The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 20, 1898, Image 3

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POLO PONIES. , cheap Materia* to »<’ Fotm* la •*’ d l’o.Uau K -Hory. , England tilt ’ re is a ve V ' and active demand for polo pomes g tiiat seem ujormouawhencoiu- bo-tloA are general tu the .1 State* J» England polo pomes -pecilieully for the purpose of Ble b Liu the game and are for the 'thoroughbred. In fact, all po must carry the blood of the ° P horse in greater or less degree in at they may possess the requisite ° 11 and dash, courage and endurance, £!.«»« ...,a of Tb>. r of production entails a large ex Xd mre of money, and as the training J “ polo pony is a long, tedious and ex oLdve process a large price must ueces £ - be obtained if a profit is to accrue i the transaction. In the United States the raw material may be obtained ± h more cheaply than in England- Lt is to say. ponies of suitable me, breeding ami age way be bought thorn o ghly broken to ride or very much 2 than ponies of similar powcrs and raining may bo had in England. In the Indian Territory thoroughbred stat lions hare been used on the ranges f < neveral years, so that many of tho pomes there carry two and even three crosses of blood. These ponies are broken m the manner peculiar to the plains of Amer ica and m use driving their own kind or cattle acquire very quickly the knack of wheeling shortly around at .nil speed and of stopping to a dead standstill in a very few strides. These two aceom- Dlisbments, so vital to the excellence of the polo pony, have not to bo learned when the process of training has been begun, and moreover tho purchaser takes no risk of getting animals whose legswill not stand thostrain. For from »40 to $75 a very line selection of well bred ponies may be bought in the Indian Territory, which is remarkably cheap considering that much of their educa tion for use on the field has ulruudy b*uu finished —Horseman. Her Mcasnre. A new arrival as priestess of an up town kitchen was giving to her mistress the other day her formula for a certain sort of gingerbread: “And thin conies tho molasses, mum,” recited tho cook. Yo wi.nt about three gulhips of molasses.” “Gullups, Ann?” interrupted her wondering listener. “V, hat are they?” “Ooh, sure,don’tyoknow, mum?” replied Ann. “Whin molasses is out of tho jug, it comes in gullups like—them’s what Imanel” —New’ York Times. In Win Enthusiasm. Judge (to prisoner)—Why did you take only tho money and leave the basket of silver? Prisoner—Because it was too heavy. Judge (excitedly) Aren’t you •shamed of yourself, you lazy man? —Fhoeende Blatter JtuHftiA** Greatest Ambition. In Constantinople centers the vastest ambitions of the race of czars. For over a century the great whi(o power has descended toward the queen of cities. Over mountains ha she come, hostile peoples has she subdued, treaties has she made and treaties has she torn up, armies has she raised and qavies built, wars has she waged and countries has she absorbed in her march. On the sur face lur policy has changed so often that the story of them would be a tapes try for variegation. At heart it has never altered one iota. She is coming to the Mediterranean, and she is coming there through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles. Her purpose is as fixed a# fate, and she is prepared to be as pa tient as Providence in its accomplish ment. But so long as she exists she will never relinquish it. Bit by bit Turkey bun rotted; step by st- p the Cossack, with hie cross, has advanced. Today he “ almost within striking distance.—» *kmry Norman in Cosmopolis. Svr 1 * r method and results when ind Tr t'-® 8 * S ta^en ? *f *s pleasant „ e “ ng totlie Me. and acts ye > l\ roni I ,tl y «n the Kidneys,' tern , ' ,wels ’ Jeanses the sys- y ’ diß P el « colds, head consti, r feVerß and cures habitual SL °? ? yiu P of Fi S B the duced ° f ltS kllld eVer P r °- cebtahu t Casi .”= the taste and ac »ts acti ° t i >e Rtom ach. prompt in effect/? aU truly beneficial in its healthvm> t! r ared ° nly from 1110 most ***anv eve 'll a '4’’ eea ble substances, its to ail qn'i < i nt 'l ,,allt ies commend it cent bmH 1 P J gS is for Ra ‘ e in 50 Ri?ts a by ail drug .a?v no? rtdlable druggist who C( have it on Land will pro wis besto P ™7£ ly l or an y° ne "ho substitute. J lt ' Donot accept any FIG SYRUP CO, <HM IU ?" Kr F,tAN “ ac °' CAL • <r - hew runt, <r. ;; What Shall ? :: Be Done | ’ : FOR THE DELICATE GIRL 1 n You have tried iron and I i i other tonics. But she keeps f i > pale and thin. Her sallow f < i complexion worries you. Per- 4 ’' haps she has a little hacking 4 ' ' cough also. Her head aches; 2 ’’ and she cannot study. Give her • ; : Scon’s Emulsion | ' ' The oil will feed her wasting £ u body; the glycerine will soothe • ' ' her cough, and the hypophos- 4 u phites will give new power and 4 ’ J vigor to her nerves and brain. 4 (( Never say you 44 cannot ? (( take cod-liver oil” until you i <» have tried Scott’s Emulsion. A <» You will be obliged to change • <• your opinion at once. Children f 1 1 especially become very fond • ’ of it; and infants do not know 4 * ’ when it is added to their food. 4 50c. and SI.OO ; all druggists. I SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. X It rests with you whether you continue th • nerv< -killing tobacco habit. NO-TO-BAt ii’inovi'. tliedcmn 'Ol t a.-- <>. with out nervous dint rcsH expels it. • | tine, purities the blood, re. l ® stores lost inanhood.^^ - **KM| *7XIO boxes makes you ] J in health, n W *■-leases cured Bui and TO BA <’ front book, n : ’your own druggist. wh< fe vouch for us. Taire it with dOjcly , A gk ® will, patiently, persitteuxlv One Is&v L- ir’ SI, usually cures; 3 boxes. 52.50 guaranteed to cure, or we refunu money dlerllair Ifeaeuj Ce., (hleajro, ■onireal, hew lurk. PPLIUATION FOR LET FAR S OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas T. A. Thrash. Admiu ictrator of Mrs V F. Thrash, de ceased, represents t j the court in hie petition duly filed that he has admii.istered Mrs. V. F. Thrash’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindr d and creditors to show cause if any they can why iaid administrator should .not be discharged from his administra tion and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Mondav in May This Feb. 7th 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary SHERIFF’S SALES MAY 1898, GEORGfA FLOYD COUNTY ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday i i May 189 f the following d scribed property to wit: That trait or parcel of land sit uated. lying and being ip th nth D.strict and 4th Section of Floyd Ccunty, Ga., and being an undivided one third interest in each of the following described ots towit. land lot No. 309 & 304 in said district &?ection and con taining each 160 acres more or less, levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from Floyd City Court in favor of Mrs M. J. '•Vyatt trans, vs J. S. Wyatt as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place 25 acres of land on the north side >f lot No. 140 in the 4th , Dis trict & 4th., Section of Floyd •ounty, Ga., levied upon by virtue of a fifa issued from the Justice Co irt of the 855. District G. M., in favor of the Kennesaw Guano Co., vs. R B. Perry also levied upon by virtue of a tax fifa issued by V. T. Sanford T. C. in favor >f the State and County vs said R. B. Perry tor the year 1897 as (he property ot the defendant. Property pointed out by G. B. Holder levy made by W. E, Vann, L. C.. Also at the same time and place the following property towit: part of thp land lot Number 301, one hundred and forty aces the north west part of said lot in the ’22nd , District and 3rd Section at Floyd County Ga.. to satisfy tax execu ion in favi rof the State and bounty for the year 1897 against 1 W Haney agent as the prop erty of th« defendant, levy made by J. A. J nes L. C., Also at the same time and place, the following lot of land No. 316 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga , designated as lot No. 21 in the Cooley farm and plat of said survey, recorded in the clerk’s office in b< ok X of deeds page 66; levied upon by virtue of an • xecution issued f ora lhejustice ’‘•ouit of the 919th distr ct G. M. Floyd county, Ga. , in favor of Hill A Flowers for the use ol L. F. Dowdle vs Lizzie Campbell ; as th i property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. HEALTH CATECHISM. To bo Committed to Memory by All Dyspeptics Invalids, Con sumptives What *8 the cause of nilie-teuths of all disease? Imperle.’t. <! gt Hlinn of food. Why does imperftct dig “tton cause disease of other orgai s? Because l lood, nerves mu p cles, hone and flesh are derived from •he food w e eat and digest. If I digestion is perfect tie bkod is inure, neives find musees strong, 111 'ah firm. If th j d;g- s ion is poor, I the blood is Hippln d from half di • gL-1 d, ierm< niing food, mhating I’very nm ve and organ . The re sult is, sooner or later, organic disease, because ever) organ being poorly nourished the weakestgives wav first and we have liver 'rouble, kidney complaints, Ui-ease or consumption. Is not dieting the usil’il and beat tretnient to cure indigestion? No, because the dyspeptic has been starved long enough, what is needed is abundant nourishment not the lack of it. The stomach and blood demand nutriment, not bran crackers. What is the best method of cure? I’leantv of wholesome f-'od weil digested. But how can a weak stomach digest plenty of wholesome ford? By taking with the food after each meal ertain harmless rem edies which are known to diges' food and thus nourish the blood and r»st the weak stomach. What are these harmless rem edies? The most valuable ar < vegetable ferments, pure pepsin, Golden Seal and fruit salts All of these are now combined in the form of pleasant lasting tablets sold by druggists under the name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tab’ets. Are there tablets superior to the various liquid preparations sc ca'led dyspepsia cures? Most decidedly, because all liquid medicines become stale with age a' d lose whatever goed qualities they may have had orig inally, while the tablet retains its properties indefinitely. Stuart's Dysyepsia Tablets can be carried in the pocket, always at hand ready for use when traveling or at daily occupation . They cost but 50cts.and should b> kept in every family. They the digestion perfect and .-av ■ doctor’s bills by warding off disease. Are Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets adapted to all forms of dyspepsia? Yee, because in all cases the ‘rouble results fr tin m lige sted ferm.'iiting food. Stuart’s Dyspep sia Tablets cause the food t > be digested before it has time to ferment. If you wish to know more about them ask you r druggist tor a package and try them, NOTICE. The Tourist Sleeping Cur Line operated by the Southern Rail i way between Washington and Sm Francisco without change via New Orleans, has proven so successful that it has become nee- ssary to make a semi weekly service, the Westbound departure, being on vVednesday and Saturday of each week This sleeper offers sleeping car fucili;n sto persons hold’ng first or seccnd-class tickets, the berth rate being only $7.00 from Wash ington to San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Portland, berth being large enough for occupancy by two people, if desired, without extra charge. These Sleepers run through Texas, Ariz ma and New Mexico, and connect with similar cars for Oregon. Information in regard thereto tnuy be h’*d from any Southern Railway Ticket Agent, from Mr. I A. J. Poston, Gen I Agent. Sunset Tourist Excursions. 511 Penn Ave. N WWashington, D. C , or from Mr. W, A. Turk. G. I’. A. 1300 Penn. Ave. N. W., Washing ton, D. C. • When you want gro ceries go to Todd’s RANGES. I am agent tor Sout hern. Qiu eii Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance Safety Gas oline stoves- Call and see mvstock and get estimaes on your olumbitn or and tin work- Nevi door to oner a house. F. HANSOhI i»ee miu murnimi TO EVERYONE. Who sufters with any chronic disease of any part ot the human body, such as kidney anil blander, heart, liver and stomach troubles, face and skin eruptions, disorders ot the sex ual organs, sexual weakness and IndllTerein■» etc. Provided application be made at once. In or der that Its Inv.utions. appliances and neve, railing remedies may receive the widest possi bie publicity, and prove their owu merits bj actual use and permanent cures No monej whatever will be received by the State Medi cal Sanitarium from anyone under Its treat meut until beneticial results are acknowledged Its remedies and appliances have been com mended by the newspapers of two continents and endorsed by the greatest doctors in the world. Where developement Is desired they accmplish it and never tall to invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They infuse new life and energy. They per mauently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and produce despondency Tn.-y retone, refresh and restore to manhood regardless of age They cure evil habits and permanently remove their effects, as well as those ot excesses and overtaxed brain Work neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. N'< failure, no publicity, no deception, no disap pointment. Write today. State Medical Sanitarium, BvanSton, Illinois. Annual Sales 0ver6,000.000 Boxes t'OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in tho Stomach, Gid.llm ss. Fulness after meals, Head ache, Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings ol Heat., Loss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. C<>ld Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer wi.l acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. til :x :2 ASrs PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem mid cure sick Eleudaclie. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine In the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores. PROFESSIONiL CARDS ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHA-M, Law Office 2)0 E .st First Street, ; OVE GA. .CHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Home, Ga. Corporal >n Law Only. M B ±ll JBANKS. Atterney at law. OfficeKing Building. Rome, o a. W H EINTNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, •W J. NEEL, Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts. Special attention given to commercial law and the examication cf land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. • WALTER, HAR.R.IS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOM B de WILLI NOH A M Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building,;i< > me, Ga J SANDY CR.A.'WH’ORD; Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple. Route. Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 240 1-2 Broad. 4f Over Cantrell & Owens J. L PENNINGTON. D D S ,M D. ••'ENTIST: Office. 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. C H A-LIIL TO N. KI D Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building, Rome. Ga. O ce 'phone No. 62. D I 3 HAMMOND. M D . Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medical buildlug. Residence, No. 403 West First st. Gffice 'phone No. 62. LUMPKI 4 & PRINUTP, ATTO INEYB AT LAW, Rome, : : : : Georgia. General practice throughout North Georgia. Correspondence s.-licited. Special attention to mercantile collections. I RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Cu-ti” for Rheu natism and Neuralgia radically cures in I I to 8 days I'S action upon the I system is remarkable and myste rious. Il removes at once the cause Ind the disease immsdiately dis appears. The first dose greatly .benefits. 75 ceuis. Sold by Curry Arrington Co, Rome, Ga. In the Springtime is I the Painting Time We most respectfully call the at tention of the public to the fact that we carry all the shades and colors J of the standard 9 MIXED PAINTS turned out and put on the market by I LONGMAN & HARTINEZ, JOHN I UCAS & CO, j; LOWE BROTHERS. . II f she name of these firms upon a can of paint guarantees it to be the gen- | nine aruicle. 1 We also handle Collier white lead and Red Seal white lead. These brands are recognized by veterans as the best ever put on the market. ’ OILS * AND * VANISHES ’ Only the best grades should be * used and you will waste no time or money by coming to us at once. BRUSHES===For much of your in sida painting, if you will buy mixed paintsand brushes of us, you can do I the work at your own convenience I and suit your own taste. 6U RRY-fIRRINGTON 60. | £ £ S. Al Stark, I i 22 ■*< S 5 S UDIFS ANDGSinmniDR S *. « » * DoughertyJßldg, 2nd Ave £ ‘ IS rJH. P. WOOTEN & BIRO., S | Successors to JG PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. ■ We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in <2 the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. Jzr' We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en- J 3 ’ 5® deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. Full line of druggist’s Sundries, toilet articles and such things as are,usually* carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and f tobaecd. Come to see us/ VICK S SEEDS -THREE RAMBLER ROSES CRIMSON Will mak* a magnificent hedge, beautlfbl ehade for the piazza., or a charming bed. ConeUnt bloom ere per- ectiy hardy. One plant will produce thousand* of flowere. One each, only 40 conto« delivered VIPI/’Q Garden and fjlinp The Busy Wan’a Catalogue and tha Udlea’ Gardener and Ad riser. lIVR Floral . . VUIUD. The only one containing full Descriptions and Direction* for planting and culture; so com prebenii re, condensed, claw fled and indexed that Be Who Rune May Read. Many llluslialiona horn nature Coloreo plate* of Sweet Pea*. Nasturtium*, . Tuberoue Begonias, Golden Day Lily, Cactu* Dahlia*. Daybreak Asters. Beautifully emboaaod coter; I*2o larg» imges<ompletelv filled with honest illustrations FREE upon application. Vick’. SeeU. Never Pl.Bppqft. JAME.N VICKN S<)8“„ . H.cteMter, N. Y. FREE! (£.£) Tfcfc’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine I. a veritable mln. ot infannuUen eboet Flow.ra, Vemtablc. and Fruita. aa« h.w to«rew aMI Mr. tar tbeta