The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 19, 1898, Image 5

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fl dirty attack Hade |)J an Rnti-Caiidler Pa per on Col Candle MET 3Y AN EXPOSURE , is Simply CrueblnK In Its Weight- Thd following d»«P»r«te »" cla , t p,,,odmTb. Gr.ffiu News of w* «* 4,x ''X 1 ’ Cand'er • D Griffin, uXi, b.d paid IIP »'“« tb ” r b, did. WOBld "“ Ve money to leak cut. uit , g being industriously claim edtb.ltbe people of tbi, city ...d eo.i.ljougl.lto’ 01 ’ tor Colo..»l Caodler because he was once a oil j„ D of Griffin* Tbs strength of tbi , claim depends largely upon the character ot hie citizenship ,„d how much value it was to the community- There has been aev eral citizens who have left Griffin for whom this claim would not amount, to much. “Without disparging Co'. Can dler as a teacher or a man. there are many people who insist upon gauging a man’s character and val ue ly the manner in which he treats his just debts. And now that Col. Candler has brought up the subject leaks in the collect ion and distribution of the public monejs.his own record in this re sped becomes a matter of public interest and legitimate comment. “On the tax books of the city ot Griffin stands the following stub and unclaimed receipt: A, D.'CANDLER. $5.90 C*ty Ta *. |B ’°- Received Payment ISW. Clerk and Treasurer. | “Across the above stub in red ink are written the words. ‘Fi, fa issued Octob j r 13 ’70." “On the execution docket stands the following er.fry. No. 49. Mayor and Council vs, A D. Candler. ■‘Opposite this entry on the op posite page is a blank space left to enter the disposition made of the case. Upon this no jentry was ever made, showing that the case was never settled and the tax was not collected. “Now, the amount of this tax is not so great that it could net have been paid oy any man re*, ceiving at that time. It will be noticed that for some reason, whether a clerical error or a piece ! of lav iritism ou a Dart of the clerk and treasurer, the amount is reduced in afi fa. from $5 90 to s.> 90—and still it was not paid. But even it he had been unable to pay it then, he bus since been in th« possession of a good fortune so that he could have easily per mitted it. Possibly it escaped his mercery or was not called to hi* attention, but other debts that he contracted in Griffin then were calltd to his attention when he was f the height of his fortune and repudiated. . h the same laws were in force « . that are in force now. of <■ and ' er Nver was a citizen griffin, sincev. could hf)t k . eg / VU,e Wlthoul paying his ttf«- niE crushing answer. C,ll - T “ e «rait, t., the opponent, ot e,). Oan . are driven causes tbem’to re -Bf’rt to all sorts of mean and 2 1068I 068 Wld mis as r heeff ' jrtt ° New lb ®“ Ced 1,1 an article in The is Dri\ t , he ' i2th i,lßt ant. in which “ in flaring headlir esa the not hat Co - had ‘for tl taX "’ t 0 the C ‘ ty ° f tor the year 1870, ■'.ii.idaT"”" I .'"' o '”' foru ° one ; u ; can be shown, ncr is wn.l" ' Xlsls "‘ e ». hence ihe I ' th,t ,h "‘ maim against him. l ' , '’“”l»ble that one who lisso vulnerable should be so active in looking up and trying to find ~eak points in others. Ihe party who has manufactured the facts against Co'. Candler has proven rdmcelf a very poor leader and adviser, as many, to their sorrow, cun attest, and even the unpro tected orphans ha ve not been al lowed to escape his influence and j have woefully suffered by his mis deeds. Pluck the b>am out of your own <ye so that you can the I etter see tte mole »n your brother’s. “Colonel Candler was a very poor man in 1870, as were most other old confederates who had bared their breasts to the enemy’s bu’lM; he returned from the war having lost all save honor, with scars cn his body and one eye shot out. He and Mr. Looney taucht a school here that proved to be too small for the support of both so he very generously turned the school over to Mr Looney and in August, 1870, sought a livelG hood elsewhere. In October after his departure c fi. fa, was issued against him (together with many other honorable men who were suffering from the sin of a lack of money.) which fi . fa. has been taken up and satisfied. If he h: • not paid his taxes produce the fi. proof thereof! • “Did the party who has been nosing around trying to smell an offensive act on the part of Col onel Candler see the number of fi. fas. for large amounts issued against pioperty holders during the same year? These fi. fas. are still in exis'ence and have never been levied, though there was property in sight to satisfy them, showing gross neglegence on the part of the officers. The large tax payers were let off, but Colonel Candler paid taxes on his little earthly possessions, and they weie migh’y few. “8. Grantland.” I\IEW~ BOOK STORE. Books, Stationery, Base Ball Goods. Hammock, NEW, UP-TO-DATE. Papers, flagazines, Periodicals. HARRY RAWLINS & COMPANY; 302 Broad Street, Aledical Building; THE DANGERS OF SPRING Which arise from impurities in Ihe blood and a depleted condi aon of this vital fluid may be ? itirely averted by Hood s Sar saparilla. ’This great medicine cures all spring humors, boils eruptions and sores, and by en riching and vitalizing the blood, it overcomes that tired feeling and gives vitality and vigor. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, billiousness and liver ills. Price 25 eents. W. T7C. Cheney will ake up an 1 carry tax fi fas i ZFTTZB JNTITTTZR, Every d 3.y low brings us heavy ship ments of s andard and seasonable fur niture, ana u ith the coming of spring we have already received a CAR-LOAD OF BA BY ( ’ Al? H IACOKS AU of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beau«,y and strength • M ATT I NOS. . 1 { IJ Gr S ’ CARPETS In this department we have received for the spring trade one car load of mattidg which we imported direct from Japan.. Here yon can find new patternsand the pretties I 'of designs and at remarkably low prices. STOVES. Do vou need a new stove in your k toll n? Tim cull on us and you will go no where else. W e h.Lve the best and that means an economic stove in every sense of the word. THE HANKS FURfiITURE CO 305 Broad st • Phone 52 . > Undertakers, Embalmers, and Fu= nera! Directors. ■■ try. mt*. uA a J F ~TIIU I (—■! nrail l■■ WWMlfflm.- MMBKMMaK Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr.. Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. , I would not be M ™ I regard PISO’S < without PISO’S r<_Cb T RE FOR CON CURE for CON- A Agf SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any 8 best Cough medi- thiag. For a bad W cine on the market, Cough or Cold it is having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. “The Best Cough Medicine.” B F Montgoxaery < g g -S 227, BROAD ST. &- O g SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFb g | Insurance | Q WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE 0 VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Q O WANTED- —We want wide-awake represent q 88 >ur companies i'.i th l * counties of Po'k, Bartow, h.oyd, >< Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whitfield, Catoosa and Q 8< Dade . Call on or address us at our Rome office, Q <0 E F. MONTGOMERY’ Gen’l £gt, Q —-——— j THE MODEL LAUNDRY Is do hi’- th 3 best of w >rk <nd guaran tee 3 satisfaction. Prices are most reasonable. Fine work a specialty • Can supply at! , Ours is’ the ost Compete | Department Kursory Lr'B’v‘n-<L t ’’at • 5 (■■nrw j ow ra tes. Wc publish one of 111 ‘J- hheteadingSeed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, which will be mailed free, bend for it now, it will 4I /) , Trvnti ran H ier you to customers in every state and territory in aV th e y Un™n? 43 ?ear“of“ uare has made us patron, and frwndsf rand near. Have hundreds of carloads of V FRUIT ABID TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. # We send by mail postpaid. Seeds. Bulbs. Plßoses.^S maH Tiee s < ; i . eenl^Juse# _ j.oooarrt fiatiaßKticn guaranteed; larger by expr—a t j -n THE STORRS & H ARRIS©» CO., Box 528 Finesville, C lhePreferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. The Preterred's policies :in-ularly adapted for businessmen, ami special policies are issued for bnukecH, lor pt ysic ians. sumeotis ami dentists, and for traveling men. The Pre ferred is an old hue etoeg company With iwcseV of over M.Mt.UOO (XI. JOHN R.THORNTON, ATLANTA, ,QA_ • • • • STATE MANAGER e—Willi —■ g1 ■ 1 .ML 'M WHBWIieWMBMfIWNNWMMMBaaMMMHMMMWWMWV V ' ' WMMMMMWMMMMMMWMMi THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga RGfliildr SiiGGldl Boarders z' :-e Ratos ;• Wanton. Monthiij- The place to get'a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. ■ WBMMwwMaann<aa>wwi !■■■■!■ 11 imii xtnuern ’immi'■ biimi I Scliool Sopulies, | We are pioueers in the school books and school sup- w y>» Ply business and we are also right up-ro-da f e in every- <A> thing that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. Sw )S>s A..•’Jv-’ft. • <<« I WALL PIPE. j «<< ' h CU9e fl lo Stite car. serve vou better when von de- sire to invest in a new covering for tne dear old walls o; <</< your home. See our stock ou hand and samp’es »>> I . H. A. SMITH, I || THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. || Ilon.Jno.W. Maddox Makes the best Congressman this district Ever had. He will be elected again. .He Knows How. Gen. Fitz. Lee Will make a “Jimdandy” commander of the American troops on the island of Cuba ' knows How. ♦ Tom Turner Has been printing in this town for the past twenty years, and has turned out from the Economical Printing House some of the best printing ever done in the South. Knows How. Call on us at No. 221 Broad Street, or drop us a postal. Me or Ben will call on you, talk to you inteligently about your Job Printing and save you money, We Know How. CANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION 10c ALL 25c 50c DRUGGISTS