The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 26, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH VBA] , smoke xtra good and rebel yell eigars Lief but pouted LgeMe Harris Lays ■ Oi«o Propositions to I juR. FEATHERSTON ■And Cites a Few Sights to The I ..faultless Official.” ■ foßtll) ued iron. lues's Huscler-Cc aer- I The proposition heretofore as* ■serted that some claims ought, Ito be paid Ly the county for, (which there is no special legal ( (authority has been frequently (adopted as oorrect by the heath (erstJii Board of Commissioners, ■and the minutes of the Board Low this beyond question. | I now assert when a claim ■comes under either of the three ■ ■following heads, it ought to be ■ paid: ■ Fj rs t If the law requires it’.-, ■payment. ( Second, If it is right and just (for the county to pay it. I Third, If it is to the interest! (of the county, as a body politic, (tn pay the claim and no jierni (cious result or precedent will ■ tollow from such payment. ■ If the Captain agrees with me ■on these propositions he can ■ justify some of the unauthorised ■payments made by the present ■Board. ■ And even under these T aski ■Captain' Featherston ■ under 1 ! ■which one of these was payment ■ made to the City Electric Rail- ■ way Co., for lost time in running ■ it’s cars over the county bridge, I while the bridge was being re- ■ paired, made by your Board, to I that company? I Again Capt. Featherston, if the ! I doctrine I have asserted is so per-' I mcious, why have so ninny pay* I meiits been made by the present heard, that were not “clearly au- ' by law.” For from your article you knew the law, at the time of such payments, and yet knowingly made them. Was not the payments made by the Board > of Commissioners, compose! of W tn. A. Wright, and others, to procure the Massachusetts Mills, - I ft " ’ lr ” an innocent V' n ’? n is jailed by ] ” I ’ f ’’ a ’ ,e he prefers 4 i«tP” to collle out the KyQJ sair.e WO y h c we nt in. Es F7 " e ma - v brca h jail and lx row £? u * ht an <> put back again ■WJ He d rather have the door tin- C y looked and walk out and ■W Hay out. Mpa ti-p t S '-t k ’ s a Prisoner in ■H J, i all “ f disease; he has gone s ‘?" lc ''“or of carelessness Tffik ° , T K ‘' ct <>r lrr ‘Unlar living. ! r this same Itowihtai 7 ealeful ’ sensible habits 1 tion b the P w?v 1. ” ".'"sness or constipa Rut to overcome '•j/,“ t .. nit V l "“'ase, he has begin with some •'»«. which »rev* Fi? °’ Ki<ns or of the “‘anishnich' to tlu ' e supply of proper ""■■ dv for the r lV Ste ? U - Tl,e best Golden Medic‘i nt. I .^ t ‘ f v ,s rn fierce’s Us difteMire' nl .l n Jl’ l,< e , a !‘se it gives P°»'T to as-itni , r I d ,nak W organs ,n ’° pure, nou is'l.b f< T? !l ," d tran sfonn it "’abundance of red * bl, 'o<l. vitalized with . H acts direct! rul t ‘"l’tirclca. ’’ capacity to filter”".. 11 ?'! Hver and * ut of the circulation 8 , inipurltiea "””cularflF h nd' " u ' b,liltl; -p solid, obstinai.. r'L be.dthy nerve force. F"should be tbe "Wscov- “’•PtcrcCs puJ c ""” l " c ' io ” with j al . and thoroußim- 1 ■' '?> ,b< ‘ " ,Of ” nat * The o P ’native ever the' st,, 'L s r'KiiMe and in u .. Is ? sretitle ] ax ’ ',' <r n,ld bowels. la *ative ; two act as a mild «ek h head‘^7 d .?’i' Rr '’ P " vca ’'s with dvs- C, x'T” b‘"n*on o "t‘ " writes "' lri m iimiil I’ 1 ’ " n M ' r I nmac k Ikl "e. but "ll .... E K L or ' ‘"d many Di* ‘ I ,‘"‘ ’> Htlee «?. .¥’ uo o' - ''" l Me RUltt,' I .' w »’ : cl> ti,»r UI ./'"'den Medicos •»Aw.2!“c’tirelv V r „7" T ,tl * the Pleasant ft*- & s>' enFw'.h;; si hen,ih ’ •hlsbk ii>;dUuu<».v ‘ h »ul-s to you faf TIIE 11p \IE 115 JST LEIbC()A 1 \ IEIICIA L ANOTHER GALL. President MsKinley Wants 75,00 H Wore Volunteers - . PROCLAMATION ISSUED • Yestereay Afternoon. States Must Furnish Quota. Washington, May 26 —Tnn Prasideut yesterday issued the I following proclamstion : A Proclamation by the President of the United States: | Whereas. An act of congress . was approved on the 25th day of i April. 1898, entitled Declaring That War Exists Be tween th« United States of Amer-. .ma and the Kingdom of Spain,” and. ; Whereas By an act us congress entitled “Au Act to Provide For Teniporarilv Iticrnasing the Mili tary Establishment of the United i States in Time of War and for Other PurpOSes,” approved April 22, 1&98 the President is authji iz ‘d, in order to raise a voluntei r army, to issue bis proclamation calling for vo'iinieers ’6 serve in the army of 11.. United S'a'es. Now there 1 ' re, I, William Mc- Kinley, Pre.-ident of the United States, by’ virtue of the power vested in me by the constitution and .the laws, and deeming suf ficient occasion to exist, have ! thought fit to call forth, and J hereby do call forth, volunteers to i the aggregate number of 75,000 in ! addition to the volunteers called forth by my proclamation of the 23rd day cf April, in the present year, the same to be apportioned, as far as practicable, among the several states and territories and the District of Columbia, accord ing to the population, and to I serve for two years, unless sooner ' discharged . The proportion of each arm snd the details of the enlistment and arganizatiou will ibe made-ki.own through the win | department. In witness whereof I have here* unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be allixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 25th. day of May. A. D., 1898 and of the independence of the United States the cue hundred and twenty second. .William McKin ,ey. By the President: William R. Day,Secret ary of State. in this county, unauthorized by Though ui.authoriz d by ' iaw, hss not srvh payments been lof more permanent advantage to this County, than all payments et every kind that been made by your Board? But I will now fur ther call your attention to pay ments male by your Board that w re not “ authorized by law. Geo. A. H. Harr’s. THE SACRIFICE OF LIVES Os Soldiers Will not Needlessly Be Made. Washington, May 26 —Much significance is attached to a statement made by Gen. Miles yesterday, from which an infer ence 1b apparently drawn that Cuba is not to be hurriedly in vaded. Gen. Miles said : ‘•With regard to the invasion of Cuba, 1 have nothing to say, except that the United States will in due time bring Cuba mi lder its control by judicious ' methods and without a useless ROME GEORGIA. THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 26. 1898. OFF FOR fURILfI. . American Fleet Makes a Start Yesterday. . ■ CROWDS LINE SJIORE . To So T o Last of The Sol- 1 Pier Boys. Sail Francisco, May 26.—The start was made tor Manila late yesterday afternoon, and the first American army to'sail for a for e gil shore on the broad Pacific. At 4 o’clock vo: lerday after nood Brigadier < : »>;.eral Ander son signaled fioin the Australia for the City of T. k n and the City of Sydney to get. under wax immediately. THE PEOPLE GROW WILD. The signal was seen from the shore, ami the waiting crowds commenced to cheer v. ildly. No time was lost and the vessels were soon under v ay. Then 2,500 sol Ilers let themselves loose, they climbed to’ the rin ging and swarmed ali over the _3 ~ big ships, shouting and cheering like mad. T hc noise made by the patriotic citizens on sea and shore was something terrific*. Every steam whistle in the city appeared to be blowing, cannons were fired and the dm lasted fully an hour. As the Australia passed Alcatres isl *.nd, in the lead of the other ships, the battery of the United St.-tes artillery stationed there fired a salute to General Ander son. ’fhe colors were dipped in rec gnition and the steamships sounded their sirens. Harbor boats, small and large,’ followed as the transports moved slowly forward and not untiLthe heavy swells of the Pacific ocean were encountered din they turn back B UND F. R MaMLA. It is thought here that th. flc-t ait left, h >r* yes'erdny will not keep company with th Cuarieston after leaving flonol Ju. They all carry enough coal to steam at 'uil spe< d !r m Honolulu to M - uilla, while the Charleston, io <Ts ler to ecoucmiz > coal, will not go fus er than’ ten knots su hour. If the transports do n ->t wait for the cruise they may be exp'Cted to arrive at Manila about June 20th. The government has purchased the collier Jeter Jebeeu with her cargo of of 4,000 tons of coal A cou| le of companies of transporti ■.lai) he quartered on the steamer, which is repor ed t< be as.-igned to th? duty of towing the coast de fense vessel Monter,■ from Hon* oluiu to Manila. waste of time. The United States is too great, too.strong and too powerful to commit any foolish act in connection with the pro posed invasion. As for myself I have only to say that no officer is lit to command troops who from any mot ive what eve r would needlessly risk the* life < f a sii gle soldier, eilhe.r from disease or the bullets of (he enemy. I have never sacrificed the lives ol m n under my comman l, and I do not propose to subj-ct iheii.j to any u in ees- iry risk - in the present campaign. —. II p> b and Spencer dont hurry up it is’aoo'i going t>> le tver o t* ingly too late for them to k> ep ihi ir promises and gVa the p 1 ' pie tbosejjoinf deba'or.” Peiper Patterns only 5c each LANHAMASONS. * it ■ We hive discontinued and are closing out a i at only 5c each. In their p’ace vve , have put the justiy famous V . 1 «■ Taaot _ ,- u M’caUi Bazaar Patterns. < Fashion Plates Free to Each and Every Caller. o*M»s****M>.y *«****>.*,** WW MILIJPERY. • Oui 1: 11 finery depa. tmsnt is the m >st com jlete an J unt -.d in Rome aid our o-ices are the lowest. "• J ' el3anj u POda.e of any , !Vew Hats at prices that cannot be mat b/othars N>wsiiinr for .e>s m jnay than at any otbar m lliaery store N-wsmloro • • -I • . embroideries -ZX. N £D LACKS. phased Te s fißh"^ 0 ® 3 C ° m ’ ’ ,e them aIJ - VJU wi'< NKW LAWNS’ -N T~3T Pretty and Real Cheap PpPttll shere lndil Linen ’ only 3 1 - 2 cents Per Yard, ;; 11 UOliy India Linen, bettar quality, 5 cents pa • yard. Beautful in i a linans for less money than at a ly other store WHITE & CfILOBED DUCK PI(IVE Md LINEN CRASH an I lots of Summer go jds reai cheap. NKW FEHOALES’ I . just received and selling ch -a a, C ame to see us and you will be please! LANHAM'S 1U CENTS PER WEEK