The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 12, 1898, Image 7

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< ’ rdde t,ak,nq p '"l der I «551* rt- I '®l ( w® POWDER Absolutely Pure , SWDFR co., NEW YORK. ROYAL P _ ... personal Mention. C| l8 a. M Martin, of Atlanta, I i* ju the cuy today. jjr W. M- Meadows, of At- I lanta, is in the city • Mr. IL B. McArver, of Coosa. | is in the city today. I BMr. C. IL Baker, of At Inn'a. h I here today on business. Mrs. John Miller is quite ill I at her home on Fifth avenue. Dr. Brown, a popular young dentist of Summerville, is in the city. Dr R. M, Harbin spent today in Calhoun, on professional bus iness. Mr. N. C. Mathias, of Tal lapoosa. is in the city on business today. Mis. Frank Mercian, and children, of Chattanooga, are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. h . Burgess. Mr. Paul S, Black after spend* ing several weeks most pleasantly in the city will return tomorrow to Washington. The many friends of Mrs. Frank Willingham will regret to learn th it she is quite ill at. h t home on Fifth avenue. Rev. C. A. Jamison left yes terday to attend the general conference of the Methodist church, south, which is in ses -8.011 at Baltimore. MUST OBEY DEW EY. Philippine Families legunce To The United States. New York. May 12.—A copyright ed dispatch to The Evening World dated st Hong Kong today, says that the Philippine rebel, General Aguinaldo, has issu r d a proclama tion to the insurgents a< Manila to obpy orders of Commodore De«Kv and United States Consul Williams. Rome Board of Tr ade- Phfi Rome Board of Trade will meet tonight at 8 o’clock in the Armstrong Hotel. A. W. Walton Secy. T. A. Liscomb. Acting Ast. Secy. m the Yosemite Valley a w 'hile ago, a young fellow pv wftg went put on the edge of a MfeSga shelving precipice two thou teiWS ’•sp'd feet high, and balanced r.K ' himself 011 his head. A lit ■ B ’!< slip or little puff of wind r B would have sent him to m wla eti rnity. Not one man in a (SS?®) million would be that kind II | a fool. But nine men iu J. \ ten are all the time takiug f ' I foolish chances. f I 1 here is no deadly peril \ . \ about a little fit of indtges- \ \ I I’’ 111 or biliousness, and yet \k__J if a man allows these troub- JBW ' tS l ° *i et a 0,1 him he ' s taking; serious risks. J Dyspepsia alone seldom V-' -a kills anvbodv ; that WKI; ip . it only kills you it'/ b'’ inches, and takes 'd’W a good many years M' d“insr it. 'But it .■< " weakens and tmder- niines the constittt ''ll O', Uo ” so that it is all readv to receive and fertilize the danger- Y&., ous diseases which WwX— dok '" you outright. Disease-germs aLy-- won’t grow in AlllpL. healthy blood any KIF more than corn will grow on a rock. A K jl iln "b° keeps his f digest ion perfect and -'HI W-i". -Afti his blood pure mav •T i . ) F at and drink a,ld SIL 1 A breatliedisease- Xg, 'y I germs, but they gain ** 1 foothold. They ' are cast out of the system. But a man L i=r' T with a dyspepsia- tion breati.-„ • . weakened constitu- Kerins and down be ?h ‘” d or di Phtheretic Th i uown ne £oes. is Dr. i’krce’s'c 'i 1 r ura « c ‘i, a man . can have It tets dir h Golden Medical Discovery. It Kives d the I, y a” th ,' s,on ' a< -'h and liver, nuke healthv b? d T akl "K or Kans power to from all im y ™ •’.° d - H c ’ ar ifi‘‘* the blood heaI 'hv fle^. P ” , les ’. a,,d builds up the energy whirl, f ln,l ?£ u ' ar power and nerve Hi' l'ife-lAnV" r ‘ es A ou against disease. Tronic diseLe^^ 88 ”• the treatment of « l . in „’ sea ’’s ; ’ ha p given »r Pierce’s Peasant PeHetL » Wldc reputation. Hi* nr rellets cure constipation. LOCAL HAPPENINGS- In Macon. —Mr. W. J. Griffin, chief of R< me fire department, is in M aeon attending the con clave of Knights Templar. Dur ing his absence Mr. Fred Han son is acting chief. Went Fishing.—Judge Wal ter Harris and Bailiff Byars spent yesterday at Armuclue fishing. They captured a large number of the finny tribe, and report a fin? time. Chainoang.—There are now over 80 convicts in the Floyd county chaingang, the largest since the establishment of the camp. Supt Ha kney states that it takes 2500 pounds of meat to feed the convicts a month. Sent for Four Years.—Sher iff J. P. McConnell left this morn ing for Dade coal mines with Jim Harris and George White, who were sent up for four years by Judge Harris for burglary. They broke in the Terhune-Nix on hardware store several months ago. Troops Went Through.—Sev eral hundred people went over to Fast Rome to see the United Slates troops go through from Chicamauga to Tampa. The trains were three hours late and very few remained. Eight sec tions went by at 11:30 close behind each other. Police Court —The following cases were tried at this mornings police court. M. H. Ragan and W, J. Cock rill were up charged with fighting last Tuesday morning in front of Ragans furniture stsre. They had a few words about a business affair, Ragan struck Cockrill who is cripple and could ot defend himself. Reco<der Eubanks give them both $3,00 or 6 days. Columbus Landers colored was fined S4O 00 or six months lor wife beating. CAPT. NEVINS’ CARD. Still in the Race For The Legislature. To the public : Having been placed in com mand of a company of volun teers for participation in the present war with Spain, I will find it impossible to see my friends personally, concerning my race for the Legislature. I am in the race to the finish, and shall trust to my past rec ord in the Legislature for your consideration. If re-elected 1 shall use my utmost endeavors to serve you faithfully and well. Yours truly, Jas. B. Nevin. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia, Floyd County: Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of said county, granted at the May term, 1898, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, within the legal houis of sale, on the first Tuesday in June, 1898, the following d< scribed property, towit: 80 acres of land, more or less, the same Being the west half <>f lot, No. 81 in the 23rd district and 3rd seclion of said county. S iid property sold as the prop erty of of Julia Parker, deceas e I. Teims of sale cad). W. 11. Ennis, Admr. CITATION —LEAVE TO SELL . GEORGIA, Floyd County. To all whom it nviy concern W. M, Gammon Administrator of C. a. Gammon deceased has in due form applied to the undersig ed for leave tu sell the lands be longing to the estate of said de ceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in Jule next. Thi? 12th. day of Mav 1898. John P. Davh, Ordinary, Fancy Bananas and Apple cheapest at Lloyd’s. SCROFULA It is Fotd Blood’s Advertise ment i But It is Scon Cu<ed by Hood’s Sarsaparillu. Yes, Scrofula, if anything, may be called the advertisement ot foul blood. It in the scourge of the world — oiiensive, painful, debilitating, stubborn and well nigh i unendurable. Outward I’pplicat ionr do not curt', they only drive the difficulty to now quarters. Emollients may pallin’e, they cannot abolish the evil. There is but one euro way out, and that is to eliminate the taint from the blood. Ther-t is one remedy that can effect this, and it is the only one that, so far ns we know, has almost invariably succeeded even where the system has been poisoned by long years of taint, and the ravages to be repaired are trem. ndi That remedy is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. IVad .his: “My daughter wa n."'.ic‘. d v. ith im pure blood. There were ru riir.g scree all over her body and they caused her much suflering. V’e -led m' dicii'ts that were recommended as blend purifiers, but could not see that they did any food. A friend told ine about i’end’s Sars«pa rilla and J began giving the I this med ieine. The result v.'.i, that ahe was pc.- .'eetly cured alter taking a few bottles, the has ba 1 no cymptoius of scrofula sores :;ine.! that time.” Marietta M. Luth, South Middleboro, Mar.;. HOOd’S parma Is the best -in fae’ the Oro ? rar Bb . , Purifier. Insist upon Hpon s; take n > subsliliite. U 1 c- a<t 1 ".loi!-iy wit! t lOl't 1 . ,Ss Sarsaparilla LIBEL FOR DIVORCE STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY,- George W. Thomas 1 Libel for di vs > vorce inFJoyd L. P. Thomas ) Super’r Court State of Georgia, No. 38 January term 1898. To L. P. Thomas, —The defend ant is hereby required personally or by attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the thirl Monday in July next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s demand in an action of libel for divorce, as in default thereof said court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. M • Hen v y , J udge of said court, this 9th day ot February 1898. Wm. E. Beyeiegel, C. C. Supe rior Court, Floyd county Ga. NOTICE OF DIVORCE. State of Georgia, Floyd (Jo : Winnie Lee Woodward i Libel vs for di- William E. Woodward ( vorce- In Floyd County Superior Courl state of Georgia. No 21, July term, 1898. To William Edward Wood ward : The defendant is hereby re quired, personally or by attor ney, to be and appear at the next Superior court, to be held in and for said County, on the third Monday in July next, then and there to answer the plain tiff’s demand in an action of Li bel for Divorce, as in default thereof, said court will proceed as to justice shall appeitain. Witness the Moqprable W.M. Henry, judge of said court, this 14th day of Mardh, 1898. Win. E. Bey si egel, Clk Superior ('ourt Floyd Co., Ga. LET’ERSOF ACMINLSTRATION GEORGIA Fl oYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: Farris P. Nixon having in proper form applied to me for p< rinanent letters of administration on the estate of Dr. W C. Nixon late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Dr. W. C Nixon to be and appear at my of fice within the time allow d by law ai d show cause if .any they they can why permanent adminis tration should not be granted to Farris P. Nixon on Dr. vV . C. Nix <»ns estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 10th day of ebF. 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. new lot of new pattern hats to go at i unheard of low prices for the next few days, We pay cash for our millinery and can sell a fine hat for less mon ey than any house in Rome Call and get our prices before buying your best hat Com mencement .hats a specialty. Mrs. A. O. Garrard. ; A s BEST sanitary plumbing & '! A F it N # fe # Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. > A * Gas Fixtures, fletcrs Gas Stoves, - .S R f Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- V t<f Y I Lires, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- •k# < trie fixtures. U R t 4. /t " ***** i have employed Alex S. Pierce to L take charge of my shop department. 3 U one °f the best workmen in the U W aa t South. Repair work attended to Sy J ’A g promptly. 1 I * JOHNO-CHILDS. f 4|. 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fahy. . I®. >„ K ********#*****¥***** w * *****M**********************;**)k* 4RC * _ *: -wf : | EASTERN: j * * Is over and now the post-lenten * season is on. You are most cor= jeE M LT'?’ <5 * dially invited to call and see the * very latest fads and fancies, nov- * S * elties, and nice things in sash- # J 7 S < i ionable millinery. We receive fjgt. > new goods dvery day and they > J coine specially selected from the # S f * fashion centers. Our new flow- *■ ’LJ * ers are exceptionally pretty. * ® iW ;* a * TV * # * Hrs. A. Oo Garrard g It I I W KWW OWW ** ************ ft 1 !»[ IE ON ORDER • ! O (• THEY are the ♦ g $7 KIND 1 AT OTHER PLACES. f $) © lOrevlaitajhS® ?