The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 19, 1898, Image 7

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"Z—-- — — 111 -■ r- — b ‘’ kir -’ powder T*e *o» al ‘ wa | te.l. show it «oes 0..e --«-rthor th.m any other f? M hc«3 _ BaW bb ,0« L s - liOmEE Ijlo be |We a Major General TOLERE DIXIE SOLDIERS in the Army of Invasion if War Conies. Richmond, Va„ April 19. General Fitzhugh Lee was asked last night if he anticipated being made a major general in the United States army. U 1 was tl)6 laconic r©* ply, “I will certainly have some general office tendered me.” “Has the president assured you of this?" was asked. •‘I can’t say as to that point,” was his reply. “The president and I have some conversa tion.” “Is it true that Assistant Sec retary of the Navy Roosevelt lias requested vou to appoint him on your staff?" asked the report er. “I see a New York paper says so,” answered the general, shov ing the paper over to the report- er. “That does not answer the question," ventured the scribe “Well, Mr. Roosevelt has spoken to me about a st; ts ap pointment,” said Gsneral Lee. “Will y>u appoint him?” asked the reporter. “There's where quien sabe comes in—that’s Spanish for ‘who knows,’ ” answered the general. Don’t you think that Cuba will prove unhealthy for the soldiers of this country who go thereto drive the Spaniards out?” “Not especially so, if they keep under cover at night. The dews will be most dangerous for them, and these they can easily avoid.” “I suppose the soldiers of an invasion of Cuba will be select ed from ainoqg the soldiers of Die extreme South.” ‘Not at all,” replied General Lee. “As I understand it the brigades will be made up of men from all over the union. Regi ments from the North and South w dl fight side by side.” STREET attractions Not the least of the sights of fered by Chattanooga during her spring Festival May 8, 4 and 5 dl be the side attractions such 89 the manufacturers’ exhibit, the w " mß u’s display and the* hand decorated buildings. The reels win be brilliant with gay C °? r8 ‘ j°yous crowds and the 1 uis attractions always atten- ? U ' t UDO “ suc h events. Music will M urmshed by several fi fJ e bands f “re will hardly be a mirute wi'l >' C ? Borne ,or, n of amusement B-udeg hJ Urn ' Shed ,he pnbl,C of in' lere urH 80 maD y points that b reHt i arou,l d Chattanooga •nd nU cou 'd he profitably themuVn" 1 y H Petit in visiting «^.xr hi,,g goiDK PUHH Y PERSONAL Mr. .Joe Bamiltii) returned to Etna, today. Try Gas Shropshin’s Fiench I chewing Lundy Its fine Mr B F. Montg- in -ry w< n to 1, ndide. on I tininess today. Atr R. T. Fouche, has returned from a business trip toCedartowi . Mr, Will Parks went down to Piedmon', on busihest t is raorn i Klip Williamson returned from a business trip to Anniston today. Mr, L. A. Dean, went down to At'anta, on legal business this morning Mr James II Thorn well, of Fcrt Mill, S. C , is registered at the N w Central today. Mrs. J.B. Matthews left thi morning for Acworth, to spend several weeks with friends. Mrs. W. J. Nunnally returned this morning from a pleasant visit to relatives in Chicamauga. National guardsmen, under the federal consti tutioii can only be called out to repel an invasion or to suppress an insurrection. Rev. Wesley Harris arrived in the city this m< ruing fr< m Austel to attend the funeral of his father Dr. Cramp Harris. Mr. Max Kuttner, after a de lightful trip to New York and to friends at Poughkeeps e, re turned home yes erday via steamer to Savannah Mr. B. C. Orear, a popular ex- Ranan, but now making, his heme in Alabama, is shaking hands with his many friends in the city today. Dr. Frank Cordell, of Trion, was in the city yesterday the guest of Mr. W. L. Collier. He is en route to Cumberland Island to attend the Georgia State Med ical Association. First MethodibT. —The services were unusually interesting at the First Methodist church, last night Rev. J. H. Eikes preached a powerful and beautiful sermon, from Luke, lb chapter 17-18 verses. Special music have been arrang d for each service. Mrs. S, II Dimon, delighted the large congregation with a snlc. A large number have united with the churcl J lui iug the revival services. Great interest is being taken in the service and a great work for the Lord is being done. Second Bapti t --We are glad to announce that Rev. 0. P. Gil bert pastor of the 2nd Bap’ist Church will begin a series of meet ings on Wednesday night. He is an able speaker, earnest and zeal ous. We wish him grand success in this meeting. The public gen erally are invited, therefwill be two services each day, one at 4 o’c'ock in the afternoon and one at 7:30 o’clock each evening. Go and en courage this work. ATTENTION, CO. 11 N. R. K. of P. You are hereby commanded to appear m fatigue uniform at Castle Hall Thursday evening the 21st 730 p. m. Business of importance, It is desirable that every member be present. By order of J. B F. Lumpkin Capt. Comanding Co. 11. R, W. Lewis, Recorder CHY TAX RETURNS. All persons, resident and doing business in the city of Rome, are notified to make their returns of personal property to the clerk of council, at the City Hall, by the first day of May, 1898, as other wise, they are subject to double tax for failure to make returns. Halsted Smith Clerk of Council. April 19, 1898. If the torpedo boat is such a dreadful thing to contemplate, why should we not abandon our cruisers and battleships alto gether and go i.i for nothing but torpedo flotillas ? 1 vi *BM i WWI S. B Pullen Every b< dy at Seney Ga. knows Mr S. B. Pullen but every one dont know that it is dim a thor ough commercial cour-e which he completed recently at Rome Business Col lege which procured him a good position with Hand A Co of this city. This popular and Substantial Wholesale and Retail Grocery Co. will no doubt find Mr Pu'leu a most capable and worthy: youag man, Now IS THE TIME to ENTER ROME | I BUSINESS COLLEGE. Because, the ensuing three months are the best for study. B cause the college will accept 1 a time note now for'uition. Because, by entering now you will complete at a good time of the year for procuring employ ment. The college received more | applications last year during-I July and August for its gradu- ’ ates than could be supplied. A dozen or more poung peo- , pie in Rome and vicinity ought to begin a course of Commercial I training now at Rome Business College. 11. S. Shockley, Principal. Dr Tayor, experiei ced optician \ is at Wooten’s Drug store, 309 Broad St. fora few days. Eyes examined free. ■'• '.LL ' ■ J?) 'X 1 - wm ■ i Q BAYS I have 3 more days of Dr. Lowe’s service and will be pleas ed to have any of my friends to take advantage ot his acknowl edged skill and experience. This does not obligate you to buy glasses. If you want them I will sell them at the regul-ir price with mv personal guarantee. Hours for examination 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. B. F. ROARK, J eweler. It rests with you whether you nerve klllii h- l.u.a. i o habit. removes tbe tivuiri tor tobacco, , V .iiitnervousdislresu. expeUnieo-f-'TW 1«. JfT'w tine, purifle. Che blood. ® stores lost manhood. IL; makes you strong j, VtfW >v in health iiCl'Vt 0 castrtCUtfd Buj a >d doekeu TO HA< froin book your own drug Fist. wbo •• W n vouch for us. T»h-‘ with it W pati. fitly, verMfteuidy One k usually cures; 3 boxes. S 2 50. MjaO guaranteed tocurr, or we rcfunc tnonev Sartin* lew Turk. in ni mu uh NEW II O SIEI ?V, I ISTEW OZiOTZZITZO J NEW XIY’KWHAR- I • ■ . -I - 4- You can’t go wrong if you go to | I B. WiTTO & SON. ’ '. 1 For your spring suit o>- hit You ara entitled to the newest and best your money will buy We are here to serve you. Ng matter what your I wants in | CLOTBINB, HATS OR IFURNISHINGS. i Come to us, we will treat you rig V i i q lality and I prices. | J, B, WATTERS & SDN j 242 and 244 Broa Street, Rome, Ga. Ji DRIVE HIM OUT ] ] H . - v < t"t <;<-■ quietly ; he has juudc trouble long enough, Uncle Sam thinks Drive diseases from your system by using Curry’s Liver con.pound as a spring medicine, *or you will have trouble before the summer is over. Curry’s Liver Compound is the best spring medicine for “that tirtd feeling’’ and run down condition caused by a dis ordered condit on of the blood. N ) I’ICE. For the purpose l of s ctning tax ( relurns, I will b j at the court ? house evr ry Saturday uu'i 1 . May 20th and very day thereafter uu- I 11 June 2()i h. At the March m et ing of the Board .of roads and rev enue they passed a resolution compelling me as tax receiver to comply with the law and doubln i fax every (mt-w ho lads to make hi- 1 r->tu ius properly and that in .he sp'’.'d time. Djnt fore? me to do thi- Lui make your re turns promptly. R L. Fos*e". Tax Receiver. Floyd Co | THE DANGERS OF SPRING i Which arise from impurities in the blood and a depleted condi tion of this vital fluid may be entirely averted by Hood’s Sar saparilla. This great medicine , cures all spring humors, boils ( eruptions and sores, and by en- ; ric.iing and vitalizing the blood, ( it overcomes that tjred feeling 1 and gives vitality and vigor. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, hiiliousness and liver J ills. Pru t 25 cents. • H CITY MARTHALLS NOTICE! j On, and after this date, the ij stock ordinance of the city of Rome will be enforced. This is to . nutify all owners of stcck, and I especially of cows, that the im- j pounding fee will be collected in each and every case. J. B. Shropshire fcCi’y Marshal. Apil7 98 ts. $i.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for $i J. A. GA . li)N S COMPANY 1 -ARE WAITING - .“7 I S ! .I---''' ■ . fhegreatest line of negligee shirts ever shown in Rome. >1 J. A. GAHMON & CO. | lil £ F. HANSON. NOIUiIS N. SMITH. jf' i THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. f I © U g Plumbing and Tinning. | x Engineers’ and machinists’ ; | C supplies. Stoves, ranges and ' 1 G tinware. Gas and electric fix= $ I || tures. INSURANCE gasoline I! H stoves. Water meters. C II © 325 Broad st. Phone 32. < <z II I I JHB | !• g W niiAJJßiiiffliii iTp I’ermanently cured by usinf DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and tho heri. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents |m per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGIUMINE CO.. South. Bend, Indian* for everyone in Rome to conifl in ami see the magnificent on men’s ami boy’s cloihiipM bicycle and golf suits, is wlna we are doing, but we are husjt lling while we wait. We wi i show you the finest stock < clothing, made from the newel styles and patterns in I'abrick.; perfect fitting and handsome, til | be found in Georgia, and the® are above competition in value - J for the price.