The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 24, 1898, Image 1

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ohT H year smoke xtra good and rebel yell cigars [JUDGE HARRIS L pot Shot Into the Gamp of I g, N- Featherston L THE commissioner US •" —' K ea Partisan of Partisans and Cites a ■ng List of Instances 10 Prove his State Kents. Shows Glaring Inconsis'.encis IrhatHave Grown out of Mr Feather- I ston's Bind Partitanshio. A Hot I Card Marked, ‘‘To be Continued.”' IkrCoiMwrc »1 ; . Lhe article published in j [issue of May loth, 1898, ■ was certainly nothing to ■provoked some of the per- I attacks that have been f ■ upon me in the '1 ribune. , ■the Tribune hope to avoid c lalements made in my ar- g Jby personal abuse of me ? r ■not meet them by a reply s ■san answer 9 . 1 inv conduct in this ] ■y .it is before the people, t ■now it, I have lived no ■or hidden life, but my ■ct has been open, public, c ■1 all matters of public in fl I bare been outspoken, e Homan has had to inquire Rich side of any question I Rve made known openly, Rud where I stood. That I ( ■made mistakes I do not de- Rho has not made them? ( ■is passing strange that j fliemies are at present so ( ■ concerned about the pro fl ot my conduct. What in- [ ■ have they in me except to 1 fly m°? Is it not always ( ■o conclude that the advice f ■ enemy is wr ong? Could 1 ■ for a moment that any ■ho would endeavor to m aki i ■rsical affliction of mine tin ■d ot ridicule in the public ■.wi'hedmeany good? Cer- H such person need not be r e(J or concerned about ■affliction for if he should Into a pool of my S pit doubt r wculd b e meat and drink Im. N llfin whom I have evei M for any office has ob p to tr,y political assistance, r ven Upt. Featherston, [ Supported himforiudae ave concluded the go°v- F knew bp«t «,!> > I u -c who ought to k»ta. ,udl ’’ “ ll6t "' een t,lc l•rlsl F l^ lICTSt<> '‘’ s "'' ticle K ’ 618 W’' B the LeH.„ a " Sua ß e: ‘ Yet LT C ° m|,lai " s o,i "- L, l0S ! ““eiaU because F"»'»ner s X r r“ f C ° U " ty h ire - Thu , C '" ed 10 P “Y * - f d '» th? 1 ,?" rt«h ave l»nguage r l “‘ c *pt.pL| Wow ll,e K St,> " I,aß , , eing ' M N- I u " «P«I. lhe min- Till: ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL utes of the court subject to pub lie inspection. What I do and say in a politi cal contest, I do as plain George H irris and am ready to account for all my conduct, including my mistakes,'at the bar of public opinion. Vhy Japt. Feathe - ston speaks- of iij as Judge Har ris, in his BTutcle, I know not as such teim within my knowledge ias never Heretofore escaped lis lips, since I have held my commission. And so far as my yeing a partisan, it "omes in bad taste from Capt. Featherston to charge me with partisanship; for I defy anyone to show when ever anybody in public office in ■ ? loyd county has shown such personal partisanship as Capt. C. N. Featherston has since he las been a member of the board of commissioners. When it came to election was officers by the present board it it not a prerequisite qualifi cation that each candidate should be a Featherston man before he was eligible to office? Was not the clerk of the board, the county physician, the keep er of the poor house and the su perintendent of the chaingang, who were elected by the present board, all Featherston men? Has any attorney of tlie Rome bar been employed in any capac ity whatever by ’ the present board, who was not an avowed Featherston man? Has any pay for extra services been allowed bo any officer of this county since die present board has been in dlice, who was not an avowed Featherston man? Was not the present county physician elected at a fixed monthly salary of twenty-five dollars? Did not the present boa"d pay to him sl4 for attend ing upon a sick juror? In the language of 82nd Ga., is Capt. Featherston able to point to a law that clearly authorires this expenditure? Did not the sher iff at one term of the Superior court serve a special jury after night at an actual cost to the sheriff of more than the bill ren dered therefor against the county i aud thereby have that jury in • court next morning, saving to the county the entire expense ol ■ the Superior court lor that day, J and was not payment of that bill J refused? Could anything but s the purest personal partisanship - have caused such a difference to - be shown these as rc- ROME GEORGIA, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 24. 1898. gards these respective claims? In what I have hi run and heretofore said, or what I may hereafter say, I trust I that 1 say uolhing that will prevent me from , Radiy voting for whoever may be I agminated on the 6th of June. | Can the Tribune do likewise, ind support whoever the nominees may he? Hi w can it ask honest voter- to vote f< i he nominees, it it tail* t hive it's candidates n minuted? Geo A. H . Harris. 70 !>,R CONTINUED SEN SAYING Ab ut two-thuds of the bread ast upon the waters isn't return ible . A girl seldom objects to ayoung man stealing comething from un ler her verv nope. When a w.ima.i . eat Ims the age where she i■n- ! " ith looking at she is old enough to be worth listening to. But few’ men diu find ihemse’ves between his Satamcal majesty and the deep blue sea are drowned. 1 he wife-murderer probably gets bouquets because he is such a lady killer. A woman’s idea of a personal devil is a neighbor ng woman who talks about her. The outcome of bacsball ganns and buckwheat cakes usually de pends upon the batter.—Chicago News. TR kNSPORTS AT I’AMPA. N ari.y All The Vessels Char tered Have Arrived. Tuinpa, Fla., May 24 —Nearly all ot ij.fc transports chartered by the g> vernnn nt for the ccnvryance of tro ops from Pampa have now ar rired here. The Leona, Iroquois, S iatiiigo and Cherokee were today added to the list, bringing the to al number up to wenty-oneaud two or three more are expected tomorrow. All the transports that have recently dropped anchor at P..rt Tampa were fitted up "ith on ,’hs and stalls before leaving tor th u south, The new camping ground at Palmetto Beach, two miles east of Pampa, is now occup’ed by four regiments ol volun'eer troops, the Third and Fifth Ohio, Second Georgia aud Thirty-third Michigan It prebab e th A most of the volun u.ers troops wifi b.i 'ocated there . I)IVERS FOR SA M PSON Savannah, May 24.—Sixteen submaiine divers from N rfolk arrived here this morning enroute -o K >y West toeban the bottoms t.f Sampson's and Schley’s fleets, [t takes five days to each ship and i,he men get $5 a day There are detaimd here by a roilroad wreck. Th iy leave tonight. An exchange says o f a cyclone ut west that it “turned a well wrong end up, a celler up side down moved township lines, blew ill the staves out of whiskey barrel and left nothing but the bung hole, changed the the day ot he week, blew the hair off lh H head of a bald-headed man, blow the mortgages off a farm, blew all he cracks out of the fences and took all the wind out of a populist politician,” Miss Annie May Cooper, who has been attending Shor'er Col lege, will leave tomorrow for her home in Florida. Toil) Scott* of Ft m°, w.i® it iown Thursday Adairsville B.n i er. I Mr Gue Wright, a pr- mimnt merchant of Farrill, Ala., spent today in the city on business. ' Mr. W. P. We t and little son, ►| of Cedartown, spent odry in Un • city. I > < H) c r llte rn s only 5c each LANHAM LsONS We nave discontinued and are closing * I FH r' 23 A out all at only 5c each. dn their place we OmTjQL have put the justly famous ' ' **- ■■■■' ■■“ » ■■■■— TNMM M’call Bazaar Patterns. ' 1 ney are the best fitting and most highly artistic oattprnq on th _ market and the pne aas in everything else, is way down be'ina only 1 Oc for a gre it m my and none h'gh ar than 150. ’ ° Fashion Plates Free to Each and Every Caller. M.M, I.x XXXXXX <X XX XIX XIX.X XXXXX XX X X XIX X x I? EW ® I kktP E.R V. Our a-fiilrnerv depart nent is the nrrnst complete and uptddVe of anv in Rome a id our prices are the lowest. ot any New hats at pnees thatcannotbe m?t b/othars. Naw sailor' for ess m >ney than at any other millinery store. sa r EMiBRDIOERIEs'o AND LACES. Pl 3a^d^rwayw a es,r t h , a-S. rk!e ’ •'* and you wiH be nt:\v lawns. N'BW ORGANDIES Pretty and Real Cheap PppfflJ shere lndia Linen, only 3 1-2 cents per yard, 1 I vbliy India Linen, bettar quality. 5 cants pa - yard. Beautiful india linens for less money than at any other store WHITE & COEOREO DUCK HfO and UNEN CRASH an ’ of Summer goods real cheap. NKW FBROAL/BS. justmeeivedand selling ch ao, Come to see us and you will be p’ea-xl • ' IM A ■ Wig W Haras IO CENTS PER WEEK