The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 19, 1898, Image 8

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.X X-X X XXXX XX X XXX XAXXXX XXX A X X XXXXXXXXXXXxXXXX XX XXXXxXX X X X X X X X X.X X X X.X XX X v COMMEN'OEJ'IKIXTX,... This popular season will soon he on, and having made extensive preparations we are prepared to cate to the every fancy and pleasure of the school miss, college maiden and sweet girl graduate. A visit * our emporium will suffice. We will save you money on every item and offer you a stock so complet that you can easily select your entire outfit. ' BEAUTIFUL AND DAINTY DRESS FABRICS: ln organdies and dainty seasonable dress goods, our stock is superb in its scope and splendid in its va riety. We offer you anything suggested by capricious Madam Fashion, and everything needed in th< completion of any summer costume, dictated by the artistic mind of the fashionable modiste. In laces, ribbons, embroideries and fans no metropolitan stock can give you a more generous line fron which to make your selections. As to prices, we set the pace and it is proving too rapid for compet itors. We know how to buy, and you may depend upon it. We long since learned th at a mer chant must know how to buy his goods if he wants to sell them quickly, and that’s why we are here x x \xx XXX AX- X -XX‘ "X X;■ X3X •*X X X.X X X X XX X X.X X X X’X X X X.X XXXX XX X X X X XXX XX.x X X XXXXX XX V.X'X 2 ”i£ O 1 G 2T“ Bm <dl Shoes. Our stock of silks, including the beautiful shirt In hosiery and shoes-we offer you the best waist patterns and the standard as well as novelty that skilled buyers can glean and cull from patterns for skirts or dresses, is as complete in ev- the great markets of the world. For comfort ery respect as is carried by any southern house, and elegance, When you would serve your while our prices cannot be duplicated outside the feet cal! and make your selections from cut importing house or the silk mills. mammoth stocks, OBothsnar a.nd Gen*t®» urnishing;®< ai> “speasils Alpaca coats and vests, Drap d ete coats and co its and vest Serge coats, single and dou ble breasted. Crash suits for men, boys and children All lengths and all sizes Scrjven Drawers, all sizes, 75 a. A full line of underwear at has price. JTFTT Tnnr’TKT G 1 u 9 JnL w JL Jl JL3I JZdXv A BYRO’S EYE VIEW. > The Hustler-Commercial is too good a Democrat to lend its col umns to any outsider to abuse our fellow Democrat—We care not bow “big in size” may be the out sider, nor how humble the Demo crac. Democratic nominations are family affairs . * * * As far uB the covert threat of the Honorable Seab Wright is con cerned, we care nothing for it, As we have said before, Mr, Wright is a good citizen but a persistent oiiice-seeker und n chronic politi cal Hopper. * •* * He Tegan his political career as an independent, he got to be such a good organzied Democrat that he was made chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee and from that position in the par ty councils Hopped into the popu list party. * * * And through all the weave of hi? checkered political career the theory of prohibition has shown up more or less prominent. * , * * Mr. Wright is a gentleman and » scholar and a good judge of “political theories”—a splendid personality—but a powerful poor authority wh-n it comes to Dem ocracy. No Democrat can afford to council with the party’s enemy— * • * * As to Mi. Wright’s working in a Democratic primary and not voting himself—Should the Amer icans, for instance, accept the ac tive ano emphatic suggestions of a hostile nation when Generals are to be chosen to lead the American troops in battle against the troops of said hostile nation? * . * * I notice one thing, tbe “reform organ’’ has never yet had (he tem erity to defend that secret politi cal organization, which in star chamb r session and with oath bound membership nominated the “reform ticket” for office—l al lude to the Young Men’s Demo cratic C üb—the only thing of the 1 k ind in G mrgia . The “ring” ticket has never yet ' ft und it necessary to resort to a secret political organization tw win. 'lt is made up of Democrats whose every action is open to the eyes of the world, and whose rec ords are as clear as the noon day sun « * * The presence in the city of Cap*. Jamas B. Nevin, of Co. H. 2nd Rug, GaVols ~ is a source of pleasure to his many Rome friends. Capt. Nevin arrived home at mid night on a leave of absence of one day, At 4 o’clock this atternom he left for his post of duty * * Tomorrow his regiment is to leave Griftin tor Tampa, where it becomes a part of a brigade which has been assigned to General Fitz hugh Lee’s division of the army of invasion. In a few days gallant Jim Nevin wi’l be at the head of the brave Northwest Georgia boys fighting the Dons on Cuban soil. • * * * And you mark my prediction, these Romans will give a good ac count of themselves. * * * Right here, I want to again suggest that, in the absence of Capt. Nevin, who will be doing heroic duty at the front, his friends must rally to bis standard in hloyd and gee to it that he is nominated ‘o the Legislature. Os course the war will be over and, God willing, our brave boys will all be home again long before the fall elections * * * Here’s to you Capt. Nevm, may you and your gallant lade all re turn to your homes—and here’s th* Hustler-Commercial’s vote for ycu in the primaries. B A LTI MOREIanFrET U R N Account the Quadrennial General Conference M. E church South, May 4th to 28 th the Western & Atlantic R. R. will sell very low round trip tickets. This will afford a splendid op portunity to visit the the eastern cities. Call on C. K. Ayer P. & T. A. A large, new stock of picnic goods at Lloyd’s. Fancy cakes, all styles of pickles, olives, fancy sardines and other nice things 1 in profusion. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT You can do a good job on vour cheap houses, barns and fences at a very small expense, with Spears’ Cold Water Weth erproof Paint and a hundred dollar lot (six culors) is now being closed out at cost at 1' rank Wright’- Farmacy, corner op posit Masonic Tempi. stamp taxes A.e coming as a necessary war measure, and as a consequence medicines will be advanced in price. It you have not yet begun vour course oi Hood’s Sarsaparilla it is advisable to lay in a year’s supply at ami begin to take it today. By so doing you will save money and regain health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is America’s Greatest Medicine. Be sure to get Hood’s' Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. RANGES. I am agent ior Son th = ern Queen. Coal or Wood Ranges. Also Insurance-Safety Gas iol to yes • Call and see mvstock and get estimaes on your niumbitny and tin work- door to , ooera. house- i On the morning < f Feb. 20 1895, 1 was sick with rhcuina tisni, ami 1 lay in bed until Muy 21st. when 1 g>t a bottle of (Jhuinbei lain’s Pain Balm. The fir-t applieaf ioa of it relieved me almost entirely frem the pain ami the second afforded com plete relief. In a short I was able to be up and about again.—A. T. Moreaux, Luv erne, Minn. Sold by all drug gists. Do you like iced tea Thn ge t some of that iv-w crop fine tea for 50 cents at Lloyd’s. Eq al to oth er 75.; to $1 goods. Hand & Co., handle all of th st > -.wherries raised by us, and if others tell you that they have Johnson s strawberries they tell wh 11 is oof, bo. Chab.,R. Johnson I PUBLIC . SALE GK REaL ES TATE. geougia iLoyd county. —Whereas on the 20th day of December 1897 r J im >thy Goins eX'CU'ed and de livered to Mrs. A. H. Cheney a note ami mortgage on the lard i hereinafter for the pur pose of securing the debt repre sented by said note, which mort gage is reco.ded in t l, e clerk’s of fice of Floyd Superior Court in book N. 1, of mortgages, page 486. And wher-as in said mortgage said Timothy Goins gave tQ Mr.-p A. H Cheney the power to sell sai • land in case oi default in the prompt payment at maturity of the prumipa and interest of said debt. Now therefore by virtue of the power so vested in the under signed, which is more accurately shown by reference to said mort gage. Mrs. A. H. Cheney will sell at public outcry t> the highes bidder for cash on the first Tues | day in June 1898, during the legal I hours of sale before the court bouse door in Rome, Ca., the land de scribed in the afor said mortgage, towit: Beginning at the South west corner of the lot bought of William A Fort and Mary F fbonias by Amanda Caperton, (which deed is hereby re'erred to) and running thence Easl 30 feut thence due North 831 feet more or less to the Northern lin‘> of said lot, thence Southwest to the cor ner of said Jot,thence S nith to the beginning point a distarce of 361 feet containing one-half of an eert more or leas. The said i ote and mnr'gage were g ven to secure an indebted ness of $25'00 with 8% interest from date and 10% attorney fees The said imte ami mortgage are now past due and so declared. The tola! amount of principal, inter est and ami attorney's fees and charges ami expenses of sale that will be due on said note and mortgage on (be first Tue-day in June 1898. is $35 60 Fee simple titl-s in accordance with the p)w er of sale contained in said mort gage will be made to the purchaser at said sale, and the proceeds of such sale will be applied to the payment of said debt with inter est. attorney’s fees and expenses of sale and the remainder, it any, will be pan! ovei to tne person en ti led to same. This May sth 1898, Mrs. A. H. Cheney. By W. T. Cheney, Att’y, BOARD AT MOBLEYS SPRINGS. A limited number of boarder will be received at Mobley springs. 11 Terms reasonable, Apply to J. P. < McConnell May Ist ’9B. ' | A WHOLE CLUB 1 hl Ca.-’t 3 ffl ’Wg Make 1 /I Better hil I|| Running ||l ml Time hl ' cA '' ' - |9 ~ . tLi ■ A-Aurse tOPvMGMV. ' £g|l I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, iuclu- |sl ding Di am nils |M My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev j::er more complete. |fl WEDDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. I ■ J. K. Williamson [J H Koo3> I Everything in the drug line! and a full line of druggists sund dries. 5 miufHF So<fl.” Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription department has been the feature of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. C. /%. TREViTT, 331 Broad. Telephone U° TQNSDRIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled ma t.npl >yel. Parlors recently renovated courteous attrition and satisfactory services guaranteed, a - Broad street,