The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 25, 1898, Image 3

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K[ lllii I#UW*’ I* U TO EVERYONE. I With »">• rtr, ±i'X» and I n*e' h tr<’Ul>le>. ■ D »rt l,(in L a rt. I' v * r “ ofihesex ■ ?kin -sC an<i IndilTcieiH- ■ sexual weahuuM ■ u:* l erg* ll '' )u Ht once, in <>r B<-«- eMe.l-PP lh ' ,,i "'' U >‘u nces uiul ncvei B l< inv 'i'u'us.PP tbe Wl(lest B<h ,rlbJl re uedi' ,!,ina ' !.L <>"* merit* bj Bf»l lln CrtlV. » ud , t cues. Nomoue) B hl* P"?. w and lu'iunune t u h( . Slil „. Med B» c will he received J tnu|er ltK t reut ; ■ n tariuni ' l 'J t\ are acknowledged ■ beneficial '’‘" k ve been coin ■ m* ut U aies and . ,' lf two continent. I I wrf n 'J h h Tand V neve" O‘U to invigorate, I »*•’*’ Ha Ind fortify- B nercv. They per I “Prheyinfu^h^', 1 ohm's which nndermin. I Tn ' rdk Jf i “ :e vJ their elTects. as well as I sss-wwrs. I Uil ".meut write today. I Medical Sanitarium, I E v«nSton, Ulin - 2/HMW , '' -and* I jBSTfiRR I HR? i i j America’s Leading W Instruments. BSE PiSN2 & CfI6AM CO, Gish'S., m.. No- O” Birmingham, Ala. Jiashville, I' nn - Montgomery, Ala. » allai ’ Victories: Richmond, Ind. — Aiccn,3 “ mpm> ’ I Mvs you many dollar*. u .. whPther you continue habit- > C®® J “" r ’t2 ue g d "«ire lor total '"- 1 "‘T’lrtou’diairc-w ,gJ * WjTJnM I tIMPim 0 ' 8 the , bl, j # YHooboo I Store lob > Infold 400.0th I male! y° u stro 59 Mw. leases co r, <l. Buy J I andpocitetXwH? tQSKyour own drugirbt. wh< ;| boot ,/g ft ImIH for us. Tak" it w>t. t I V UK. Will, p.stli nt ly, pcrsistcntl.v. One t usually cures; 3 bores f.: .« I APPLICATION for LETTERS I OF DISMISSION. I GEORG. A, FLOYD Co UNIV. Whereas Julius W - Evans, ex | ecutor of Hulbert Evans, deceas ed represents to the court in hie petition duh’ filed. O'«t he has ad jniuietered Hulbert Evans’ estate This is to cite all persons concern ed, kiudrnd and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said administrator should dia I charged troin his admiijisi ratioi | and receive letters of dinn ssion | on the first Monday in August 1898. This May 2nd, 1898. JoH" P- Davis, Ordinary. Anew lot of nsw pattern hats to go a unheard of low prices; forihe next few days. We pav cash for our millinery and can sol afine hat for less mon ey than any house in Rome. Call and get our prices before buying your best hat Com meiioement hats a soecialty. Mis. A. O. G-arrara.® »>U’i'i*rFi*rrrrri**r7>v*>FF.FS»F > F-: I Delicate I i Children! f They do not complain of % » anything in particular. They >J J eatenough, but keep thin and w J paie Theyappear fairly well, 5 j* but have no strength. You -J J cannot say they are really ’1 J sick, and so you call them • | delicate. | J What can be done for them? * J Our answer is the same that jt J tne best physicians have been » j Riving for a quarter of a cen- M J Wry. Give them 1 Scon’s Emulsion I X ?! Oi! wit/i Hypo- ? r 105^ llt t's. It has most re- X K markable nourishing power. S k “gives color to the blood. It y it | ln gs strength to the mus- 54 J c es - It adds power to the 2 f h Cr n C u’ !t means robust « » health and vigor. Even deli- ix flesh * i ? antS rapidl Y in J 1 nesh !f g lven a sniall anionnt : w r 11Iee °r four times each day. S ? NE ' Chemis,! -' York. 2 TI| E DANGERS of spring arise from impurities in e i ood and a depleted condij - 3n 0 this vital fluid may be s ''“ ,e y averted by llo.d’s'Sar cu- Ali n’ Thi9 gl ' eat n ' f! <licine eruption sP'j'g humors, boils ric i. Si \ lldßore3 > and by en- Vlt,alizin g tho blood and gives vh tir i° d feeliUg is Vitality and vigor. . CHEAPER GflS Important Meelimj Os The Rome Gas Light Co. CHEAP FUEL FOR ROMANS Who Desiro to Use Gas for Cooking Purposes At a spacial meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rome Gas Light Co. the following reso’.u'ious were unanimously adopted. Viz. Be it resolved. That in order to induce the citizens of Rome to use gas for these purposes shall be re luced from $1 80 to $1 50 per 1000 cubic fert and in order to secure prompt payment for al! gas used for the above named purposes a further reduction of 20 cents pej 1(XX) shall be made to all con sumers who use 1000 cubic t-et per month or more. Pr< vid ,j d pay ment for same is made at me office of the company on or before the sh, day of the month. Mak ing sl, 30 per lft)O the n--’ price for cooking and heating gas. And be it further resolved. That tbe Gas Co. shall keep on hand for sale at lowest possible prices ■ilhei for cash or on installment plan. Gas stoves, iustantamous water hea'ers for bath rooms a«d ither gan appliances. By order if board of directors. J. .1 .Childs. Secty. RANGES. I am agent tor South’ ern Que en Coal or Wood Ranges. Alsc Insurance Safety Gas ?lme stoves- Call and mvstDck and get sstimaes on your olumbitii<Y and tin work. door tc roera house. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT You can do a good job on your cheap houses, barns and fences at a very’ sniall expense, vith Spears’ Cold Water Weth •rproof Paint and a hundred lollar lot (six colors) is now being closed out at cost at Frank Wright’s Farrnacy, corner op oosit Masonic Tempi. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick ■icadache, billiousness and liver ills. Price 25 eents. ■—■*————■ ' ———— _ Latest” Bcoks, Station- ery, Daily Pa pers, Magazines, Peri.dicals. We li av e exclusive con= trol of the Chattanooga Times for Rome. HARRY RAWLINS & COMPANY; .1 302 Broad Street, Medical ' 1 Building; F’tt: aSTTTTjtir, Every dny i vz brings us heavy ship ments of srandard and seasonable fur niture, an 1 with the coining of spring we have already received a CAr-jjoAid O K BA.BY I CA-RRIAIGKES All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the esstnsial points of beauny and • strength • M A r T r riX(dH, CjLRPETS In Gis department we have received tor die spring trade cne car load of matting which we imported direct from Japan. Here you can find new patterns and the pretties =■ of designs , and at remarkably low prices. STOVEB- Do ' f' d a new stove in ycur . k toll ... T 3a call on u; and you will gb n t where else. have the ■ best t.n <iat means an economic stove in every sense of the word. Till UiMKC nt nUlilio nißNiTiinr rn runlilluliL lu 305 Broad st- 'Phone 52- Undertakers, Embalmers, and Fu= neral Directors. "■>■■■ ■—l llUW.imi | Hi —MM—IK r- OM, M*m£*UV«*=* WlWWUtr.*> - T»w.»x«r»» - «*«■■■ M—w-wrwr»T <w .,.._>.y, ——n Como, Wis., Hyannis. Nebr.. Jan. 10,1853. Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard PISO'S without PISO’S CURE FOR CON- CURE for CON- SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any L VBe S best Ceu^h meii ' thing. For a bad % BaSfig SOcE3kM cine on the market, Cough or Cold it is usec j it ()r beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. “The Best Cough Medicine.” *. « », -v 11 ui«i • ■■■■HMRBr -z'jKAfcß.- MMTMar J »■■■■**• ooooooaDCODooooocxnoa ncxxooo OOCOOOO(XODOOOOCXDOCCOOOC)COO 8B F. Montgomery 4 I 8 Q ->3 227,8R0W ST. > O O SICK. ACCIDENT AND LlFfc O ° Insurance | Q WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE Q Q VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Q O WANTED - —W i v int wide-awake agents t;> represent q >u : ‘C' inp ini : inth • cminties of Po’k. Bartow, F oyd, Q /-K Clin 1 G'>r i >n, W.tik.-r, 'A bi field, Cat oea and Q '} q I) ;de . ( all on or address us at our Rome.oilice, Q n P. F. MONTGOMERY Gen’l Agt, O O ' O OO>>>~ —000000000 —-<<4-OC’ OOOOOOOOCX x )UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC.' THE IDDSL Is cloin •’ th i bast of w irk tiiigaaran taas s.itisfiction. Prioas are most reasonable. Fna work a specialty Ours is the h' : ost Coir •< Dcpartmenl Purser. • ‘ ~e a CJ We publish one of >’ •y'r? 7 ZX- 111 ’" B Wth hadingScecl, PlatnandTreeCataloguesissued, wHcli Will be 1 >l. ■: t r<-< . bend tor it now. it w-.'l '.mi. jjtT- 1 ?]) < . . »•■ r-in refer vouto custoi.ners in every state and territory ' "s«a4 . Cijjej inlhe 7 un"on? 43 J tars of i <1 uarr- has made us patront and friends far and rear. Have hundreds of carloads of FRUIT AKO GRKATOTAL TRLES, SKBiiSS, ROSES, PLAKTS. e 1” J > „..;i id Seed-.. Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival r SUSin by or freight, year. 3a .reenbooaca. 1,000 at* THE. STORRS ft Bex € IhePreferred Accident INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, I'lx-I’referred'b poltch’n nre particularly adapt, d for bufdnerH men, amt special policies are issued forbankeis. loi physicians. surgmliH and dentistH. and for traveling men. The Pre terr-'d la an old line .lock company with assets of over JOHN R THORNTON, ATL-ANTA, GA. • • • • STATE MANAGER THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL Rome, Ga RGijular Special Boannts tM rms nW- ;; Moaiiiln- ’The place to get’a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. raMMHDBMHnWXMHBmMHHatmSMMKrwnrV —'WWJliwr W,t U'.?3Trvn.V.’T.<.id r ww gxrx mxx x|xx Offili? H H w xt xx|| ii ' < lSctalSuprtes.4| We are pioneers in the school books and school sup- <w < ( as ply business and we are also right up-ro-da*e in every v>> "" >w thing that should be kept by'an up-to-date Bookstore. I \\\( • A -Vt. 15x.r.,,-?’' - , v'> --A, ???? t 1 uh i ninrn I r Wall PaPEH. I - No house ’u the car. serve von better when von d<?- sire to invest ir. a new covering fcr tne dear rid walls o. ssss your home. See our stock on hand and samples sw | H. A. SMITH, I || THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. || flTtitxnm 11 f f tijtfm tti it Hon. Jno.W. Maddox Makes the best Congressman this district Ever had. He will be elected again. ' Knows How. Gen. Fitz. Lee Will make a “Jimdandy” commander of the American troops on the island oi Cuba knows How. Tom Turner Has been printing in this town for the past twenty years, and has turned out from the Economical Printing House some of the best printing ever done in the South. Knows How. Call on us at No. 221 Broad Street, or drop us a postal. Me or Ben will call on you, talk to you inteligently about your Job Printing and save you money, We Know How. ——HIM ——»■■—■ II !■■■■■ Nil, ,1 .aT-,— M C CATHARTIC zw r * *x M CURE CONSTIPATION toc all 25c 50c DRUGGISTS