The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 24, 1898, Image 8

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s x.x * <r.¥.WWMr vx x x: x x x x- x x x \ v-x-\-\. •, \ \ vx * xxx .v v . coivrivrEiixrcißJxzEEm? This popular season will soon be on, and having made extensive preparations we are prepared to cater to the every fancy and pleasure of the school miss, college maiden and sweet girl graduate. A visit to our emporium will suffice. We will save you money on every item and offer you a stock so complete : that you can easily select your entire outfit. BEAUTIixrijAND DAINTY DRESS :FABW CS= . In organdies and dainty seasonabledress goods, our stock is superb in its scope and splendid in its va riety.; We>offer you anything suggested by capricious Madam Fashion, and everything needed in the completion of any summer costume, dictated by the artistic mind of the fashionable modiste. In laces, embroideries and fans no metropolitan stock can give you a more generous line from which to j make'your selections. As to prices, we set the pace and it is proving too rapid for compet itors. We know how to buy, and you may depend up m it. We long since learned th it a men chant must know how to buy his goods if he wants to sell them quickly, and that’s why we are here" MJRW*.MK WX MBMP XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.-XX X X XX XX XX Hosiery and Our stock of silks, including the beautiful shirt In hosiery and shoes we offer you the best waist patterns and the standard as well as novelty that skilled buyers can glean and cull from patterns for skirts or dresses, is as complete in ev- the great markets of the world. Forcomfort ery respect as is carried by any southern house, and elegance, When you would serve your while our prices cannot be duplicated outride the feet call and make your selections from c- Jr importing house or the silk mills. mammoth stocks, Clothing-a.rid Gen-ts Alpaca coatsand vests, Drap d’ete coats and coats and vests, Sergs coats, single and dou ble breasted. Crash suits for men, boys and children All lengths and all sizes Scriven Drawers, all sizes. 75c. A full line of underwear at has price. J. KUTTNER PRESS CENSOR I Gets iu His Work on Niws Stories.. FLEETS ARE AT SEA. And no One Knowe When Bat tle is Expected. Washington, May 23—It was stated at the naw department to day at the close of office hours that no dispatch of any kind re lative to the movements of the fleets or the of an engage* ment had been received during the day and that the only dispatches re eived related to an inconsequen tial prize case. A e the ships are new at sea there is no expectation of reports until a decisive engagement occurs and a dispatch boat gets to a port or it is found Cervera has eluded our search. In the meantime there is a complete lack of official data by which to forecast the coming en gagement. A report was current during the day that the big bat tleship Oregon had arrived at key west, but the department officials would notice it only by entering a general denial that word bad been received of any vessel movements or arrivals. It is said by those best acquainted with the situation that the de cisive fight may occur within the next few hours, or may not occur lor several days, possibly weeks. At the same time tin authorities believe that the chances are greatly lessened of Admiral Cervera’s prolonging his elusive plans fer any consid erable time. Miss Edna Morris, a pretty young lady of Cedartown, is the guest of Mrs. Henderson Lan ham iu the Fourth Ward. OFF TO MANILA fire The Troops in The West. THE FIRST REGIMENT Was Loaded on The Steamer City of Pekin. San Fransisco, May 23. —Cali- fornia said good-by to the First regiment of volunteess as it marched gaily forth from the Presido co start on its long jour ney to Manila. The men lalt camp at 8 a m. and marched ro the Paciffic Mail dock, where the big steamtr City of Pekin lay ready .fur them. By i oon the sol diers were all on beard, and betore night everything ia readi ness for their departure. The farewell demonstration by the people of San Fransisco will iong be remembered by the sol diers of the First regiment. Every street leading from the Presidio to the Paciffic Mail dock, a distance of about five miles, was lined with people, who after the soldiers passed, followed iu their wake and I marched with them to the dock. It bad been announced that camp would be struck al 8 a. m. and long before tl at hour there were thou - ands of citizens at the Pre c idio to sei the sight The First regiment of California v dunteers is commanded by Col. J«mes F. Smith and consists of 1,086 officers and men. Tomorrow ne Second regiment of Oregon volunteers, one battalion of the Fourteenth infantry United States regulars and a detachment of Cal ifornia heavy artillery will board die steamer City of Sydney, and it is probable that the Pekin and Sydney will depart in company Hien supplies are taken on board The preparations for the first expedition to Manila are alums Complete. The first expedition will i>« divided as follows; The City of Pekin with 50 officers and 1,044 men. The ( ity of Sydney, 24 officers and 670 men. The Australia, 37 officers and 676 men. The troops assigned to depart on the Australia and the City of Sydney’have been ordered to re port at the dock if their respective vessels at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. The organization of the second expedition to the Philip pines will Put be determin d until after the arrival of Gen. Wesley Merritt. IMPERIAL COUNCIL Noble Mystic Shrine, Dallas, Texas, June 14 to 16, 1898. Re duced rates via Southern Rail way. For the occasion of the meet ing of the Imperial Council, Noble Mystic Shrine, Dallas, I’exas, June 14th to 17th, 1898, the Southern Railway v. ill sell tickets from points ou its lines to Dallas, Texas, and return at rate of one fare for the round triy. Tickets will be sold June lOtn, 11th and 12th, with final limit June 28lh, 1898. For further information call on any agents of the Southern Railway. REACHES JACKSOMVILLE ■ Spani h Prisoner! AreEn Route To Key \\ EoT To Be Exchangid Jaekeouvi! e. Fla, May 24, Col onel Uvrtij i and Dr S.ncion t are a Julien, with two Spanish order.les arrived h re this morning from Me Phu sou bairaiks, At anta, in charge of Captain Bubb , Unitei = States army . they are eu r ute to Key West, where they are to be exchanged for the two American newspaper cor espondents captured by the Span ish in Cuba Connection tor the south was missed here, necessitat ing remaining over in Jackson ville until tomorrow morning. Colonel Cortijo, who is the re putei brothoi-in law of Weyler, is v.ry happy over the prospect of his release. PUBLIC SALE GF REALES TATE. Georgia, fi.iyd county —Whereas ! on the 20th day of December 1897 Timothy Goins and de livered to Mrs. A. H. Cheney a note and- mortgage on t.he land hereinafter ,described for the .pur pose of securing the debt* repre sented by said note, which mort gage is recorded in ciera’s of fice of Floyd Superior Court in book N . 1, of mortgage-!, page 486. And whereas in said m-ortgage said Timottiy Goins gave to Mr<-p A. H Cheney the power to sell sai • land in case ot default in the prompt payment at maturity of the principal and interest of said debt. Now therefore by virtue of the power so vested iu the under signed, which is more accurately shown by reference to said mort gage, Mrs. A. H. Cheney will sell at public outcry tj the highest bidder for ca®h on the first Tues day in June 1898, during the legal hours of sale before the court bouse door in Rome, Ca., the land de scribed in the afor< said mortgage, towit: Beginning at the South west corn ir of the lot bought of William A. Fort and Mary F. Thomas by Amanda Caperton, (which deed is hereby referred to) and running thence East 60 le t, thence due North 331 feet more or ess to the Northern lin of s«id ot, thence Southwest to the cor ner of said lot.thence South to the beginning point a distarce of 361 feet containing one-half of an acre mo e or less. The Saia ote ami mortgage were given to secure an indebted ness of $25-CO with 8% interest from date and 10% attorney tees The said note ano mortgage are now past due and so declared. The total amount of principal, inter est and and attorney's fees and charges and expenses of sale that will be due on said note and mortgage on the first Tuesday in Jim- 1898. is $35 60. 1' ee simple titles in accordance with the pow er of sale contained iu said mort gage will be made to the purchaser at said sale, and the proceeds of such sale will be applied to the payment of said debt with inter est, attorney’s fees and expenses of sale and the remainder, h any. will he paid ovei to the person en titled to same. This May sth 1898, Mrs. A. H. Cheney. By W. T. Cheney, Att’y, W. r. C. Chsne/ will ake l p and carry tax fifas 1 A WHOLE CLUB | |I gr ' Ca -’ t it |I ' Make 3 iiiil j Better p. || Running | di Time |1 uj -- t. cue || I carry a full and c imp’ete line of jewelry, iuclu* :::>£ ding D i:n ii h 9 My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev or more complete. 9 WEDDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. || J. K Williamson i| Everything in the drug line and a full line of druggists sun dries. Serf.” Your especial attent’on is called to the fact that our prescription depar-ment has been the feature of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. C. /%. TREVITT, 331 Broad. Telephone HO TONSORIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled men employed. Parlors recently renovated courteous attention and satisfactory services guaranteed, at 462, Broad street.