The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 13, 1898, Image 8

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SIGNS OF TROUBLE Gather Thick and Fast In Eilrope. AFRAID OF AMERICA Believed That Further Compli cations Will Arise. L ii!il m, May 13.—The St. Jamas Gazette this afternoon says. “Important s gns of the uneasi ness of Europe, of its fear of an archy at home and aggression a broad, are reflected in London fi nancial circles. Russia is raising a Joan ot $12,000,000, and, more significant still, she is raising it in Germany, The Bank of England is directing its energies to the accumulation of a gold reserve, a fashion without recent precedent, while Japan, not content with the v st sums she received from China on Saturday, is prenaring for a fresh loan for sls 000,000, The reapproachment between Germany and Russia and Austria is Very mar ked. All this the St. James Gazette believes, portends a combination, against America and Great Britain, as “we are universally regarded as forming part of this trans. Atlantic aggression on Europe,” and the article warns Great Britain to prepare for a struggle which may involve the most important events since the fall of Napoleon.” In conclusion the St. James Gaz ette remarks: / “Europe believes America is trying her strength on Spain and that her inevitable victory will be followed by similar acts of aggression to wards other powers with interests in the Atlantic and Pacific.” CAPT. NEVINS’ CARD. Still in the Race For The Legislature. To the public : Having been placed in com mand of a company of volun teers for participation in the present war with Spain, I will find it impossible to see my friends personally, concerning my race for the Legislature. I am in the race to the finish, and shall trust to my past rec ord in the Legislature for your consideration. If re-elected I shall use my utmost endeavors to serve you faithfully and well. Yours truly, Jas. B. Nevin. MUST OBEY DEWEY. Philippine Families SweakingAl legiance To The United States New York. May 12.—A copyright ed dispatch to The Evening World dated at Hong Kong today, says 'that the Philippine rebel, General Aguuialdo, has issued a proclama tion to the insurgent? at Manila to < bey the orders of Commodore Dewey and United States Consul Willi am?. Yo < Doctor > z Knows $ r Your doctor knows all about X ) foods and medicines. r / The next time you see him, X ? just ask him what he thinks ( /of ) < Seoii’s Emulsion $ \ of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- J f phosphites. We are willing X \ to trust in his answer. f r For twenty-flve years doc- x ) tors have prescribed our / / Emulsion for paleness, weak- \ □ ness, nervous exhaustion, and / J for all diseases that cause \ X loss in flesh. f f Its creamy color and its X j pleasant taste make it es- / / pecially useful for thin and \ 5 delicate children. / Wf / No other preparation of cod-\ X liver oil is like it. Don’t lose f f time and risk your health by x 1 taking something unknown / / and untried. Keep in mind \ □ that SCOTT’S EMULSION/ Z has stood the test for a X x quarter of a century. f f soc. and fi.oo; all drugcists. \ \ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. / ADM INI3TR ATOR’ S BAL E. GeoHgia, Floyd County: Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of said county, granted at the May term, 1898, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, within the legal hou.s of stile, on the first Tuesday in June, 1898, the following described property, tow it: 80 acres of land, more or less, the same being the west hall of lot No. 81 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of said county. Said property sold as the prop erty of of Julia Parker, deceas ed. Terms of sale cash. W. 11. Ennis, Admr. CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA, Floyd County. To all whom it miy concern W. M, Gammon Administrator of C. A. Gammon deceased has m due form applied to the undersign ed for leave to sell the lands be longing to the estate of said de ceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in Ju ie next. Thi? 12th. day of Mav 1898. John P. Da /is, Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY,— George W. Thomas i Libel for di vs > vorce in Floyd L. P. Thomas ) Super’r Court State of Georgia, No. 33 Januar" term 1898. To L. P. Thomae, —The defend ant is hereby required personally cr by attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the thirl Monday in July next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s demand in an action of libel for divorce, as in default thereof sa d court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. M • Hen’y, Judge of said court, this 9th day of February 1898. Wm. E. Beysiegel, C. C. Supe rior Court, Floyd county Ga. NOTICE OF DIVORCE. State of Georgia, Floyd Co : Winnie Lee Woodward i Libel vs ■ for di- William E. Woodward ( vorce- In Floyd County Superior Court state of Georgia. No 21, July term, 1898. To William Edward Wood ward : The defendant is hereby re quired, personally or by attor ney, to be and appear at the next Superior court, to be held in and for said county, on the third Monday in July next, then and there to answer the plain tiff’s demand in an action of Li bel for Divorce, as in default thereof, said court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W.M. Henry, judge of said court, this 14th day of Mardh, 1898. Win. E. Beysiegel, Clk Superior Court. Floyd Co., Ga. new lot of new pattern hats to go at unheard of low prices for the next few days. We pay cash for our millinery and can sell a fine hat for less mon ey than any house in Rome. Call and get our prices before buying your best hat Com mencement hats a specialty. Mrs. A. O. G-arrara. Big Blue Boils Bed Bug Poison Dedly As Sin 35c Frank Wright’s Farmacy. CITY LICENSE. All persons carrying on business in the city of Rome and subject to city license are heieby notified to call at the City Hall and pay their liceme, otherwise fhe.cify marshal will be instructed to serve police court summons, April 22nd, 1898. Halstead Smith. Clerk of Council. More than 200 stylish in untrimmed hats received bv Lanham & Sons on yesterday. These goods were ordered direct from New York and the line contains everything new and nobby in fintrimmed hat?. The' prices will prove revelations. SHERIFF’S BALBS FOB JONE 1898, SEORGtA FLOYD COUNTY •V ill be sold before the court , house dooi in the city of Rome, | Floyd Co, Ga.. between the legal i hours of sab-, on the first Tiwday (in June 1898 the following described pi perty to wit: Ab that piece or parcel of land lying and bung-in Floyd county, state of Georgia and that p„rt of said county known as the addi tion of J. R. l -t<“vens. deceased, to East Heine. n plat of which said addition is ;(corded and register ed in book X page 66. of records ol ft h • Superior Court of Floyd county same being lot No. 3 and con'amiug two and one-fifth acres more or less. Said lot fronts 122 feet on the Cedartown road, run ning back between parallel lines to a 60 foot street, said lot’s Norih boundary line extends 800 feet, said lot’s South boundary line ex tends 825 feet. Levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of the Southern Home Building and Loan Association vs. Annie S. Les 1 er, as the property of the Dell. * Also at the same time and place, lot No. 13 in block “P” fronting 50 Let on Spring Creek road and ru.ming hack same width 150 feet towards Ch rry street according to land map of East Rome, said levied property being house and lot in East Rome F.oyd county, whereon the defendant now resides. Levied upon bv virtue of two fi fa- issued fr in the Justice Court of the 919 sh district, said county, in favor of T. C. Morris, one against George Duncan and the other against Thos. Duncan, as the property of the Defts’. Levy made by W. M. Byar o , L. C. Also at th? same time aud place all that tract or parcel of land in Fitth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., beginning on Maine street at the Southwest cor ner of Emiliiie Kinnemore’s lot, thence to the cemetery line thence along said cemetery line to Mrs. Lizzie Hughes propeity, thence South along said property to Main street, thence along Main street to the staiting point, con taining one acre more or less, as the property of the defendant. Levied upon by virtue iff an exe cution issued trurn the Justice Court of th 919;h district G. M , of raid county in favor of S Funkhouser, administrator on the estate of Jno. J. Black vs. Jno. Moseley, agent lor Lucy Moseley. Levy made by R. H. Copel ana. L. C. A so at the same time and place an uudi vided one-half interest m all iha part of lot No, 24 in the 4 h section and 4th district Floyd county Ga.. . xcept 34 acres on the Northwest c >ruer of said lot sold to T. M. Manning on May G‘.h 1893 and except also 34 acres in Nor; hea-t corner S'Jd to G. M. and \V. E. Redmond on February 28th 1894, the part now levied on containing 140 acres more or less. Said lot No 24 being a large lot. Levied upon by virtue of an execu tion is«ued fn m the Justice Court' of the 919 district G. M., Floyd I icounty Ga .in favor of L. T. I Rhinehar' vs W. R H. Manning. G. M. Redmond and Mary C. Manning, as the prop rty of W. R. H- Manning, one of the Defts. Also at the same time and place I part of lot No 326, in the 23rd district nd 3rd section of Floyd county Ga . beginning at a stake on the original land line if said lot, the same being Nathan J. W. Whitehead’s Northeast corner, thence East with said laid line 209 feet to a stake*, thence West 413 feet, to a stake, thence North 230 feet to the center of the Ayer’s Mill road and thence nnh the cento- of Miid r nd to Bichard WLi;. h' nl - 8 uthwi ?c coiner, ait) Richard \Vhi!< head’s lint North 140 feet to a B'ke, thence Eis 317 fee' to the be ginning Levied upon bv viifti" of of an execution is-ued from Floyd , Sup ro< urt in favor of Mattie IF. Riley, transferee, vs. Lucy L >ng, as th- property of the de- | lendant. Also at the same time and place me lot with improvemen’s there on tn the city of Rome Floyd I county gi. fronting on Coosa street 76 ‘eet more or les= and running back 85 feet more or lejse B uuded on the East by an al'hy, >n the North by the property of Marauda Daniel on the by the property <4 M r s Ma y E Co-I mer. L-vied • n by virtue of an xecution i-su-d from Floyd Su perior court in favor of W M I Vloss, use of officers of Floyd Superior Court, vs. Alice Richard so", as the proper y of the defend ant. • r ni«Q, AGn ai the rams time and plac* one -‘Nagle” engine aud boiler 15 horse power. 1 m saw mill. | belting and fixtures, 2300 feet | lumber more or less, levied on by 'virtue of an execution issued from .Floyd citv court in favor of W I 11. Coker it Co. v-. W. H. Mahan and W. M, Goss, as the propeity of H. Mahan, one of the de 'fend.m's. Sdd pr pT'v c..n be soon and will be delive ed on the premises in Fl >y d Spring* district. Also at, the same time and place ;11 that true:, or parcel of land lying and l> itig on the right of road from Rome to Reece’s springs. Bounded on the South by J. J. Reece, on the East by Printup City, on the West by road to Reece’s springs, con taining one-eighth of an acre, more or less ; said piece of land being in the shape of a smooth ing non, all in the 23rd district and Third section of Floyd eoiwita and about one and one half miles North of the city of Rome, as the property of the defendant. This May 13, 1898. Levied on as the property of Melina Stickney by W. M. Byars, L. C. Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying and being on the right of road from Rome to R-ece’s Spring bounded on south by J. J. Reece on the east by Printup City, on I vhe west by road to Reece•> Spring, containing one eight of an acre more or less, said piece of land being in the shape of a smoothing iron. All in (he 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga., and about one and one half miles north of the city of Rome. This May 13th 1898, as the property ot the defendant. Levied on as the prooerty of Melina Stickney bv W.M. Byars L.C. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. APPLICATION FOR LET TERS OF DL MISSION. Ge rgia, Floyd County : Whereas L. W. Pden, ad ministrator of B. A. Connelly, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered B. A. Conjielly’s estate. I'his is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they c.ui, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in June. 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis Ordinary. &I'’ I'aXES Are conriig as a necessary war meHStire, and as a consequence medicines will be advanced in price. If you have not yet begun your course oi Hood’s Sarsaparilla it is advisable to lay in a ye: r’s supply at and htgin to take it today By so doing you will save tnonev and regain health. Hood’s Sai-eparilia is America’s Greatest Medicine. Be sure to get i Hood’s - Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. N O W IS T H E TIM E To PA I NT You can do a good job on your cheap houses, barns and fences at a very small expense, with Spears’ Cold Water Weth erproof Paint and a hundred i dollar lot (six culors) is now I being closed out at cost at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, corner op posit Masonic I'empl. Wanted—Salesman to sell Lubricating Oils from simples, on commission. Liberal ter us. T he Euclid Oil Company, Cleve land, Ohio. LET’ERS OF ACM INISTRa*! ION GEORGIA Fl "YD COUNTY. I'o all whom it may concern: Farris I’. Nixon having in proper form app’ied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate of Dr. W. C. Nixon late of said county deceased , This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next, of kin es Dr. W. C. Nixon to be and appear nt mv of fice within the time allowed by law and show cause if .ar.v they they can why permanentfad minis tration should not he granted to Farris P. Nixon on Dr. W. 0. Nix mi? estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 10th day of ebF. 1898. John P. Davis, Ordi ary. < ,! A TEMPTING ARRAY. ■ r 1 VA v We sell the best the market affords at the same price you have been paying for inferior goods. Why continue? You are entitled to the best if you pay for it. We see that you get it. Everything about our store is kept religiously clean, and our goods are always fresh, bright and new We buy little aud often, and from first hands. If you wish to live well and cheaply, give us your trade. LLOYD’S. CRIGKEBI JIG jga STARR iWI PIANOS. w America's Leading Instruments, JESSE FRENCH PIANO I OMAN CO. Manufacturer, and Dealera. No. 9» Olive Street. St. LoaU, Me. Nashville, Teno. Birmingham, Ale. Dallas, Texas. Montgomery, Ale. Factories: Richmond, Ind. Write our nearest house. A a-c«ai stamp •eve you many dollar*. ■ Beware of Imitations JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, AaSNTa, NEW YOAK. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry- Arriugto'n Drug Company. WHEN TRAVELING Whetheron pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effect ually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches, and other form s of sick ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles |by all leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. To all whom it may concern : L. A. Dean having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Lucy Parker, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next kin of Lucy Parker to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to L. A. Dean on Lucy, Parker’s estate. Witness mv hand signature this 7th day of March 1898. I I John P. Davis | Ordinary. “ -1 i i FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 fl A small gentle bay pony. Has ■ been driven ai d bidden by chi 1 1 dren for year . C.. 11 at the j office. < ation for 0K MBMI 881 ON nK| aK ’ RQI * floyd county Whereas T. A. Thrash . letrator of Mrs V F Th A<l °S ceased, represei t 8 k, th o r “ h '<* *>• Petition duly filHd j. admiListered Mrs V R“ tl "•♦ate. This i 9 to cite .11 hr “ h i concerned kindr-d Br( i to show cause if any tLv C ? d " 0 ’ . -aid administrator should ‘ I Jhcharged from hi. JiL 00 '' tion ai.d re< eive letters of s sion on the first Monday 1898. This Feb. 7?h iV * Job -L p - THE D.r^^^HT5F S p RIS6 t Which arise from impurity ; i ’ e blooa and a depleted coi? r gob o tins vital fluid ma t } o itirely averted by Hood-;? 7 saparilla. This great cures all » prillg 8 n eruptions and sores, and h? ,- Gening and vitalizing th X t it overcomes that tired f e £ , aud gtves vitality and vigor 1 i - , Hood’s Pills cure naußei headache, billiousness M( |’lj» ills. Price 25 eents. YEAR’S SUPPORT, i GEORGIA, Floyd County. To all whom it may C o ll(!erD; Notice is hereby given, that appraisers appointed to set hpa , ' and assign a 4th. year’s 9ijpp o l to Mrs. Mary Park Howel J widow of T. F.H wel, demJ have filed their award, and uu J good and sufficient cause isshoJ the same will be made th? j Q J ment of the Court at the JI J term, 1898, of the court of Ordi J ’ ary. This I >-d I l<)| I John P. Davis. I Ordinary F:oyd County,Georgii. I REDUCED RATES. ! On account of the Quadrenni- 1 al General Conference of the M. I E. church, South, at Baltimore, I Md. , May 4th-28th, 1898, the I Southern railway will sell tick-1 ets from all points on its line ul Baltimore and return at greatly! reduced rates. Tickets will btl sold May 2nd 3rd anl 4th win! final limit May 31st, 1898. | The schedule accommodatinne I via the Southern railway are I most excellent and partiescon-| templating attending this meet-1 ing and desiring rates, sleeping! car reservation?, etc, should cow-1 | municate at o ice with neareill agent of the Southern railway. I Annual Sales over ß,ooo,ooo Coin I eWs fOK BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISOWB sueh as Wind and Pain In th” StomaiH 3iddlu<‘ss. Fulness after meals. iche. Dizziness. Drowsiness. FlustnWM of Heat. Loss of Appetite. Costiven’’« Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills. turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and Nervous and Trembling SensaiirajM THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE IN TWENTY MINUTER Every will acknowledge them to be B A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. | UERCHAM'N FlMA. taken asdirwt K ed. will quickly restore Females to cot ■ plete health. They promptly re®I’’'■ 1 ’’'■ obstructions or irregularities of the■ tem and cure Mick Headache- r«» ■ Weak Stomach I Impaired Digestion g Disordered LMB IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILD’’ 11 H Beecham's Pills are ■ Without a Rival And h»re th* _ . - ■ LARGEST SALE ■ of any Patcut Medicine in K 850. at all Drui? Stores. B Sour Slomaill cAK’’ I ■•After I ladaeed »•»’’’ ■ ■ ETS. 1 will never be without them n My liver wu« lu a very bud »hspe. ached and I had utouiach trouble Ina CascareU. I feel One My wife _ ( ■ lhein with beneficial results for »ou JOS. KHCSLINU. 1021 Congress St., b ■ I ■ CATHARTIC 4 ■ TMADi MA*" ■ Pleasant.. Palatable. (,’*«*«* *fl Good. Never Sicken. W eaten. °r ■ ... CURE CONSTIPAT 0 *■ M-TO-BAC ItrMt! with you UtTWH-killing tobacco habit. M minovvM thv deuirc for U>bac< o. B out n. i vou.dibtreMß, - ■ Hut, puritl«> the blood, W A •tom lon» nianhved f UIAL• 8 YOU EtrouJ A ~ <aA«»*47f Ja health, gfl ■M guaranteed to eu' ‘ |i>w *»- ■ - n