The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 19, 1898, Image 3

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Cheaper gas important MeetinQ. Os The Rome Gas Light Co. CHEAP fuelfor romans Who Desire to Use Gas for Cooking Purposes. At a special meeting M the Board of D,«>or. of the Rome G« t , ghl Co. the reeolu .one wer e unanimously adopted. iz. Be it resolved. That in order to induce the citizens of Rome to use ffa9 for these purposes shall be n - duced from SIBO to $l5O per 1000 cubic fe-t a'- d in order to secure prompt payment for al! gas used for the above named purposes a further reduction of 20 ceo's pea 1000 shall be made to all con sumers who use 1000 cubic feet per month or more. Provided pay ment for same is made at the office of the company on or before the sb, day of the month. Mak ing sl. 30 per 1000 the net price for cooking and heating gas. „ And be it further resolved. That the Gas Co. shall keep on hand for sale at lowest possible prices either for cash or on installment plan. Gas stores, instantaneous water heaters for hath renins a«sd other gas appliances. By order of board of director®. J. J.Childs. Secty. GAVELETS- Cave Spring, May 19.—The Hearn School picniced at Wood stock last Friday ; all report a pleasant time. ihe Methodists are still carry ing on their revival services. They are having quite a good meeting. Mr. G'eer, principal of Hearn Schoo], left for his home yester day. Miss Katie Ondoff, of Cedar town, has been the guest of Miss Ella Harper for several days . Miss Lola Smith left yester day for her home at Lythia Spridgs. Miss Fannie Fleetwood has returned home after an entend ed visit to her sister. Messers. Fowler and Heitb, students of the Hearn institute, returned to their respective homes Saturday. Mr. Webb returned to his 110111010 Spring Garden Mon day. Mr. Moss, another one of Hearn’s brightest students, left fur 1118 home yesterday. “Sam.” cheap RATES. Ehe Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties Can leave Rome in the morning, s Pend the day in Chattanooga 1 letum home same evening. le schedule between these P°mts is as follows. Leave Rome 4.1- 8 m ’ arrive Chattanooga ° a ‘ m.; leave Rome 10 :35 arilve Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m • cZ Roraeß:23a ls t ."?“ ga 8 :50 !>• “>• There }, 50 a ° Cal train leavin S Rome ln ' going b y way of .;-Ua ll(1 Cleveland and \u- Retunr tta,l ° Oga7:2 °P- m nooX tlaiUS leave Chatta- '9:00 a a ’ ilK arrive Rome ■3:10 Dm ’ ICa ’ Ve Chatta »ooga 1L rn’ nVe R Ho me 'r““'“ o<,gs 10:10 »• man sleeni * a> m> Pl ‘U- P or f± g . CarS 0,1 a,i trains. J. $ 1 . le ’ . lllfor mation call a “d ticke( n » 0,> ’ City pas9en ’ Pho lle 3? age,lt > Rome, Ga. RIDE A MONARCH. Sold by J. Sam Veal Rome, Ga. Phe Monarch Bicycle is far su perior to all others. The need of a good Spring Medicine is almost universal and Hood’s Sarsaparilla exactly meets this need. Be sure to get Hood’s. FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Diddiness. Fulness after meals, Head ache, Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings ;>f Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin, Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE, BEUCKAK'M PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure nick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN •Beccharri’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in Hie World, 25c. at al) Drug Stores, SOUTHERN RAILWAY. tomteiiseil Schedale in Effect Maj 1, 1898. STATIONS, No. nil No. 14 No. 8 Lr Chattanooga (s.3oain| 3.lopmiW. 10pm Ar Dalton 7.51 am 1.24 pm 12. Warn Ar Rome 9.00 am 5.35 pm 1.44 am Ar Atlanta 11.40ami 8.05 pm! s.o)um Lv Atlanta 4.20pml 8.15 pm 5.20 am Ar Macon 7.10pm'10.55am | B.loam Ar.)esup 4.40 am 2.38 pm Ar Everett 5.25 am 3.25pp> Ar Jacksonville B.loam 9.25 pm Lv Jesup 110.01am' 6.56 pm Ar Jacksonville 1 I.oopm|lo.lspm Lv Everett s.3oami 3.30 pm Ar Brunswick I| 4.30 pm No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta- 1 nooga to Atlanta. No. 10 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chat tan-'Ota to Atlanta No. II carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brunswick. ' stviioxs [No. 7 I No. 9 I No. 13 Lv Atlanta lii.obpml 4.oopm| 7.50;un Ar Rome I.ooam 6.25 pm 10 35am Ar Dalton 2.31. in 7.31 pm ll.l'Aim Ar Chattanooga 1.15 am 8 si)pn. l.oOpin Lv Chattanooga B.4’iam, 9.10 pm I Ar Burgin 1,29 pm, Ar Lexington | 5.10 pm 4.50aml Ar Louisville 750 pm 7 .»<>. in .. .. Ar Cincinna i i ?.30pin! 7.304m1.... Lv Chattanooga.... 1.25 pm 1.15 am I 25pm Ar Nashville . , (1.55 pm 6.40 am 6.55pn No, 7 carrier Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. stations. 1 No'. 6. j No. 1.2 , No. 16. Lv < ha tin hoog~. 77777 8. 40am 4.10 am 10.41 pm Ar Knoxville 1155 am 8.05 am I.loam Ar Morrist'wn 1.25 pm 9.50 am 2.25 am Ar Hot Springs 11.46 am Ar Asheville 115 pm 5. mam Ar Salisbury 16.40 pm Ar Greensboro j 9.52 pm 12.10; m Ar Raleigh I Mourn 3.4. q m Ar Norfolk 17 So. m Ar Wa hington 1.... 6.42 m 9. <s| m Ar New York ] 12.41; m 6.! 1 m No. 12 carries Pulhn in Sleeping CarChatta oogu to N York via Asheville an.l Sal isbury to Ricltm m 1 arriving Richmond 6.40 a.m. also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Nor blk. N'>. Illi solid train Ciattanoiga to Salis bury. with Pullm 'a Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Salisbury Salisbury to New York with out change.'IONA i No. 4 No. 6 Lv I'lmtHi'moja .. . ..'7 7..7 .7.. •.oopni B.loam \r Knoxville ; ! s.i pm ll.‘.s:irn Ar M< rrist wn ' 2. i.'.pin 1.24 pm Ar Bristol i I 7.00 am! 3.55 pm Ar Washln.’ton..... : 7.l'am Ar New York 1 I.2epm No. 6. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta noogdi 11 Washhi-i n and Chattan oga to New York without change. No. 4 carric: I’lillm in Sleeping Car Knox ville to Bri tol. STATI-Nv . Xo. ?5 fJv' R0rhe7.7.777.7777!77.7 " 10am Ar Anniston i 11.21 am Ar Birmingham I J ... .... 10.00 pm Ar Selma i ; 3.55 pm Ar Meridian ' 7.'?tpm Ar X'cc- O-'rniM I D.SOrttn Ar Jackvo'i !77”777 19.1.5 am Ar Vicksburg : . 11.35 am Ar Shreveport. I i T.SOptn 4 No. 15i SNo', o7 “ tNoTlo'p'Nir'p. 2.00 pm 4.s(ipm Lv Rome ... ar B.soami 8.35 am 5. ripm 0.57 pm Ar Gad-den, ar 6.00 am 6.31 am 6.00 pm 7.10 pm Ar Attal a, lv 5.45 am! 6.20 am t Daily except Sunday. K Sunday only. F. S. GANNON. 3dv.p. A 0.M.. Washington. D.C J. M. CVLP. Traf. Mgr.. Wa hlngton. D. C. W. A. TURK. G. P. A.. Washington, D. C, C. A. DENSCOTER, A.G.P.a..Chattanooga,Tenn More than 200 stylish shapes in untrimmed hats received by Lanham & Sons on yesterday. These goods were ordered direct from New York and the fine contains everything new and nobby in untrimmed hat?. The prices will prove revelations. ! CURRY'S Diarrhoea - Dysentery Specific Is a positive and populad remedy for Diarrhoea, Dyseniertj, G o’era Inlani»m, > Choiera Morbus, Flux, Griping and all bowel nffections. We are now ap'>ro:u»liing the season when Bowel bflections iprevail, which causes great mortality, especially among children. 'No prudent person should be without a reliable remedy. These attacks are frexuently sudden and violent, often terminating in death-. A renowned physician says that “in large cities, during the heated term, fully one-half the deaths are attributed to diar rhoea and dysentery.” Recognizing the of the dis orders of the alimentary canal, at the same time knowing the efliciency of C'URRY : S Diarrhoea <iiki Dusenieru simihg We, offer it as a positive cure and safeguard upon wlicih you can rely in the hour of affliction. In dvsenteric troubles arising from excessive Jteat or the imprudent indulgence in vegetables, fruits, etc., and in diarrhoea of children during the process of teething, nothing affords sucn prompt and permanent relief as CURRY'S Diarrhoea and Duwro sdcciiig. As its name implies it ie a perf. t j anacca fur all bowell complaints. Physicians recommend and prescribe it iji their practice, thereey evincing confidence in this remedy, which is not a new candidate for public favor, but an old friend worthy of public trust. Were it necessary, numberless certificates could be furnished from physicians and others who have witnessed its wonderful curative properties in the various forms of summer omyilaints. ITS EFFECTS ARE MAGICAL ONLY 250 A DOTTLE ss 1 • / // —— *' i ■ ■■« i ■niumme—rjywag-r-Arsj'.T. j-- - - • CfW wjb W? ; I■' 4' /'"7&U 5 -!7O ofes&Y L S wot o w.. O "'/ J"■ f - 7 R'>me Business College fil’ r 'uuui<‘.b*.-* and difficult po sitions, and are Irghly com nui lei !»y t, i ;ir e nployers. John D. Toy lor, attorney, Si u u irvtll x, G i.. si“F rank Huf faker has been with m i n'oout three moulhe. He is qualified thor oughly for the diffiiu't duties of stenographic work.” Ha’s ted S nit.h. att ->ru w, city, says “F >r six n i nths I employed Miss Connie R )-is as ate > >g,- ipher and tvpt .v.'iter to fl 11 a temporary vacancy in in z offi m. C > n'ng dir ict y fro n h > c ill >ge and without previous exp irieace in >fii.; > work, m iny of her du ies were new, but tn a short time her pr ffi fie nay. wis sn di th it sb? wa s able to give at tenti mto details in i '.ore jU, ail tli ve i m mner “ Rom« Hard w ire C>n) my s i/j: ” lis* inii We ber is the very best stenographer in Fl or >ut»of it “ fi s Ma me graduated some months ago. Messrs. Walsh and W ilnt, Ch ittin m »a. Tenn say.—We find Mr. Carter Wunbish a j)r r '- 4, t ycipible b > ikkeoper and stenographer. Brown & Wish'iuri, G.e s,nb »r ) S. C s>y.. — “Mr. JMm Loyd keeps our lio jlcs with > i’u any tr > ible whatever.” Many more tistun > u ih cm' 1 bj g y m. Rome Bia-miess C > In ’ > vill mt reciiv * pupils after this month on ernplovm rit n >t h. d i .•■■ibis ifte • com’ss is complete and poei'ion secured, Ym ig n<iinl ia i ej should enter now. H S, SHOCKLEY. Principal. -w. ma »■ I —.M II Hl ■■M H || M < I I ®® ® ® ißepai-ing |! •Don’t Walk On I ® <> Your Uppersl * jw.A.MULIJN'X,M S al"„£°T c Si HEMOVAL Il L E As I expect to move to the new, handsome store just completed by Captain Moseley, I will sell my stock of PIANOS, ORGANS, RiGKLES, and Sewing flachines at greatly re duced rates, to make room for the immense stock ordered. If you are thinking* of buying either of the above articles, you can save money by call= ing at my present store, 335 Broad street, and buying now as I will save you money. Bicycles are cut half in two; 1 am determined to close out my stock regardless of what they cost: Terms easy; come at once and get first choice in this layout. E. E. FOMIBES F. J-KANE & CD 248 Bcoad Street. Sale of Summer Goods N \ \ \ N ..X X X X X N x X 'X X N X X X N N X - . X X X X X . X X X •*,- X xXXX*\X\X x Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, - • Gingham and Madras. Ready-Made Skirts and Waists • We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost prices on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at F. J. KAIE CO. 248 Broad Street-