The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 25, 1898, Image 8

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x ' '*> ■' X Xv '' x '' "' v '■ '■ " ■''-' »■' ' . ' - ' ■■' ' X\x\\XXXIXX XXXX\ \ v V x I I This popular season will soon be on, and having- made extensive preparations we are prepared to | to the every fancy and pleasure of the school miss, college maiden and sweet girl graduate. A visit I our emporium will suffice. We will save you money on every item and offer you a stock so corrinl t that you can easily select your entire outfit. P e,e I BEAUTIFUL AXD DAIXTY DRESS FABRICS: in organdies and dainty seasonable dress goods, our stock is superb in its scope and splendid in its , riety. We offer you anything suggested by capricious Aladam Fashion, and everything needed in th' completion of any summer costume, dictated by the artistic mind of the fashionable modiste. the In laces, ribbons, embroideries and fans no metropolitan stock can give you a more generous line fr which to make your selections. As to prices, we set the pace and it is proving too rapid for comnM tors. We know how to buy, and you may depend up n it. We long since learned th it ame chant must know how to buy his goods if he wants to sell them quickly, and that’s why we are here ,S X X-X*X X X X X X x X-A-X-.X..X X X X xxx X X X X X X.X X X x.x X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X XXX X X. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x:x x<a»w A SILKS | B-fl an «■ Shoes. Our stock of silks, including the beautiful shirt In hosiery and shoes we offer you the be<tl waist patterns and the standard as well as novelty that skilled buyers can glean and cull from I patterns for skirts or dresses, is as complete in ev- the great markets of the world. For comfort! ery respect as is carried by any southern house, and elegance, When you would serve yourl while our prices cannot be duplicate ’ the feet call and make your selections from curl importing house or the silk mills. . mammoth stocks, I _ __ • ■ CSot King- sa. vid rmig “s peis&Js I Alpaca coats and vests, Drap d’ate coats and coats and vest Serge coats, single anj<jou.l ble breasted. Crash suits for men, boys and children All lengths and all sizes I Scriven Drawers, all sizes. 75 c. A full line of underwear at has price. I tt nn nn t^tu 1 ts I • wJ JL JL JmXvI R GEORGIA ORATOR Will Speak at Shorter College Tonight. TWENTY-ONE GRADUATES Will Leave This Institution This Year. The scene at Shorter College tonight will be one of unusual brilliancy and interest. The presentation of diplomas and graduating exercises of them elves'would be sufficient to draw a crowded house, but Romans know John Temple Graves, and the house will be crowded. His subject will be “The Twentieth Century Woman.” THE GRADUATING CLASS, The members of the gradua ting class, officers, degrees, etc., are as follows : Miss Florida Seay, B. A., Rome, president. Miss Lena Allen, B. L., Spar ta, t>a., vice president. Miss Sara Matlock, B, L., Riceville, Tenn., treasurer. Miss Annie Callaway, B. L. , Gordon Springs, Ga., secretary. Miss Augusta Houseal, B. L , Cedartown, Ga., corresponding secretary. Ava Printup, B. L , Rome, historian. M iss Pearl Dunn, B. L., Rome, i prophet. Miss Nellie Adamson, B. A , Rome. Miss Bulle Comer, B. A. , Rome. Miss Sallie Belle Duggan, B. L., Rome. Miss Alice Ellison, B. L., Rome. M E/. .<ll 'I irris, B. L.J Miss Alice Parks, B. L., Rome. Miss Susie Pollock, B. L. Rome. Miss Ruby Anderson, B. L., Ninety-Six, S. C. Miss Pauline Brown, B. L. , Carrollton. Ga. Miss Daisy Couch, B. L., New ton, Ga. Miss Ssllie Faulk, B. L., Jef fersonville, Ga. Miss Grace Harper, B. L., Cave Spring, Ga. Miss Berte Ivey, B. L , Spar ta, Ga. Miss Bessie Lumpkin, B. L., Cartersville. The concert of last night was very largely attended and the excellent program was well re ceived. The work of the music class during this year has been exceptionally fine, and in conse quence the audience was thor oughly delighted with the en tertainment. SPAINS SITUATION. Ihe Cry Oe Hunger To Be Heard In The Land. New York, May 25.—A dispatch to the Herald from Madrid says. Tho situation in Spain is much more serious than is generally said. Black clouds are galh r i ing over the peninsula and it will be impossible to avoid the storm, ! which will burst with terribleeff ct and sweep aaay everything in its path. I Such at least is the impression which I have formed after stopping here nearly a month and after numerous conversations with high ly placed personages belonging to i the court, the government and parliament, and with tradesmen, middle class people and the mass dS. When Spaivards are spoken of, prominence is always given to the sincere patriotism which supports Hid animates them under tin xisting circumstances. 1 do no' mean to deny the patriotism of the Spaniards, but it should not be vaunted to excess, for in Madrid, furex'jmp'e, the fluctuations of tho war inter -ts the inhabitants le-- than Ihe next bu' 1 fishtor the draw’'Eg'of the national lottery. ’ raking advantage of the ex ,change French and Belgian com j factors have bought all the wheat ’ in "p in, on which they at once Iroaiiz'd considerable profi's, and , w lien the cortes passed a bill for bidding the “ port of cereals, the stock of cor . and vh ;at had al ready cros’d the frontier, leaving Spam with u* food for her own people It therefore became neces , sary io buy fl >ur abroad at ruinous prices to meet the immediate demands. In Madrid the price of bread has not yet made itself felt, because the mayo- promised to in d tnnifythe bakers out of the 1 municipal funds but the credits tor this purpose are not large, and when they ar exhausted the Mad rid baker-’ will also be obliged to. ■ raise-their prices. PRELIMINARY HEARI NG. L S- Alien Before Justice Mc- Ghee Monday. Concerning the trial of Mr. L. S. Allen, who killed Tom i Richey, in Anniston, the Hot , Blast has this to say : The preliminary of L. T. Al len for the killi ig of Tom Rich ley will occur before Justice McGhee f.“x* Monday. 1 Allen was rtnu ved from the county jail here to the j til at Jack onvi.le Saturday night, as i: was feared there might be some trouble. He is still in I I I Jacksonville and will remain !th e until in xt Monday. .' It; is said I cat there were sev , ieral other wiiuisses to the kill jug besides those ajready men : tinned and til it they will be in troduced at the preliminary trial by the prosecution. Who , these witnesses are or what they saw cannot be learned but 1 it is said (luiu their evidence w 11 be surpri ing ami sensation al. i' riJ J lb i i<ih and J. Apple < 'i eaposf. at Lloyd's I’UBTIo Sale Gb RE L ES! TATE. ydc inty —Whereas ■>n th- 20rn day ol December 1897 i Tim >th> G -ios ' x cu ed and de livered to Mrs. A. 11. Cheney a note'at'd mortgage on 'he land hereinafter ,described for the pur pose of sccu'ing the debt repre sented by said oo*“, which mort gage is recorded in the c.era’s of fice of Floyd Superior Court in book N . 1, of mortgages, p- ge 480. . j And whereas in said mortgage! said Timothy oios gave to Mr-p' A. H Clu n<;y the power to sell sai* . land in case of d fault m the; prompt payment at maturity of i the principal and interest of said 1 debt. Now therefore by virtue of; the power so vested in the Under- ' signed, which is more accurately ■ shown by refemne ; to said mon- I gage, Mrs. A. 11. Cheney will sell at public outcry t> the highest I bidder for cufli on the first Tids- < day in June 1898, during.the legal h urs of sale before the court house 1 door in Rome, Ca., the land de scribed in the aforesaid mortgage, i towit: Beginning at the South-/ west corner of the lot bought of A illiam A Fort and Mary F. i’homas by A.matida Caperton, | (which deed is hereby-referred to) «nd running thence East GO fuut, I ihr-Dce due North 831 feet more or; 'ess to .the Northern lin of said ot, thence Southwest to the cor ner of said lot,thence jr outh to the i eginnmg point a distance of 361 feet containing one-half of an acre more or less. Tho said i.oto and mortgage, were g v n to secure in indebted ness of |25'00 with B'/ interest from date and 10% attorney fees. The said note ana mortgage are now past due nd so declared. The total amount of principal, inter est and and attorney's fees and charges and expens-s of sale that will be due on said note and mortgage on th<» first uesday in June 1898, is $35.60. Fee simple litli-s in accordai ■> th the pow er of sale contained in said mort gage will be made to the purchaser at said sale, and the proceeds of such .-ale will be appln d to the ' payment of said debt with inter est. attorney’s lees and expenses of sale'and the remainder, ii any, will be paid over to tne person en titled to haiiii-. Inis May sth 1898, Mr-. A. 11. Cheney. By W. T. Cheney, Att’y, W. r, C. Chaae/ will ak e i and car ry tax fi s /:::::::: Nit! :::::::::::::: t:i:::::::::::: ! ii 1 A WHOLE CLUB j E-’’i T-ii ■ Il Bl • . 3 U Ca’ttj 1 .■ ' Ma ' <e |! n. ; ;l yf I I.:.::! I eO»v»iGw*.|®9> * ? I c irry a full an 1 c maplete line of jewelry, iuclu* I ding I). i.n ) i 14 | My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- |i er more ccpplete. | WEDDIN3- PRESENFS A SPECIALTY. ■ - I’ J J. K. Williamson |; i;; ;*9 Utuw MMU‘JOI UWUIJIUUUIWUIIUMW umtU timut kIUiU Everything in the drug and a full line of druggists sufl ! dries. Your especial attention is called to the fact that our prescription depar nient has been the feature of our business for years. well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Vour orders solicited. c. /%. S3l Broad. Telephone U THE MODEL LAUNDR y Is doing the best of work and tees satisfaction. Prices are reasonable. Fine work a