The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 12, 1898, Image 2

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FICHTATGARDEIMB American Vessels Repulsed With Loss, SEVEN MEN KILLED. A Hot Bombardm 3nt Was Giv en Batteries Kov Wes', May 12.—Seven Americans were ki'kd in the bom bardment <>f Cardenas yesterday. Those killed were: Ensign Badger, F reman Daniels, Olier Varvens. Cook Criminal, Seaman PaUer hoi.. Meek, Berans all of the bat tle sh ip Winslc we . < ] New Yolk, May 12.—Wild ex" citement prevail here over the de feat of the Americans. Port Antonio, May 12. —Four American war vessels took part in the bombardment of Carden as yesterday and were severely repulsed by Spanish gun boats and shore batteries. Washington, May 12 —George Dowling, the Spanish spy who was arrested a week ago hung himself in the barracks this morning. New York, May 12. —The Journal special from Fort de France says : Nine American war vessels bombarded San Juan and Porto Rico this morning. . London, May 12.—Cardenas on the Eastern gateway of Ha vana was bombarded by Ameri can war vessels yesterday. Key West, May 12.—The Hudson has just arrived, bring ing four dead and one wounded from the bombardment of Carde nas yesterday. Washington, May 12. —lt is reported here that the auxiliary cruiser, Tecumseh, was blown up this morning, but not offi cially confirmed. J M EK 1:ITT APPOINTED Wil l. Lead The Abmy In The Philippines, San Francisco, May 12 —The President has appointed Gen. Wes l< y Merritt of the regular army to the command of the volunteers on the Pacific c ast Gen. Merritt will rank as brigadier general and will lead the invasion of the infantry upon the Philippines. He has been proclaimed governor-general of the Philippines, and as soon as possible will establish his position at the capitol at Manila* 600 RIOTERS KILLED. One ITrusand Persons Arrested Ano 2,000 Wounded, Loudon, May 12 The Vienna correspondent of I'he Daily Tele graph, describing the riots at Mil an, says: “One thousand persons were arres ted, 600 killed and 2 000 wounded In one instanci twenty students were killed at the main station of the Vieina railway linn. Three hundred rioters set fire to ail the rail way carriages ui d the military, hurrying up. unfortunately fired on the firemen, who were trying to d aperse the rioters with a hoae. Many of tb« firemen were killed, STRICTLY NEUTRAL Vienna, May 12.—1 n the speech from the throne at the opening of t he cession of the Reicbsarth today the Emperor said. “We will observe strict neutrality, and nope that the war will soon be finished by an equitable arrange ment. We hope for a pacific deve lopment in the far East, but in the face of the uncertain situation the mai< tei.ance of a powerful arma ment is> necessary. A WORN 01 FAB — “Spring Medicines,” “B-ood Purifi ers and “Tonics” an Old Fash ioned Idea. Pure bleed, st ic ng nei vs sv, dn i k ’(>. fi) m, 1 ealthy flesh can only come from wholesome food v. < 1 i dim-ted. “Blood puri fiers” and “nerve tonic” do not r< ath the c: I se of the mischief. The stomach is the point to be lookid after. J he safest and surest way to cure any form of indigestion into take after each in 3al some harmless preparation of this kind co n; used of vegetable es sences pure pepsin, golden seal and fruit >-alls. sold by druggists under name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia 1 ablet -, at 1 these tablets taken j after meals assist digestion wonderfully because they will digest] the food promptly before it has t ime to f< rment and sour, and the weak stoma h relieved and assisted m this way soon becomes strong and vigorous again. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are superior to any secret patent medicines because you know what you are taking into your stomach. They are sold by druggists every where at 50c per package. Write F. A. Stuart Co, Marsh ill, Mich., for book on stomach diseases, mailed f»*ee. JI \ K i HU ■ " iSbL KI y ■ Wlw IB& TSli VI L \ >■ JAMES BURNS. Ex-Collector of the Port of Kan- is City. Os the men who have occupied poWioiv of public trust in Kansas City, either by gift of the peonle >r by appointment; none has a more enviable reputation for ability, b nesty and efficiency than James Burns, Collector of the Port of Kansas City under Grover Cleveland. He lived the letter th maxim, “public office is a public trust,” and when he retired he c. t ried with him the respect of everyone in the community—democrats and republi cans alike* James Burns has used Stuart’s Dpspepsit Tablets and he does not hesitate to say they have accompli I ed wonders. “I suffered with dyspepsia for twenty v u*s,” said Mr. Burns yesterday. “Never knew what it w - is Io eujoi life—in fact living seemed a burden, as it does to all who suffer severely with dys pepsia. A few months ago 1 began taking Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets. From the first I felt rem-l’, and now, although 1 am still taking them, I feel entirely cured. For th< first time in twenty vears T can eat anything I want ai d suit r no ill effects from it You can’t imagine the pleasure of this unhos you have been a dyspepsia sufferer. “I never gave a testimonial for any n.ed.cine before, but 1 feel as if everybody ought to know of this remedy, and while it i personally distasteful to me to appear in »r in this connection 1 feel as if 1 had no right to shirk the oppr tiinity tc, perhap help some other sufferers from d.'pepsin ib v been recommend ing the Tablets to all my friends. (Ini. - :(*{•< ily 1 took James II Lillis, the fattier of Father Lillis, down to g> ome, and I under stand he also is being wonderful y ben. li i< 1 I can’t recommend it too highly.” RALLY AROUND THE FLAG BOYS! iis Uncle Sam’? call to arms *hat has aroused the patrioti.-m >f th Nation. Those «ho stay tlt ni will rally around our s da I' nt tain, end cool their ex in i>, i.t after reading war news, mi:li glass of our ke-co'd, spatkling , soda water with pure fruit juic - phosphates, ice cream or slu rb, t, as pala'.e ticklers. CURRY AK KIN .TON CO. S Best White LEGHORNS! 8 C* at r° r the very best breed and most AjisJi ijHjr perfectly marked fowls, le ve orders ee with J. T. Crouch ek Co., $3 per trio. « Xa SP ,endid c ocker< is only sl, SR 1. D. GAILLIARD. Pea’ /OiawB ’ -I I IIP-' APPLICATION FOR LET-1 TERs OF DI MISSION. Ge kgia, Floyd County: Whereas L. W. Ptbn, ad-, mlnistraior of B. A. Connelly, I represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that lie has I administered B. A. Connelly’s t'-f ate. 'I his is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors o show cause, if any (hey cad, why said administrator should Lot, be discharged from his ad ministration and <eeeive letters of dismission on the fir-t Mon day - in June. 1898. 'I bis March 7 til 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. Georgia, Floyd C- i nty: T • all whom it may concern : ' W. M. Gammon having in pro per form applied to me for per manent letters of administration on the estate of C. A. Gammon, late of Calhoun county, Ala. This is to cite all ami singular the creditors and next of kin of C. A. Gammon to be and appear at my office within the time al lowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. M. Gammon on C. A. Gammon estate. Witness my hand and signature this 4th | day of April 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. RANGES. I am agent iorSouth ern Que en Coal or Wood Ranges. Alsc Insurance Safety G-asi oline stoves • Call and 1 see mvstock and get estimaes on your nlumbitn o, and tin work- Nevt door to onera house. j F - HANSON STAMP TAXES A e corning as a necessary war me sure, and as a consequence m -diemes will be advanced in price. If you have not yet begun your course of Hood’s Sarsaparilla it is advisable to lay in a year’s supply at and begin to take it today By so doing you will save monev and rega : n health. Ho' tl’s Sarsaparilla is America’s Greatest Medicine. Be sure to get flood’s - Hood’s Pills are easy to take, ■asy to op'-rate. : Advice to ? iCoramptivesl | There are three great rcme- | ♦ dies that every person with ♦ x weak lungs, or with consump- « j tion itself, should understand. ; t These remedies will cure t J about every case in its fust ♦ ♦ stages ; and many of those | | more advanced. It is only ♦ t the most advanced that are • ♦ hopeless. Even these are ♦ ♦ wonderfully relieved and life 5 X itself greatly prolonged. j ♦ What are these remedies ? « Fresh air, proper food and ♦ i Scon’s Emulsion | lof Cod-Liver Oil 'with Hypo- I ♦ phosphites. Be afraid of | X draughts but not of fresh air. t | Eat nutritious food and drink ♦ t plenty of milk. Do not forget } | t that Scott’s Emulsion is the | ; oldest, the most thoroughly | t tested and the highest en- ♦ J dorsed of all remedies for J | weak throats, weak lungs and t X consumption in all its stages. X I SCOTT A: BOWNH, Chemists, New York. J NO V IS THE TIM E 1O PAIN f You can do a good job on your cheap houses, lams and 'ences at a very small expense, with Spears’ ('old Water Wetli- Arproof Paint and a hundred dollar lot (six colors) is now oeing closed out at cost at Frank Wright’s Farmaey, corner op posit Masonic feinpl. Wanted—Salesman to sell Lubricating Oils from simples, on commission. Liberal terms. The Euclid Oil Company, Cleve land, Ohio. A U MPTING ARRAY. iPTHi . 11 11’ i . .JI(J •' , / 7 \< C i I- lyM l [ n t jeIS-K We sell the best the market affords at the same price you have been paying for inferior goods. Why continue? You are entitled to the best if you pay for it. We see that you get it. Even thing about our store is kept religiously clean, and our goods are always fresh, bright and new We buy lit tie and often, and from first hands. If you wish to live well and cheaply, give us your trade. LLOYD’S. cww .rf&STfIRR TFfl FIiWS. LJ America’s Leading Instruments. JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN CO. Manufacturers and Dealers. No. 921 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Dallas, Texas. Montgomery, Ala. Factories: Richmond, Ind. Write our nearest house. Aa-ccntstamp may •avc you many dollar*. Beware of Imitations j j Mtfcerferjfiire (/f V | JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, AaENTS, HEW YORK. ’ 111 1 m ini BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or, money refunded. Price 25 cents I per box. For sale by Curry- I \rrington Drug Company. WHEN TRAVELING [Whether on pleasure bent, or 1 business, take on every trip a [ hottie of Syrup of Figs, as it I acts most pleasantly and effect ually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preyenting fevers, head aches, and other form’i of sick -1 ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. \’anu factured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. I LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. ] To all whom it may concern : L. A. Dean having in proper : form applied to me for perma : nent letters of administration on ; 1 1 he estate of Lucy Parker, late j , <)f said county, deceased. This Mis to cite all and singular the , creditors and next Kin of Lucy Parker to be and appear at my , office within the time allowed by , law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad ’ ministration should uot be - granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy I Parker’s estate. Witness my hand signature this 7th day of , March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. FOR SALE CHEAP. A small gentle bay pony. Has been driven ard iridden by chil dren for years. Call at tha office. OK lIISMIsJI.I L I GE KGIA FLOYD COUNTY, I Whereas T. A. Thrash ■ Mrator of Mrs V F. ■ ceased, represet ts tj the court I his petition duly fi e<] that h. J*' I admit.istered Mrs. V. p. Ti u? ■ estate. Tliis is tocite .H ■ concerned kindr-l at.d credit ‘ 8 H f o /; how cause if ( .ny t | ie .. c^ l f J ■ administrator should n , lt - ■ .hschargeii from his admi llistr ] e ■ Lion ai d receive Liters of di #n B sion on the first Monday i h J'’’ K 1898. This Feb. 7th 1898 “ V I . dole P- Davis Ordinary I IHE DANGERS OF SPRING I Which arise from impurities i n R be blood and a depleted condi E mos this vital fluid may | )e E o itirely averted by Hood’s Sai - . I saparilla. This great medicine fi cures all spring humors, boils R eruptions and sores, and by en . fi rkming and vitalizing the blood | it overcomes that tired feein’ ■ and g’ves vitality and vigor. * fi’ * ■- Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick | headache, bi!liousness and ’liver I ills. Price 25 eents. fi YEA K’S SUPPORT. R GEORGIA , Floyd County . R To all whom it may concern: fi Notice is hereby’ given, that th- fi appraistrs appointed to set (, part K •uid assign a 4'.h, year’s ,p rt H to Mrs. Mary Park H the B' widow of T. K H wel, K have filed their award, and mAts Bl ’d and sufficient c. me i< ■the same will be made the HB incut of ths Court at !i,e May teim, IStIS of the court I.f Ordin ary. This k > u I J< hn P. Davis. B Ordinary F.oyd County,Gei l r i 'i l i. REDUCED RATES. ■ < >ll account of tlu> Quadreniii. B ■il (lencral Conference M the M. fi E church, South, at Baltinnee, B Md. , May 4rh-2Sth, 1898, the I Southern railway will sell tick- I els from a’! points on its line to I B lititnore n.i 1 return at greatir H I reduc 'd ru'es Tick-H w;. !e ;sohl \1 ly 3rd an I I - ; iritn final limit May 31 st, b.'b. The schedule arconr.ivh*.: cs via the Southern raihviy are mo.'t excellent and parti-.-- - .’.i- HHg;'- teinplatmg mending t...- HE ing ami liesiring rate-, s,-"pi:g ■ ear reservations, etc, slioiiidcoH- I 1 munieate -it o ice, willl tiei ,- r-t I 1 agent of the Somhcrn niMV.e, - . Annuel Sales over 3,000,900 Lexes I 'UR BILIOUS AND NLRVOUS DISOR-o I H V.'.ml ;c 1 in t!r‘ I J uliic'S lite r n>- .. la. D-e'.'e-ine". 1r- - I I! I. N-.S of Appefib-. < ■" . 7 Mig ill •us <ui th«» Skin. C 'i'l Chile’ ■ furl.J SL.'p. Frichtfnl Drear.'u';- ■K; - N.-iv.-as a ..I Treiul'U'iii Q‘: T.i r; Fill T DOSE WILL GIVE TWF.Fi'f MINUTES. J ■■<n'--••■■ B i. ill .u-.: ledge tln in to I'o M A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. E kMUX H V'i X I>ILI>, takoi ' ■ '!. - r -•■■'" F.ern'p ’■ HK P’. 1 ■ li.-ultl>. They prenn'tc ML ’ . 1.-tru 'il.'i.sor ii r.'guliiritly- ■ ' t.-« t..m and cure "i< k Headache. . Weak Stomach ■ Impaired Digestion H Disordered IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILD’** ( Bcochiiffl’s Pills ar® j Without a Riva™ i LARGEST SALE 8 of any r’aleip WciHciae ino> M 25c. at all Drutf Stores. M Sour stosl= •• Mter I wn» IniHii-eit k 1 t.n. 1 v.i'i 1 in .My liv. r was in a very bad .-liar . ‘ u. i-<l a>. 1 I lia I bloiuai’ii 111,11 Inu e.-iseari-ts 1 feel Hue- st( .ui.u'« u h I. '..■.u'ltetal r. NUlls P' J.,.-. lUIMII.IM. l"-‘ 1 '•■••MV' 1- CANDY 1,, cathartic 10 v C(J| TRADe WARH ’X' a lj ’ i^/ir < illljE _ , t die ... cure coasnwrKJjß , , Slvrll.w ll.mrd, < ..N.l"'"' ■ '"'"’C-——l NO-TO-BAC .i<> i.o-dt ' 11 Tv i < .-Killing .OI.UHt. ,1 f, . 11.. .1. > V. U|j; (i . t ;i«•rvi.u- liimrvßb. |” •* 11 f K tin,., puritlus the I'l •••ej.rfgM i.,.1 limnhvuil V»TJ r ■B IS Ml *A 5 5 o 1 Y e<our O«" “t..' B ■ T'i