The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 13, 1898, Image 3

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Our »“<>'“ of lh .trongeu. in the world from .‘Xtin.eon. The peopie know ilf .or.h now, »nd see that it insures for m i<i»«l« proportions for the defense of our country. Marietta Journal. 0 0 0 The Holland submarine boat Rta ved under water nearly two 110 tirs the other day. “If it ever „ets near a Spanish cruiser the Ur probably stay under water much longer than that, sajs the Americus Herald. 000 The war with Spain up to date, it is announced from Wash ington, “has cost the United Sues $141,043,402.” Which is about the annual payment on account of pensions. 0 0 o The Win-slow did not win at all. 000 The brewers all over the coun try are adding $1 per barrel to the price of beer, and the dis pensers are preparing to make the glasses smaller. Noting this, the Savannah News says : “All of this, of course, is in anticipa tion of the war revenue tax on beer. If anybody had an idea that the brewer or dealer, and not the consumer, had to pay the tax, this information should remove the idea. It is always the consumer who pays the tax.” 000 Several preachers have volun teered their services for the war and in some instances fun is made of them, but The Lousville Times says reproachfully: “Don’t make fun of these praying fight ers. Cromwell had many of them and there were at least two or three in the confederate army. They are mighty good men while they are praying and as soon as they recover a little from the pious spell they often get mighty bad. Don’t monkey with them.” 0 0 o The Olympia’s eight inch guns fire eight projectiles a min ute, weighing 250 pounds and capable of penetrating 15 inches of armor plate several miles away. No wonder those Spanish bouts went down. 000 “Stick to your flannels until they stick to you” is the very sensible advice given by the Sa vannah Press. 000 A philosopher defines the dif ference between an optimist and a pessimist as follows : “An op timist believes in mascots and a pessimist in hoodoos.” n • , 0 ° ° ttere is a happy hit made by » veteran as related by the Hen derson (Ky ,) Journal: Ata meeting of ex-confederate sol diers in Owensboro the other da\ one of the speakers, Jerry Small, made a happy hit when >e said : 4, 1 speak my own senti ment truly and I believe it to l, e the sentiment of every ex confederate soldier, when I say that we tried for four years to w hip I ncle Sam. Now we shall refuse to allow somebody else t c°ouM m V\ ere and d 0 wh » fc uldn t do ourselves.” Dit because the Georgians are 80 “te in being mustered in the 'on they may not be equipped the government? Other states oot having to disarm the lonal guardsmen who remain ome in order to have the * B 'l u °ta in the Volunteer Bilio '^ ed ’ et “brigadier .. . b’niseh interviewed again bni| k ‘ Btra ’ e g.v” in this tll h&nt maneuver. fBBFtSSIOHiI WDi S ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office. 2H) amt First Street, LOME, GA. , - FtCHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Home, Ga. Corporat'in Law Only. t M B BUBANKS, Atterney at law. ottlceKiag Building, Rome, <.a. .w. h. HMsrrsris, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courts office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. ■W. J NEBL * Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts, Special attention given to commercial law ' and the examication of land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. I WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB <Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building.Jl one, Ga J. SANTY CR.A.'WFORD Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple Rome. Go. DENTISTS? |J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 2401-2 Broad. > Over Cantrell & Owens. .11 PENNINGTON. D.D S.,M D. Office, 31st 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. O HAMLLTONM ZD. Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building, Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. 62. Xj. P HAMMONO. d, Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medical building. Residence, No. 403 West First st. Gffice ’phone No 62. LUMPKI >1 & PRINUTP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, : : : : Georgia. General practice throughout North Georgia. Correspondencesolicited. Special attention to mercantile collections. STENOGRAPHER. GEORGE WRIGHT. Stenogiapher and Typewriter. Office. 14, Armstrong Building. Tel. N» .39 PUBLIC SALE GF' REAL ES TATE. Georgia floyd county. —Wherea« ■m the 20ih day of December 1897 Timothy Goins execu’ed.and de livered to Mrs. A. H. Cheney a note and mortgage on ihe laud hereinafter described for the pur pose of securing the debt repre sented by said note, which mort gage is reco.ded in the clerk’s of fice of Floyd Superior Court in book N. 1, of mortgages, page 486 And whereas in said mortgage said Timothy Goins gave to Mrs. j A. H Cheney the power to sell said land in case of default in the prompt payment at maturity of the pnncipa and interest of said debt. Now therefore by virtue of the power so vested in the under signed, which is more accurately shown by reference to said mort gage. Mrs. A. H. Cheney will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tues day in June 1898, during the legal hours of sale before the court house door in Rome, (?a., the land de scribed in the aforesaid mortgage, towit: Beginning at the South west cormr of the lot bought of William A. Fort and Mary F. t'homas by Amanda Caperton, (which deed is hereby referred to) and running thence East 60 feet, there* l due North 831 feet more or less to the Northern lino of said lot, thence Southwest to the cor ner of said lot.thence South to the beginning point a distance of ’361 feet containing one-halt of an acre more or less. The said i ote and mortgage were given to secure an indebted ness of £25’00 with 8% interest 1 from date and 10% attorney tees. The said note and mortgage are i now past due and so declared. Ihe i total amount of principal, inter est and and attorney’s fees and charges and expenses of sale that will be due on said note and mortgage on the first 1 uesday in > June 1898, is $35.60. Fee simple I titles in accordance with the pow ( er of sale contained in said mort gage will be made to the purchaser at said sale, and the proceeds of 1 such sale will be applied to the j payment of said debt with inter- P est. attorney’s tees and expens Q s of sale and the remainder, if any, will be paid over to the person en -1 titled to same. This May sth 1898, i Mrs. A. H. Cheney. By W. T. Chenev, Att’y, IF’Xj BJSTIT RE Every day now brings us heavy ship ments of standard and seasonable fur niture, and with the coining of spring we have already received a CAR-LOAD OK BABY CARRIAGES All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beauty and strength • M A r l' r rl NC US. * Hl CtS< CARPETS In this department we have received for the spring trade one car load of mattidg which we imported direct from Japan. Here you can find new patterns and the prettiest of designs and at remarkably low prices. STOVES- I Do vou need a new stove in your kitch-n? Then call 0.1 us and you will go no where else. We have the best and that means an economic stove in every sense of the word. |< TIE ■ ÜBNITDRE CO 305 Broad st- Phone 52• Undertakers, Embalmers, and Fu neral Directors. Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr., Jan. 10, 1898. Jan. 2,1898. ! I would not be _ I regard PISO’S ; without PISO’S CURE FOR CON- CURE for CON- cures where all ELSEf ails. SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any g H best Cough medi- thing. For a bad cine on the market, Cough or Coll it is 31 ' " having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A WESTOVER | “The Best Cough Medicine.” OOOOTOOOOOOOQQOQQOQOOQQQQQO 000000000000000000000000000 B F Montgomery | > Q ->9 227, BROAD ST. Q SICK, ACCIDENT AND LIFE O 8 Insurance § Q WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE Q VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Q O WANTED' —We want wide-awake agon's to represent ✓->. nir companies in the counties of Pu k, Bartow, 1’ »oyd, /N Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Minefield, Catoosa and Q Dade . Call on or address us at our Rome office, Q Q <B. F. MONTGOMERY Gen’l Agt, Q THE MODEL LAUNDRY Is doing the best of w >rk ini guaran tees satisfaction- Prices are most reasonable. Fine work a specialty. TQNSDRIAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only glcillel men e npLyid. P.irlow recently renovated Mos courteous attention and eitisfa tory services guaranteed, at “No 462, Broad street. I hePreferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, The Preferred’* polieit s are particularly adapted for business men, and special polkiea are issued for banli.-is, loi | hyslelans. surgeons and dentists and for traveling men. The Pre ferred is au o <1 line stock company with assets of over MiO.OOO (XI. JOHN R.THORNTON, ATLANTA, GA. • • • • STATE MANAGER THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga Reouiar .a c Special ' fa- Boarders Rates Warned. MonilHy- _ ~ -jy x** 1 J. T-- The place to get’a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. hcMsupDfe.l| 0 We are piouoers in the school books and school sup- ply business and we are also right in every- <«< «<< WS thing that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. l iMr W* Wlt M-W 1 %W it <??? JfY /W I i WILL PAPE . J ' No hcuse ip. the Btite car. serve vou better when vou de- w sire to invent in a new covering fcr dear cid walls o’ your home. See our stock on hand and samples I H. A. SMITH, J || THF OLD RFLIABLE BOOK STORE. | Hon. Jno.W. Maddox Makes the best Congressman this district Ever had. He will be elected again. .He Knows How. Gen. Fitz. Lee Will make a “Jimdandy” commander of the American troops on the island of Cuba ' knows How. Tom Turner Has been printing in this town for the past twenty years, and has turned out from the Economical Printing House some of the best printing ever done in the South. Knows How. Call on us at No. 221 Broad Street, or drop us a postal. Me or Ben will call on you, talk to you inteligently about your Job Printing and save you money, We Know How. CANDY ' ® X CATHARTIC VcVdCWiwa CURE CONSTIPATION loc jfi IA ALL 25c 50c DRUGGISTS J