The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 12, 1898, Image 6

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| CfWER GAS Ti Important Meeting Os The i Rome Gas Light Go, BiiBAP FUEL FOR ROMANS Who Desire to Uue Gas for Cooking Purposes. At a special meeting of he Board of Directors of the Rome Gas Light Co. the fell wing res olutions were unanimcruly adop ted: Viz: Be it resolved: That in order to induce the citizens of Rome to use gas for these purposes shall he re duced from $1 SO to $1 50 per 1000 cubic feet and in order to secure prompt payment for all gag used for the above named purposes a further seduction of 20 cents per 1000 shall be made to all con sumers uho use 1000 cubic feet per month or more. Provided pay ment f.r same is made at the office < f the company on or before the sth. day of the month. Making $1,30 per 1000 the net price lor cooking and heating gas. And be it further resolved. That tlie Gas Co. shall keep on hand for sale at lowest possible prices either for cash or on the install ment plan. Gas stoves, instantane ous water heaters for bath rooms and other gas appliances. By order of board of directors. J. J. Childs, Sect. Big Blue Botls Bed Bug Poison Dedly As Sin 35c Frank Wright’s Farinacy. CITY LICENSE. All persons carrying on business in the city of Rome and subject to city license are beieby notified to call at the City Hall and pay their licence, otherwise the" city marshal will be instructed to serve police court summons, April 22nd, 1898. Halstead Smith. Clerk of Council. More than 200 stylish shapes in untri mined hats received by Lanham & Sons on yesterday. These goods were ordered direct from New York and the line contains everything new and nobby in untrirnrned hats. The prices will prove revelations. BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime comes, use the true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents. Buy the genuine. Manu factured by tne California Fig Syrup Company only, and for sale by all druggists. FREE TRIIHREATMEMT TO EVERYONE. Who suffers with any chronic disease of any part of the human body, such as kidney and bladder, heart, liver and stomach troubles, face and skin eruptions, disorders of the sex ual organs, sexual weakness and iudillerende etc. Provided Application be made at once. In or der that its inventions, appliances and never failing remedies may receive the widest possi ble publicity, ami prove their own merits by actual use and permanent cutes. No money whatever will be received by the State Medi cal Sanitarium from anyone under its treat ment until beneficial results are acknowledged Its remedies and appliances have been com mended by the newspapers of two continents • and endorsed by the greatest doctors in the world. Where developement is desired they acc 'inpllsb it and never fail to invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They infuse new life and energy. They per manently stop all losses which undermine •.lie constitution and produce despondency. TII.-V retone, refresh and restore to manhood, regardless of age. They cure evil habits and permanently remove their effects, as well as those of excesses and overtaxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No failure, uo publicity, no deception, no disap pointment. Write today. State Medical Sanitarium, EvanSton, Illin BRING OUR HEROES HOME! The beautiful song ‘'Bring Our He roes Home” dedicated to the He roes of the U.S. Battelship Maine s doe of tne finest national songF ev r written The words ring with patriotism and the music is stir ring and full of fire, and fittii g the noble sentiment to which it is de dicated. Arranged for Piano vnd Organ. This song and sixteen other pagns of full sheet music will be seat in receipt of 25 cents. Addrers, Popular Mucic Co., Indianapolis, Ind SHERIFFS SALES FOR JIM 1898, 3EORGIA FLOYD COUNTY, V\ ill be sold before the court house dcor in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuerduy in June 189 t the following described property to wit: AT that piece or parcel of land lying ami being in Floyd c uuty.l state of Georgia and that part of said county known as the addi tion of J. R. Elevens, deceased, to East Rome, a plat of which said addition is recorded and register ed in boot X page 66. of records , of thi Superior Court of Floyd county same being lot No. 3 and containing two and one half acres more or less. Said lot fronts 108 feet on the Cedartown road, run ning back between parallel lines to ■ a 60 foot street, said lot’s North boundary line exte.ids 800 feet, said lot’s South boundary line ex tends 825 feet. Levied ujon by virtue of an executir n issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of the Southern Home Building and Loan Association vs. Annie S. ■ Les er, as rhe property of the Dett Also at the same time ami place, lot No. 13 in block “P” fronting 50 feet on Spring Creek road and lu.iibing back same width 150 feet towards Cherry street according to land map of East Rome, said levied property being house and lot in East Rome F ojd county, whereon the defendant now resides. Levied upon by virtue of two fi fa- issued from the Justice Court of the 919th district, said county, in favor of T. C. Morris, one against George Duncan and the other against Thus. Duncan, as the property of the Defts. Levy made by W. M. By are, L. C. Also at the same time aud place all that tract or parcel of laud in Filth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., beginning on Maine street at the Southwest cor ner of Emiline Kiunemore’s lot, thence North to 'he cemetery line I to Mrs. Lizzie Hughes propeit}, thence South along said property to Main street, thence along Main street to the stalling point, con- I taming one acre more or lees, as the property of the defendant. L» vied upon by virtue o f an exe cution issued from the Justice Court of the 919th district G. M . I of raid county in favor of S Funkhouser, administrator on j the estate of Jno. J. Black vs I Jno. Moseley, agent for Lucy Moseley. Levy made by R. 11 Copeland. L. C. Also at the same time and plac< in in h V ided one-half interest ini nil iha' part of lot No, 24 m tin ; 4.h section and 4th district Floyd ! county Ga., except 34 acres on the i Northwest corner of said lot sold jto T. M. Manning on May 6th 1893 and except also 34 acres in Northeast corner S'dd to G. M. and W. E. Redmond or. February ; 28th 1894, the part now levied on ' containing 140 acres more or less Said lot No. 24 being a large lot. Levied upon by virtue of an execu tion issued from the Justice Court 1 of the 919 district G. M., Floyd ’ county Ga .in favor of L. T. ’ Rhinehart vs W. R R. Manning, G. M. Redmond and Mary C. Manning, as the property of W. R. H- Manning, one of the Defts. Also at the sam p time and place part of lot No 326, in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga., beginning a' a stub on the original land line of said lot, the same being Nathan J. \\ Whitehead’s Northeast corner, j thence East with snd lai d lim 209 feet to a stake, thence Wer-' 413 feet to a stake, thence North 230 feet to the cen’er of the Ayer’s Mill road and thence with th, eente- of the read to Richard Whit» bead’s S uthwest corner, thence with Richard Whitehead’.- line North 140 feet to a stake thence East 317 feet to the be ginning. Levied upon by virtue of of an execution is-trnd from Floyd Superior court in favor of Mattie ► F. RBey, transferee, vs. Lucy Long, as the property of the de fendant. 1 Also at the same time and place one lot witli improvements there on m the city of Rome Floyd county oa. , fronting on Coosa street 76 feet more or less and - running back 85 set t more or le.s Bounded on the East by an alley. ’ on the North by the property of • Marauds Daniel on the West by the property of Mrs Mary E Co mer. Levied on by virtue of an execution issued from Floyd Su perior court in favor of W M Moss, use of officers of Floyd Superior Court, vs. Alice Richard son, as the property of the defend ant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. XL jfi H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., ? k-JJ Successors to c -J ROME PHARMACY. 2 ' 'fem 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. SE, We h ave bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in JC, the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highc t gr ide. v AN We solicit a part of your patronage aud shall en- gjc . deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all er®? times We should be pleased to have you call on us. < - Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug 7* store. Cigars and tobacco. ■L Come to see 14s. AAW mm MM x H* X *<?"■ X H? X Hi Hal S. Al Stark, 5 x H-* X h x HU X H>' B LHI. AND B ■ X X H-. ■ X H»y Dougherty Bldg 2nd Ave ►* x ho X HC x - HG ' X. XLtXXtXXXIUXIXXUUUUpiipf? F. HANSON. f NORMS N SMITH. jj I THE BmON SUPPLY 09' I g Plumbing and Tinning. | £ Engineers’ anl mlehinists* 2 € supplies. Stoves, rangesand 3 g tia vare. Gas ai J eleetric tares. INSURANCE gasoline | & stoves. Water meters. 3 Broad st. Piione 32. t Tv $1.25 and $1 50 Negligee shirts for $1 J. A. GAMION S COMPANY N AR R WAII ING for everyone in Rome to come _ in and see the magnificent stock ak on men’s and boy’s clothing, we are doing, but we are hus tli,lg wllile we wait ‘ We wi!l ITvl show you the finest stock of ‘.. 'Jj] Y: I til clothing, made from the newest i; styles and patterns in fabricks, ■ perfect fitting and handsome, to 6e found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. Ihegreatest line of negligee shirts e\er shown i i Rome. J. A. GAMMON & CO. ’Ulik .ui Uit ifit itli ‘‘tUlin' ''uto ‘‘‘-kIU I ''fkJie ''JMlltii 'liiaity tlilMliii <Ueliai W : '■rtiw' w If LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, Offers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. SOetAND 308 BROAQ) STREET, R3ME, GEORGIA I " that tired feelinc ' thut ,he old •»““ oxpenei, te j / \ thc K' ,vern,nent > has beet). <]jj. I I PSlle<l by kS aCtion ’ “ That I'M > A feeling” that everyone that I J lleet,s a B P rin g «nedicine feels i# \ / dispelled by the action of Curry’, ' \ Liv er Compound ou the B y ßtein We acknowledge no BU per 10rt0 ' • Cu,r y’ BLiver Coi »pound as a \ viy/ ./ blood purifier and tonic, . usl a Moment. Please The Opportunity of fa' Life-time For Big Dividend—Paying \ Investment ! / THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY Capital stock $5,000,000 —full paid—audnon-aesessable.Promises to be as good as the Beel Telephone, Westinghouse Air Brake, Gbaphq phone or Ph nograph and other similar industrial enterprises which ire paying thousands in profits to their shareholders. This is an industrial rather than a Mining Company. We hau •he only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (patented)that will work in the frozen ground of the Klondike aud the Northwest, where we take our and extract the gold from the claims of other*, just as thrashing m chines are taken into the wheat country io hresh out the farmer's wheat. One of our machines does thwA ' of over 1,000 men each day and we save the 40% of gold that is uau 1 l ly lost by othi r methods, so it can readily be seen what enormoui profits we will earn in the fabulously rich gold mines of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one must be acquainted. Every prospector th re is our prospector, for he must eventually I come to us to have his claim worked. Therefore we believe wr I shall in time be payin as large dividends as the world-famous rd- I terprisas mentioned above. Ours is a similar industrial stock which [ 1 1 / > ■ 1 b n 11 ti in at th j very low price of $2.50 a ro SIO.OO share. > This is an oppartunity of a life time. No ev ! ery day does Fortune knock at one’s.door > Tre on'y The only a sv f used in I ■ 1 ’ he west J H > - ru u -south, : Fatten'd) ' e u OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS I'HESIDEVr, II P. I'o.vuley, ~ Newr York IL> i, L. H.idCorl P lnc>, S*nt. J,e *'*•’ Manager of th > Equitable,Life Yssaraace So Preside it Liternattoaal ItflQing Co»( ,N IjT VICE PRES,Hon J J 4 Hinton. New York Hou. John P. Hoyt Seattle, Ex-Treasurer of the Unit 3d States Ex-!hi-f fmcic,. Sttte ot W *«h r < • ND vi"E PRKS E Parmiy Browu,New York Gei. Me ean, Miiufacturer, Passaic,N.J T>eas, Andrew HcLeau. vtg rPimie, N.J. Jnttliiu ljur la, Ir.viiuiag Capitalists H irtlasJ Seety and Ass-t Treaa. 1. N>w V irk Janie. W Clise, I Seattle, WashingKi l Auditor an 1 Counsel,-vin R Weeks. New York Ch of Minlog C>m Chairber of Coinmescs Consulting Engineer Win. E. Liv, N.iwYi i LuHe !. Hruoa, Pro r Tuif, Field, Earu. N.J Pres Lay Sjstem Hydraulic Placer Hining Co C.l >uel A. ij. s'lik New Y“i l Lawreuce P. Brown, New York. The business’ability’finaacial standing ofiour Directors are amouf the best evidences of our success. To raLe (he capital to place several plants in th? KlonfiU small block of stock is now offered to th, p ib'ic at ths very <>w rata of of 25 cen on th * I »H-ir or $2 59 for e1 sh sld When this bl >ck is and, 0, ,n >re will be offered at less th»n or $lO per share An investment of sls to $59 in this stock should very 0D return larg, profits —Even 100 to I—aud thus afortuue for the »** gacious inveetou. , Certificates are in very attractive f ortn, called “G»id Bucks and are transferah'e fr mi hand to hand. Send for illnstra’ed i’.ospeotus when full explanation is giv^' l of howwiciu “am en 5 > en >r nhh profits by the Liy System- Read! R-flict! Investigate! Invest! All information cheerfully by ths Secretary. Call of writ)—Alaska Gold P acer Machine M-tifug Co. H uni Washington Building, Ni. 1 Broadway New Y irk, N.Y. 399 ••••••• |Repai r ing f! •Don’t Walk On J Your Upperslj | W.A.MULLINiX, M s a o s 'o e n?c®: •»»»«»«