The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 03, 1898, Image 3

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enlist slowly. Capt. J. B- N euiil aild His Lieutenants HUSTLE FOR VOLUNTEERS Rev A- A. Tilley Enlists as a Private Capt James B, Nevin at the Board of Trade rooms has enlisted twenlV’Diue volunteers. First Lieutenant Walter Perkins baß gone to Cedartown to b. cure recruits. Second Lieutenant H. P. Jack has gone to Dalton to secure re cruits. That was the status of the prog ress made by the appointed offi cers of the Rome volunteer com pany this afternoon. At 4 o'clock this afternoon Rev. A. A. Tilley, pastor of Howard avenue Methodist church, enlisted his name on the muster rolls of the volunteer company. A HusTLER-CoMMEittiAL report er asked Mr. Tilley if he had en listed as a chaplain. “No, he re plied, “not unless the other mem bers of the company have enlisted lor chaplains.’’ Mr. W. P. O'Neil, the book keeper for Mr. Geo. J. Bryant, is in a peck of trouble over his en listment. He stated to a reporter this afternoon that he had not meant to be serious when he sign ed his name and that he proposed to have it struck off. When informed that such a thing would be impossible and that having signed for two years he would have to go, he looked decided! y annoyed. Capt. Nevin says that he does not expect to enlist more than forty men in Rome, but that he anticipatrs no trouble in securing the other 44 needed , from Dalton, Calhoun, Cedartown and Cave Spring. The twenty-nine enlisted here are: F. G. Govan Dwight Willingham J. D. Maddox G. B. (Jliidsey M. P. Word \\ .E, Lampkin NC. Hoyt G. W. Thomas J B. Patton H. H. Stansbury C. G. Pollock C. C. Keene W. P. O’Neil R. A. Gwaltney A. R. Davis J. W. Starling Pelt Mitchell T. H.Williamson R Grinnell G. T. Brazelton E. H.West, Jr. M. B. Daniels E. M. Quinn G. W. Hunter E. E. Harbin J. W. Nichels A. A. Tilley W. 11. Johnson Chas. E. Davis. Personal Mention. O. B. Osborne, of Atlanta, is in th) city. Mr. William White Johnson, of Oalton. is in the city. Mr. J. H. Bathrick, of Atlanta, 1* at the Armstrong today. Mr. R. B McArver, of Coosa, was in the city today. Mr. Leonard Todd will spend tomorrow in Chattanooga. Mr. J. J. Williams, of Colum ns, Ga., ie here today on busi ness. Mr. J, Dallias Turner went un to Chattanooga to taEe in the fire- n >«iiß raci s. Hen W. C. Bryan candidate '»r state legislature from Floyd > is in the city today. Mr. \\ .S. ycle manager of Central Ry. compresses is the KUeetofthe family Mrs. J. A. ueorge. Mrs. R. N. Allen le p t today 01 Chattanooga, where she will spend several weeks with rela t,Vfcs and friends. u COI ; aQd M'' 9 - I. D. Ford will ' Ve hursday for Henderson, y- to vi s i t Dr. and Mrs. Let- I hey will join a party to 8° to Canada. P “ f r 1 - 6 i iwlUWi iSM 1 HRB LgSgfeS® ||L l ill II I " rfS "T ‘ I —/ V-.~ -.vT. M w KP m IF I I -Jl/ il s " 111 lift a fit o 5 rs g Rome Business Collegwill receive pupils nowand accept time note r part or all tuition, payable when course <s correted and position is secured, All arrangementshould be made by May Ist H. S. HOCKLEY, Prin. Mr. J. E. Camp, one of the best farmers in Floyd county, spent today in the city. Miss Pearl Gould, a pretty young lady of near Gadsden, is the guest of Miss Addie Colman on East Second street. Mr. W. W. Mundy, a pre in in ent lawyer of Cedartown, who has been in the city several days on legal business returned to his home today. Revival —Dr. S R. Beik is assisting Rev A. H. Bugg, in a series of meetings at 3rd Methodist ch irch, in N >rth Rome. Administrator Salk. —All the household and personal effects of the lute J. A, George was so'd at the ct lift house this morning at administrators sale. A number of valuable articles were so d, Akter Recruits —Capt. Walter Perkins and Bob Gwajtney went dowu to Cedartown this m >rning Lieu s . Howard P Jack and Nathan Hoyt went to Dalton last night to get recruits to join th° army. Dr. Chapman has a company already organized at Cedrtown and the Rome boys will co-operate with him. Again Postponed. —T h e sham battle which was to have taken place Tuesday was again postponed on account of the fire men celebrating that day. How ever it will come off on Wednes day May 11th, unless the flotilla fleet comes up the Coosa and bombards Rome. Mr. Fouche Dead —Mr. Mor ton Fouche brother to Mr. R, T. Fouche of this city died at his home in Chattanocga yesterday, morning, the deceased lived in Ron.e at one time. The funeral will occur in Chattanooa this afternoon at 2 o’clock,Maj Fouche went to Chattanooga yesterday. Messrs. Sproull Fouche and George Magruder went this inoru- FOR TAX ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of tux assessor of Floyd county subject to the action of the democrats in the primary elections of June 6th, 1898. K. L. Foster. Columbian Spirit [ped wood alcohol] worth 60 can quart, seling at B9c. Diamond Wall Fmis’rth 60c a package, seling at 35. Harness Oil 15c perart, no charge for hot I. Atomizers Spectator the blind, crushes for thenn and Spear’s Weth-rprooi I Water paint, all at cost to re« stock, at Frank Wright's Fiicy, cor ner opposit Mas< n c T)'. FOR SHERD T 1. . 1... If OO I hereby aniiouiiefysili as j a candidate for sherif I'loyd i county, subject to themocrat-1 ic piimary to be hcldtne 6th, f 1898. Messrs. William Jriflin and « T. Berrv Broach w be my •/ deputies and Mr. i Byars t my jailer. We respecllly solicit i your vote, and prom to faith- 1 I fully and honestly [form the 1 duties of the office. J. 1 Camp. announcenht Please announce r name as a candidate for senar from the 42nd senatorial distit subject to the democratic pri try to be held on June the till Respect ully, R. r.ouciiE. FOR REPAESFATIVE I hereby announo< myself a candidate for a seat-i the lower < house of the General ssembly of . Georgia, to re presen tiGoyd coun ty, my’ candidacy sfljact to the action of of the demcratic prim ary of June the 6tl W. ■ Bryan: FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Editor Hustler-Gmmercial — Please kindly annemee my can didacy, for membgship in the lower house of tin next general assembly. Subjects an approval by my countrymei at the ballot box in the priimiy on June 6th. proximo. Hekiy Walker. For The Legislature To the voters of Floyd ccuuty: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of representa tive in the lower house of the next General Assembly :of Geor gia. my candidacy subj et to the primarv of Jun** 6th 98. J. Lind'ay Johnson . f' MR. A M NICHOLAS. President Wi’.imington, N. C. Mfg. Co.. says: “We now have with <ur company four young men and one young lady, all of wb< m we engaged through Mr. H. S. Shockley, Rome, Ga. he aiw highly pleased with their work ana their general d* portment can not be excelled We shall cer tainly apply to Mr. Shockley again in case we need any one to fi 1 a place wi’h us. [f y< u (!■ dr io c< n.plet a th< r -I)Ugh c uis. ol iisiiess training and Hcure a good pr sitiou enter nwat R me Bush ess College Remp Ga- FBEI WiiTBTIIIIIIHI TO EVERYONE. Who suflei> with any chronic disease of any I part of the. human body, such as kidney and ( I blander, heart, liver and stomach troubles, 1 tare and skill eruptions, disorders of the sex ' lud organs, sexual weakness and indifference , * t< Provlded spplication be made at once, in or- der that its inventions, appliances and never failing remedies may receive the widest possi i ble publicity, and prove their own merits by actual use and permanent cures. No money < whatever will be received by the State Med - ical Siuitarium from anyone under its treat ment until benelicial results are acknow.edged Its remedies and appliances have been com mended by the newspapers of two continents | and endorsed by the greatest doctors in the world. U Iter.- developement is desired they ace- mplish it and never fail to invigorate, upbuild and fortify They infuse new life an I energy. 1 hey per manentl.r stop all loss s which underintue the constitution and produce despondency . Tm-v retone, refresh and restore to manhood. ■ regardlessor age Tn.-y .• ire evil habits and perm ineiit'v rem >ve their effects, as well as tnose of ex fesses .nd brain work, neurasthenia or ii.-r' ius exhaustion. No ' tailtire. u.> publicity. n > Leaptlon, no disap pointment. Write today. * State Medical Sanitarium, EvanSti 1. Illi'i »1« . ANNOUNCEMENT- I hereby announce myself a candidate for the legislature, jubjeut to the democratic pri mary June 6th. J. B. Nevin. The best graham flour ever brought to Rome, at Lloyds, any quanity. 8c lb. Try curaouce ami 3 ou will accept no other, THAT TIRED FEELING thtth) old man experienced, while waiting for a decision by / x \ the government, has been dis- I ' I pelled by its action. “That tired • Z» feeling” that everyone that 1 I needs a spring medicine feels is VM?® f dispelled by the action of Curry’s \ j,*' Liver Compound on the system. 'X*Hl We acknowledge no superior to AW / Curry’s Liver Compound as a W's- W.l ’V x ' blood puffier and tonic. . ust a Moment Please ■ _ , ■ _ ■ - —• The Opportunity of ’a’ Life-time For Big Dividend— Paying \ Investment I X THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY Capital stock ss,ooo,ooo—full paid—andnon-aßsesßable.Promißes to be | as good ae the Beel Telephone, Westinghouse Aik Brake, Grapho phone ok Phonograph and other similar industrial enterprises which ire paying thousands in profits to their shareholders. This is an industrial rather than a Mining Company. We have •he only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (patented)that will work in the frozen ground of the Klondike and the Northwest, where we take our and extract the gold from the claims of others, just as thrashing machines tre taken into the wheat country >o hresh out the farmer’s wheat. One of our machines does the work of over 1,000 men each day and we save the 40% of gold that is usual ly lost by other methods, bo it can readily be seen what enormous profits we will earn in the fabulously rich gold mines of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one must be acquainted. Every prospector th. re isour prospector, for he must eventually •ome to us to have his claim worked. Therefore we believe we shall in time be pay in as large dividends as the world-famous en terprise mentioned above. Ours is a similar industrial stock which , t z ~ , Unital timi at the very low price of $2.50 ro SIO.OO share. This is an opportunity of a life time. No ev ery day does Fortune knock atone s.door Tre only The only | 3V f used in the west H y c r a u _ south, nc Mine North) east. Fatten’d) OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PRESIDENT. H.P. Townley, * Now York Hen, L. Brxdf )rJ P ino i, - Bxnti Fe New Mex Manager of the Equitable,Lite Aemrauce So President International Minin,' Congre. IST VICE PRES,Hon.J N Hnston. New York Hon. John P. Hoyt Seattle, Washington Ex Treasurer of the United States Fx-TW-r Justice, State of washing t o ND vi<’E PRkS E. Pariniy Browu,New York Geo. McLean, Manufacturer, 1 assan, N.iJ <■ 1 Treas, Andrew McLean. Mgfr Passaic, N.J. Jonathan Bourne, Ir, Mining Capitalists Portland Secty and Ass-t Treas. L New York James W Clise, "I Seattle, Washington Auditor an 1 Counsel, W-n R Weeks. New York Oh- of Mining C-”» N V Consulting Engineer Wm. f. Lay. Naw York Lull. T ' ’ New Yogk The buiiueasjabilityjtina.icial standing obour Directors are among the best evidences of our success. To raise the capitol to place several plants in the Klondike small block of stock ia now offered to the public at the very ow rata of of 25 cents on the dollar or $2 50 for each II > Whan tins block is sold, no more will be offered at less than or $lO per share . i An investment of $25 to SSO in this stock should very soon return !arg» profits—Even 100 to 1-and thus afortune for the sa- j gacioua invasion. , „ Certificates are, in very attractive f orm, called Geid-Bucks and are trausferab’e from hand to hand. ... Send for illustrated Brospeotus where full explanation is given j of how wacm earn eush enor nous profits by the Lay System. Read! Reflect! Investigate I Invest! | All information cheerfully given by ths Secretary. Call or 1 wr i t9 —klaska Gold Blacar Machine Mining Co. Home cffices, Washington Building, No. 1 Broadway New York, ißepairing H • Don’t Walk On 2 • @ Your Uppersi: tW. A-MU LLIN iX,M S a°sonPcT C m;i|