The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 19, 1898, Image 8

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REMEMBER THETIME. /%■"»«■ Be Os. APRIL2I, 22 and 23 A.BRT L 2J . 22. and I mJ 1 JJ U | Are absolutely without an equal. Have no competition. We make no as sertions which ' | cannot substantiate. We invite you t j our store to witness the perfect operation of these ‘ 'z/? *k 7 i I wonderful stoves and rani* s we shall give an exhibition, | ' and Durability of > Co mmencin gT h u rsd ay astern oo nandconli nui n g Friday andSa tu rd ay. 22d and 23 | 'WWHITE ENAMEL | and we earnestly desire the presence of every housekeeper in the oity. On Saturday 23d I 1 ’'■ C 1 " 11 « 1 recommend it at once to aii neat ® we w j 11 give away thebea ti ul nickle -p 1 a ted range to the successful little girl undari« X Jr housekeepers. Being fused into W * * kier |J <•* the iron, it will last is long as the *. . . ■ . . • ■ ■ r* i • * t ■ i t i < I E'pfcf stove itself, and by cleaning occasionally Hith a damp jr yeai'scf age, whe makes and bakes th 3be st oan of biscuits on the Bucks range atour £ J cloth, it •will retain its purity forever. V Hi Sft If STOVES | store. Ihe contest is open to every little girl in the city. C )ntest for girls 230t0 sp, DUull vand RANGES. | Saturday, April 23d. We will also show you the prettiest Furniture evjr put on exhibition Sold everywhere in preference to all others. , JVECIDOTT-A CO. 61IM10 UK AND THERE. Truly they are “gathered here and there.” First a youth bubbling with joy and song ; filled to the over flowing with the careless disre gard of an ever pi esent sum mons. Then a man, in the prime of life; secure in the success behind, ladened with hope fortlie days to come. Then the whitehaired Veteran of many stormy years; finding joy in being ever ready for the! Silent Messenger ami looking to an eternal reward. Death comes alike to all and . oft the same prayerful whisper that says “Thy will be done,” \\ hen the father dies, finds its wav into the Holy Presence in the company of a baby’s soul. No man knows when he shall be called, and oftentimes the strongest oak is the first to fall. o o o 1 have been thinking of the death of Dr. C. S. Harris, on yesterday. 1 was very much shocked when I heard it. He seemed in t'ne best of health when I last saw him and I had no idea but what he was to be among us for many, many days to come. Saturday afternoon 1 was lru"hing and talking witli him, and no man then would have said for one moment that his davs numbered less than ten years. And yet today he lies cold in death. Ob, how well do I know the feeling of those he leaves be hind. Dow well do 1 Know the anguish and pain that his sud den death has caused their hearts. Someone has said ‘’One touch of Nifture makes the whole world kin.” 1 know it is true. When the father leaves the fireside, it leaves a pain that never dies and never will go away until Death in his turn claims you also. They ’do not know yet how deep the wound is. They do not yet realize that his kindly counsel and advice is from henceforth forever denied th in. They do not yet realize that one always flowing spring of sympathy, forgiveness, good cheer ami heartfelt generosity has ceased to give forth its abundant and refreshing waters l and that beside its cooling banks they never more shall slake the thirst of a weary heart. o o o Dr. Harris was a kindly man and took life as a thing of beau ty and as something to be en joyed. For mo he always had a cher ry word. 1 used to see a great deal of him when he had his of fice with Reese & Whitehead, and at that time there somehow sprang up a friendship between us that never ended to the day of his death. He never said anything in my’ presence that was slanderous to his fellowmam, ami though we sometimes entertained different views upon given su jects, he always treated those who differ ed with him most considei ately. o o o As a Mason my acquaintance with him was necessarily limit ed, and yet I saw enough of him during the recent Masonic cele bration to know' that he stood high among the craftsmen and was a loyal, zealous Mason. The terms he used in speak ing of his church and his lodge impressed me very much. They bespoke a spirit of loyalty to each. o o o It is hard to realize that Dr. Harris is indeed dead. In his own peculiar way he was a ministering angel to some of the humbler people of this c immunity, and theie is many an aching heart in Rome today among the poor people on ac count of this good man’s death. As for me —I shall miss his hearty words of greeting and bis vigorous hand-shake. Somehow I always looked for a big smile when I saw him and I always had one in answer. 1 like that kind of a man ami I shall miss Dr. Harris. •J. B. N. On the morning of Fell* 20, 1895, 1 was sick with rheuma tism, and 1 lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle ol (Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The first appl cation of it relieved me almost entirely from the pain and the second afforded com plete relief. Ina short tinm 1 was able to be up and about again.—A. T. Moreaux, Luv erne, tylinn. Sold by all drug gists. Hosa, Garden 4ose.- Fuil line of best gradd Hose sold atlowprices by The Hanson Sue ply Company. Fancy asparagus, new beets, green peas (home laised) at Lloyd's. BIG IMPROVEMENT. Capacity of Gas Works to be Increased. I’he Rome Gas Light Compa ny will make a $ 10 000 improve ment on their plant in Rome at once and increase the capacity of the plant to double the amount of gas now made. A large foice of hands com menced work this morning rais ing the buildings three feet, to the standard grade on Broad St. I A large building will be erect ed and used for the new boilers and steam jets. , Two benches and four retorts will be put up. The old dynamo building will be used as a purifying room. A large main will be run to East Rome and Fifth ward. Sev | cral car loads of pipe arrived this morning and work will be 1 pushed as rapidly as possible. They will make 60,000 feet of gas daily. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION, GEORGIA FLO V D COUNTY. To all whom in may concern. Frank C. Wilkerson having in proper form to me for permanent letters of administra tion on the estate of William J. Wilkerson late of said county de ceased. This is to cite all and sin gular the creditors and next of I kin of William J. Wilkerson to be and appear at my office within the . time allowed ly law and show cause if any th y can why perma nent administration should not be granted ta Frank C. Wilker son on William J. Wilkerson’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. WHEN TRAVELING Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effect nail y on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches, and other forms of sick ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by ail leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig iSyrup Company only. BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime .comes, use the true and perfect remedy. Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents. Buy Ihe genuine. Manu factured bv tne California Fig Syrup Company only, and for sale by ali druggists. Fresh snap Beans and fancy asparagus at Lloyd’s Condensed Schedule in Effect January 16, IS9H. - t a i i«• \ - No 10 No 14 No 8 Ev"chattuuooga 8 ooam 6 lopm HMX’ptn Ar Dalton 9.23 am 7.2Upni 12 10am Ar Rome 10.40 am 8.21 pm 1.40 am Ar Atlanui I.loam* 10 4opm S.OMm Lv Atlanta 4.20 pm 10.55 pm 5.20 am Ai Macon. 710 pm I 05am 8. lOu tn j Ar Jesup 5 46am 2.38 pm j Ar Everett 6 25am 3.25 pm Ai Joel.sonville s tOum 9 25pm Lv Jesup 10 "1 am 6 50pm Ai Jacksonville .... I.oopm 10.15 pm Lv Everet t 6 55am 3 3 ipm Ai Bruniwick 7 55am| i 30pm No. 8 parries Pullman Sleeping Car Chutta n • >ga to Atlanta. No. 10 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Chattan. oga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullman Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping Car ChuiUnoOu'a to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brunswick STATIONS No 7 No 9 No Id Lv Atlanta 7.50 am 2.20 pm 5.30 am Ar Rome 10.15 am 4.45 pm 7.37 am Ar Dalton U.3sum 5.54 pm 8.38 am Ar Chattanooga I.oopm 7.20pn.| 9 suam L.• Chattanooga 7..>0pml 10 (Mam Ar Burgin *,4 1 *pm Ai Lexington .... L3uain 5.00 pm Ar Louisville. .. 7.27 am 7.30 pm A i <'in •is i) <ll 7.20 am 7.30 pm Lv Ch >ga (.25 pm 115 am 125 pm A> Nastiville . _ 6.55 pm 6 10am| 655 pm No 7 rarrie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chatiaiio ga. No 9 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Atlanta io Cincinnati and Pullman Sleeping Cur Chattanooga to Louisville No. 13 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta i to Cincinnati without change SI \TH »NS. No 6 No. 12 Nd. 16 Lv Chattun<»oga .... 10.00 am 4. loam 6.20 pm A Knoxville 115 pm 8.05 am 9.50 pm Ai Morristi wn 2 44pm 9.50 am 10.55 pm Ar Hot Springs 11.46 am 12.23 am Ar Asheville 1.15 pm 1.39 am Ar Salisbury 6 40pm! 6.00:im Ar Greensboro 9.52 pm! 8.50 am Ar Raleigh ... 7 luam 11.45 am Ar Norfolk 5.25 pm A Wa hington.. ee 642 am 9.25 pm Ar New York 12 43pm 6.23 am No 12 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to New York via Asheville and Sal isbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond (J.oOa m No. 16 Is solid train Chattanooga to Norloik, With Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Raleigh without change Close connections made al Norfolk with steamers for Baltimore. New York and Boston. Pullman Sleeping Car Salisbury to New York via Washington. --I a I . No [6 *’ No. IF Lv Chattanooga ... 6.20 pm 10.00 am Ar Knoxville 9.50 pm 1.15 am Ar Morristown 12 01am 2.44 pm Ar Bristol 5.00 am 5.15 pm Ar Washington 11.25 pm 7 4< .‘tin Ar New York 625 am 1.20pw No. 6. carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Chatta nooga to Washingt n and Chattan oga to New York without change No 16 carries Pullman Sleeping Car'"’t’M‘ sooga_to^Knuxville and Knoxville to Bri toi s i a 1 1 No Lv Rome 7~.’ 16.<Lnr Ar Anniston 1 <Mpu Ar Birmingham iu.uopri Ar Seims s.3upn Ar Meridian v 50pti Ar New Orleans s ; Ar Jackson .; . 9 45un Ar Vicksburg 11.35 an Ar Shreveport 7.20pn tNo 15 ; V r 272 16 1,1 2.15 pm, sOipm Lv Rome . ar 1U (Klam W 3e'an) 6.00 pm 7.1.5 pm Ar Gad den ar 6.35 am! 7.Rare _&3optnl 7.30 pm Ar Atlanta l'/| 6.15 am; 7.ouaa 7 Daily except Sunday $ Sunday only F S. GANNON, 3d v p Si a m Washington, D C J M. CULP. Traf Mgr., Washington. D C W A TURK. G P A., Washington, D C. C. A. BKNSCOTER, a_G. r. A. I C'iauanoog» s TaiK * DIETZ ♦ No. 3 Street Lamp HAS A SHINING RECORD OF 20 YEARS. It is offered as an effectual ( antidote for "outer - --=■■--■ J darkness," an<l i> thor- / oughly well made on I Y | I scientific principles. I - 7“~fxL !It will give more light , 1 niFTT Fn'r than any gas-burning / ICICIMI \ do it cheaper and / tubuiu \ doit with kerosene (coai STRUT LAMP \ oil). I \ It run be lit and rejju- | I [ I j lated from the outside; \ \ despite the wind; esn F ( i and will give you entire u v satisfaction, by reason 1.. v of its absolute relia* Jiw hiiity- ’ . It io but one member of N. an enormous family of *’ light £oods ” that we I build, and to whom we I I would be glad to intro- duce you by "Neans of our Catalogue, which we mail free upon applk tion. ’ If you insist upon having the very best goods made, your dealer will give you “ lllrto.** If you i annot obtain this Lamp of your dealer, we will deliver it. freight prepaid, to any part of the ’J.S. or Canada, upon receipt of its price, viz.. $6.00. R. E. DIETZ CO., 60 Laight Street, New York. Lntabtisbcd in 1840. * FOR THE BEST ANO PVR ESI OR 00 n i I ■; ’• ' • M ft "'; 1 puna va nuiiu .£ C )m2 to us. We h ive them. JL DON'T FORGET OT I J 1 ■u * T Now is the time to kill bed bugs, Trj a bottle of our BTTGr-I - CIDE JERVIS & WRIGHI Uptown Druggists. o 00000800000800000000000.. • 8 B F. Montgomery | I 8 227, BROAD ST. t<- ! SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFt | Insurance j Q WE NU4BKII AMONG DUR BISKS MANY OF THE j Q VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY ANDCOUNfY' WANTED' —We waiit wbb’-awnke ngonfs to repr e9P ’ 1 ; / , >ur ccmpanios in the coinitie■< of Po’k, Bartow, Hoy<i> ; q Chattooga, G<>rd<>n, Walker, Whitfiuld, Catoosa H,l< ; Dade, (.'all on or addreea us at our Rome office, Q JB F. MONTGOMERY Gkn’l Agt, oc »■» ► OOOQOC3OOO -* — OOCOOOOOCX X X JCXX 'O' X.XX xdooout