The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 03, 1898, Image 2

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DEWEY PROMOTED[ Will Be Made an Admiral For His Victory. JVIRNILA HAS FALLEN And Provissional Government Is Being Formed Madrid, May 3.—This g vern m< i)t has been officially informed that Dewey has cut the cable and that lie has the end of it on boaid hie flagship. Key Wee’, May B—The Ameri* can gunboat “Castine” has brought into port a Spanish fishing ship loaded with mackerel. Washington, May 8. —The war department is making arrange ments to occupy Manila- and the Philippine islands with an army. It is believed that vounteers from the Western s’ates will be used. Madrid,May B—The Queen has telegraphed the pope that Spain will fight this war to the bitter end. Washington, May B—The naval and army authorities here have decided that it wou'd be hazardous for the army of invasion to be landed in Cuba until after the Spanish flying squadson has been located and disposed of by Samp son’s fleet. *■ ■■' ■ ■■■ ' LOCAL HAPPENINGS. X-Rays.—Dr. Thos. P. Hine man will lecture on the X-rays at the court housetonignt, bene fit Library. A large crowd should go out and hear him. Non Suited. —The case of Mrs. Fletcher Smith vs. City of Rome for damages was non suited and a verdict was brought in by the jury in favor of Rome. Fireman’s Day,—Next Tues day is the annual firemen’s in spection and parade day. The com mi tee will meet in a few days to perfect the program. 'They will probably have some exciting races. Didn’t Know Her. —Some wag placed a ficticious bulletin today stating: ‘‘Sampson has fallen into the hands of Delilah.” It was not long until an innocent walked up, read the bulletin and asked : “Who the h—l is Deli lah?” Burglary.—Deputy Sheriff Bill McLeod, went down to Ce dartown this morning to get several witnesses in the Steph en’s burglary case. Mr. S. B. Landrum’s store at Livingston was burglarized a year ago, and Stephens is to be be tried for committing the burglary. U. R K. of P. Lecture .--On Thursday night Dr, S. R. IL Ik will lecture at the hall of M‘. Alto Knights of "Pythias. This lecture will he delivered in the interest and for the benefit of the Unifoam •tank Knights of Pytnias of Rome. As a lecturer. Dr Belk enjoys a state wide repbtation and those who hear him on this occasion will ever remember it with pride. Leg Broken.—Mr. Frank Miller, driver for hose wagon No. 4, happened to a very pain ful and which came near being a serious accident. He was on his way to breakfast this morn ing about 6 o’clock, driving his wagon. In turning his horse in a side street the wagon turned over on him, breaking his leg near the knee. D. Lindsay Johnson was called in and set the broken limb. He suffered great agony, but was resting as well as could be expected at last accounts. IN MANILLA BAY. Details of The Battle Coming in Slowly. FOUGHT FORT ANO FLEET And Swept Spanish SqauJron From l he Ocean. London, May 3.—The details of the battle of Manilla have been received at the British co lonial oflice. They came in two cable messages received yester day evening, the substance of which was furnished to the As sociated Press by the officials of the colonial office today. The first dispatch announced that the United States fleet en tered Manilla harbor at day break yesterday, stationing it | self opposite the city. A tort opened fire on the American ships, whereupon they shifted their position to one near Cavite, in Manilla bay, engaging in a fierce fight against both the forts and the Spanish fleet. The engagement lasted two hours and resulted in the anni hilation of the Spanish fleet. 1 his dispatch adds that the American ships withdrew to their magazine vessel, in the cen ier of the roadstead, for the purpose of coaling. One American vessel the name of which is not mentioned, is said to have been disabled. C» mmodore Dewey requested the British consul, E. 11. Raw * son-Walker, to convey a message to the Spanish governor-general demanding the surrender of all the torpedoes and guns at Ma nilla and the possession of the cable offices, saying that unless these terms were complied with he would proceed to bombard the city. The first of the cable messages ends with the state ment that the Spanish officials were conferring with the British consul and the telegraph com pany’s agent, and that pending decisi n being arrived at, the cables were not permitted to handle messages. i The second dispatch received by the colonial office announced that the Spanish governor-gen eral had refused to surrender the torpedoes, guns and cable officers, and that he had pre vented the agent of the telegraph company from conferring with Commodore Dewey. This message ended with the statement that the British govern ment of the etraits settlenu nts expect that the bombardment of Manilla would be begun ou Mon day morning, when the Spaniards would cut the cable. The first of these cable messages was received at 9 o'clock yester day morning and the second i t midnight. They have not yet been given to the newspapers here. No other messages on the sunject have been received in London. although th* foreign office expected uews from the British consul at Manila. Therefore, it i« supposed that tin expection of the governor of the straits settlements has been fuF filled, and the Spaniards have cut the cable. Lee Appointed. Richmond, Va., May £. —Ten Fitzhugh Lee received today the f-Rowing telegram from Washing toi : “Your appointment as major general has been decided upon by the president, and will go to the senate tomorrow for confirmation. Accept my sincerest e<-ngralula tinos. A.D. Corbin, “Adjt - Gen.U S : A.” One Large Scar Is All That Remains of Great Scrofula Sores Neighbors Could Not bear to Look Upon Her—A Grand, Complete Cure by >od’s Sarsaparilla After Others Failed. “I was taken with neuralgia in my head and eyes. 1..»t long after this, a scrofula sore apee ired on my left cheek, extending f ■ • i mv upper lip to nty ej’e. Other so es t ame on my neck and on my right arm and om> of my limbs. They were very troublesome and painful and soon became gnat running sores. My face looked ;■<> bad that some of my neighbor.-; cnul-.l not bear Io look at me and advised me to weir a bandage, but J feared this voi.ul irritate the sore and make it worse. i I Could No Hide the Sores. My niece, who w :t familiar with n case similar to mine, i-ich had been cured by Hood’s Saran.j nrilU, urged me to try it. Finally I wo.p .-.ntded to do so, and in a short time ! .aw it was helping me. The sores b’gati to heal and the neu ralgia in my I .••ad was better. In a few months the or< s on my arms and limbs ill healed; tho u on my neck gradually lisnppeared and tow they are all gone, h ive never had any symptom of scrofula ice. O :ei >ri - ear ou my right arm is i the sign tha’ remains of my terrible .lietion. h uralgti is also cured.’’ •Ina. J. M. Kat I m, New Hampshire . | ’.lnnrji’p Sarsa- a O w pa ri H a ; the best— n. •■■ -t the One True Blood I’tirifiofl I Hood's P'' ’ ’ 1,1 ''" s l; -» men could be gs cured, but f< r the present at leasl, the Goverr.tnei t will not accept the services of more than 12L 0(0 volnoteerp, ’.he num ber cal It <1 for by the President in his proclamation last Saturday. FOR TREASURER. I appreciate most sincerely the kind support 1 received from the voters of Floyd county in electing me county treasurer in the past and again respectfully submit my name as a candidate I for renomina'ion in the primary I of June 6th. If re-elected I again | 'pledge myself to render the same non partisian service to all the people ( when funds are out !as I have honestly endeavored ! to do in the past. Respectfully, Jas. B. Dill. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. In announcing myself as a candidate for state and county tax collector of Floyd, subject to the democratic primary on June 6th, 1 desire to call your attention to some of the reasons why 1 ask your support, Chief of these reasons is the record of services faithfully rendered This record is open to the in spection of every citizen and tax payer of Floyd county, and has [already been passed upon by [ those officials whose duty it is to keep an eye on such matters. Many’ thousands of dollars have passed through my hands, and for every cent of this money receipts are held in my office. The taxes due the state and county have been closely eollect ed by mo, and this has been ' dene without oppressing the tax i payers individually or collec tively. I propose to make a clean ! campaign for re-nomination,and I my pledge for the future is my i official conduct in the past. Thanl ting you for your sup I port heretofore given, I respect- j fully ask your votes and co-op eration in the present contest. Yours truly, V. T. Sanford. FOR CORONER. I am a janditate for re-election is coroner of Floyd county, sub I ject to the democratic ] rim»ry of ' lune Gth. and will gratefu'ly ippreciate the votes of my friends ind the public. F. IT. Schlapbach. Wantei,—Christian man or woman to do office work and | torrespondence livre. Salary* I 1 £BOO. Apply with self addressed! damped envelope to A. r. Elder, I' General Manager, care Daily i Hustler-Commercial. < s BEST SANITARY PLUMBING | L N *************************** f;" ►I ♦ £ J * Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. ’■t'li ■» Water M A I Gas Fixtures, fle(ei - s Gas Stoves, i « IX - If t * >IHn PS, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- 4 W Y I tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- 1 ;| trie fixtures. K «jl # p ' L W , t 1 l,ave employed Alex S. Pierce to 3 F L | take charge of my shop department. 7 l LJ * He is one of the best workmen in the t 5 m « South. Repair work attended to F ’’• promptly. I? 1 « I JOHN C-CHILDS. f 4 N ❖ 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fahv K «i p |%Kftk******»»**«*«******MMkMM I * I EASTER ifc * ' * J 27 * > s °ver and now the post-lenten X *1 [S * season is on. You are most cor- » ® * dially invited to call and see the * W * very latest fads and fancies, nov- * fl su 5 elties, and nice things in sash- #fl ?? * ionable millinery. We receive »fl * new goods dvery day and they » fl > come specially selected from the » fl * fashion centers. Our new flow- * 9 72 # ers are exceptionally pretty. J 9 * « ' ‘ * fl .. . -MW®- # ■ rv fl # | Hrs, A, 0, Garrard * I « M * O #1 3 @ c S' g Ss S SS ©S• Sis |»[ ■ OS OBDEB ® I ilWedliOaiilsoßrarth* I I# THEY ARE THE • SI | $7 KIND BAT OTHER PLACES. I n t IBumemtojkSg I