The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 19, 1898, Image 5

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Bull. Lit y.uin county l< •l"'»‘‘ “ ""“ (rC M.dl»r. w. are entirely «er „ell ,».«?>■>« ll '“ l we ' s “ ~; "” Held tomorrow he would not loco. J t y vote, tn th. county nu be tJu him and bi- opponent..- Morgaut oll News. *1 o o It is evident that it u* Candler Rgft inetthe field, and from all inclination it w* ll be Candler, Greeiuboro Herald-Journal. 000 The rumors of war have played llftVJC with Berner and Atkinson’s chances tor the gubernatorial office. - M r- Candler will evident ly be ’ Georgia’s next governor. This i» our conviction at present, though we are opposed to his election.-Cordele Sentinel. 000 Coloael Candler, according to present indications, will go into the convention with a clear majority over ail opposition, and have votes to spare. Pickens County Herald. 000 There are no orphan asylums in Australia. Every child who is not supported by parents becomes a ward of the Government, and ja paid apension and placed in a private family, where board and clothes are provided. 000 The Ninth and Tenth regiments of cavalry and the Twenty fourth and Twenty fifth United Stated infantry are negro troops. As it is believed these can best stand the climate oi Cuban it is probable they will be sent to the front first in case of actual warfare and the occupation of Cuba by Amer ican arms, 000 The king of Denmark has been on the throne 35 y are and he and Lis q iweu ara both SO years old They have lived to see all their children in I igh royal station, their daughter, the princess of Vales, likely to become the queen of Eng'nnd. Their reign hasbeen long aud peaceful, and the evening of their lives is as -alm as a sum mer sunset. 000 Herbert N. Morris, son of the Chicago millionaire packer, Nelson Norri-i, has just died at the age of *- 1’ >ur months ago he was a model of physical strength and vigor and had everything that wealth could procure to make him ha PPY At his marriage last year hit father handed him a chock for ® million dellars as a wedding gift, which was only in addition to many forniei princely gifts. But deall is no re p>ctor of persons st'd seems more apt to come to so those who are best fitted for bb, than those who are most auxi iUs for death. 000 America has no distinctive na honal anthem, nothing that is »o this country what the “Marseil to France or “Die Wach 8111 Rhine’ to Germany. There is one tune that has the peculiar Am-ricao rillg ts) . t thftt jngpire6 80 iers as they were never moved > 1 ie strai n(j of "'La Paloma.” 11,1 ■" "Dixie.” It .ill not. e the same significance now la R had from 1861 to 1865, Its “° teß would greet a united ’’“ntry and a spirit that is as p J :o, ic in Georgia as in Maine. City World ANNOUNCEMENT. In it by announce myself a “pilule for the legislature. “ >,ec ‘ io the democratic pri luary June 6th. J. B. Nevin. p Something nice for dinner is a ? n . of Tenney’s Cali- Tna!? fruit ’ 8° to L. G. roc)d and get one. Eczema All Her Life. Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga., Bays that his daughter, Ida, inherited a severe case of Eczema, which the usual nurcury and potash remedies failed to relieve. Year by.year she was treated with various medicines, external appli cations and internal remedies, without result. Her sufferings were intense, and her condition grew steadily worse. AH the so-called blood remedies did not seem to reach the dis ease at all until S. S'S; was fff ven > when an * n, P rove mc’'t tU was once noticed. V uJS .'Jr The medicine was continuecd with fav- —•orable results, and now s,,e i® cured f sound and well, her T/Vmvr^ 1 "' « ■■ * • J ' A z she has been saved from what threat ened to blight her life forever. S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable} cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu matism, or any other blood trouble. It is a real blocd remedy and always cures even after all else fails. A Real Blood Remedy, Take a blood remedy for a blood disease; a tonic won’t cure it. Our books on blood and zpk skin diseases mailed free to WA any address. .* VI Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, Floyd County . To all whom it. may concern : Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a 4’h. year’s support to Mrs. Mary Park Howel, the widow of T. F. H >wel, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judg ment of the Court at the May term, 1898, of the court of Ordin ary. This April 4. 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County,Georgia. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. Georgia, Floyd County : To all whom it may concei i: George W. Williaman having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of R. \V. Richardson, late of said county, deceased. 'Phis is to cite all and singular the creditors and next, of kin of R. W. Richardson to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they ci n, why pennant nt administration should not be granted to George W. Williaman o.i R. W. Rich ardson’s estate. Witness my hand add official signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary . • . YEARS SUPPORT. GEORGIA, FLoYD COUNTY. To ail whom it may concern, i Notice is hereby given, that j the appraiser* appointed to set apart and assign a suplimental year’s support to Mrs Georgiana M. George, the widow of Junius A George, deceased, have filed tbeir award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the Judgment of the Court at the April term. 1898, of the Court of Ordinary, This March 8 1898 . John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia. NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at the court bouse door of said county on the first Tuesday' in April next within the legal hours of sale, the following property towit. —Sjuth half of lot No. 177, containing 80 ecres, North half lot No. 185 containing 80 b res, 30 acres eff l n t No. 184 all in 22nd District and Third Section known as the home place whereon the deceased resided at the time of his death, containing in all 190 actes more or less, sold l as the propertv of Hulbert Evans, j late of said county, I Terms of sale cash. This Bth day I of March. 1898. Julius W. Evans. Executor. ! For a good smoke try War era’ “Extra Good” cigars. FURI-TITTRE Every dny now brings us heavy ship ments of standard and seasonable fur niture, ana with the coming of spring we have already received a CAR-LOAD OK BABY CAR EUAGES All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beau-.y and strength • MATTING-S. KUG-S, CA RLPETS In this department we have received for the spring trade one car load of • mattidg which we imported direct from Japan. Here you can find new patterns and the prettiest, of designs and at remarkably low prices. stoves. Do you need a new stove in ycur kitchen? Then call on us and you will go no where else. We have the best and that means an economic stove in every sense of the word. THE MIK WWE CD 305 Broad st- Phone 52- Undertakers, Embalmers, and Fu= neral Directors. ■MAafc<‘iria ■ miujh— -»r -• ir -ii--' i»< >l inMiirirr—ni—nMrfciinn>vwi—n—> ■ • • ■no TO II lln Ki a I ■ u ’ ■— U ■ I April Sals Os Bicycles, Musical Instru ments, Sheet Music. From now until May 1, when we propose to m jve into our new store, we will sell our entire stock of above named goods at slaughtered prices. We desire to closa out the en tire stock before wa move. We are in a position to sell you; even if you are only half interested. . Come an 1 see oar stack, es pecially our wheel stock. A nundred makes co select from. All good makes of wheels. iliU iSU aft* iD xQj sM* €2? HP® Everything in the drug line and a full line of druggists sun dries. “rwuTf-r Sod.” Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription department has been the feature of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. C. /%. TRE>/BTnr, 331 Broad. Telephone 110 . . ... J. I A WHOLE CLUJ ! ffl f ; Ca la || . Make || i .■. . ® R Better J -'L Ti m e | I <3 .... a h i::£ < J ~ I ; •; eF copvaiGH t. jog? ’ f I carry a full and cnnplete line of jewelry, iuclu* J I ding Diamonds Era S :i’E My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- S~;E or more complete. I WEDDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. • I J. K Williamson ||. u;Ee ’ Li I • ~ :qjUiuiKUluiuiuuiimiiaiimiuiuujiminhmiuiummuiiimimuniiiin4nuiiiunuiHuimmiiiimimiiuiinnnm's:: :u:::::::::::::::: ::::::iA::::::::::i *■■” *• ♦••♦•»• ••F t » ••• . 4rt fMt• t• ♦ • • ••• • • t-t r . r»twaxt-1 t a t t'M ? aww— wimiwiw-giia. g ww — L ~ —mi mm i if— CANDY yJy CATHARTIC » : VoidcaieVd * W&h CURE CONSTIPATION ,oc 250 50c druggists L Mi ~~ -- ------ ... . —.7. 'A J| n m n n $ I pm Idsio fib - Blood. it ' nJ 1 . 2 in in A POSITIVE' COPE CP DYSPEPSIA, KfILIBIA I ' ill iX’Li.B /’ mH. fiSiPP. I “ BILIOUSNESS. SIGMEADACBL 8 II ji A'i I $ GENERAL DEBILITY. 5.J I 'I PI’KFFOft KIDK£Y,LIVER % [fl U n.Kt.>o<k sSptM « p |J AT AL.u Will Keep your j 1)1 DRUGGISTS. S Oi '" .'J II ,v£R I fl 49 ™ f151 111 Marion St, N. I. 5 p I* Nra9 E c ’’ !n9 "Tndo ? I Mak " Wl ” a 10 n ’ 7ER LIVER PILLS 25 CENTS. , rtuelv Vegetnbk Vil .: rc 2i)iousM< > °s, Constlpati' ■ Piles. Sick lletS-ic-c. and J , Dyspepsia. Smail K*.,y laket U THE HODEL LAUNDRY | Is doing the best of work and guaran tees satisfaction. Prices are most reasonable. Fine work a specialty. 1 iwl I £jLul| [ Permanently cured by n<nng DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and the Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHI'I EHALL MEGKIMDIE CO.. South Bend, Indiana