The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 21, 1898, Image 5

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jpnufture of American Di*- Tbe Hl , ppl iedwith bicy- J rim pt «nd expeditions de livery d t ouXmeri. It hue been a W. h) N(jw York for luttll y ,:audl .Mit b cetuideroble part of the de ‘? h “ Jeliverr of ineaaages wm dne l»T “ b n..Jsity of tbe uniformed niea » tbe Sw ph»r u “‘ rbleßl pltch pHn . *” ger Scat* in rtrwt fight- or read oifl , lntlvdoc tj on of bicy jnußDOveU haw pretty !IM ’ ‘“Jhlr done .way with even the or thi- charge, for a meeeenger P"* 1 ' in bis custody a bicyole which b " r Ug dor a bond not to lose cannot be a"" degree of safety tarry on his L either for the purpose of porus cour*L,L o f hairbreadth escapes or l “*Sindian encounters or to put to • b ll °ikal test his dexterity in the han ?? mi«gs and alleys. On the con d “f it now sometimes happens that E emulation between two messenger wing in the same direction on bi- Swith messages for different por ’T ! leads to tears of speed, with the •°" that such messages uro delivered u j incredibly short space of BB ie t judged by-former standards.— Saw York Sun. ■, .- Ac row th« Continent. u 0 Frits of’the Olympian club of Brooklyn reeantly rode from San Fran- Xto While Fritz did not break tbe existing record of 31 days and i; hours bis trip Was a remarkable one. He started in wilh high hopes to break dl existing records between San bran * ami New York, and when he cached Cedar Rapida. 1“-. be was well Imide the record. DuHng a night ride he fell and dislocated a kneecap, which forced him to lay up in Chicago, four He was forced to make the remain der of the trip at easy stages, although he rode tbe entire distance on his wheeL Frits says that his machine stood the test nobly. The bicycle weighed 24 pounds, and it was geared to Fritz weighs 100 pounds, and he carried jl pounds of baggage. He is confident thht he can lower the record, and he will make another effort, possibly, at toon as he has entirely recovered from the accident to his knee.—New York Press. frnctlla Iron. An Important future in tho median leal world is predicted by a waiter in Engineering for the material known as ductile iron, now being introduced. Its tensile strength is represented to be 68, • 000 pounds and more to the square inch, and, attar being heated to a dull red and plunged into ooldwater, it can be easily filed, showing that it takes no temper. Specimens are shown which have had portions heated and drawn out under the hammer after being twisted cold with out fraefure, and a notable piece of work nf the new metal is mentioned—viz., a heavy chain, of which the links were east open, then joined and welded with out the use of flux; also valve stems, crank shafts and other similar pieces finished to pattern in a lathe and exhib iting surfaces without a blowhole, in trioate castings, too, being reproduced regularly without failure, while a very high percentage of losses has attended other methods of producing very strong castings. The main question, however, is that of cost, for there are foundries that produce castings which w ill stand all the above testa, but without- being really cheap, as is claimed for this new --L-4 Borneo Clubs. 1 The famous savage clubs of Bor- W modeled after a thorny fruit which grows wild in that is kind.-Cleveland World. Property and Industry, Pioperty ‘s ibe fruit of labor. Proper ty is dwirabl®, is a positive good in the world I hut some should bo rich shows thW-othors/piay become rich, and henice is Miiiduragement to industry and enter prise. Let no man who is homeless pull dowh the house of another, but let him diligently and build one for him self, thus, by example, assuring that his Own shall ‘tte safe from violence when it Is built.—Abraham Lincoln. and r,r k*“ 8 * H en > *t * s pleasant uentlv reß lUI S to the taste, and acts fivo/ y ®. <*" the Kidneys, t 2 , ff an< welß . cleanses the sys- Z« “a ; r ’ di "f' 1 ’ ool,l »- , “' ad ' Sn!ti r ? feVeFB and cureß habitual onlv f a Syru P of Fi ? B is tbe dX e ? t ‘ dy ° f itß kind ever pro- S’) P . eaS ? B t 0 the toßte ac ■ t l le Rtoraach > prompt in ‘ effS 3nd ben *£ial in its beaithv Pn T ared on ' y fr° ni the most manv 0?“?! agreeob J e substances, its to ail » Dt < i ua btles commend it 1* ™ J !■«« U the moat 1 T remedy known. ccnfM^ 8 for Bal e in 50 R«te. My JdiaM \ ead,n £ dru &' aav not i y r r lab l e druggist who not have it on hand will pro. wishes to t^}? 7 '!? 1 °° e Wh ° substitute 7 - ' nOt 1 any UFOR t , !! A , F, ° SYRUP co. I Tested and Tried j I For 25 Years | r r t J- Would you feel perfectly '< K safe to put all your money < K in a new bank ? One you 5 J- have just heard of? 'J K But how about an old S JC bank ? One that has done 5 business for over a quarter « of a century ? One that has S K always kept its promises ? 2 lg One that never failed ; never jg K misled you in any way? K You could trust such a bank, J- couldn't you? £ I SCOTT’S | | EMULSION | £ of COD-LIVER OIL WITH ? ar HYPOPHOSPHITES is just M like such a bank. It has never 5 disappointed you, never will. £ a? It has never deceived you, M J£ never will. -3 J- Look out that someone £ ar does not try to make you S K invest your health in a new ! J* tonic, some new medicine £ you know nothing of. ,W 50c. and $1.00; alt druggists. J IT SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. N {‘PLICATION’- FOR LETTERS OF. DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas T. A. Thrash. Admin istrator of Mrs. V F. Thrash, de ceased, represei ts t.j the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered Mrs. V. F. Thrash’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why -laid administrator should not be discharged ifrom his administra tion and receive letters of dismis sion on the'first Monday in May 1898. This Feb. 7th 1898. John.!’. Davis, Ordinary SHfIBIFFS SIUS” 'M IH 1898. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY Vt ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May 1898 the following d scribed property to wit: That tract or parcel of land sit uated, lying and being in th sth District and 4th Section of Floyd Ccunty, Ga., and being an undivided one third interest in each of the following described lots towit. land lot No. 809 A 804 in said district & section and con taining each 160 acres more or less, levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from Floyd City Court in favor of Mrs M. J. Wyatt trans, vs J. S. Wyatt as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place 25 acres of land on the north side of lot No. 140 in the 4th , Dis tr c‘t & 4th., Section of Floyd county, Ga., levied upon by virtue of a fifa issued from the Justice Court of the 855.. District G. M., in favor of the Kennesaw Guano Co., vs. R B. Perry also levied upon by virtue of a tax fifa issued by V. T. Sanford T. C. in favor of the State and County vs said R. B. Perry tor the- year 1897 as the property of the defendant. Property’ pointed put by G. B. Holder levy made W. E.Vann, L. C.. Also at the same time and place the following property towit: part of the land lot Number 301, one hundred and fofty acres the north west part of said lot in the J22nd , District and 3rd Section ot Floyd County Ga.. to satisfy tax execu i<m in saver of the State and County for tbe year 1897 against f W . Haney' agent as the prop erty of the defendant. levy made by J. A. J jups L. C., Also at the same time and place, the following lot of land No. 316 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga., designated as lot No. 24 in the Cooley farm and plat of said survey, recorded in the clerk’s office in book X of deeds page 66 ; levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from the justice court of the 919th district G. M. Floyd county, Ga. , in favor of Hill & Flowers for the use oi L. F. Dowdle vs. Lizzie Campbell ; ns'tho property ot the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. ■mMMMMW——~———■———■ Editor E. VV. Barrett, of the Birmingham Age-Herald, is in ,qhe city to attend the marriage of his brother, Mr.'Gould Bar rett, tonight. Mr. Barrett is giv ing the people of Birmingham an excellent paper, and proving his ability as a managing editor. UffMIIMIII TO EVE YO.NE. Who sutT. rs with Hity rone <lise.i-' t .my part ot Uie liiinuin Ixiilj. such as kl<lt>ey and blander, h-art. liy.-r and Sioinach trouble.-, face and sldn eruptions, disorders ot the sex ual organs, sexual weakness and liiditlerenee etc. Provided sppllc itbei he in ide at once, in ol der that its inv.l.tious, app lances and never faililiK remedies ma.i receive t.lie widest possi ble publicity, and prove their own merits by actual use and permanent cures Nominee whatever wi I be receiied by the Stale Medi cal Sanitarium from anyone under its treat tnent until beneficial result s are acknow.edged 1:s remedies and appliances have been c mi mended by the newspaiieru of two cobtin ills and endorsed by the greatest doctors in the World. M here develop-’UI- nt Is des‘>-ed they ace 'Uiplish It and ntivei f-ill t<> invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They Infuse new life and energy. They per nianently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and produce despondency. They retone refresh ai.d restore to manhood, regardless of age. They cure evil habits an 1 permanently remove their effects, as well as those of excesses and overtaxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No failure, no publicity, no deception, no disap pointment. Write toil ay. State Medical Sanitarium, Evar.Ston, Illinois. Annual Sales over6,OOO f OOO Boxes FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness. Fulness after meals. Head ache, Dizziness, Drow.sinesa, Flushings of Hunt, Loss, of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin, Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and alt Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHS A’<r*» PH I S, taken as direct ed, will (illicitly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered J.iver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And hove the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office, 290 E st First Street, LOME, GA. kCHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Home, Ga. Corporal m Law Only. M IB Hi'J'Bi A. 1-T ALiS, Atterney at law. oftlc King Building, it me, a. . W 11. Ej-TixTIS, attorney a. Law Will L’.a.uic; in al' courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, (<a. W. J. NHIEIa, i Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts. I Special attention given to commercial law and the examivation cf land titles. Office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER ITA-FtFilS Attorney at law ami J. I’. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LI PSCOM B <Sc WILLI N 011 A-M Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building,Jß > me, Ga J SANDY CRAWFORD Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a specialty Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 2M 1-2 Broad. > Over Cantrell & Owens. J. L PENNINGTON. D .D S ,M D. DENTIST: Office. 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. C H ro M, M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building. Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. 62. Li. F* M A-NffNffOIST O. M D. Physician and Surgeon. Ossie in Medical building. Residence, No. 403 iVest First st, Gffice 'phone No. 62. LUMPKI 4 & PRINUTP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, : : : : Georgia. General practice throughout North Georgia, Correspondence solicited. Special attention to*mercantile collections. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY, “Mystic Cti’e’’ for Rheumatism tine Neuralgia radically cures m 1 t<> 3 days I s action upon the system is remarkable and myste rious. It leiuovesat once the cause rod the disease immsdiately dis appears. The first .dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Curry- Arrir.gton Co, Rome, Ga. r—” 'if s-- '-i ./» 'ft I "'-A iii ill ? Op Oil n a W OiHiHl Wttll W P irtSsE- '-I f! Hfc IHr m II ’KJ II H . -l ft fin •. IL..U. ■ JrLII. M 11 3 ; ! 111 ' I ■ I I ' M!|i. Rome Business College will receive pupils now ci nd accept time note for part or all tuition, payable when course ,s completed and position is secured, All arrangements sha <ld be made by May Ist. H. S. SHOCKLEY, Prin. x K £ S. M. Stark, £ ■ x ml, LO AMGminmil £ - 5 ■ ? 'S Dougherty Bicig, 2nd Ave • MM X x £“F illiillliiltirittiiillUilili ~ H, P. WOOTEN & 8R.0., « Successors to JJ ROME PHARMACY. tj® We have bought the entire stock of the Rome «<•'. Pharmacy and are prep ti ed to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. MS We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en- eg deavor to the best of our ability toplease you at all Ju 538 times. We should be pleased to have you call on as. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. • Come to see us. • ■ ■ ” ■ ■" 11 @ ® ®@®© ©• ® ® ® ® ® ® ® a . . ißepairing li •Don’t Walk On ; ; © Your Uppetsi: JWA-MULLINX , Masonic Tmpi ® NOTICE. ” The Tourist Sleeping Car Line 1 operated by the Southern Rail • way between Washington and San Francisco without change via New j Orleans, has proven so successful .that it has become necessary ,to ! make a semi weekly service, the 9 Westbound departure being on ® Wednesday and Saturday of each g week This sleeper offers sleeping car facilities to persons holding first or second-class tickets, the berth rate being only $7.00 from Wash ington to San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Portland, berth being large enough for occupancy by two people, if desired, without extra charge. These Sleepers run through Texas, Ar zona ami New Mexico, and connect witii similar cars for Oregon. Information in regard thereto may be had from any Southern Railway Ticket Agent, from Mr. A. J. Poston, Gen’l Agent, Sunset Tourist Excursions. 511 Penn. Ave. N W.. Washington, I). C., or from Mr. W, A. Turk. G. P. A. 1300 Penn. Ave. N. W., Washing ton, D. C. CHY TAX RETURNS. All persons, resident and doing business in the city of Rome, are notified to make their returns of personal pr percy to the clerk of council, at tlte City Hall, by the first day of May, 1898, as other wise, they are su’j *ct to double tax lor failure to make returns. . Hals Ted Smith Clerk of Council. April 19, 1893. St. Germain Female Pills. The only original and genuine French Female Regulator,ot Mine, Si Germain, Paris. Un surpassed as being safe, sure and reliable in every case Sold under positive guarantee or money refunded. Get the genuine. Price, 11.OU per box by mall. Sole agents for the United Stalesand Canada. KING HARVARD CO , 157 Wastd'ngton st., Chicago. RANGES. I am agent iorSoutli ern Que en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance Safety Gas oliiie stoves- Call and mvstock and get on your olumbitnor and tin work. door to ouera house. F HAVSO V