The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 25, 1898, Image 7

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I®. Lyh r@l E ngpo ?l * BaW POWDER Absolutely P ure , ... CO., NEW VOIII< - «O’ AI ' LOCAL HAPPENINGS- 8 r»»t m.ny . M ,« .dmir» tbe d '’ ; D H.Balwin&Cu a. RWORW*’’ CoUKT.-Tl.roe “..eretried before Recorder t court. All was (O'-minor of (enWi and w«e quickly d ißP» atd off. OrskA Hovsk.-Messrs. J. J. o'NoilUSoi.of Ibis city are buildiog an opera licus. at Clnc ,m,ug. park lor an opera com which will present vau-le .illeoolertaunnents during the encamp l * Married at Memphis.-Mh Stonewall Watkins and Miss Allie Sadler were married at the home o f the bride in Memphis on the IS inst. Mr. Watkins is well known in Rome having lived here at one time. Mr and Mrs. \V atk.n? will make their homo at Houston, Texas. Trolley Ride. — 1 lie trolley ride and dance given at Mobley’s park yesterday evening by a number of society young men complimentary to their young lady friends was one of the so cial events of the week. ’Thirty couples went and all report a most enjoyable evening. New Arrival. —A sweet little a * Miss arrived this morning ar 9 o’clock to bless the household of Dr. and Mrs. Howard Felton, blie is now visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Grimm on East Second street. Boat Excursion.—On Monday evening Miss Flo Seay will give a bust excursion, down theCovsa in honor of Mis-es Judd, Du Bose and England, three charming young ladies who are her guests, special guests will attend and the young ladies ot the party will ssrve lunch and other refresb -111 nts. The Excursion will prove a most delightful social event. Mr. W. Connelly, of Chatta nooga. is here today on business. i ,lli ’ MliW THE EXCELLENCE of syrup of figs to th ®. ori £inality and to the i- v 1 \ e co . lnbln: 'tion, but also skill . wit . h which it is known ♦ J ’ ,y sc,ea tific processes Co -o»lv\nl ! I ' AL,I ' OHNIA Syrup all the ii,,, * ,'? e Wlsk to ’ m press upon true and IW> *. anee of purchasing the re " U ‘ dy - As the by the 11 lgs ,s manufactured only 1 n F,g Syr Up Co. Piston i W t, - C . of tl,at fact will i'nitations n? tlle wort hless ties. The hZi'" actu J’ b.V other par foiinu Fin s lsti,nd * n g of the Cat.i cal profess; S ' ,4LP Co ’ with the “edi 'vhieh the (r' n ’ an<l tl,e satisfaction riven to mil ' Ulne f S,VrUp ° f Fips has the name of la,nilie8 ’ “akes of the excel!..? * '’ ln Pany a guaranty fi “ inadvan e ? ee /’ fita remedy. It is as it acts ori ti° 'i"- other laxatives, bowels with bnlneys. liver and W them, and .! rr J tatin P or weaken- Da useate I. * ' <M>S u<>t B’ r ’P e nor please o *.' lerto f etits Company __ emem^er ie name °f CALIF 'ORNIA fig syrup co. rR ' Ntlh ‘ «- c«L NEW YORK. N. Y. Fersoiidl Mention- Mr. VV. Kirby, of’Knoxville, is in the city. Mr. W. B. McAryer of Coosa, is in the city today. Mr. J. B. Tippin, of Six Mile Station, is in the city . Mr E. Marsh , of Atlanta is in tho city on business today. Mr. J. W. Penn, of Trion, is the guest of Mr. 11. B. Parks. Messrs A. W. McCall ai d Col. Smith spent yesterday in Dalton. ; Mr D. B. Hamilton is unite sick at his home on 4th avenue. Mr. T. Fall Foster, of Rjeve’s Sta'.ion. spent today in the city. Mayor John J Seay was called to Atlanta this morning on business, Mr. VV. P. West and little son leturn'd to their home in Cedar town this morning, Mi s Blackley a pretty yont g lady cf S. C., is the guest of Cora Clark, on East S< cona stieed. Miss Annie Lou Hawkins, of At lanta, is the charming guest of Miss Eva Camp, on Second Ave. Mr. Fred Hanson went down tu Cedar.own this morning where he has several large contracts on time work. Miss Ellen Penn a charming young 'ady of Trion is the guest if Mrs. H. B. Parks in East Rome. Messrs J. B. F. Lumpkin and J ,C. Prin’up have by mutual con sent dissolved their iaw partners ship . Mr and Mrs. Dr. Henry Turner are spending a few days with Mrs. Turner's parents Mrs. R. G Cross. Miss Annie Muy Cooper who La<- been attending Shorter College, returned to har home in Quitman this morning. Miss Lou Walton a beautiful and accomplishedyuung lady of N°w nan,is the guest of Miss Mamie Rouusaville on Second Ave. Miss Edna Cain, the talented ed itress of the SumniuTville News, arrived in the citv today, and will spend several days with friends. Miss Bleckley and Lieutenant Brown as handsome a couple of young people as any state ever produced, are h»re from the Pal metto State the guests of Miss Cora Clark, Romes gifted song-bird. Mrs Kate W. Johnson, th mother of Mr. Abram Yager of the Hustler-Commercial, arrived yes terday evening from Los Angeles, CaL Mrs. Johnston willj be tie guest of her son and family for several months. Wanted. —Ten or twelve bath iug suits in good condition M. C. Brand., Mobley’s Springs. Theßegular term of my school will be resumed tbe first Monday in September, 18JJ8. P. J. Kino. Mr. G. Kenedy, of Gaylesville, is in the city todaoy. Dr. Howard E. Felton, of Car tersville. is spending a few days in the city the guest of the family ofW. Grimm. Miss Ellen Penn went to R >me yesterday to attend Shorter Com mencement.—Summerville News Mrs. Frank Cordle returned t-> Trion Sunday evening,after sevora I days spent with her sister, Mrs. Collier, in Rome.—Summervill News. Miss Battie Penn is visiting Mrs R. T. Armstrong during Shorter commencement in R >me. —Sum merville News. Fine 59j shot playing card (German faces) also for otlvr German games and for Euchre 25 to close at Frank Wright’s Bu.m ii cy. Also dollar Squared Buri decks fcr 25c cost 75c wheb - sale. At orner opposite Masonic Temple. Miss Lula Curry has returned I from Belmont college. ' ' ■ ' . ; J Was in a Drwr JL.d Co . .lion Hb| > .-.r i to . : sad • Similar C. . i .-cifcA a tn Q her Man’s Example and Curnd. T.'ie fviovviiif ibvKii nt '■> i.lvc'i by Cbarles Mor;,sL Uxing- ton Av. uu •. No.- h t in 1 1'-. Mums. : “ iev-i'el va; . - >. . 'inio noisoned Ly'v>. i it(.l bi s , P’H lining' ■. bi '<• ■ :in of ir. . • > oblsinfng ■. b .i ri -l- < • , -j y cnilrlren were s uiiiict ■' ■ r •!' j. Wo • nil <■ .. :o ■ ‘■ ,ii • wit Ii m awful ■ i■' ■ '.i ;.i.i .a, it, seei.-K .1 i- if I i. ui.,l i. rr r.v If > , I picked p a j i'pcr in . .. I . 1 M inted a .. in .ir..i ( ; r. - ■ i. i V. 'net who s;« I ha<l I alien ' jC: ;ar i • . 1 Uolight .. Ji: I Il' ,'l it did Me c. i 1 ..i /Ch in’r. ri . !>.;< ’ ■■ I ■ ■: ;iersupply. ’< ei't. i'liied ... • ap.irilla | ~ ' ' vi l i i.i, ‘ . .-..i1l I can . Ip I -i. i • . . children jf . !■? i .i.- >. ii Lasen . rf«ctly cured. . e give tiie while cred - ■..■ Huod’qSarsa wting to t hi- medicine * aw; : -ild, but new I >igii 1 Homes Hu-.-'.aparilla s no: u.-i.y none much good but has •ven the an ins of :-;tvi; - me a great deal money. I would not "be without it . i bouse •■ ’..1 f 1 . lily recommend • all v.; . i.d. I have writ fl tills ■ for pubi’ al ion, of my vu will, ;-.n I v\::u Oth .s to know what ■ ■. parilla ■'. ■ tor us.’’ Moehis. lood ' Miss Nellie i'rintup left yes terday for City - ’. : d, Tenn ~ tu visit friends for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 0->car Millican ire the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morris in the Fourth ward. Prayer Meeting. —There will be prayer meeting at the 1-1 owa rd A v»»11 u e Meth odi s t •hurch tonight at 7:30 o’clock, conducted by IL v. J. 11. Hakes. ITIE DANGERS OF SPRING Which arise from impurities in ' c blood and a depleted condij Yii of this vital fluid may be itirely averted by Hood’s Sar saparilla. This great medicine cures all spring humors, boil eru >tio is and sores, and by en riching and vitalizing the blood it overcomes chat tired .feeling and gives vitality and vigor, A new ot of new patte n hats to go at unheard of lo w prices for he next few days.' We pivc-iSh for our millinery and can seii i a fine hat for less mon ey than any house in Rome Cal! and g t ouf| pric es bfo re bu vi ng your best hat Com mencement hats- a specialty. Mrs. A. u. G-arrara. If y m appreciate a goo 1 t a, yin can get it at Lloyd’s. No e 1.1 pack ig e tojmison you. ' .SEI U| ,-c 'VISII.-I.SAa I nj pne 71 Ti -9-11 -X-IS ‘ S3 II<I - liu -: . ■ i;-A Ajainj, J SJLN33 SC STTId XoAId K, } ft! o •s“U4 Z.’i’iv m CM’? . ! 3 tm ., v wzo .W ZL i / /.'...-'Ct r. d 2 ;■ jl ISPTf'Gf /A h L i| p ' .7 •• -- 4 >Z I ! 5 - • ' u 1 • _ / ■I ,-' 4-r' < - -uor. r.uoj •SlSitlDfliiG H [1 > JUO.I dj.-.H ii'.’A .:<• ■ ■ V-' •1:‘.7/ TiV JLV [| 2 y-. v ft jj) a BJi‘l BKGQ Z I? ii § . JZ „ T tfi x , -7:' ■ k C’ri'JJ Hl f a 4 57P77 Wi» V m 2 nijrrnin i : - ■.• . aj 1 • •? . h •. 9 k » - • li'nnoTd -I. 7i ■ iinoi 7ih/’y ■■ I ■’ .< ■ APhLICA I ION FOR LETTERS OB’ DI -<M ISSION. GEORGIA, EI.OYD CuUMY. Whereas Julius W . Evans, px pcuter of Hulbert Evans, deceas ed, repn sents to the court in hit petition dulv filed, that he tins ad ministered Hulbert Evans’ estate, l liis is to cite all persons concern id, kindred and creditors, to show’ cause if any they can, why said idministrutor should not fie dia chargod from his admiiiistration and receive letters of ditm ssion the first Monday in August 1898. This May 2nd,'1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. uh mi ifflMim TO EVERYONE. Who suffers with any chronic disease of any part of the human body, such as kidney and I bladder, heart, liver and stomach troubles, face and skin eruptions, disorders of the sex ual organa, sexual weakness and iiidifterence etc. Provided application be made at once, in or der that Its inventions, appliances and never failing remedies may receive the widest possi ble publicity, and prove their own merits by actual use and peimanert Clues. No money whatever will be received by the State Medi | cal Sanitarium from anyone under its treat ment until benetlcial results are acknowledged Ils r-medies and appliances have been com mended by the newspapers ot two continents and endorsed by the greptest doctors in the world. Where developement is desired they accomplish it and never fail to invigorate, upbuild :.nd fortify. They infuse new'life and energy. They per manently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and produce despondency. Tie ■ r refresh and restore to manhood, ri g rdl ■is of a-."- They cure evil habits and pern inient’y r-move their effects, as well as those oi excesses and overtaxed brain work, ueurasllienia or nervous exhaustion. No failure, no publicity, no deception, nodisap pointia.nt. Write today. State Medical Sanitarium, I x a .S:on, I’Ln CASH ONLY Is the sy turn that makes the prices at Frank Wright’s Far macy different from what you find them elswhere. Corner op posit Masonic Tempi. rm Poison i/lvvii. a viuviii Contagious B l ood Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of mankind. It is the one disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial and potash remedies only bottle up the poison in the system, to surely break forth in a I more virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 Pensylvauia Ave.. i ngton, Ij. C., s.l vs: Win 1 was 101 a lon ß % time under treat a nient of two of 7 1 -i the best i )h y si - f V~ i i ciaus of thiscity, ' y Jr- f' ior a severe case P of blood poison, but my condition 'i R rew worse all I r ’ lbe "hile, not- W’ withstanding the ’-'Mact that they I ' A AA-V It'/ 7 c f lar K lne three | ''W /' ■*'' linudred dollars. wJF /1 /7 My mouth was filled witli eating sores; my tongue was almost eaten away, so that for three i months I v ui; unable lo taste any solid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was in uorril.e fix. Iliad tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when a friend recommended S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, 1 began tQ get better, atid when I had finished eighteen bottles, I was cured sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have bad no return of the disease. S.S.S.scvcd me from a life lof misery.” S.S.S. (guaranteed pu. t’y vegetable) will cure any case of blood poison. Books on thedisease and its treat- ■> ment. mailed '<J t&A V free by Swift Specific Co., k ' A L g AJaiita, Ga. 1 ■I;H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., g Successors to J ROME PHARMACY, 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. •• s * '*■ We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in ethe drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our s t° c k is complete and of the very highest grade. jjMi We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all -.J* times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. '5 l' ne °F druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and ' Up such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug ' Ji» store. Cigars and tobacco. HL- Come to see„us. ■ I ' ~ ~ ■■■ —— -/tfnxr/xtHttTOn- w- >- : S. M Stark, J ' ? LO B 1-1 S Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave « € I S F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | Plumbing and Tinning. B 2 Engineers’ and machinists’ g supplies. Stoves, ranges and C tinware. Gas and electric fix- | tures. INSURANCE gasoline S $ stoves. Water meters. 325 Broad st. Phone 32. $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for $ U. 6111)11 H COMPANY are for everyone in Rome to come } in and see the magnificent stock ■4 on men’s and boy’s clothing, k! bicycle and golf suits, is what we are doing, but we are hus tling while we wait.. We will show you the finest st' ck of J Vfl clothing, made from the newest IKSmU styles and patterns in fabricks, , perfect fitting and handsome, to ■ —be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. * Thegreatest line of nsgllgee shirts ever shown in Rome. J. A. GAMMON & CO. livery, ’sale t'”Offers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock ofjiorses and mules on sale con stantly. , 306 ANO 308 CRQAO STRiEU