The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 24, 1898, Image 3

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ho r 5 g,ysthe Brunswick rimes, the less and best edited of BlU nswick’s dailies: «When the people are with a an he can well afford to dis use with the politicians. This ; 9 the case with Allen 1). Can cer, who will go into office with fl popular vote behind him that wi |l give his administration a ri avor of democracy peculiarly its own.” 0 0 0 Aud again in the same issue o f the Times I find this para graph : Atkinson’s friends in some sections of the state practically concede the election of Candler. They show more wisdom in ac cepting the inevitable than they did in inviting the disappoint ment that lias overtaken them. 0 0 o It is noteworthy that of the six men killed in the engage ment at Cardenas and San Jtian thrje were Americans, one a negro, one an Irishman, one a Greek, and one a Finn. The wounded men were Greeks, En glishmen, Irishmen and Ameri cans. 0 0 o The argument is now advanc ed that we must have Hawaii as a halfway station to Manila; and it will next be urged that we must keep Manila permanently as an outpist of Hawaii. It is the old endless chain principle, with a new colonial twist. 000 The naw department is re ceiving 3000 shells per day for the naval ordinance—a quantity said to be equal to all the de mands of the war ships. The re ceipts are all right. It is the ex penditure of shells that fails to keep pace with a perhaps too impatient public sentiment. 000 The three wise men of the Strategy Board would do well to paste in their respective hats the terse rejoinder of Capt. Clark, of the Oregon, to instructions and advicecab'ed to him at Rio Janeiro: “Don’t tangle me up 1 with instructions. I am not afraid of the whole Spanish flpet TheO.-egon’s commander seems to be of the material of which Admirals are made. 000 Army surgeons say that a ar ge pioportion of the militia volunteers who have been un ergoing physical examinations ffer e rejected because of disabil incurred by bicycle riding. . 1118 violent exercise, they say, * s les ponsible for many disor de,s°fthe heart and spinal co’- Ull ’ ) " wlllcll have unfitted thous- 8 "f young men for enduring tard.hips 0( ai .„, y lif(J 000 A veiled compliment is ten sed to the Missouri Populists City Journal in Bion° v Wl " gitein: “Commis a|i„ei'l e “' twi “ e dl ‘mped sever -11 le d thousand wall-eyed SX? elakene - j quent a- 1 <ly ’ l ’ Ut t,le con B o- UUlnUtioniu the rtt nks X^ u 'ists of the state is tibl e .» 6 UIUB far im Percep- 11 MO RE AND RET URN tlle Quadrennial ! Wh i * e, ? ICeM - E church , 4th 28th the *ll ve? antic R. R. w ill ,tr ‘° un d trip tickets. / ff ° rda 8 op dlies. Vlß,t the the eastern T a uu oqC> k Ayer p & RIDE A MONARCH. t j I1 ; f - li \\ / / Sold by J.SamVeal Rome, Ga. The Monarch Bicycle is far su perior to all others. Annual Sales over 6,000,00 J Coxes t’OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, iiddincss. Fulness after meals. Head ache, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Flushings jf Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on tho Skin, Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IIEH lilii s I*l Ll,.*, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in the World, 25c. at al) Drug Stores. -Oh, SOUTHERN "W RAILWAY. Con tensed Schedule in Effect May t. 1898. st A Hons. IN< i. io 1 No. 11 I No 8 Lv Chaitaiimo -a li.39am 3. lopm 16 liHn Ar Datum '. 7.51 am 4.21 pm I.', itiuni Ar Koine 9.o:iamj 5.35 pm I 1.44,tn Ar Atlanta It.riam K.ospni ■■ 0 >sm> Lv Atlanta 1.-.’Optni 8.1.,pm, s.2')i:iu Ar Macon 7. pipin' 10.55:irn B.loam Ar Jesup , I. itt.iun 2.38 pm Ar Everett 5.25uni 3.2.. pm Ar Jacksonville ! 8. tllnin 9.'.5pn, LV Jesup lO.O'.am>pn Ar Jacksonville I.oopni 10.15 pm Lv Everett | s.3i)am; 3.30pn Ar Brunswick I| No. 8 carries I’ullnmn Sleeping. Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. No. 10 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chat tain o.ra to Atlanta. No. it carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlan'a to Jacksonville anil Ath.ntti to Brunswick. -TA I HISS. No. 7 | No. 0 No. 13 Lv Atlanta :io.oCpml 4.i»ipin 7.50 um Ar Home ..... I.ooam ii.2spm 10.35 am Ar Dalton 2. 7.31 pm 11. Dam Ar Chnttanooi’a 1.13, ni B.stlpm 1 OJpm Lv Ch.itlanoo: a 8 loam 9.10 pm Ar Burgin I.'.'9pm| Ar Lexington 3.111] tin 4.50.ui: Ar Louisville. ' 750 pm _7 Miiiii Ar Cincinnati ; luinpni 7.30am|.... Lv Chuttainoo a . . 1.25 pm I.Coni 1 25pn> Ar Nashville . Asspm 6. loam o..v>pm No. 7 earrie I’u’.lui.m Sloping Car Atlanta toChuttanosga an.l C lattanooca to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Patllinan Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati anil Chattanooga to Louisville. STATIONS | | No. I? No. 16 Lv ChiitfanLo'gT?”. .'.”.77 8.40 am 4.10 am Ifl.OOpn Ar Knoxville 11-Vuini 8.03 am l.ioam Ar Morrist w n 1.23 pm 9.50 a- 2.2.iam Ar Hot Springs 11.46 am I.ooam Ar Asheville 1.15 pm 3.10 am Ar Salisbury I 6 40pm 9.34Dm Ar <lreensburo I 9.52; m I’.IO m Ar Raleigh 1.40 am 3.4 • m Ar Norfolk ' 30.. m Ar Wa hinaton..... ... I 6.12. m 9. th, m Ar .New York 12. I Ipm 6. ■: m No. 12 carries Pullin' t Sleeping Ca’’Chatta nooga to N‘W V >r.< via Asheville a id Sal isbury to Ri -hm in I ir vin ' Richmond 6 40a.m also Pullman Sleeping i ar Greensboro to Nor folk. No. Pits solid train C t.i'' am> n,'.i to Salis bury. with Pullin m He c'i’ Car Chattanooga to Salisbury a id S.ili mtiry to New York with out change. STATIONS. i l.v <'lml I o’oo a ... 1 ■ AOllp® 8. li'am Ar Knoxville . .' 8.45 pm 11 \r Morrist 2 I>| m 1-. I’ 11 Ar Bristol T.Oiia.n 3 Ar Washington ’ , 1,11 Ar Now York 1 ■ 1'” No. 6. carries Pullm in Sleeping Car ' 'hatta noo.-a t. > Wadii t't ti an I Caattan oga to New York w ithont eli in to. No. 4 earrie Pul'mia Sleeping Car Kti >x ville to Bri tol. s t-A ri s - ~~~ L ft Lv Home 11 ' Ar Anniston .IL Ar Birmingham : 1!)r Ar Selma 1 ■J".]; Ar Meridian ! , Ar New Orleai . • .••• ATjack»on...77 7 777| i-. Ar Vicksburg IL.iAam Ar Shreveport I I ‘.cfll-’ ni tXu. is | |Wa» lf > 2.99pm’ 4.50 pm lv Rome .nr 8.50 am 8.35:im s.4'tprn H.s?pm Ar Gtid don. ar o.o()>im 6.3 lam tl.Ot)|>in‘ 7.10 pm Ar Attal a, lv s.4.>iun 6.20 am ’+ Daily except Sunday. S Sunday only. F. S. GANNON. 3d y.p & 0.M.. Washington. DC J. M. CULP. Trnf. Mgr.. Wa hlngtoa. D. C. W. A. TURK. G. p. A . Washington. D. C. C. A. BENSCOTER. a.g.p. a.,Chattanooga,Tenn w. r. c.C1213/ ake up and ca r ry ta,x I lifas CURRY‘3 Diarrhoea - Dysentery Specif it Is ii positive and populad remedy for ->: Diarrhoea, Dijsciiwnj, Gnoiera Inlanviii, fc- Cho era Morbus, Flux, Griping and all bowel affections. We are now npnroa<>hing the season when Bowel affections prevail, which causes great mortality, especially among children No prudent person should be without a reliable remedy. These attacks are fre-xuently sudden and violent, often terminating in death, A renowned physician says thatp'in large cities, during the heated term, fully one-half the deaths are attributed to diar rhoea and dysentery.” Recognizing the seriousness of the dis irders of the alimentary canal, at the same time knowing the efficiency of CURRY’S Dia/i-iioea anti Dtj«ru sdcgiiig We offer it as a positive cure and safeguard upon wheih you can rely in the hour of affliction. In dysenteric troubles arising from excessive heat or the imprudent indulgence in vege ables. fruits, etc., and in diarrhoea of chiHreti during the process ol teething, nothing affords sucn prompt and permanent relief as CURRY'S biarriioaa and DiiMsriJ sdggiiig. As its n ini ' implies it ie a perfect panacea for all bowel ■omplaints Physicians recom mend and prescribe it in theii practice, thereey evincing confidence in this remedy, which is not i new candidate for public favor, but an old friend worthy ol public trust. Were it necessary, numberless certificates coulo be furnished from physicians and others who have witnessed ih vonderful curative properties in the various forms of summe> ■.omplaints. ITS EFFECTS ARE MAGICAL ONLY 250 A DOTTLE! 1 ' A ■ I • ■■ ■X— T' T ■ L €1 /1 ' I . S' S ffc M j / t, , r-WEll JH friW? iI'MW J'■> Sift Wl-MMWwj/.S' ggft - v t’ , R nnß'Biisin j ss College grain lie-Jill r-jponslbi® aa i diificjl<2po - sitions, an I are h ghly commended by their employers. John D Toylor, attorney, Sum nervtlle, Gi.. sa-’-i: ‘‘Frank Huf 'aker has hi m with inr about three mnjths. He isqua.ifiid ih r oughlv for the diffi n't duties of stenographic work Haiste i S.niih. att >rnr/, city, savsl “For six monthsjl employee 1 iss ohi lie R >4s as stemgrapher and typewriter to fill a temooran vacancy in my off' ;e. C >ming dir ct y from the c dlege and withou* previous ixperi»<ice in "slice work, many of her duties were new, bui in a short time her proli >ieucy whssu di th it s!n was able to give al tenti hi tc details in a correct and effluent manner “ Rom° Hardware Company says: “ .diss Mamie Weber is the ver\ best stenographer in R une cfjt “ ML-s Mamie graduated sjiim months ago. Messrs. Walsh aid \V ilnt, Ch ittin > • gi. Tenn say —We find Mr. Oarter Wiinbi sh i per'-* itl y cap ihle ,h > >kk ieper and stenographer. Brown & Wishbu'rn. G emsb'rj. S C. siy. “Mr. J ,'hn Loyd i<eeps our bo >ks without any trouble whatever.” Many tnme tistim mials e >u’d be given. R one Bu-'i less C >!l J g‘ wiU n-t recuy* p i >ils after this m mth >n employin'it n 4 is. p i ruble >fto ‘ cou rs >is complete and posi'ion secur d Y >ung m; > and ladies should eut,“r n iw. H S. SHOJKLEY. Principal •• • ® Z- f- •Don’t Walk On ; • || Your Uppers!| I W. A-MU LU N IX,M S as'o e n?c°T To Muical Poeple of Rome: It is with pride that we announce the opening of a new and complete stock of ■K, IIBE, AND Smail Musical Instruments t t in the new Moseley building, 827 Broad street, where we would be pleased to have, you call and examine our goods. Ihe stock consists of some of the best m.ikes of pianos and organs on the market today. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a long time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of. • We are determined to close out our stock o - bicycles:- it the earliest possible date. 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. X>\ \ . N.X \'N-YMA.\.\A : ,VX’V i X;\ \ \ \,X \ \ We keep on hand at all times a full stock of Sheet Music • of the very newest publicati F. J-KAN Lid in: 248 Broad Street. Sale ol Summer foods X \ N N X X X \' X N \ \ XI Jz XXXX’Nn x. x x v » XXXX. X. X X X.X XXX Xx X X Xx x X* ™ ' AA "X X X x »• .X* . X X * Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. Ready-Made Skirts and Waists i !! AAAI • I We intend to close out our shoe | stock, so take advantage of cost ,1 prices on shoesof the best makes. I Special prices on everything at b f.JiKAffIIMO. 248 Broad Street- — I LIVERY, SALE AND IFEED: STABLEST Offers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly. 306A18 303 .RO4B STREET, HfIJIE, SEO IS? '