The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 20, 1898, Image 6

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OFFENSIVE Will be War Plans of The U.S. DELAY IS DEPRECATED Will Spain Try to Cause Fur ther Procrastination. Washington, 20. —W» are fearfully near war. A weel ago it was a prediction. To day it L virtually a reality. All partiesand all factions of parties accept it r.s a foregone conclu sion. This week offers two pot sibiiities! 1. Spain may become frightened at the terrible eainestress of our war pnparation and ag»in reced. thus causing further procrastina tion on our part. 2. The s'ate of feeling among luvv men. on both sides, is so in tense that some hostile act seem imminent every hour, and wai may he prec pitated befoie Con gres shall have formality declared it. THE PEACE PARTY. It is the last of these two pos sibilities that gives most concern to the peace party. Bets are freeh made that we will be acually en engaged in battles befoie nex Monday mcrning, and men hav> been found in very high places who are advocating imtrediatt action. The fighters want to g< at once and blockade Havana and bead off Spain. They say that everybody is now agreed that we are going tc war and they ask why should there be any waiting upoi Spain tor a final word? OFFENSIVE Move, While the Strategic Beard is as mum as an oyster, it is known thai it is figuiing out an offensive rather than a defensive move. It is said Spain wants us to fire th* first shot, and we are very* likely to do so. Captain Sigbee, of the Maine, that be would like very much to accommodate Sjiain. A Difficulty. “Perhaps one of the most diffloult things to accomplish in coaching a foot ball team,” says G. W. Woodruff in the Philadelphia Press, “is to get the cap tain to try for goals from the field on first downs inside the 25 yard line He feels so sure when once he has carried the ball so near the line that his team can carry it across for a touch down that he dislikes exceedingly to risk kicking the bull and thus putting it into the possession of the other side. Wi.en in the heat of the game be seems utterly unable to realize that the sur render is not for more than half a min ute of actual playing time, because the bull cannot be kicked out from behind the 10 yard line much farther than to the 35 or 40 yard line, and there is ev ery probability that the man who catch es it after the kick out will be able to run it buck inside the 25 yard line with the assistance of heavy interference from the other players of his own side, or if the ball is not kicked out farther than the 30 yard line a fair catch can almost surely be made, and the chances of kicking a goal from the field after ■nob a catch are very great." Does Two llun<lr..d Mrn’« Work. The Arbuckles have a machine for putting up coffee in two pound packages It puts up 30,000 packages in 24 hours, or at the rate of nearly 21 packages per minute. Its work is equal to that of 200 persons working 12 hours per day ano putting up a package in three minutes The machine, with attendance, does the work cheaper than any human labor on earth, and we may fairly suppose that every cup of coffee is the cheapen for it Water Tax Notice The Water Tax for 'he quarter from April Ist to July Ist 1898 is now due and must be paid on or before the 16 of April The Board of Water Commissioners order all ordinances strictly enforced and when water has been shut off for non payment in addition of pay ing the bill ail parties will be re quire to pay a fee < f fifty cents for turning on. Water depart ment ollice in citv Hall. Office hours 8. am to 12 m 2. p. m. to 5. pm. J L. Moore, Sec. & Treas. April I. Fancy asparagus, new beets, 1 green peus (home raised) at ABLES? BERMAN JOURNALIST 10. S. Preetorius of the West lie he Post Uses PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUND. |i|f \ W -I . > A®- -'4.7 . / 7. ]| WOO. .. ■»'' . Mi' Wwßk ■ _ ■ I ■ * The St. Louis Westliche Post j is the leading German daily of lhe Mississippi va.’ley, ami one of the few German newspapers in the United States. Established in 1857, it soon passed into the hands of Dr. Em il Preetorious and the Hon. Chs. Schurz. For 40 years the West liche Post has shown the most effective devotion to honorable and progressive ideas. Edward Preetorious, business manager and treasurer, is a man of distinction throughout the Southwest, and is known to many thousands in other por tions of the country for his broad business methods, and for the commanding influence of his journal in national, state and city politics. Mr. Preetorious is an indefa tigueable worker. Subjected by his profession to unusual busi ness cares, overwork and sud den demands upon his nervous strength, his personal experience and his estimate of Paine’s cel ery compound must have excep tional weight, especially with brain workers, ami men and women whose neives are inces santly called on, as if they were of iron and steel, and not the most sensitive parts of the body. Mr. Preetorious’ letter, given below, shows his confidence in America’s greatest reined v. ST. LOUIS, Jan 15, 1898. Messrs. Wells & Richardson Co., Gentle men : —I ha w e found tiiat Paine’s celery compound is lhe only remedy that will re- APPLICATION FOR LET TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY ; Whereas Eben Ilillyer, trus tee of the Milton A. Cooley est tate, under the will of Alfred Shorter, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered I said Milton A. Cooley estate. This is to cite all persons con- ’ cerned, kindred amt creditors, 1 to show • cause, if any they 1 can, why said trustee should 1 not be discharged from his trus ■ teeship and receive letters of ( dismission on the first Monday in May 1898. This April 4, 1898. , John P. Davis, Ordinary. ♦ Colorado’s regiment of worn- ( , en have n>t yet joined the colors t I store the nerves which have been shattered by overwork, worry business cares. I can certainly recommend ii without hesitation to all those in need of such a reconstructant of the nervous system. Yours truly, EDWARD L. PREETORIOUS. 'The relative merit and effici ency o r Paine's celery compound, in comparison with all other remedies for making people well is clearly shown in the intelli gent character and responsible standing of the p< ople who today rely on it to cure insomnia, ner vous debility, persistant head aches and a rundown condition. Its power of rapidly repairing the tissues and cleansing the bluod m ikes Paine’s celery coni pound the great saver of life that it is. It brings just the needed nutriment to the weak ened nerve tissues all over the body, and increases the volume of healthy blood, so that a breakdown of some vital part is averted. 'l'he story of the discovery and unparallel d success of Paine’s celery compound is the story of a high purpose steadily followed, lie final work of the lifelong study of the nervous system in health and disease by Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. 1)., of the Dartmouth medi cal faculty. In this greatest of all remedies there is hope for every person 1 distressed by symptoms of dys pepsia, impure blood, failing vigor or low nervous condition. | BAP TIST CONVENTION. Norfolk, Vti., May s'h-12th. 1898. Reduced Rates Via. Southern Rail way. On account of the meeting of the ■'outhern Bap’ist convention at ; Norfolk, Va.. Ma> sth-12th, 1898 the Southern Railway will sell tickets from all points on its lines to Norfolk and return at rate oil one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold May’ 2nd to I Gth inc usive, limited to return fifteen days from date ol sa e, but if deposited with agent of termi nal lines atNTlolk, on or before Muy 16:b, 'he r.turn limit will be ex* ‘uded fifteen ad litional days, .be Schedule via this route is ' excellent and parties contempla- j ‘mg ar tending the Sou hern Baps I | 'i-t convention should communi- | cation with the nearest agent of 1 the S. uthern Railway 1 I SOJVIE RIOTING IBy Mixican-Spaniards in aonoro, Texas. WILL ENFORCE LAWS. Rangers Ordered to the Scene. Three Killed. Dallas, Tex , April 18.—Sheriff Shelev, of Starr conntv, says that the Mexican border officers sympa thize with tie United States against Spain, and will enforce neuiiality laws to the full letter. I'-h j-pauieh raiders have been arr-r-ied near Rio Grande on the Mexican side. Toe residents of S >noro an in terior We tern Texas town, be tween Dallas and Ei Paso, have asked Governor Culbertson for ( pro edict. against the Spanish [ Mexican population, which if ( re mpant and defiant. RIOT OCCURRED. 1 he Texas Rangers were ordered this morn ng to S'noro, on th receipt of news that a riot had 1 occurred at that place, in which three Mexicans were killed and one T xan wounded. Wild excite ment prevails in that section ol western Texas. Orders weie given this morning to the Greenville Light Guards ot the State Militia, to recruit the company to its fullest capacity foi active du y. Lieutenant Holmes at once opened a recruiting i ffice Mrs. A. Invent, residing at 72( Henry St.. Al on, 111 ~ suff rec with sciatic rheumatism for ovei eight mouths. She doctored for ii nearly the whole of this time using various remedies recom mended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but re ceived no relief. She then used out and a half hotties of ChamberlaiL’t Pain Balm which effected a com ple'e cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured her. T e 25 and 50 cen i sizes for sale by Curry-Arrington Co. Wanted—Christian man or . woman to do office work and correspondence here. Sahin SBOO. Apply with self addressed stamped envelope to A. L. Elder, General Manager, care Dail) H ustler-Com merci al. I St. Germain Female Pills. i The only original and genuine French Female Regulator, of Mine, St Germain. Paris. Un surpassed as being safe, sure and reliable ii, every case Sold under positive guarantee or money refunded. Get the genuine. Price, •FI.IM per box by mail Side agents for the United Stalesand Canada. KING HARVARD CO , 157 Wash.t'ugton st., Chicago. WE no longer supply our seeds to dealers to j ’ sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either 1896. or 1897 will be sent our Manual of “ Everything for the Garden ” for 1898 COpip provided they apply by fetter I ft.LL and give the name of the local merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us 30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent ) free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has ever been seen here or abroad ; it is a book of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6 full size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR "SOUVENIR” SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending 10 cfs. for the Manual who will state where they saw this advertisement. Postal Card Applications Will Receive No Attention. Mrs. A. 0. Garrard lias just J received another lot of new and i > stylish jewelled belts and every R thing new in the pompadour and >■ circular sidecombs. Also the f nobbiest clasps for arranging y braided hair. Gome and see them if you would dress your $ hair in the latest style. I hePreferredAccident INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW YORK 1 I’he Pn-fvrred’h pojivi* k are j urth ulHr y adnpttd for I UHinehw men and u issued for baiikeiH, 10l physicians, singeom and dentists, and tor’travLiii C,al PoHci*. lerred is an old line stock company with assets of over MatUKOOu, hieu. Tli/pjj JOHN R.THORNTON ATLANTA, GA_ • • • • STATE M A N A ' § Best White LEGHOIiNS! XX *sFor the very best breed and most ijkiji perfectly n arked fowls, leave orders U with J. T. Crouch & Co., $3 Sp!enrid cockere’s o r lv sl. y i»C«i • 1. £>. CAILLIAhD. Jl {Repairing • •Don’t Walk On • Your UppersY;! |W.A.MULLINa, M s ."‘;.Ks| - - . . ■ ■— Como, W is., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2. W I would not b* _ I regard PISOI without PISO’S CURE FOR COH CURE for CON- cußtswHißtAii ItsnAitS. fa SUMPTION as ti SUMPTION for any c "gj best Cough thing. For a bad cine on themarku Cough or Cell it is ■■ ■ having used it to beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A WESTOTC “The Best Cough Medicine." THE ARMSTRONG HOTEII Ro nit. Ga f Keoular ■ 1 - . Special I Boarders zzfe.... rife KM I Wanted- : Mondiiii i l W ti ii I ■—z- ■ . ’sz" I The place to get'a quick, good meal. | McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors! »» j School Supplies. -|| O We are pioneers i” the school books and school eup- <<« ply business and we are also right up-ro-du*H in every r<« thing ihat should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. I **o*.o*oo#*o**o** I J i WALL PAPER. «« fl No In use m th sr t- car. spi v- vou betb-r when von d?- fl ><s sire to invent.ii a n ,. w covering fcr tr> dev id wall* * B fy.:ur home. See. our stock on hand and satnp'es j H. A. SMITH, ■ g THF OLD RFLI *BLE BOOK STORE? H ’>ss ts-st ® ® •> ® ■». jfl