The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 19, 1898, Image 6

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KstJssJLi&Sji o I 'S The New York Tribune says: The South furnishes the first sacrifice of, this war. Ensign Bagley was a native of- North Carolina. With his blood he has sealed the union in arms of the North and South A people who once fought against the stars and stripes’send one of their sons as the first sacrifice for the honor and glory of that 11 ig. There is no North and no South after that. We are all Worth Bagley’s countrymen. o o o Here’s the forceful way in which the Brunswick Times discourses on a timely subject: The methods adopted by Col Candler’s opponents are as doubtful as the source from which they proceed. For exam ple, it is not long ago that the Griffin Daily News went out of its way to accuse our Uncle Al len of having failed to pay his municipal taxes for 1870. Asa matter of fact, the record shows that afi fa was issued against Col. Candler for arrears of taxes, amounting to $3 40 for the year in question, which was subse quently taken up. Twenty-eight years ago Col. Candler was a very’ poor man, but he never saw the day when he was as poor in spirit as are the free lances who are seeking in vain tn detract from a strong and rugged personality which com pletely dwarfs their own. o o o The hatching of fish eggs in China is accomplished by the use of unsuspecting hens. The spawn is cealed in an egg shell and placed under the h n for a few days, at the end of which time the contents of the shell are emptied into a shallow pool. There they can bask in the sun shine until the minnows are stiong enough to be turned into a lake or river. o o o Mark Twain, in his graphic description of his brief Career as a private in the Confederate ar my, said: “We never won any victories to speak of. We never could get the enemy to stay still when we wanted to fight, and when the enemy felt like fighting we vere generally on the move. ” o o o An American with a camera greatly displeased the late Pres ident Crespo, of Venezuela, by taking a picture of him in which the face appeared quite dark. Crespo was more Indian than negro, but he was very sensitive about it. LEITER TO RETIRE. The retirement of Joe Leiter from the » beat pit is definitely announ ced, It is said that he is to desert “puts and calls” fvr rents and leases. Having made his millions, he purpos s takit g a long vacation in his new steel yacht, and will take with him his' confidential adviser, Mr. B French. The Leiter cash wheat deal is certainly without a parallel iu the history of this or any other coun try. Itsvastness has been a matter of astonishment to even the vete rans of the wheat pit, but the most remarkable part of all was the ab sence of the usual gambling fea tures. From first to last its tran sactions were plain buying and selling. Whether these gigantic operations have done good or harm to the wheat industry would b° hard to discover. At least they have had the saving grace of being fa’r and square. If you appreciate a good tea, you can get it at Lloyd’s. No lead package to poison you. Just a Mom? lit Please The Opportunity of a Life-time For Big Dividend-Paying \ Investment 1 / THE ALASKA GOLD PLAC ER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY | Capital stock $5,000, (MX) —full pai • !—an-ii. n-i. ssabh-.Promises to be as good ut the Beel Teleph ni , Westingh use Aik Brake, Grapho phone or I’h nograph and other similar industrial enterprises which .re paying thousands in profits to tl < ir Uiar. holders. This is an industrial rather than a Mining Company. We have he only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (patented) that will work in the frozen ground of the Klondike and the Northwest, where we 'ake our and ex’raet th gold from the claims of others, just as thrashing machines ere taken into the wheat country to hresh out the farmer’s wheat. One of our machines does Hiw >k of over 1,000 men each day and we -ave the 10% of gold that is usual ly lost by other methods, so it can readily be seen what enormous profits we will earn in the fabulcus’y rich gold i .im-e of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one must be acquainted. Every prospector th re is cur prospector, f >r he must eventually: come to u? to have his claim worked. Tl r. lore we believe we shall in time be payin as large-dividends as the world-famous en terprises mentioned above. Ours is a similar industrial stock which >iU h i ■ I i n ' ' I ti n > it th ? v ry low price of $2. 50 rp SIO.OO share. This is an opportunity of a life time. No ev ery day does Foitons knock a ! one’s.door Tre only } ... The only « j used in the west '■ south. 'O& North) n .jx T - Patte nd) a- ••' L OFFICE RS AN D DIR EC I'O RS [ PRESIDENT, HP. Towaley, New York ItsL. Bi .11' >r Il’ iw>, Santa Fe New Mex Manager of th-i Equitable,Life Assurance So Presi In i. 1 icern.Ui > i U Minin? Cong res IST VICE PRES,Hon.J N Hnston. Now York H>n Job . P. H >t Soittlp, Washington Ex-Treasurer of the Unit 3.1 Status Fx- :i. -f '.nice, Sttteof vi’hiegto ND Vl'’E PRbS E. Pariuiy Brown,New York Geo. ''■■■ -e.i ~ to. <; usurer, Passaic, N. J Treas, Andrew McLean, Mg fr Pa isaic, x. I, J> . nin <oi-i , I , lining Capitalists Portland Secty and Asa't Treas. 1, New York James V. Clise, Seattle, Washington Auditor an I Counsel, wm R. Weeks,New Y irk Ch or Mini.gQ .ro h .n-ber of Corumesce Consulting Engineer Win. F. Lay, New Yo.-.c I, ■< ■, . iuo . >r f a.., Fiel.l, Farm. N.Y Pres Lay System Hydraulic P.acer Mining Co '? >1 m■' 1. M'ok New yogk Lawrence P. Blown, New York. . The busiuessTbility tina.ic : al standing of cur Directors are among the best evidences of our success. To raise the capitol to place ■•everal plants in the Klondike small block of stock is now offered to th) public at the very uw rata of of 25 cents on the dollar or $2 5) for eioh $lO •Whan this block is Sold, uo more will be offered at less than | or $lO per share An investment of $25 to SSO in 'his stock should very sooi return larg> profits—Even 100 to 1— u.d thus afortune for the sa gacious inreeton. Certificates are in very attractive' form, called “Gold-Backs” and are trausferab'e from hand to nan 1. Send for ilhistra’ed Prosperin'- svoare fu:i 'xplination is given of how wiciu earn euoh euc-r a >u-> profits by the Lay System. Read! Reflect! Investigate! tuvest! All information cheerfully g.v.r. by ths Secretary. Call or write —Alaska Gold P.acsr Mich'ue M'nfng Go. Home offices. Whington Building, NT. 1 Broa i way N v York, N.'Y.. 3 Best While RNS! B •}?«*? ;*;;•; l<hi& For the very bes b' ced and most 4H** perfectly marked fowls, leave orders s4»i with J. T. Crouch & Co,, $3 per trio. Splendid cocker sordysl« $$ I. D. GAILLIARD. '- ff Lr MSHH? Permanently cured by using DR. WHIT i .’ALL'S tA'i A MATIC CURE. The surest and the best. Sold by druggists 01. apo Live guarantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sample sent free on mention e’ - this t blieation. THE DR. WHITEHALL ME'REMINE CO.. South Bend, Indians VVI & LIVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLES, Offers the public the finest I \irns, best convey ances and most polite an 1 courteous drivers. The best stock of horses at I mules on sale con stantly. 306 ARB 30S SRtJAIJ STiUSL VE GEGIUIA J E ITERS OF ANMINISTRA-| TION. GE PG!A. FLOYD COUNTY! To all whom it may cencern : Equ'tubie mortgage company having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad minietra ion on the estate of V\ m B. Wiggin-. late of said county dec. as. d . This is io cite all and singular th- cr-dilors and next of 1; nos V.’m l’>. W ggins io be atiG appear "I n.y ollice within the lime .. vd by law and show came, if ary they can, why per manent adniini-tration shou d not beg anted to W. H. Ennis Co. Admr. on Wm. B. U iggii.s estate. Witness my hand uud cfficia’: sig nature this 2nd day May 1898. J..HN P- Davis. Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY,—- George W. Thomas i Libel for di vs : vorce in Floyd L. P. Thomas t Super’r Court State of Georgia, No. 33*Januar” term 1898. .To L P. Thomas, —The defend ant is hereby required personally cr by attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the thirl Monday in Ju y next, then and there to ans.. -r the plaintiff’s demand iu an action of libel for divorce, as in qefaiiit thereof said court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. M • Hen v y , Judge of said court, this 9th day of February 1898. Wm. E. Bey siege!, C. C. Supe rior Court, Floyd county via. The hos waters, 'he tn run lain air, equable elm ale and the pine forests make Hot Springs the most wonderful health and pleasure re sort in the world, summer or win ter, It is ewi.ed, endorsed and controlb'd »»y the L. 8. Govern fiicii* and has accomi imdalions for all classes. ThAili gton at rt Park ho'.els and 60 <>t!ers uud 200 hoarding houses ere <p'n all sum mer. Having an altitude of 1000 feet it is a cool, safe and nearby refuge curing the heated term in the south. For information coucernii g Hc>t Springs address C. F. Cooley, Manager business Men’s League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and part culars of the trip see local agent or address W. A. Turk Gen’l Pass, Act.. Southern Ry.. Washington, D.C'. BRING OUR HEROES HOME! I’he beautiful song “BriugOur He roes Home” dedicated to the He roes of th- U.S. Battelship Maine s one of toe finest national songs ever written The words ring with patriotism and the music is stir ring and full of fire,.and fittii g the noble sentiment to which it is de dicated. Arrang'd for Piano und Organ Thi ; song and sixteen other pag"s of full sheet music will be seat on receipt of 25 ceul.s. Address. Popular Mi ,-ic Co , Indianapolis, Ind ’ Beware of Imitations j i JOHN DUNCAN’B BONS, AGINTS, NEW YORK. BAD- ■ BL O O D “CISCAHr’TS do all cin I med for them and are a truly wonderful medicine. I have often wished for a medicine pleasant to take and at last have found it ii» Ciisvaret - Since taking them my blood has been purified a ml my complexion has Un proved wonderfully and 1 ft id much better in every way.” MHS. Hallie E. SELLA us. Luttrell, Tenn. candy O H CATHARTIC a TRADE MARK REOISTKRCD A Pleasant. Pal.itat.lo. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good Never Sicken. Weaken, ov G' sc. l'’c. ije. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... BCerllnr twipu.., Olu£e, ■«ntr«a>. York. 359 Mil TA DAP Sold and eiiaranteed by all drug- NU* I U*mAv gists to CD MIE Tobacco Habit. SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce myself as i a cnmiidale for sheriff cf Floyd county subject to the democratic primary of June 6th, 1898. My deputies will be J. P. Mc- Connell, J. D. Turner and Craws Moore. J. K. WTI.LIA.MSON. FOR CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of Superior court, subject to the action, of the democratic primaries of June 6th. 1898. Mr. WalL rH. Ross will be my deputy as heretofore. W. E. Beyseigel FOR CORONER. I am a ?anditate for re-election as coroner of Floyd county, sub ject to the democratic primary of .lune (’th. and will gratefu'ly I appreciate the votes of my friends and the | üblic. F. H. SCHLAPBACH. FOR CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT. I respectfully announce my self as a candidate for clerk of superior court of Floyd county, subject to the democratic pri mary June 6th, 1898. Mr, W. Sam Cothran will be associated with me as assistant. If elected, mv entire time and energies will be given to serving the public to their entire satis faction. D. W. Simmons. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Floyd county, subject to the democrat ic piimary to be held June 6th, 1898. Messrs. William J. Griffin and T. Berrv Broach and Mr. Dau Byars will be my deputies. We very respectfully solicit your vote, and promise to faith fully and honestly perforin the duties of the office. J. Ed Camp. FOR TAX ASSESSOR. . i I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of tax assessor of Floyd county subject to the action of • the democrats in the primary elections of June 6th, 1898. K. L. Foster. —————— ' FOR TAX COLLECTOR. In announcing myself as a ; candidate for state and county tax collector of Floyd, subject to the democratic primary on June 6th, I desire to call your ! attention to some of the reasons ■ why I ask your support, Chief of these reasons is the record of services faithfully rendered This record is open to the in spection of every citizen and tax payer of Floyd county, and has already been passed upon by those officials whose duty it is to keep an eye on such matters. in thousands of dollars have passed through my hands, and for every cent of this money receipts are held in my office. Tne taxes due the state and county have been closely collect ed by me, and this has been dene without oppressing the tax payers individually or collec ! tively. 1 propose to make a clean campaign for re-nomination,and mv pledge for the future is my official conduct in the past. Thanking you for your sup i port heretofore given, I respect . fully ask your votes and co-op eration in the present contest. Yours truly, V. T. Sanford. Wild Cherry Phosphate, a re* freshing summer drink, served frt.e at Lloyd’s. for senator In the coming election j t Ike privilege of Floyd by party precedent, t 0 c ] lo ' democratic nominee for Sena? from the 42nd senatorial I hereby announce myself" ' candidate for the de ra „ c ,..,‘ nomination for Senator, Bubj „ to Hie action of the democ/J primary of June Gth. W>. H. Ennis. ANNOUNCEMENT. Please announce my name a, a candidate for senator from the 42nd senatorial district subject to the democratic primary to be held on June the Gth. R eßpect ully, R. T. Fouchk. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the legislature, subject to the democratic psi. mary June 6th. J■ B. Nevin, FOR treasurer. I appreciate most sincerely the kind support I received from the voters of Floyd county i n electing me county treasurer in the past and again respectfully submit my name as a candidate for renomination in the primary of June 6th. If re-elected I again pledge myself to render the same non partisian service to all the people (when funds are out as I have honestly endeavored to do in the past. Respectfully, Jas. B. Hill. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself ae candidate for the office of tai receiver of Floyd county subject o the democratic primary to be held cn June 6th 1898. J. N. Crozier, For The Legislature I To the voters of Floyd ecuuty: I hereby announce myself» can -1 didate for the office of repruenU • tive in the lower house of the , next General Assembly of Geor gia, my candidacy subject to the primary of Ju i -1 Gth 98. J. L nd-ay Johnson. FuR tax collector. I hereby announce myselfacau" didate forth«» office of tax collec tor of Floyd county, subject to ac« ’ tion of primary of Jone 6th 1898. John M. Vandiver. f FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the voters of Floyd county Urged by many friends to make the race, 1 hereby announce my self as a candidate for tha Lower House of the next General A»- sembly, subject to the Floyd Coun'y Primary election to be held on June 6th . It being only three weeks until ths election, it 1 will be almost impossible to mab tn extensive canvass, out I wll ' ’ endeavor to see as many of ibe voters of the county as possible, f V< ry r spectfully. R. A. Denny. FOR REPRESNTATIVE ‘ I hereby announc?" * candidate for a seat >u the ' house of the General y Georgia, to represert F-'oyd con J ty, my candidacy subject to action of of thedemocratic p' , ary of Juuo Bry ,„ ; 1 FOR THE LEGISLATURE i Editox Hustler-Commebcial-- : Please kindly announce my - didney, for membership , lowsr bouse of the next go , i assembly. Subject to an apP’ I by my countrymen at the r box in the primary on J u * proximo. Henry Wall FOR THE I hereby announce ro^ 9e ' t ] ie candidate for election to lower house of the Geoig 1 * 1 „ islature, subject to the i ic primary on June 6tb, » e John C-