The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 19, 1898, Image 3

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tn Ar»nn«n* noontry which eqnnl to lD i area of Great Britain, the uul l,l uanyt Austria, Hun- FrßDOe italv Spain, Portugal, Boh ttnd »" d Greece and nnnulation is made up of na "b°S*f I Jiu all tbese oountriei ’ alld “ ** vW re one fin'll ovdry Bort ° f many strange customs. The 11 e a "f Buenos Ayres, the first m ? y t h America, is a great capital Sos stirring life- B “ ” ot , uaelf or its surroundings. 1h« J™ “‘ n buT r<m'™"‘ if you "“ re , •” y ? price. English people, Tt’« »bnk?««>>» thßll G 0 a »nd sociable. They can en jjXood theaters, operas and balls Kll as any amount oF outdoor “ :«.”ntOn n .ioligbtinl «lin,»to. “he smaller towns are more ot 2 provincial and unattractive Sth the exception of Cordoba, one _7 the few old cities in the south* ,i hemisphere. It has many fine Sureties and a cathedral worth see. ' fortified and showing traces of Moorish art. There old fannlie hvedin great houses with innumew ‘ ble retainers, all the luxuries of Europe being brought, at enormous * t in bullock carts over the leagues of grassy plains that lie be twin Cordoba and the ports of Ro -10 a nd Buenos Ayres. There were to be found the finest types of Argentina refinement and learning. The city itself is beautiful, a green oasis with a background of noble bills.—Chain bet's’ Journal. A Little Sarcastic. * Tear? ago an old sailor, who lWc< . .hurt distance from Snug Harbor on Staten Island, possessed, among the nu U.u» pets be bad collected on ns voyage. ’ - rot , of which he was exceedingly fond The parrot, however, had a nasty temper, and would suffer n. one to approach it ex W pt its master. Disliking to see the bird owpri up, the old sailor went to work and built a largo wire cage out doors. Ibe building of it occasioned more or less re mark among the cronies that called to smoke a pipe with him, and as they dis liked the bird, they took a huge delight in their raillery. The old sailor laughed with them and took it all in good part, until one day an old weather beaten stdf a trifle without, the inner circle of friendship, made bold to offer a suggestion. “If you want, to give the parrot more freedom,” he said, “why don’t you anchor bim to a chain so lie can fly around in- Mend of building that expensive cage?’’ For a minute there was silence. Then the old sailor spoke, and there was wrath In his voice. "Say. mister, I s’pose you don’t know that bird’s strong, eh?” "Well, what’s that got to do with it?” "Oh, nothing, except that if I anchor him with a chain he’d likely fly away with the world.” The implied sarcasm caused the mar. with suggestions to bold bin ponce.—Har per’s Iluuud Table. Work by Artificial Light. Many persons experience great fatigue In working and reading by artificial light, boiw attention has been given to this sub ject, especially in view of rending and study, and the type, pa pt r and illumina tion most favorable to comfort and health. Vibite light is recommended for <ll artifi cial illumination. One should never read ata lower degree of light than ordinary daylight. Very low intensities cause eye strain and weakness, which may result in exceedingly severe and even dangerous mental and physical conditions. It is now an established faot that epilepsy Is some times caused by eye strain. There are also many other maladies that arc primarily caused and greatly aggravated by bad light while using the eyes. Some authori ties recommend white paper. Others, not ably experienced journalists, insist that straw colored paper and black ink are less tong to the eyes than white paper.— «ew 1 ork Ledger. Oivu ISJVJOYS 2 method and results when an i *-g 8 ’ s ta^en s > H pleasant les lln o to the taste, and acts keMy yet promptly on the Kidneys, . (ran 'l oWe ls, cleanses the sys ache^Trlll7’ dis P els colds, head const"an'- evelß and cures habitual onlv ‘L S F ru P of Figs is the ducal "i* 1 ” -Y of * ts kind ever pro ceDtal^f3,Bl^B to tbe taHtc a,ld ac ’ it* act"' l ° 7 e Btornacb ’ prompt in efhen and be neficial in its hSv Pr ? ared onl r froin tbe m ost agreeabl esubstances, its to ail !1 ?‘ l 'inalities commend it pq Jr have , niade ilthe most P polar remedy known. ctnt'ktt'r. l ? Bß is for Rale in 50 K‘sts. Any hl l 7 a(ling drUg * J- v not I y druggist who ,e it aVe 11 on band will pro wi«he 8 to Pr irX ly D Or a t y ° ne Wh ° B «bßtitute } Do not accept au y CAL, ' r ORMA no SYRUP CO. UUISnuV™ CISCO - c “- • * r NEW YORK, It. J, Kreawei medicine ««r« “ S “™“Pnrilia, which tioa Bfal tod' ° ther I)repara ' ‘ d ° an ? gno 1 wl »at- BAPTIST CONVENTION. Norfolk, Va., May sih-12th. 1898. Reduced Rates Via. Southern Railway. On account of the meeting of the Southern Baptist convention at Norfolk, Va.. May slh-12th, 1898 the Southern Railway will sell tickets from ail points on its lines to Norfolk and return at rate of one fare for the round trip, Tickets will be sold May 2nd to 6th inclusive, limited to return fifteen days from date of sa e, but if deposited with agent of termi nal lines at on or before May 16th, the return limit will be extended fifteen additional days, i'he Schedule via this route excellent and parties conteinpla ting attending the Southern Baps Het convention should communi cation with the nearest agent of the Si uthern Railway, PPLICATION FOR LETTERS OK DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas T. A. Thrash. Admin istrator of Mrs. V F. Thrash, de ceased, represet ts t.j the court in his petition duly filed that he has admit.istered Mrs. V. F. Thrash’s estate. This is incite all persons concerned kindr d ai.d creditors to show 'ause if any they can why said administrator should not he discharged from his administra tion and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in May 1898. This Feb. 7th 1898. John I’. Davis, Ordinary SHEHIFF'S SALES FJI Ml 1898. GEORGfA FLOYD COUNTY VV ill be sold before the court house dcoi in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal h >urs of sale, on the first Tuerday i i May 189 f the following d scribed property to wit: That traH or parcel of land sit uated, lying and being in th -sth District and 4th Section of Floyd Ccunty, Ga., and being an undivided one third interest in each of the following described tots towit. land lot No. 309 & 304 in said district & section and con taining euch 160 acres more or less, levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from Floyd City Court in favor of Mrs M. J. Wyatt tratis. vs J. 8. Wyatt as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place 25 acres of land on the north side of lot No. 140 in the 4th , Dis trict & 4th., Section of Floyd county, Ga., levied upon by virtue of a fifa issued from the Justice Court of the 855.. District G. M., in favor of the Kennesaw Guano Co., vs. R B. Perry also levied upon by virtue of a tax fifa issued by V. T. Sanford T. C. in favor of the State and County vs said R. B. Perry tor the year 1897 as the Dr perty of the defendant. Property p noted out by G. B. Holder levy made by W. E, Vann, L. C.. Also at tbe same time and place the following property towit: part of the land lot Number 301, one hundred and forty acres the north west part of said lot in the |S2nd., District, and 3rd Section of Floyd County Ga., to satisfy tax execu ion in saver of the State and County for the year 1897 against J W. Haney agant as the prop erty of the defendant, levy made by J. A. J mes L. C., Also at the same time and place, the following lot of land No. 316 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga., designated as lot No. 24 in the Cooley farm and plat of said survey, recorded in the clerk’s office in book X of deeds page 66 ; levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from thejustice couit of the 919th district G. M. Floyd county, Ga. , in favor of llill & Flowers for the use of L. F. Dowdle vs. Lizzie Campbell ; as the property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. On the morning <<f Feb. 20, 1895, 1 was sick with rheuma tism, and I lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle ol Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. 'The fir.-.t application of it relieved me almost entirely frem the pain and the second afforded com plete relief. In a short time 1 was able to be up and about again.—A. T. Moreaux, Luv erne, Minn. Sold by all drug gists. HEALTH CATECHISM. To be Committed to Memory by All Dyspeptics Invalids, Con sumotl vos. What : b tlm cause of nine-lenthe of all disease? Imperfejt d : gestion of food. Why does imperftct digestion cause disease of other organs? Because blood, nerves, muscles, hone and flesh are derived from 'he food w e eat and diges*. If digestion is perfect the bkod is onre, neives and muscles strong, flesh firm. If the digestion is poor, the blood is supplied from half di gb-ted, termenting food, irritating •-very nerve ar.d organ. The re sult is, sooner or later, organic disease, because every organ being poorly nourished the weakest gives wav firstand we have liver trouble, kidney complaints, heart di-ense or consumption. Is not dieting the usual and best tretment to cure indigestion? No, because the dyspeptic has been starved long enough, what is needed is abundant nourishment, not the lack of it. The stomach and blood demand nutriment, not bran crackers. What is the best method of cure? —l’leantv of wholesome food well digested. But how can a weak stomach digest plenty of wholesome fore? By taking with the food after each meal e rtain harmless rem edies which are known to digest food and thus nourish the blood and r-st the weak stomach. What are these harmless rem edies? The most valuable ar * vegetable ferments, pure pepsin, Golden Seal and fruit salts All of these are now combined in the form of pleasant tasting tablets sold by druggists under the name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets. Arc these tablets superior to the various liquid preparations so called dyspepsia cures? Most decidedly, because all liquid medicines become stale with age ard lose whatever good qualities they may have had orig inally, while the tablet retains its properties indefinitely. Stuart's Dysyepsia 'tablets can be carried in the pocket, always at hand ready for use when traveling or at daily occupation. They cost bui 50cts. and should b* kept in every family. They keep the digestion perfect and save doctor’s bills by warding off disease. Are Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets adapted to all forms of dyspepsia? Yes, because in all cases the trouble results fr >m indigested ferinutiiing tood. Stuart’s Dyspep sia Tablets cause the food to be digested before it has time to ferment. If you wish to know more about them ask you* druggist for a package and trv them, NOTICE. The Tourist Sleeping Car Line operated by the Southern Rail way b tween Washington and San Francisco without change via New Orleans, has proven so successful that it has become necessary to make a semi weekly service, the Westbound departure, being on Wednesday and Saturday of each week This sleeper offers sleeping car facilities to persons holdmg first or second-class tickets, the berth rate being only $7.00 from Wash ington to San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Portland, berth being large enough for occupancy by tw< people, if desired, without extra charge. These Sleepers run through Texas, Ariz >na and New Mexico, and connect with similar cars foi Oregon. , Information in regard thereto may be had from any Southern Railway Ticket Agent, from Mr, A. J. Poston, Gen I Agent. Sunset Tourist Excursions. 511 Penn Ave. N W., Washington, D. 0 . or from Mr. W, A. Turk. G. P. A. 1300 Penn. Ave. N. W., Washing ton, D. C. When you want gro ceries go to Todd’s RANGES. I am agent tor Sout hern Qiu en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance Safety G-as oline stoves • Call and see mvstock and get* estimaes on your olumbitno- and tin work- door tc ouera h?use- F. HANSON FREE mill TmUT TO EVERYONE. »ny rhronlc illh<-:im> < f any part <>t ihe liiiinan hotly, such as kulnrj and blathlfr. In-art. ilver ami Htoniach liaiibli-H, tacu and akin eruptions, diriorders of the sex ual oriranu. sexual weakness atnl indifference etc. Provided spplicatlon lie made at once, in ol der that Uh iuv .ntions. app'lances and never failing remedies may receive the widest possi ble ptihliclty. and prove their own merits by iclual use ami permanent elites No money whatever received by the State Medi cal Sanitarium from anyone under its treat ment until beneticial results are acknowledged Its remedies and appliances have been com mended by the newspapers of two continents and endorsed by the greatest doctors in the world. Il here developement is desired they accomplish it atnl never fall to invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They infuse new life and energy. They per manently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and produce despondency. Ttmy retone, refresh and restore to manhood, regardless of age. They cure evil habitsand permanently remove their effects, as well as those of excesses and overtaxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No failure, no publicity, no d< ceptlon, no disap pointment. Write'today. State Medical Sanitarium, EvanSton, Illinois. Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind ami Pain in tho Stomach, aiddiness. Fulness after meals. Head ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills. Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and al! Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. 11l l'.i H V'i’S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will tiuiciily restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem mul cure sick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digest ; on Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And hnve the LARGEST SALE ofany Patent Sledh-lne In the World. 25c. at al) Drug Stores. ATTORNEYS. J. ER, A. IST HAM, Law Office, 2JO Eist First Street, 1 OME, GA. rOHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporat m Law Only. M 13 reU" 3ADTKIS, Attorney at law. OfllceKing Building. Rome, oa. .W H. ENISTIS, attorney at Law Will Practice in al! courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, "W J. NEEL, Attorney at law. Will practice In all courts. Special attention given to commercial law and the examication of land titles. Office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER HAR.R.IS. Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LIHSCOMB <Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building,;!! > me, Ga J. SANDY CRAWFORD; Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a specialty’. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office W 1-3 Broad. * Over Cantrell & Owens. J. L PENNINGTON. D D S.,M D. ’■’HNTIST: Office. 315 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. O HAMIDTON. M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building. Rome, Ga. O ce 'phone No. IH. La- F HAMMOND. M- D . Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medical building. Residence, No. -103 West First st. Gffice 'phone No. 63. LUMPKI >1 & PRINUTP, ATTOCNEYSAT LAW, Rome, : : : : Georgia. General practice throughout North Georgia. Correspondence solicited. Special attention to mercantile collections. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Uu r e” f<»r Rheumatism and Neuralgia radicnlly cures in I to 3 days I's acti'iu upon the -yst'-in ia r-in irkable and myFte jinuß. It removes at once the cause nd the disease immediately dis appears. I’he first dose greatly lien -fi's. 75 cents. S >LI by Curry- Arrir.gton Go, Home, Ga. In the Springtime is 1 the Painting Time We most respectfully call the at= tention of the public to the fact that we carry all the shades and colors ; of the standard MIXED PAINTS turned out and put on the market by LONGMAN &HARTINEZ, JOHN I UCAS & CO, LOWE BROTHERS. The name of t hese firms upon a can I of paint guarantees it to be the gen- | uine amide. | We also handle Collier white lead and Red Seal white lead. These brands are recognized by veterans as the best ever put on the market. I OILS * AND * VANISHES Only the best grades should be used and you will waste no time or money by coming to us at once. BRUSHES*—For much ofyourin= | sida painting, if you will buy mixed paints and brushes of us, you can do the work at your own convenience and suit your own taste. 6U ARRINGTON 60. tuifiMtimtuuntmitiuti» X Mfr- ‘ - ■x » S. M Stark, i 5 s? 5 lADIBS m GENTLEMaN'd TAILIB S * Doughsrty Bldg, 2nd Ave . MW ‘X htt » Me;! I H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., g 1 Successors to ! ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. R □w . i| e We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in W the drug, prescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and ol the very highest grade. > • We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en- W deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. ! v Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and such things as are usually carried in a first class drug gp ; store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. J*A VICK S SEEDS -THREE RAMBLER ROSES CRIMSON Will make a magnificent hedge, beautiful ahade for the piazza, or a charming bed. Oonatant bloomer, pei- ~eclly haidy. Oue plant will produce thousands of flowera. One each, only 40 cent., delivered. Vlfl/'C Warden and f IllhP The Busy Man's Catalogue and the Ladlea’ Gardener and Adrieer. Ilvix 0 Floral . , UulUu. Thf oll |,. on( . conlaininjt full lieacripliona and Direction, for planting and culture; ao comprehensive, condensed, classified and indexed that He Who Runs Muy Read. Many Illustrations bom nature Coloreo plate, of Sweet Feae, Naaturtlume, Tuberous Begonias, Golden Day Lily, Cactus Dahlias, Daybreak Asters. Beautifully emboutHi cover; 1 lare* pages completely filled with honest illustrations. FREE upon application. Vlck*» Seed* Never Disappoint. JA.UES VICKS SONS, • Roebeater, N. Y. FREE! (£ug e e ) Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine Is a veritaM. mine of Information about Flowers. Vefetable. and Fruita, and how logrow and care for them auccewfollv. A farm house may b. brightened at a .light expen., a.d lb. grounds mad. anractiv., instewri bare and forbidding. Th. pric of Vlct a ILLUaTBATTIi MOKTHLT MaOAlnrx Is Fifty Cwt. pw y~r, but R aou will r.l.rn tbl.C.npow with llllwfc. u I St.™., th. «rtll «• F~ '"■£ l, D’ J I l»r at* mouth, fua trial Wnualamatl VICK FUBLIsHIHi* COu, ■•ehM.or. ft. ¥•