The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, April 21, 1898, Image 6

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IHE HUSTIER-GOMMERCIAL THz HUSTLER OF ROME Established, IBVO. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. ttW>- Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. office. Wilkerson Block. Third Aveune LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION >»ily ana Su’ aay.per year lunday, per year Weekly (The Rome Couhikk) pei year W BY CARRIER IN CITY AND SUBURBS D»‘ y ar.'l Sunday, lOcenta per weei. Remit by bank draft, exprsil. money order or registered leilsr Add "ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. ROME, GA. Entered at the Postoffice at Rome, Ga.. as secona class matter. Advertising rates and sample eo, les tor th asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN 1). CANDLER, of Hall of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General. JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merriwether. For Treasurer. W. M. SPEER, of£Fulton, ForJCommlssioner of Agriculture, O. B. STEPHENS, of. Terrell. JFor School|<'ommistdoner.l G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. For Prison Commissioner JOSEPH S. TURNER, of putman. i The Hustler-Commercial is ( the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has the combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commercial, ( and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ; The City of Rome T he City Marshal The Sheriff'of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co. The Hustler-Com mkrci al has the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and e ilist his name as a subscriber. The Chattanooga N«w« saye that Atlanta has been evacuated. The man who boasts that he has vices wears tbe blooming bab it as a liar. Our ' Commodore will be too “Schley’ for the Spaniards. — Ma rietta Journal. “Robert E. Loe failed to take Washington,” says Editor Triplet, “but his nephew. Fitzhugh Lee. captured it tbe other day.” Old King Coal may well be a merry old soul these days consider ing how much in demand he is among all the leading nations on earth • The gubernatorial combinatitn cannot effect Candler’s chances in this section. He is stronger than ever. The people are for him, — Darien Gazette. Two-thirds of Spain’s people can’t read. Another claim on the world’s sympathy is that the re maiuitig third have only ye'low journals to read “It would seem that the metto of the Atkinson-Berner combine is, ‘Either of us to beat Candler,’ is tbe opinion of Editor Sid Lewis, J of the Ishmaelile, GUILTY knowledge. What Spanish official ordered buoy No. 4 to he removed from its place as marked on the har bor map at Havana to a place over one of the mines which Weyler bought in England and putin Havana harbor? What Spanish official ordered the Maine to be anchored at buoy No. 4. ? What Spanish official was in charge of the electric keyboard of the submarine defenses of Havana harbor on the night of Feb. 15? What Spanish officials had the custody of the keys and direc tions for using that keyboard? Captain General Blanco knows who they are. Prime Minister! Sagasta knows who they are , All rulers of Spain know or can ' easily find oui wh > they are. Yet Spain s ret dies out to civilized Europe her appealing , 1 hands, dripping with blood shed in infamy. As well might a con victed monster turn to the spec tors in court and ask them to save him from the just sentence of the judge.—New York World Senator Morgan’s daughter will christen the Alabama next month. Our fleet of battleships is growing. The south can do the fighting while the uorlh through fatgove, meutcontracts furnishes the,army aud navy with suppiles,food cloth ing guns, ammunition, eoal, etc. A young mother and child have oeeu discovered starving to death in a hotei in Ailanta. And yet AUaLta boasts of having sent a train load of food to the starving Cubans. Fifteen thousand people heard Wm. J. Bryan in Boston a few nights ago and cheered him to the echo. McKinley can draw a crowd of fifteen thousand no where in this country, There is no possible escape for Spain now unless she repu diates al! her claims and boasts and gets down and crawls. And she has never shown much dis position to crawl. The Savannah News reports Gomez as having gone to Spain to treat with the Dons. The Herald’s latest advices is to the effect that Gomez is in Cuba fighting to lib erate his people from Spanish bondage. The war talk is knocking the Berner Atkinson anti-Candhr Campaign into a cocked hat, and the Candler boom goes rolling on to victory by its own momentum I’he opposition cannot head it off. —Augusta Chronicle. The Waynesboro True Citizen very correctly says: “There is not the slightest taint of ring about Colonel C a n d 1 e r ' s candidacy. He has no Georgia legislature brotherhood at his beck and call to back him. lb goes right to the people and asks only an equal chance from his brother democrats and a perfectly fair election at the primaries.” Some years ago an English duke owned an emu, which laid an egg during one of his ab sences from home. One of his servants at once telegraphed to him as follows : “The emu has laid an egg, and in the absence of your grace we have taken the largest goose we could find to hatch it.” Gen. Fitzhugh Lee will be made Brigadier General and will go with the invading army to Cuba.—Marietta Journal. A Brigadier Generalship is too small an office for General I Lee. He should be put in com maud of all volunteer forces TOO QUICK ON TONGUE Yellow Jack was at first a good enough bogie man for the purpose required by the peace) at any price advocates —that of I I opposing war with Spain as j la ing almost criminally ill timed ' —but the people are beginning to realize that his ordinarily ap palling form has been conjured tip just a bit out of season. General Fitzhugh Lee has now made it plain Io the ivar de partment at Washington that there is no danger to be feared from yellow fever in Cuba before the middle of June. The rainy season does not ordinarily begin until that time,and it is then that Yellow Jack makes his appear ance. The middle of June is I stiil nearly 60 davs distant. ' With active operations in Cuba; begin) within the next ten days, the American campaign should | have been brought to a success ful termination by the end of ' May. In addition, alsc, it is not be lieved that the American troops will suffer to any considerable extent from the malarial Cuban climate. Those trdbps will be young, healthly, cleanly and ac tive men. Their camps will be sanitary, the army hospital and medical service will be efficient, all proper precautions will be taken to keep the soldiers in good physical trim. What is incumbent upon the government now is the duty of not losing a day in opening the Cuban campaign, and of so vig orously prosecuting that cam paign that it shall be ended at the earliest moment possible. In other words, the aim should be to whip th'? Spaniards and dodge the yellow fever. Neither per formance will be difficult if the campaign in Cuba is made properly aggressive and active. WHAT PASSED BETWEEN I HEM. A n aged colored veteran was deprecating another war yester day. “I don’t want ter see no mo’, he said. “1 had enough er de las’ bile?” “Iu the war were you?” “All through, sub ; fullered Gin’rul Lee.” , “You did?” “Yes, suh ; I wirz right Tong side er him all de time.” “At the surrender, too?” i “On de spot, suh.” “On de spot, suh.” “Do you recollect what passed between Lee and Grant?” ] “Ever’thing, suh! Gin’rul ( Lee was standin' heah —” “Yes?” “An’ Gin’rul Grant wuz standi a’ yonder—” “Goon.” “En 1 passed betwixt ’em, ? runnin’ lak de devil befo’day 1” “Here,” said the listener. 5 “lake this monej and’go and 1 get you a'dram. The drinks are ou me. —Constitution. a ’ If Railroad Commissioner At kinson has chang' d hi* mind since writing C >l. Candler early in the campaign then stating that he was in favor of the voter voting direct 1 j for his candidate for Governor ' then why d int he adopt ibe other ■ plan, that adopted by the com ! I mittee of the Seventh congressional i ' district and let the people decide j —the longest poll taking the plum , Spencer sees that he aud Bob cant , deadlock the state convention on ( counties, he therefore proposes a scheme by which he hopes that he and his “ running- mate” may deadlock th convention on per centage delegations. He is desper ate and his drowning heelers are j helping him grasp at a straw. —————— There’s one consolation for, the cigarette fiend Cuba, can’t' 'be more deadly than what he I has tackled already. A ppoi nti ng 1‘ itzhugh Lee to a general’s place in the federal! army will kill the Confederate brigadier rot that we hear so I mui’h about in political cam paigns at the north. The war I scare will not have been in vain if it accomplishes this —Augus ta Chronicle. Not long ago the lola (Mo.) Register published an article to the effect that in excavating for for a cellar in that city a work man found an old tomahawk with the name of the famous In dian chief, Loof Lirpa, carved in the handle. Now, after all the papers of the state have copied the item, the Register asks them to spell the name of that chief backward. The city of Bueno* Aryes which is the New York of south America has so much increased population nearly one million inhabitants now that the federal as well as the state governments have considered it necessary to provide the empir e city of the Argentine republic with an improved system of municipal police. Among other change it was decided o give to that police a military organiza'ion and to that effect the minister of war h; • furnished the police Comnission ers with eighty cases of Mauser guns, the use of which will be taught to the policemen of every precinct. FOrt SENATOR 42n 1, DIST. I In the coming election it is the privilege of Floyd county, by party precedent, to choose democratic nominee for Senator from the 42nd senatorial district. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for Senator, subject to the action of the democratic primary of June 6th. W. H. Ennis. FOR THE LEGISLATURE, I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the lower house of the Georgia leg islature, subject to the democrat ic primary on June 6th, next. John C. Foster. ANNOUNCEMENT- Please announce my name as a candidate for senator from the 42nd senatorial district subject to the democratic primary to be held on June the 6th. Respect ully, R. T. Fouche. FOR REPRESNTATIVE I hereby announce myself a candidate for a seat in the lower house of the Assembly of Georgia, to rep-rsent Floyd coun ty, my candidacy subjectto the action of of the democratic prim ary of June the 6th. W.. 0. Bryan; FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Editor 11 ustler-Commercial— Please kindly announce my can didney, for membership in the lower house of the next general assembly. Subject to an approval by my countrymen at the ballot box in the primary on June 6th. proximo. Henry Walker. For The Legislature To the voters of Floyd ccuutv: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of representa tive in the lower house of the next General Assembly of Geor gia. my candidacy subj ct to the primary of Juns Gth 98. J. Lind-ay J hinson . ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the legislat ire. subject to the democratic pri mary J une 6th. J. B. Nevin. The need of a good Spring Medicine is almost universal and Hood’s Sarsaparilla exactly meets til's need. Be sure to get Hood’s. BDIHERISH; holy recollections cluster as that of “ Mother ” —she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. ■ ■ ■■ ■ so assists nature nnnthDr C in the change tak- ItIUIIIuI U ing place that R | the Expectant I* I ft nfl Mother is ena- I I I KII II bled to look for- ■ ■ IVIIM ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement—in short, it ‘‘makes Childbirth natural and easy,” as so many have said. Don’t be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER'S FRIEND “ My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her other two cbil dren than she did altogether with hei last, having previously used four bot tles of ‘Mother’s Friend.’ It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER,” says a customer. Hendxkson Da lx, Carmi, Illinois. Os Drugglit* At *1 00, or »ent by mull on receipt of price. Write for book eoetaiiiinir teitimunleU and valuable information for all Mothers, free The Br*4S»ld Btfelater Cs., Atlaate. Sa. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. To al) whom it may concern : L. A. Dean having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Lucy Parker, late of said county, deceased. . This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next kin of Lucv Parker to he and appear at my office within the time allowed by ; law and show cause, if any . they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy Parker’s estate. Witness my hand signature this 7th day of March 1898 John P. Davis Ordinary. i TERS OF DISMISSION. . GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY: Whereas James B. Sullivan, guardian of Ella A. Schirmer, represen's to this court in his. petition duly filed, that he has administered Elia A. Schirmer’s estate and has fully settled with his ward. This is to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why ‘aid administra tor should not be discharged from his administration and rd k ceive letters of dismission in r May 1898, This April 6th, 1898. f John P. Davis, Ordinary. * APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION . GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas Wm. A.Wright executor of Mrs. Mary W, Quinn represents to the court in his petition dulv . filed that he has administered Mrs Mary W. Quinn estate. This is to » cite all persons concerned kindred I and creditors to show cause if any 1 they can why said administrate! ' should not be discharged from ■ hie administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in June 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P, Davis Ordinary FOR SALE CHEAP. 3 A small gentle bay pony. Has - been driven ard ridden by chil ’ dren for years. Call at this office. YEAR’S SUPPORT . GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. i To all whom it may concern: . Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Mrs. Lizzie T Talley, the wid w of George T . Talley, deceased have tilled their award, and unless good i nd sufficient caus<- is shown. > the amn * will be made the judg I memt of the Court at the April . term, 1898, of the Court of Ordi nary, This March 7th. 1898. 1 John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, ueergia, * LET’ERSOF j GEORGIA KI UYD COUNTY To .11 whom i, m.y CMce|h . r.rn, I . N'lon having iu ' orm. p p ;i . d , m „ (orpwui P letters of administration on o of Di. W. C. Nixon j,,,; said county deceased. This cite all and ,i„g ul „ |h , and next of kin o f Dr N.xon to be and appear „ ; <j flee within th. time .l|„,J law ai d show cause if a , v ..“ y they can why permanent admin,? truHon should not he granted * Farris 1 . Nix m on Dr. W C X’ one estate. VVitness my hand ibF ure • iotL «i John P. Davis Ordinary. NOTICE OF DIVOr CE State of Georgia, Floyd Co Win me Lee Woodward i Libel vs f o| , >■ William E. Woodward ) vorce In Floyd County Superior Court state of Georgia. No 21 Jni, term, 1898. ’ 7 To Willium Edward Wood ward : The defendant is hereby re quired, personally or by attor ney, to be and appear at the next Superior court, to be held in and for said county, on the third Monday in July next.tlien and there to answer the plain tiff’s demand in an action of Li bel for Divorce, as in default thereof, said court will proceed as to justice shall appeitain. Witness the Honorable W.M. Henry, judge of said court, this 14th day of Wm. E. Beysiegel, Clk Superior Court. Floyd Co., Ga. J LIBEL FOR DIVORCE STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY,- I George W. Thomas ) Libel fordi- I vs . ( vorceiuFloyd I L. P. Thomas ) Super'r Court I State of Georgia, No- 83 January I term 1898. ; To 1.. P. Thomas,—The defend- | ant is hereby required purfoiiilly I cr by attorney, to be aud up/ieir j at tbe next Superior Court to bo » held in and for said count? outbe | thirl Monday in July next, then j aud there to answer the plaiutiff’s demand iu an action of libel for divorce, as in defau t thereof ltd L court will proceed as to justice I shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. M' F Henry, Judge < f said court, this I 9th day of February 1898. Wm. E. Beysiegel, C. 0. 6up* - I rior Court, Floyd county b». REDUCED RATES. On account of the Quadreiwi'■ al General Conference of the M. I E. church, South, at Baliii»” rf 'B Md. , May tbel Southern railway will selltid-B ets from a’l points on its line ,u ■ Baltimore and return atgi’esCß reduced rates. Tickets wi'l sold May 2nd 3rd an J 4th »i>“| final limit May 31st, 1898. | The schedule acconiinoibii via the Southern railway ‘-I most excellent and partiesw’H templating attending this ing and desiring rates, sleep' lll ® car reservations, etc,should^ 11 ® municate at once with i' eire ® agent of the Southern rai'" I .' ■ LETTERS OF A DMIND' 113 '® TION. J Georgia, Floyd C< unty‘ B Ta all whom it may concer g W. M. Gammon having 111 F ■ per form applied to me fo r U ® manent letters of administra M on the estate of C. A. GaiB 111 ■ late of Calhoun county> ■ This is to cite all and sinp the creditors and next of 1 ■ C. A. Gammon to be and apv ■ at my office within the « ® lowed by law and show cft _ ■ any they can, why perm B administration should ■ granted to W. M. Ganl J it J C. A. Gammon estate, my hand and signature day of April p |)j(i , I Oidinarf' I America’s greatest is Hood’s ■ cures w’lun .*ll other, P ® tions fail to do any g a0 ‘ I 1 ever. | -