The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 21, 1898, Image 4

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The Royal is the highest grade baking powder known. Actual teste show it goes one third further than any other brand. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL P *■* WOFR CO., NEW YORK. [MEETING in Juns Os the Southern Biblical Society RT KNOXVILLE; TENN. Low Rates Arranged on Railroads. KnoxVill 3 , Tenn., April 21 For ten days of June next —16th to 26—Knoxville will have within her borders the most distinguiah ed body of Christian men and Women that has eyer yet visited her Every religous organization ol any size will be represented at this great convention, known as the Southern Biblical Assembly, a de partment of the American Society of Religious Education. The object of the Assembly la unlike that of any other. Its one text book is the Bible, which it handles educationally. It d es not attempt to defend the bock against the attacks of infidels, or to answer the questions of the h : gher critics, but the Assembly seeks, what is more important, to render the Sacred Volume in ire serviceable in bui'ding character during the formative period ol chi’dhood aud youth, and in reg la ling conduct during the later years of maturity ai d age. The Assembly is arranged in ten deparments suited to minis ters, Sunday school teachers, ]a rents, young people, college ]r >• lessors, school teachers aud- all evangelical Christians. These de partments hre planned to meet the needs of each and every cbies of Christian workers. Subject 4 of vital interest will be presented at at each session by specialists, cho sen by the local committees in charge of the respective confer ences . A large number of speakers has been secured, among which are found some of the most distin guish'd names in the religious world. A few of these an; J. E. Gilbert, I). I)., LL. I)., Washington, t). C. : Wilbur P Thirkfield, D. D., Atlanta, Ga ; Bishop A. W. Wilson, of the M. E. church South, Baltimore, Md : Bishop Edward Rond thal er, (Moravian) Salem, N. 0. ; Gen. John Eaton, Ph. I). LL. D., Washington, 1). C. ; and T. I). Witherspoon, 1). 1)., Louis ville, Ky. A rate of one fare has been se eund on the raidroads of the South. Accommodations at Knoxville will be furnished at reduced rates. Everybody is invit rd to attend. For details address Lynn T. White, Local Secretary. Knoxville, Teim. Mrs. A. luveen, residing at 720 Henry S\. Alton, 11l , suffered with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, usi various remedies recom mended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but re ceived no relief. She then used one and a halt bottles of Chamberlain’e Pain palm which effected a com plee cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afllicted to know what cured her. T e 25 and 50 cent siz i-qrorsile by Curry-Arrington A BYRii’S EYE VIEW. liny fell me tlpit at prayer nesting n few iiigt tn ago in a ■i r'itin church, the uni inter uski-d •tn absettt-mind'd broil er to lead n prayer, and was a-toui tied to receive tbeanstti r. “It isn't my ' ea I, I dealt ’em. ’’ The boy stood ' ion the > timing d ck, whence- * * i * The I nchelor who believes in kissing Would make a go< u sil lier— while avoiding engagements h« does not fear pow h r and bawl. * * The man who can’t bully some O’ her fell"w, gets lliafri d . Lots of he fellows who have been bullied also gel, married. M> n are gal’ant —and very selfish. * » * The cooking school is n <rond j thing—l could spoil two columns' in enumerating only a few of the j advaiit9g o s, but being on “e.ting terms’ with the “school master."; faint saying a word. Pass the cake, pl ase? V “Cold ice" will soon he on tap at the Rome Ice Co’s - , coal yards. The company is se’ling winter ice now. * •* * A Kansas contemporary in 'ortns us that Sister Lease “con tinues to tug many a vain delu sion.” Mr. Lt-ase should be in ormed of his wife’s conduct, * * * The proposition pf a circus com pany to loan the government a er of elephants in case of war prompts a paragrapher to write that the government already has too many elephants on its hands: Mark Hann ll , S eve El kins, et al. * * * There may not be a bird on ev ery hat, but. there’s a B in every linnet. Remember that I told you that —though you C no B uponit. Secretary Alger has decid>d to give the. press infoimation from this time forward. The sec retary of war thinks that, whi'e the press is a pretty good agent to help get up a war, it wou d not be worth much in helping to whip battles. ♦ A * If y. u are going to war, take a box of Warters' famous Rone made cigars with you. There is nothing more terrible in batt’e than the rebel yell—and nothii g more soothing while fretting to ! get into a fight than a pull at one j . f Warters Rome made “Rebel Yells.” NOTICE. “ GE.OR .1, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern: .L T. Warlick having applied for Guardianship of the persons avid property of Eliz.heth Whipple Henry & Hannah '! nliaferro Hon ey minor children of J. 11. Hon ey late of said County, deceased, notice is given that said appplica non will be heard at my office, at 10 o’clock A, M., on the first Monday in May next. This April I th. 1898 John P. Davis. Ordinary and ex-oflicic C'erk C.O APPLICATION FOR LET TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY I Whereas Ehen Hillyer, trus tee of tho Milton A. Cooley est tate, under the will of Alfred Shorter, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that lie has administered! said Milton A. Cooley estate. This is to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, I to show cause, if any they : can, why said trustee should 1 not be discharged from his trus teeship and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday I in May 1898. This April 4, 1898. John P Davis, Ordinary. Wanted—Christian man or woman to do office work and correspondence here. Salary SBOO. Apply with self addressed stamped envelope to A. Y. Elder, General Manager, care Daily Hustler-Commercial. i| '■ i i r ri \ : i u s N i't the (of the “ights of- 11 ■<| l>\ Cba . i n"o j.i Iu ’ ing h»T .ng F. st: •. 1 May 3. -I and 5 \ iI: I < 11 ‘ all raci i< n® such ns t< i mump '-ruiers’ exl ibit, t 1 e .r> a.; -sy and I!. e h. nd -i -'d bu; Id i 1 ga Im ••t n■ I w ! b unlliant with jm» • !" j'V us crowds and th’* various .ttrimtions always atten dant upor -meh "V' niH. Mu.-v will b" Itirni'iiv l ■■ v s. vcral fine bands iml th"!' v. i hardly be a mil tile in which S"h <• form of ntr.u eim nt wi ' I iol »e f urnislied ihe pubic, lid-id s. |l r. are so many points >f m "rest around Chattviiooga a week OUld be pf fl ably iiid! spent in visiting them if ifmi vere nothing going hi in the ! o'v i itself. WHEN TRAVELING Whether m pleasure bent, or business, i -e on every trip a b< ttle of S ■up of Figs, as it acts most ; i msantly and effect ually on th * cidneys, liver and bowels, pre nting fevers, head iches, and her forms of sick ness. For s.P.e in 50 cent bottles by all leadii r druggists. Mann faclured b\ the California Fig Syrup Company only. BEST OF ALL To cl. ansi Ihe system in ag' ntle and truly b< i ficia! manner, when ti e riprii"’t. comes, use the true ami pei remedy. Syrup of Figs. One b< ttle will answer for 0 the fami and costs only 50 eenis. Buy he g nuiim. Manu factured bv tne California Fi< Syrup Comp ay only, and for sale ■■y ali drugu i ,s. Mrs. A. O Garrard has just received another lot of new and stylish jew .led bolts and every thing new in the pompadour and circular sidecombs. Also the nobbiest clasps for arranging braided* hair. Come and see them if you would dress your hair in the latest style. ! *L ;; > * - —td^——M I I I SBMr II II II ■ n W ft H w w Wr & -.S && I have 2 more days of Dr. Lowe’s service and will be pleas ed to have -my of my friends to take advantage of bis acknowl edged skill mid-experience. This does not obligate you to buy glasses. If you want them 1 will sell them at the regubir price with inv poroma! guarantee. Hours for examination 10 to 12 and 3 to # B. F. ROARK, Jeweler. ■ .•••■.Ln v •’ - ther y »u continue th I'< .’.■.■••• habit. ■Il l< ba< u. vi • mF .■ ■• v ••» . t < ni< o V< 1-j ’lit- od, 1 * fff - • • •! r.y 5.4 . ■’!•<.ii, die ‘jOvrCCG .1 'Ji : »tw , igK ra ran <-nheSoured b.y a .iipu .ei --rfj; ? *? *- own drusrfcibt a>» ■ k’HOi v ' r* *" *■ ’▼in.puti* ntiy, persdbtt f'tlj One K 8* • <>• usually cures; 3 boxes. C 2.50, P? jR jed«i' re*ed to cn r.-, or w-e rrfun-? moriey Sierihxs t -ie*j Ca. , Chicago, Hoiitr»al, New t ark. F*" - '■ -- ‘ : f in ’N WII OS I KltY, TSTH3W CLOTHING, N IC W NJE C K WJI]AR- I I • ■' ■" ' ~— • 11 " > I You can’t go wrong if you go to ’ 18. wniis & SON. For your spring suit or You are entitled to the newest and best your money will buy- We are here to serva you. No matter what your wants in lIING, HATS Oft CT HSIIIIK, Come to us, we will treat you right in qu pity and prices. J. B. WATTERS & SDN 242 arid 244 Broa Street, Rome, Ga. DRIVE HIM OUT If be won’t go quietly ; he has made trouble Eng enough, Uncle Sam thinks. Drive diseases from your system by using Curry’s Liver con.pound as a spring medicine, or you will have trouble before the summer is over. Curry’s Liver Compound is the best spring medicine for “that tiiad feeling’ and run down condition caused by a d s ordered condition of the bio a l . NO I ICE. For the purpose of s curing tax returns, I will be at the court [ house every Saturday un'il May 20th and every day thereafter uu ul June 20th. At the March m et ing of the Bor rd of roads und rev enue they passed a resolution i competing me as tux reviver to I co., ply with the law and doubb tax every one who fails to make his returns properlj and that in l he specified time Dmt fore • J me to do this but make your re turns promptly. Respt. Il L. Foste". Tux Receiver. Floyd Co. j THE DANGERS OF SPRING Which arise from impurities in the blood and a depleted condi tion of this vital fluid may be entirely averted by Hood’s Sar- , saparilla. This great medicine < cures all spring hutnois, boil- , 'eruptionsand sores, and by en-h rieming .and vitalizing the blood, I it overcomes that tired feeling < and gives vitality and vigor. 1 Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick * headache, biliiousness and liver,’ ills. Price 25 eents. $ CITY MARTHALLS NO I ICE ! ! On, and after this da e, the ( st' ck ordinance of the city of Rome will be enforced. This i ■ to n itify a|l owners of st ck, ami especially of cows, that the im pounding fee will be collected in each and every case. J. B. Shropshire ( (Ci’y Marshal. c April 7-98 ts. ■> $1.25 and $1.50 Negligee shirts fors/ J. A. GAIM 4 COMPAM WAITING for everyone in Rome to come j- in and see the magnificent stock / on men’s and boy’s clothing, L bicycle and golf suits, iS what we iir 'i"ing, but we are hus tling while we wait. We will show \ 011 the finest stockol IW » clothing, made from the newest ; styles and patterns in labficks,. ■ perfect fitting and handsome, to J be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. Fhegreatest line of nxgligee shirts ever shown 11 Rome. J. A. GAMMON & CO. g©©©©©©©©3©© ?.<©©©©©©©©©©©©©! 11 '3 ® F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. J j THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. g Plumbing and Tinning. J Engineers’ and machinists’ ..5 C supplies. Stoves, ranges and | G tinware. (las and electric fix- | g lures. INSURANCE'gasoline 3 stoves. Water meters. | 4 325 Broad st. Phone 32? | TONSORIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled men employed. Parlors recently renovated I courteous attention; and satisfy :tory services gu irauteed, at ‘ ; •162, Broad street, ' • f I