The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 12, 1898, Image 4

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[HE HUSTLED-COMMERCIAL THE HUSTLER OF ROME . Established, ISVO A __ "THE ROME COMMERCIAL EHtabllabed, 1906. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. oitlce, Wilkerson .Block, Third Avenue ■ ———— _jf LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION Jaily and Sunday,per year $5 Os Mun a r , per year Weekly (Thk RomeCoubibr) per year W BY CARRIER IN CITY AND BUBULIB Dr* y ai.<l Sunday, lucent* per weel. Remit by bank draft. expfail, money order or registered letter Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. ROME, GA. Entered at the Postoffice at Rome. Ga., as second class matter. Advertising rates and sample co,m forth asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall. IForJSecretary of State,: PHIL COOK, of Lee. For; omptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General, JOSEPH M. TERRELL, * of Merrlwether. . ForjTreasurer. W. M. SPEER, of Fulton, For Con missioner of Agriculture, O. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. Fori School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. For Prison Commissioner JOSEPH S. TURNER, of putinan. The Hustler-Commercial is the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It lias tin combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commercial, and is the official gazette of The City of Rome T'he City Marshal The Sheriff of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co. The Hustler-Commercial has the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. Lee and Dewey make a fine bat tery. Sampson ’b hair continuee to grow. Ou with the water dance The Yankee pigpen is decidedly mightier than the Spanish sword. Sampson has strained hie Ayes —looking for that disappearing Iket. The average Spanish officer set ms to be about as rank as men iu ranks, Geu. Clement A. Evans will preach tbe commencement sermod at Mercer. While Dewey was at breakfast, his friend the enemy, was having a hot tune. Having lost her laure' crown, Spain is now playing away her other crowns. Th--re is considerable talk about the United States sending a col ony of negroes to the Pphillipiuee. In the harbour of Havana there is one sunken war vessel, but in M milla Bay ten war ships have gone to the bottom, Tbe moat villioous act of the century has been followed by moat uuparaleled retribuf-ory k - Why has not Mr. Simmons, the county commissioner who is opposing Clerk of Court Beysie gel now’, not brought suit against Mr. Beysiegel compell ing him to return that $1550.15 so “illegally” obtained. Mr. Simmons has been on the board twoyears, and while making the race as a member of the “re form” ticket combination now, he seems to have neglected his duty—provided, of course, Mr. Beysiegel ought to be made dis gorge —and the “reform” organ so charges. Columbus was not a Spaniard. Just any body cant ride a Bey siegd. Who got the other third and why was he not also slandered? Steady in the boat gentlemen, those are only blanks tbe enemy is firing, Why is it the “mudslinger” doesnot tell who got the balance of that misappropriated fund? The patriotic girl continues so flash the powder on’her cheeks at the patriotic boys of the home guard Joe Rust of Kansas was tbe cook on the Olymp’a who cooked that fam lus breakfast for Deweys fighters William Krupp is the name of the first man in Boston who vol unteers to carry, agu j in the pres ent war. In proportion as the blockade becomes effective, Wtyler’s express desire to return to Cuba becomes more pronounced. A K ansas evangelist has written to President McKinley offering to raise a regiment composed exclu sively of church members. From the depths of the gutter, the men who are opposing the self styled “reformers” are pelted with filth. It d oesent stick however. ; Mu’e meat is nov served tbe people of Havana—and that’s another reason why the people of that besieged metropolis are kick ing. General Cassius M. Clay has received off j rs of marriage from thirty-one women. Uncle Cass, seems to have one aDora too much now. Railroad Commissioner Atkii - sons “venerable friend from Hall, continues to set sucn a rapid pa ce that the ‘running mates’ lose hope and heart. A Why were net these cLargi s made against Mr. Beysiegel aid Mr, McConnell and Mr J I) Tur ner two years ago when a hot cam paign was on? Why are they made now when they were not made then? What's the animus back of the last shower of mud ? Solicitor General Robert Hodg>- has enlisted as a private in the Macon volunteers and Mr. Roland Ellis will succeed him as solicitor general until the war is ever. B< b Hudges is a Georgian with a fu ture. He will be heard of at 'he top of the ladder if he live a score more years. Floyd county court officials i r certainly entitled to the hire cf convicts from Floyd s courts, if the money paid by Floyd’s board of commissioners toother countie for convicts and paid by tho.- counties to the court officials i right. Tbe Floyd court official are as good men and as worthy a the court officials of any countv . But because tbe board sees fit t rule against them and they hav - to submit, of course they becumo thieves one*, »<■ The in n who practice nefauous methods continue to ply their ar against Georgia's next governor Col. Allen I). CandLr. For several weeks, now, the, anti-Cardier papers have forgot ten to accuse your Uncle Aden of being a rai'roed president. Mark Ham a is rejoiceing over D wey’s victory. Look out. Han na has got an eye on a couple of dozen Manila plantations and a ropewalk. Some imheci'es are still won dering oyer “the loyalty of tbe south.’' Th 1 Lord is especially ki id to this country iu the matter of staying the hand of the foo l killer. The average distiller is not wor ried over the war tax on beer. The dis'illers say that war creates talk and talk Teates thirst and I murst must b quenched by the amber. Not a patriotic American be grudges a cent of the increastd taxation imp sed by the passage! of the lull carrying an appropri- [ at on at 810, j() tor medals for Dewey amt his men. A few we -j ago Great Britain was disense: ga “Great Iflouioe Doctrine” tc he ingrafted upon her policy in Asia. What does think of an extension of our Monr< e Doc'rine in t hat direction. R' ahzing that tbe fight for the governorship is a family affa r in side 'I e party, The Times has re- ' framed from espousing the cause of either candidate, but as a mat ter of news we venture the pre diction that Col. Cahdlsr will poll as many votes in Gordon county as Atkinscn ar.d Berner combined. —Ca'h mn Times. Messrs. McConnell, Turn r and Beysiegel made a race in ’94 and an ther in ’96, and by overwhelming majorities they were elected upon each occa sion. The people have passed upon the presentments of the grandjury .of April 4, 1894. And they have given their unquali fied approval to the officials now assailed. Is the motive that j prompts the present assault in-, spired by a desire for “reform.’’ j or a hope for spoils? A Jers'yman who has an eye to business has written to one of the New York papers to ask whether it is true “that” horses are to be furnished the marines.” He adds: “I have a number of good mounts I should like to dispose of to the Government at half their cost price.” The verses about “Captain •Jinks, of the Horse Marines,” an ! evidently s'ill accepted in good faith in some parts of New Jersey. READY Every expectant mother hat a trying ordeal to face. If she does not I Jr/ ph J ILh & Pt ready for it, \ I there is no telling what may happen. Cj Child-birth is full of uncertainties ii .mature is not given proper assistance. Moifcar’s Friend' is the best help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months before baby comes, it makes the advent easy and nearly pain- • (ess. It relieves and prevents ‘morning uckness,” r> ' ixes the overstrained mus- I lies, relieves the distended feeling, short- i ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer I tain without any dangerous after-effects. Mother’s Friend is good for only one i purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of i laager and pain. t $1 dollar prr bottle at all drug stores, or sent t ay mail on receipt, of price. i Erie Books, containing valuable informa 1 Won for women, will be sent to any address lz--l application to THE BU .DFIELD REGULATOR CO., 1 Attaita. Ua £ J LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GEORGIA FL > V D I'll'M‘Y. 'lit all whom in may concern. Frank C. Aiik»*rs<>n having in proper form uppl : ed to ina for p'Tniai.r nt h'ttms of aduiuustra tion on the estate of William J. Wiikers n la : e of sa <1 county de ceased. This is to ci’e all ai.d sin gular the creditors an 1 next of kin of William I. Wilkerson to bo and appear .it my office within the time allowed I y law and show cause if any th y can why perma nent administration should not be granted ta Frank C. Wilker son on William J. Wilkerson’s eetao, Witness my hand and official signature this 7th day of March 1898. John I*. Davis Ordinary. Water Tax Notice- The Wafer Tax for 'he quarter from April Ist. to July Ist 1898 is now due and must be paid on or before the 16 of April. The Board of Water Commissioners order all ordinances s'rictly enforced and when water has been shut off for non payment in addition of pay 'mg the bill all parties will be re quire to pay a fee <_ f fifty cents . for turning on. Water depart ment i dice in cit v Hall. Office hours 8. am to 12. in 2. p. m. to 5. pm. J. 1... Moore, Sec. & Tteas. April 1. CITY TAX RETURNS. All persons, resident and doing business in the city of Rome, are notified to make their returns of personal property to the clerk of council, at the City Hall, by the first day of May, 1898, as other wise, hey are subject to double tax for fai ure to make returns. Halsted Smith Clerk of Council Aprill9, 1898. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mys‘ic Cure” for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. I's action upon the system ia remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause tnd the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly beu-ti s. 75 cents. S >ld by Curry- Arrington Co, Rome, Ga. LETTERS OF ADMINISTR t- TION. Georgia, Fl jyd County : To all whom it may concei i : George W Williaman having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of R. \V. Richardson, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of R. W. Richardson to be and appear at my office with in ihe time, allowed by law and show caiue, if any they can, why permanent atlministration I should not be. granted to George W. Williaman o.i R. W. Rich ardson’s estate. Witness my ham! add offi ial signature this 7th day of March 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary CIT. TION—LEAVEJO SELL. GEORGIA, FI. YD COUNTY. To all whom it m»y concern : Dr. Robert A, Bayley, executor of Mrs. S. A. Word, deceased, lias in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sei) the lands belonging to the estate of said de based, and said application wil Ibe heard on the first Momliy in June next This 2nd day of Maj 1898 John P. Davis, Ordinary. A arge sto-k <..4 nice fruit, fan cy apples, fat bananuas. naval orarges and smooth juicy h motis at Lloyd’s, Sheriff's Tax Sales For June, 1898. GEORGIA, FLOYD COVNTY, M ill be sola before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd county Ge., between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in June 1898 the 10l low ing described property by virtue of state and county tax fi fas is sued by the tax collector of Floyd county Ga., and against tbe fol lowing named defendants: That tract or parcel of land in Floyd county Ga., being lot No. 121 in the town of North Rome, Ga , fronting 65 feet on Wads worth « tieet, also lot No. 65 iu said town of North Rorre, Floyd [county gh , as the propertv of Asa Trammell, trustee Tax 1896. Levy made by .R H. Copeland, L ( C. Also nt the same time and place one resident lot with buildings thereon, being city lot No. 104 in North Rome, Fioyd county Ga. , ; fron'ing on corner of Broad street 30 fe-t and running back same width 90 feet along Third street and being one block from the Rome and Deca'ur R k. depot, as the property of W. M. Bridges. Tux 1896. Levy made by Cope land. L C. Also at the same time and place lot No. 60 in the Oostanaula di vision of the city of Rome Floyd Icounty Ga.. fronting 66 fe>t on West side of Broad street, with a ’wo story dwelling thereon and be ing the place whereon the defend ant now resides, as the propertv of Mrs L W Adkins. Tax 1897. Levy made by Copeland, L C. i Also at the same time and place [all that tractor parcel of land ly j ing and being in the 22nd distiict and 3rd section of Fioyd countv Ga .and known as lot No. 811 containing 160 acres more or less, as 'he i ropertv of J. V Davitte Tax 1897. Levy made by Cope land, L C. Also at tbe same time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying and b ing in the Coosa di vision of the city of Rome Floyd county g t . and known as part of 1< t No. 186, s tuated between the res dence of W F Ayer and the old Harpold place, fronting on the Northeast side of Second ave nue 66 feet and extending back 285 fee', as the property of Mrs Leona Bradford. Tax 1897. Levy made by Copeland, L C. Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land situated, lyihg and being in the 3rd district and 4th secti- n of Floyd county Ga., consisting of lots Nos. 1092 ami 1093 of 40 acr s each, as the property ot Obediah Carlin by H 11 Smith, agent . Tax 1897. Levy made by Copeland. L c. Also at the same time and place lot of 'and No 175 in the 22nd district and 3rd section Floyd c lUti'y Ga t , con tuning 160 acres more or ess. as the property of H W Ensign, H. M. Smith Agt. Tax 1897. l vy made by copelanu LO | Also at tbe same time and place [ all that tract or parcel of land in ' the 22nd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Georgia and be ing part of lot No. 14 containing 10 acres more or less and fully described in n from r »be rt Brannon to Thos. Brannon dated December 23rd ’53 also that tract I of land lying iu the 3rd distiict' and 4'h section snd known as lot 1 No. 828 as the property of W r Ausburn. Tux 1897. Levy made by copeland L c. A'.so at the same time and place land lot No 172 and 33 acres more or less a'most rectangular in shape in the N E corner of land lot No , 171. Said 33 acres bounded on the , North and East by the original land lines of said lot South by lands owned iu 1890 by Johnson and West by lands owned in 1890 by Berry Slaton aggregating 198 acres more or less in the 23rd dis- [ trict and 3rd sect'On of Floyd county Ga., as the property ot tbe 1 American and Gen’i Mortgage and ' Investment Corporation Tax 1897 ' Levy made by Cope and, L C. I Also at the sama t.m*- and place ( t'l that tractor parcel or land in > ‘he tow’ii of \orth R one Floyd , county Ga . and known as l »t No. J 67 fronting on Kingston avenue ‘ 105 'eet and running buck North 250 feet on one side and 225 feet on the other, as the property of Dennis Trammell Tax 1897. Levy 1 made by Copeland LO. ’ 1 Also at the same time and piace t all that tract or parcel of land sit- 1 } uafed, lying and being in lot No. i 278 in the 28rd district and 3rd section Floyd county Ga. Said £ parcel or tract of land being one- f hall of-lot No 2 in Pennington ' survey and Iving near Southeast s corner of lot 278 measuring 200ft J North and South and 168.4 feet i East and West and contains of r an acre more or less as the proper-1 -ty of John T Taylor, trustee. Tax 1897. Levy made by Copeland, l f C. ‘ | a Also at the same time and place 1 1 that tract or parcel of land in lot * 315 in the 23rd district and 3rd *' section Fioyd county Ga., and 11 more particularly and < known as lot No 9 in S P Smith's 11 subdivision tc East Rome. Said u ot lying on the North side of Un- 1 a ion street and fronts 75 feet said street, as the property of k George W Dowdl?. Tax 1897, Levy made by Copeland, tC. * A'so at the same rime and all,, Cl or lying m the 23»d d.strict and »'* section Floyd county G a / more particularly desenbed’a. 1 town lot aituated in the p if .f ward of the city of Rom« 4. feet on rhe right of the tO J leading (rom Rome tn Center Alt and running back 210 feet ivin ’ broadside of Lydia Freeman’s Said town l»t is laid off out nf of l.rul No 283 a. rhe p“‘ Hugh K Allen. Tax made by Copeland, l C. J Also at the same time and pl Bue all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being i ( . Fifth ward ot the city of F loyd county Georgia fronting 5o feet on Cherokee street and bound wq on the East by the property of Frank J. Kane. Sr. and ex end ing back 100 feet more or le«s «. the property of Mrs Mattie "’ur ner. Ta x 187. Levy made by Copeland, L C. Also at the same time and pl ftce all that tract or parcel of land ly ing in the Etowah division cf th. city of Rome F.oyd county Geor gia and being part of lot No 82 beginning at the corner of Mm W’ M Johnson’s lot on the Souih aide of Reynold’s street, running t O . ward Eighth avenue 55 feet to the' hue cenler of well, thence a- right angles to the Pansy Chapel line 78 feet more or less, thence at right angles along said Pansy Chapel line 5 feet, thence at right angles to starting point, a« fhs property of Mrs vV M Johns. D Tax 1897. Levy made by Copelaud L C. A’so at the same time and place 1 oil tank 1 stove lpr trucks 8 show cases 1 cigar Hand 1 iron safe 1 soda fount A D PutUr make 1 gas generator 1 stock of goods consisting of drugs, medicines, cigars, tobacco, soap, seeds and all fixtures in the stores house on Broad street now occupied by the defendants, as the property of P. L. Turnley & Co. Tax 1897. Levy made by Copeland, L. C. Also at tbe same time and place all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the 23rd district and 3rd sec tion of Floyd county Ga.,begin ning in tbe Southwest corner of lot No. 157 and running North 10 68-100 chains to a post, thence East 550 100 chains to ths [ Summerville and Rome road, i thence along said road to die [South boundary of said lot 11 36-100 chains to the beginning point containing 4 acres more or less, also th a tract commen cing at a stone corner at the Southeast corner of the Em halfoflof 158, aline running | west 1320 feet to the S W cor ner of the E-st half of lot 158, thence to a line North 815 feet to a stake, thence East 1320 ft and parallel with the first line to a corner, thence South 815 ft to the beginning point contain ing 2j acres more or less; ah lying and being in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga., as the property of a Medora Wood . Tax 1897. Levy made by Byars, l, c. Also at the same tune and place all that tract or parcel of land in the Etowah division of the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., and being the north or, northwest half of lot No 37, fronting 70 feet on the west side of Fourth avenue and bounded on one side bv the Murphy lot and on the other by lot °* Mrs. Gordon, as the property 0 Mary T. Sergeant the Deft. l« x 1897. Levy made by Byars, lc- Also at the same time place all that tract or parcel 0 land in the Oostanaula divis> 011 of the city of Rome Floyd coun ty Ga., being part of lot No. - > beginning at the corner of C. • Wood’s line on West First stree and running towards Fourth enue 52 feet more or less 1111 fronting on West First and extending back 13*2 f eet Jail street, as the property o p Hammond. Tax 1897. Le • made by Byars, l c. Also at the same ini® , | place 5 acres more or less I and being in block K, i° I town of East R »me EToyd cou ty Ga., and Lelng part of I lot No. 286 m the 23rd di»tn I and 3rd section Floyd C ‘" lU I Ga., fronting 637 feet m re u . I ie ’9 on Spring street and Ring back 300 feet on ns the property of Geo. U. . ■ »tt, agent. Tax 1897. L>vy ■ by Byars, l c. | J. P. McCosxtix, I] «► --