The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 13, 1898, Image 5

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fl BYRD’S EVE VIEW- I don’t know ,l ' : “ ' " I”; or hiper-in truth I think I; r ° W °„ t land vet to gr.«P •'« J'wdiy 11,1111 <’ r “ ucb ° ld ~ " ” Fighting J<* Wheelen, a ; ieasU r.leni.>yn,o Stl nten.ely. , at the Fa«l «»■"« de J ,o ‘ „ ,terd.y afternoon when the Luthbonn.l Southern pnaaed. A messenger hoy came outof the vestibule and eagerly asked me. .•Colonel, who is General Joe Wheeler?” , , . <• Where is he?” I asked in re- P l )’- , . „ “On the tram. .wdi. rn tel, y° u ‘ whohe is’in a few minutes,” and 1 boarded the coach. * * * I found the famous old hero reading »l°ud one of his tele grams to Major General 0. (>. Howard, retired. ** I told him who I was and had about five minutes very pleas ant conversation with he and General Howard. * * * General Howard was kind enough to say that he had met me when on’ a former visit to Rome. Quick as a flash Fight ing Joe exclaim id, “was that when Gen. Howard passed through in the 60’s?” “No,” I replied, “It was upon a visit General Howard paid Rome a couple of years ago. I did not meet General Howard when he passed through with Gei eral Sherman.” * * * “Why not?” and Gen Wheel- I er’s eyes twinkled. • » “Because, sir, upon that oc- ■ casion I was in arms—and a ■ ‘reffvgee,’” 1 answered. Gener- I al Howard enjoyed the passage. * * * 1 remarked to Gen Wheeler ■that there were many of his old ■Confederate followers living in ■Floyd county and that every ■one of them loved him devoted— ■ly and never missed an opportu ■nity to sing his praise. H> * there came a tender look into ■the eagle eye of the old hero and said with a caress iu his ■voice: “(lod bless the brave No nation has ever pro— ■fluced finer fighters, more dash riders or braver troopers. ■Heroes every one of them. No ■>ll.ll could lead such men and fr 01 win fame as a fighter. They ■' eu ' an ar my of heroes and pa- ■ r i (| ts. And they were tireless ■gluing machines, imbued with ■° ble hearts and fine intellects.’’ I Geuera l Wheeler stated that ■* "as en route to 'I ampa, but ■ us very jeticent when asked ■ his plans for a campaign ■» Cuba. ° * * I 1 found he and General How- H, accu l’ying a section of a ■ ft ( J’ er ’ lle N were riding face ■ f «ce t hose two old heroes ■ ,o led ’ , » opposing sides in the ■ ll, ' d "ho contributed so Ki")’. Jrilllant pages to Ameri- ■ h,Bt prowess at arms. Bnd ll f7 r T n flllal * y P lllled out ■oLd th t 0 llustle off - When 1 ■ crowd that was wait- trains, and Jlieeler J' 0 " ° General Beedi 19 ° n the then Lnoout 0t t 0 the Southwa rd,more tkThe det>P L l the old Vet' ' lot g6t l ° B-handu ? eterana »d shake Bcountry^i 116 Quitted ■nintrv-. \ dt Ile Head of the for hiM Va in tt cam- I Jr humanity. I IQucy t> APPI6 A WORN OUT FAD “Spring- Medicines,” “Blood Purifi ersand “Tonics” an Old Fash ioned Idea. Pure blood, strong nerves and muscles,, firm, healthy flesh can only come from wnnlesome food well digested “Blood puri fiers” and “nerve tonic” do not reach the cause of the mischief. The stomarch is the point to be looked after. The safest and surest way to cure any form of indigestion is to take after each maal some harmless preparation of this kind composed of vegetable es sences pure pepsin, golden seal and fruit salts, sold by druggists under name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets, and these tablets taken after meals assist digestion wonderfully because they will digest the food promptly before it has time to ferment and sour, and the weak stoma h relieved and assisted in this way soon becomes strong and vigorous again. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are superior to any secret patent medicines because you know what you are taking into your stomach. They are sold by druggists everywhere at 50c per package. Write F. A. Stuait Co., Marshall, Mich., for book on stomach diseases, mailed free. HF. c K WW " _ ~.. >■(> Ab « J f / 1 / .... k JAMES BURNS. Ex-Collector of the Port of Kans, s City. Os the men who have occupied positions o. public trust in Kansas City, either by gift of the people or by appointment ; none has a more enviable reputation for ability, honesty and efficiency than James Burns, Collector of the Port of Kansas City under Grover Cleveland. He lived the letter the maxim, “public office is a public trust,” and when he retired he carried with him the respect of everyone in the community —democrats and republi cans alike 1 James Burns has used Stuart’s Dpspepsia Tablets and he does not hesitate to say they have accomplished wonders. “I suffered with dyspepsia for twenty years, ’ said Mr. Burns yesterday. “Never knew what it was to enjoy life —in fact living seemed a burden, as it does to all who suffer severely with dys pepsia. A few months ago 1 began taking Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets. From the first I felt lelief, and now, allhough 1 am still taking them, I feel entirely cured. For the first time in twenty years I can eat anything 1 want and suffer no ill effects from it. You can’t imagine the pleasure of this unless you have been a dyspepsia sufferer. “I never gave a testimonial for any medicine before, but 1 feel as if everybody ought to know of this remedy, ami while it is personally distasteful to me to appear in print in this connection, I feel as if I had no right to shirk the opportunity tc, perhaps help some other sufferers from dyspepsia 1 have been recommend ing the Tablets to all my friends. Only recently 1 took James H. Lillis, the father of Father Lillis, down to get some, and 1 under stand he also is being wonderfully benelitted. 1 can’t recommend it too highly.” RALLY AROUND THE FLAG BOYS’ s Uncle Sam’s call to arms that has aroused the patriotism of the Nation. Those »ho stay »t home will rally around our s ;da foun tain, and cool their excitement after reading war news, with a glass of our ice-cold, sparkling soda water with pure fruit juices, phosphates, ice cream or sherbet, as pala r e ticklers. CURRY ARRINGTON, CO. 2 Best White LEGHORNS! tt ijrrjr For the very best bieed and most perfectly marked fowls, leave orders with J. T. Crouch & Co,, $3 per trio, Splendid cockerels only $ 1, XZ l. D. GAILLIARD. S - I? j [BRING OUR HEROES HOME! The beautiful song “Bring Our He roes Home” dedicated to the He roes of the U.S. Bittelship Maine | a of toe finest national songs , ever written The word? ring with patriotism and the music is stir ring and full of fire, and fitting the I noble sentiment to which it is de dicated. Arranged for Piano vnd Organ. This song and sixteen other pages of full sheet music will be sent on receipt of 25 cents. Address, Popular Music Co., Indianapolis, Ind Police Court.—The following cases were tried at this mornings police court. M. 11. Ragan and W, J C.ocknll were up charged with lighting last Tuesday morning in front of Ragans furniture store. They had a few words about a business affair, Ragan struck Cockrill who is cripple and could ot defend himself. Recoidei Eubank • give them both $3,00 or 6 days. Columbus Landers colored was lined S4O 00 or six months j for wife beating. ETTERS OF ANMINISTRA- TION. GE FGIA. FLOYD COUNTY! To all whom it may cencein: Equitable mortgage company having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ud ministraiou on the estate of Wm. B. Wiggins, late of said county deceased . This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Wm. B. Wiggins to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why per- I manent administration shou'd not be granted to W. 11. Ennis Co. Admr. on Wm.B. Wiggins estate. Witiwss my hand and official sig nature this 2nd day May 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. APHLICVUON FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GE i’.G A. FLOYD COUNTY. Win ie s.Ju>ms W. Evans, ex ec it. rof Hulbert Evans, deceas ed, npr sent- r > the court in his pet.lion duly filed, that he has ad mi istered Hulbert Evans’ estate. This is to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said administrator should not be dia charged from bis administration and receive letters of dirm'ssion a!’, the first Monday in August 11898. This May 2nd, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary APPLICATION FOR LETTRE OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD CuUNTY. Whereas Wm. A.Wright executor of Mrs. Mary W. Qu n’l represents to the court in bis petition duly filed that he has administered Mrs Mary W. Quinn estate. This is to cite all persot s concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any tl' |, y can why sa d administrator -bould not be discharged from his administration and receive leti rs of dismission on rhe firs. Monday in June 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P, Davis Ordinary FREE TRIAL TRtiTMENT TO EVERYONE. Who suffers with any chronic disease of any part of the human body, such as kidney ami bladder, heart, liver and stomach troubles, face and skin eruptions, disorders of the sex ual organs, sexual weakness and indifference etc. Provided application be m ule at once, in ol der that its inventions..tpp lances ami uevei failing remedies may receive the widest possi ble publicity, and prove their own merits by actual use and permanent cuies. No m ntey whatever will be received by the State M.-df cal Sanitarium from anyone under its treat meut until beneficial results are acknowledged Its remedies and appliances have been com mended by the newspapers of two continents and endorsed by the greatest doctors in 'he I world. Where developement Is desired they accomplish it and never fail to invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They infuse new life and energy. They per manently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and produce despondency. Tnoy retone, refresh . id restore to manhood, regardless of age. Th -y cure ev.l habits and permanently remove their effects, as well as l tnose ot excesses and overtaxed brain work. I neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No | failure, no publicity, no deception, no disap pointment. Write today. btate Medical Sanitarium, EvanSton, Ulin .. BEBT OB’ ALL To cleanse the syslem in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when tbe Springtime comes, use the true nnd perfect remedy, Syrup oi Figs. One bottle will answer foi al' the family and costs only 50 cents. Buy the genuine. Manu factured by tne California Fit? 1 Syrup Company only, and for sal. by all druggists. For a good smoke try War i ei«’ “Extra Good” cigars, SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce myself as a candid;, e L<r sheriff of Floyd county subj <1 to the democratic primary of June Gth, 1898. My deputies will be J. P. Mc- Connell, J. D. Turner and Craws Moore. J. K. Williamson. FOR CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of Superior court, subject io the action of the <b mocralic primaries of June • i b. 1898. Mr. Walter H. Ross will be my deputy' as heretofore. W. E. Beyseigel. FOR CORONER. I am a sanditate for re*election as coroner of Floyd county, Bub ject to the democratic primary of June Gth, and will gratefu'ly appreciate the votes of my friends and the | üblic. F. 11. ScHLAPBACH. FOR CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT. I respectfully announce my self as a candidate for clerk of superior court of Floyd county, subject to the democratic pri mary June 6th, 1898. Mr, W. Sam Cothran will be associated with me as assistant. If elected, my entire time and energies will be given to serving the public to their entire satis faction. D. W. Simmons. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Floyd county, subject to the democrat ic piimary to be held June 6th, 1898. Messrs. William J. Griffin and T. Berry Broach and Mr. Dau Byars will be my deputies. We very respectfully solicit your vote, and promise to faith fully and honestly perform the duties of tbe office. J. Ed Camp. FOR TAX ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of tax assessor of Floyd county subject to the action of the democrats in the primary elections of June 6th, 1898. K. L. Foster. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. In announcing myself as a candidate for state and county tax collector of Floyd, subject to the democratic primary on June 6th, I desire to call your attention to some of the reasons whj I ask your support, Chief of these reasons is the record of services faithfully rendered This record is open to the in spection of every citizen and tax payer ol Floyd county, and has already been passed upon by those officials whose duty it is to keep an eye on such matters. ii z thousa-nds of dollars have passed through my hands, and for every cent of this money receipts are held in my office. The taxes due the state and county have been closely collect ed by me, and this has been done without oppressing the tax payers individually or collec tively. I propose to make a clean campaign for re-nomination,and my pledge for the future is my official conduct in the past. Thanking you for your sup port heretofore given, I respect fully ask your votes and co op eration in the present contest. Yours truly, V. T. Sanford. Wbose|,viil be the first baby nam«4 fws Admiral’* Dewey? FOR SENATOR. , In the coming election it is the privilege of Floyd county, by party precedent, to choose democratic nominee for .Senator from the 42nd senatorial district. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for Senator, subject to the action of the democratic primary of June 6th. W. H. Ennis. ANNOUNCEMENT Please announce my name as a candidate for senator from the 42nd senatorial district subject to the democratic primary to be held on June the 6th. Respect ully, R. T. Fouche. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a landidate for the legislature, subject to the democratic pri mary J une 6th. J. B. Nevin. FOR THE LEGISLATURE, I hereby announce myself a candidate f>r election to the lower hoi se of the Georgia leg islature, subject to tbe democrat ic primary on June 6tli, next. John C. Foster. FOR REPRESNTATIVE I hereby announce myeelf a candidate for a seat in the lower house of the General Assembly of Georgia, to represent Floyd coun ty, my candidacy subject to the action of of the democratic prim ary of June the 6th. W. C. Bryan; FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Editor Hustler-Commercial— Please kindly announce my can didacy, for membership in the lower house of the next general assembly. Subject to an approval by my countrymen at the ballot box in the primary on June 6th. proximo. Henry Walker. FOR TREASURER. I appreciate most sincerely the kind support I received from the voters of Floyd county in ’ electing me county treasurer in the past and again respectfully submit my name as a candidate for renomination in the primary of June 6th. If re elected I again pledge myself to render tho same non partisian service to all the people (when funds are out as 1 hiFve honestly endeavored to do in the past. Respectfully, Jas. B. 11 ii.l.. ANNOUNCEMENT. IJherehy announce myself as a candidate for the office ol tax receiver of Floyd county subject o the democratic primary to bo held cn June 6ih 1898. J. N . Crozi er. For The Legislature To the voters of Floyd c; mity: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of repres nti>- tive in the lower house ot (ho next General Assembly of Geor gia. my candidacy subject to the primary of Jun*’ 6th 98. J. Lind?ay Johnson’. - _ FOR TAX COLLECT R. I hereby announce myself a can didate far the office of tax collec tor of Flo; d coun'y, subject to a< - tion of primary of June 6th 1898. John M. Vandiver. FOR LEGISLATURE. Editor Hustler-Commercial. Please announce my name as a candidate for the lower house of the next general assembly , subject to the democratic pri mary to be held June 6th 1898. Sam S. King. handle all of the s'rawberries raised by us, and if others tell you that they have Johnson s strawberries they teii what is not, so Chas _R. Johnson.