The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 21, 1898, Image 3

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SenatorO. B. Stivene i« con fid»utthatbe W,H be the • ea< ffltD in the race for coinmiis.oner of agriculture. He might a« well b ,. for be is bound to be the man. —Cochran Telegram. • oo For certain good and sufficient «. for Candler for goTJruur. The editor of the Record wa, burn in Gainesville, Go. His home was in speaking distance of tb . home of Colonel Candler. We knO w him. We are acquainted with his character as a public servant and as a private citizen. ]!e is a true man, and just.- Montezuma Record. 0 0 3 As Queen Victoria’s carriage was about to cross the suspension bridge over the Pailion, at Nice, the other day a funeral procession c»me up. The Queen, instead of driving forward, gave orders to the coachman to follow the m turners at a walk. This show us respect for the dead met with immediate recognition, and made h»r very populor in the neighbor hood. o o o “Simpkins was given an egg at the restaurant today that had a distinct‘W’ marked on it.” “That must refer to the Spanish war.” “That’s what Simpkins thought until he opened it- He now says it was the war ot 1812.”—Cleveland Phain Dealer. 000 “How very devoted Sluinback is to his invalid wile!” “Yes, some body told him that in case of war th9 widowers would have to go first. “ 000 “I wish 1 had a hat like that,” said the better haif of the combi nation, showing her husband a millinery ad. He took a long look at it.“l wub,” said he, “that you ln»d a face like that.” Then it vas that diplomacy ended and hostil ities begun. 000 Intervention without independ ence can mean but one thing,” aaya the New York Sun “It is a declaration that the Spanish- Cuban bonds shall not bo invalid ated and that whatever balm is poured upon thi wounds of poor Cuba must lie after the security of those boi de has first been S' cured. There gnitiou of the independ ence of Cuba would mean that the Spanish-Cuba bonds w.,uld not be •orth the paper on which they are written.” 000 The Haverhill, Muss., Gazette, •Peaking of Consul General Lee. •*V«: “It is a great pity that this |» lant gentleman cannot be •etaiued in public life” Why can “et he be retamed in public life? He has uo intention of retiring to •monastery. The Massachusetts P“Per is evidently a little behind times Not only can Fitzhugh Ve be retained in public life, but ®*ilbe so retained. Whatever there ohall be of public life in this country for the next f ew y earß w jH «now Fitzhugh Lee. f or he will bt “right in it ” 000 About four million false teeth •re manufactured annually in the uited States, while one ton of and three tons of silver and J' *' lnum to tb e value of $10,000,- are used in filling teeth 000 A Mlßßour ‘ orator is said to have h off the following UWe hve " the l«„d of high mountains and 1 taxrp, low valleys and low B, J crooked rivers and big jolted statesmen, big lakes, big 1 es, Ing drunks, big pumpkins ailv aieh *‘ lh l ,um Phiu bonds. er «treams that gambol in the whn“ t “ i “ 8a “ d 1 ,i,U8 Politicians «»ta/ k ? lble ' n the nigbt ’ roaring bar. aCtB&Ud roari,) B orators, fast liri?f *“ d f * Bt youug ,neu a " d Uwv “' t ’ f '“ iter - fußteH ® b “ r P sharp financiers. and sharp-toed shoe?, noisy childnn, f, rtile plains that lie like sheets of water, and thousands of news papers that lie like thunder.” Blood Poison. Contagious B’ood Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of mankind. It is the one disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial aud potash remedies only bottle up the poison in the system, to surely break forth in a more virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 I’ensyl vania Ave., Wash- • >ugton,D.C.,says: I was for a long t time under treat ■ ment of two of 4Q& •SV \ tbe best physi- il cians of this city, V# 1/ f° r a severe case Veg&aßt, / °f blood poison, Tv TEw AsS; but my condition K rew wor8 « all lbe while - not ’ withstanding the acl they y dll Aw ? charged me three ‘iwluW / V >4* ' hundred dollars. t V/*'/ My mouth was filled with eating sores; my tongue <Wis almost eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste any solid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I began to get better, and when I had finished eighteen bottles, I was cured sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. S.S.S.saved mefromalife of misery.’’ S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) will cure any case of blood poison. Books on thedisease and its treat- eSF\ ment. mailed al free by Swift Specific Co., i k "wk t I Atlanta, Ga. sfoy YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, Floyd County . To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a 4th. year’s support to Mrs. Mary Park Howel, the widow of T. F. H >wel, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judg ment of the Court at the May erm, 1898, of the court of Ordin ary. This April 4, 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County,Georgia. LETTERS OF ADMINISTR i- TION. Georgia, Floyd County : To all whom it may conce) t: George \V. Williamun having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of R. \V. Richardson, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin cf R. W., Richardson to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to George W. Williaman o.i R. W. Rich ardso’n’s estate. Witness my hand add official signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary • NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next within the legal hours of sale, the following property towit. —Snuth half of lot No. 177, containing 80 ecres, North half lot No. 185 containing 80 a res, 80 acres cff lot No. 184 all in 22nd District and Third Section known as the home place whereon the deceased resided at the time of his death, containing in all 190 acres more or less, sold as the property of Hulbert Evans, late of said county, deceased 1 Terms of sale cash. This Bth day of March, 1898. Julius vV. Evans. Executor. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, | and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed Ito give perfect satisfaction or 1 money refunded. Price 25 cents j per box. For sale by Curry- Arrington Drug Company. IT TJ 2R NITTR E Every day now brings us heavy ship ments of standard and seasonable iur niture, and Xith the coming of spring we have already received a CAR -LOAD OP’ BABY CA.R RI A. Gr E S All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beauty and strength • MATTIXGS, H UGrS» CARPETS In this department we have received for the spring trade one car load of mattidg which we ini sorted direct from Japan. Here you can find new patternsand the prettiest of designs and at remarkably low prices. STOVES- Do you need a new stove in ycur kitchen? Then call on us and you will go no where else. V e have the best and that means an economic stove in every sense of the word. THE HANKS Will CO 305 Broad st- Phone 52- Undertakers, FJmbalmerj, and Fu neral Directors. FORBES 11 Ajiil Sill Os Bicycles, Musical Instru ments, Sheet Music. From nov until May 1, when we propose to move into our new store, we will sell our entire stock of above namd goodi at slaughtered prices. We desire to close oit the en tire stock before we move. We are in a position to s?li you; even if you are only half interested. Come ant see oir pecially our w reel stock. A nundred makes co select from. Allgood makes of wheels. "Wo o<e* 8R Everything in the drug line and a full line of druggists sun dries. “rWvi-fIF Sed. Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription department has been the feature of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. C. /W, 331 Broad. • Telephone 110 • ••hrt-iirtr::;-! —;; '''' t’sltlil;; •• • c I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;I:::::::;:::;:::::::::::::::::: t 1 AWHOLE CLUB a Ca ’t Make • /So £3s IV/ a a e 1 h . y Time O iSi] t i **-»»«■ D-’-’V' COPvQiGmv.|o9> ’ -Mil ••. *! *”? i:;| I carry a full an 1 complete line ofj >w.<lry, iuclu- :::Ee di“g Diamonds eHu My stock of silver notions .n d i.ov Ities was nev- ::•£ er more complete, eHH WEDDING PRESEN ! o A SPECIALTY. a J. K Williamson : | ; T auuuUiU4uiiUi4Uituiaiuai l 4uaaiiitjuitiUiuujuihiH..i»huiii l i;aiiiiuuiii...iiiiui.iUuuiuumuuiummnmi'H:; T CANDY CATHARTIC ra&ccvuw IQI. CURE CONSTIPATION lOc all 25c 50c DRUGGISTS Ki. £ Ss F- 1 c-.l l—Jt=;,—1 r: — Stiver Tonic Purifies ™ Blood. I *- >■ I ill A POSITIVE CURE 'OR $ DYSPEPSIA, MEM JMfcx II CHILLSPEI'ER. GSIPP, / JQ® Ij BILIOUSNESS. SICK-HEMMHE [fi CONSTIPATION I GENERAL DEBILITY. ’JWZ n 'i®-- A Restores . PRICE 50 CU "" Will Keep your j] DRUGGISTS. stow .ch in Healthy Condition. Si l / b3ical ® h»s ; 3 U / 49 and 51 0 Marion St., N. I. i UTstii gt>9-ine nayt “Tn4s Q Miri " bk ’ a “ * vw 7 Y .< /ER uvea PILLS 25 cents. Purely Vegetable. WUI re Bi’iousr.ess constipnti.-j Piles. Sick-Hetiacac and pl I Dysiepsia. Small IJasy taker “ y] n THE fIODEL LAUNDRY Is doing the best of work and guaran tees satisfaction. Prices are most reasonable. Fine work a specialty. IR HE U M ATISMI Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. Tho surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGRIMINE CO.. South Bend, Indian* No Woma > ought to be without ’'••SAVER FEMAI E REMEDY (SUPPOSITORIES). Send for Pamphlet. r __ _ U - zp — ——4z3r"~ J —l _ EEPJzzj czFLEj i—lEzfjß 5