grounded on Merit The/ Know It .' isclutely Cures l When Other Medicines Fail Hoo-l’a Liranporilla is nbt merely a sim- I pi" pi’< i io'.ilieu of Bn i’;«n par I’.a, 1 >t>-k, i. 4;. :■ ! a 'il 1., luilideof l-o.iiasiuin. 'Ks ti.. vxoelk-nt alteratives, it el- i eont-i n, i bu.-ic great anti-bilious hik! 1 I. • r reined, s. i.landtake and I>. udelion. ii Is j t u.itn:ns those great kidney rc-nie di- , lva Ursi, Juniper Riirics, and Pipsidsewa. Nor are these nil. Other very valuable cn.alive agents are harmoniously com bined in Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and it is carefully prepared under the personal supervision of irregularly educated phar macist. Knowing these facts, is tlie abiding fait h the peoji!" have in Hood's Sarsaparilla a natter of surprise? You can see why Lh- !'s Sa:sripni illa cures, when other n ili.-ine". (oball; , absolutely fail. "A’y li ii>’ girl was afflicted with <:• in.ufi. r-d for seven years. She v i attenii.d by physicians and tried n-in.y different, kinds of medicine with >ut relief. As r taking a few bottles of ■ ,<.d’s ■<: -s-.i pp.riila she was cured.” Mrs. ’ . Honeoye, New Yoric« , Sarsa -= I 4.1 ’S parilla • '. IV > Hu-One True Bkiod Purifier. ■1: X1 ■ <■ . L Un,..1 ft ( <>.. Lowell. Mass »■«Oi Hr " lr " liis: easy Intake, . « 5* .■ JI. j1& eu«y to operate. 25 cents. APPLICATION FOR LET TERb OF DL MISSION. Georgia, Floyd County: Whereas L. W. P.ileii, ad ministrator of B. A. Connelly, ' represents to the court in bis ' i petition dulv filed, that he has administered B. A. Connelly’s estate. This is to cite ail persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they cun, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in June. 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. Now Then "i"£ cheaply it isn’t our fault. We i a-suredly keep the thinge jou want and it is fast becoming known that wo F-ell cheaper than [any other firstc ass grocers in •'Rome. We have no expensive ■ habits, nor high-priced book-keep- Hers to pay. We hustle, and our I j clerks have to bustle, , : You like nice, crisp vegenables? Well, we a ways have a large supply. Just see this: Fresh new beets. Crisp si ap beans. Fancy asparagus. Spinach and salad. Squash and cucumbers. Fancy lettuce, and radishes, I Green peas, hom-‘-raised. And many others. ’! In fancy groceries, we sell only ! the very best goods, and cater to the finest trade. Scarcely a first 1 J .’class family m town but what trades with us. Why not you? i Lloyds’s. • I t Frosh snap beans and new . ’ Bei ts at Lloy d’s. I For a good smoke try War -»rs’ “Extra Good” cigars. ._ —— wS —V - ■ ■ -i'-' ‘-i ' ■ '■ ' ' -.G.AfPX ,V B s best sanitary plumbing I I I i . K j' # Gas, Water and Steam Litter. M 1 S c . t Water r . Ci lli < A i Gas Fixtures, ne(es ,. Gas Stoves, «' R Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fj x - I V I tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, El ec - S 7' tk trie fixtures. ‘ it 4 p $ . I $4 * I have employed AJex S. Pierce to ?l « L # take charge of my shop department. O JJ It hie is one of the best workmen in the s*l W M * South. Repair work attended to 'ill promptly. I 1 I | JOHNC-Cl IL/DS. fl a 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fahy. |‘| 71 I , . fl I 11 L'!_ “As ■•’’'•■vw -wmwafr/' -» re— LJ H OhROIM ■ __ _ £ fl # | EASTER <■ # 1 ML * " * S i|| > Is over and now the post-ienten * ■ |X S season is on. You are most cor- XX * dially invited to call and see the • 9 27 # very latest fads aid fancies, nov- * 1 ( £ St ■*' elties, and nice things in sash- I J & * ionable millinery. We receive | 9 * new goods dvery day and they » 9 wF $ come specially sele ,<•,?:? * 9 Zfi # fashion centers. Our new flow- i S S St ers are exceptional v pretty. W * * ■ s nirSo A, O a Garrard * I *. * I iM IME ON KB ' 3 I ite bedJOPanlsoi earth tj ’® Al g* THFY ARE THE # Eal f $7 KIND i) AT OTHER F L . * I ftaedailortnjCoSi » I