The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 26, 1898, Image 2

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TJIR BIG OREGON Remarkable Voyage of a Splendid Ship. TRAVELLED 13,000 MILES Has Averaged 200 M ies Per Day For 60 Days. New York, May 26. — 4 spe cial dispatch to the Evening World from Jupiter, Fla., says that Lieut, a. R. Davis of the battleship Oregon came ashore there late last night. “Our race,” said Lieut. Davis, “was a most exciting one and especially after we left Bahia for we then knew of the possibility of interception. Capt. Clarke, however, kept the little licet in constant readiness, ami had we run into the Spanish armored fleet we would have been heard from. As it is, we are all happy that our race from San Francisco is now ended and that we will have a chance to t ike part with the fleets now looking for the Spaniards.” The Marietta and Buffa’o are with the Oregon. • the Oregon’s trip. Washington, May 26.—The navy department today confirm ed the report of the arrival of the Oregon at Jupiter Inlet, Fla., last night. While declining to give any de tails of the trip at this time, th' officiate admit that ihe ship swung clear to the Eastward of both the Lesser and Greater Antilles and after leaving Barbadoes until sh* arrived at a point opposite the Bahamas when she turned sharp ly in and made for the Florida coast. Th ■ Oregon left Mare Island, California 13,000 miles from Jupi ter on March 19. so she has avera ged 200 miles a day for sixty days As a matter of fact the vessel has made much better speed, for a 2Oo"d many days were lost in taking Coal at South American ports, and again by her long detour in reach ing Florida after having left Bahia, Brazil. The Pacific coast contingent in Washington cannot restrain the r enthusiasm over the remarkable performance of .this creation of the slope work-shops' Representa tive Hillborn called at the navy department to verify the news ol the ship’s arrival and he found the officials were fully disposed to agree with him in all that he had tj say as to the Oregon’s great record. Ik- said that by this per formance the ship has silenced for ever the congressional critics of battleships who had declared that, no battleship ever had or wculd cross tho Atlantic, for the Ore gon's run was fraught witji more peril and involved s’raight away stretches of greater length than the Atlantic passage in any season. THE LOCATING OF THE OREGON. came about in a peculiar way, by means of the beach watchers who are on the alert for the approach of hostile ehips. These pa trols continue night and day and patrol was rewarded by sighting the big American Battleship. Signalin g was begun by the use o f torches and m that way mes sages to and from the pattieship were exchanged throughout the night. These messages in tuin were sent, to the navy department which is connected with direct, telegram line with the signal sta t oti near Jupit< r Inlet, SUMMER SCHOOL. I will open my’summer school on the fi-st Monday in July. Special a lention given to pupils prepar-! jr !i lor he university. I'alemon J. King. I May 21,'98. | MARTIAL LM - Established to a Race war. CRIES OF LYNCH NEGROES On The Streets by Angry Crowds of Soldiers. Key West, May 26. —Martial law was established here for the purpose of preventing a race war. Several lynchings, were narrowly averted by the author ities and trouble is expected at any time between the whites and blacks. People throng the streets crying down with the negroes, lynch the blacks. The northern soldiers are taking an active part in the demonstra tions and are swearing ven geance against the blacks. St. Pierce Maringue, May 26 —lt is confidently asserted here that the Spanish torpedo b( a' Terror has joined Cervera. Calcutta, May 26.—The steam er Media was sunk by the Lin dula in a collision near here and fifty Meeh as drowned. INDIANA’S QUOTA. Under The Second Cali F- r Troops. Indianapolis. Ind., May 26. The Governor is at Winona, but hio secretary reports that ti e office will proceed cautiously in tie matter of filling out Indiana’s new quota under the President’s addit ional call for 75,000 troops, The State’s quota will be approximately two reg.ments and two batteries. The applications cf 50,000 men are already pending, including the entire State organization of 12 companies of Sone of Veterans Portions of the State not already represented will receive preference THE MONTEREY'S TRIP May Reach The Philipines In A Month’s Time. Washington. May 26 —Naval offi cials have calculated to their entire satisfaction the possibility of ge - ting the Monterey safely across the Pacific to Admiral Dewey’s squad ron at Manila. The principal diffi culty in making «uch a trip as this is the small coal capacity of vessels of the Monterev. type. She carries norma'ly 200 tons of coal in her bunkers, which at her most econo nricai rate of steaming would take her about 300 mites less than the distance fi\ m San Francisco to Honolulu. In an emergency such as now exists, it is possible to store a good deal of coal on the main Heck. The ship will take a southerly course after leaving Honolulu, in company with a steam collier. The South Seas are full of islands as soon as Hawii has been left 1,000 miles behind, and in the sheltered harbors of these, siwuld be easy for the Monterey to lie alongside the collier and coal through bei superstructure. It would not I e surprising if one of the harbois chosen for such a transfer was in the Caroline Islands, another Spanish possession in the South Seas, for by so doing there could be no possible complaint' of a breach of neutrality laws on the part of any neutral nation. From the Carolines to the Philippines the way is easy, and Under the programme arranged there is no probability of failuie in the attempt to get the Monterey safelv across the Pacific. If the Monterey proceeded steadily at her economical speed she should roach the Phi ippines in thirty-ore and a half days from San Francisco. I She will lose several days in coal ling eu route, but on the otner hand she may make up this difference ‘ X latniiu it greater speed if circurr- 1 1- 'uiice 11v r the easy’ r< coaling ' I • the sb ip ( "" SAMPSON AND SCHLEY, The Gid Sea Docs Have The Spanish at Bay. Key West. Fla., May 26—Then iis no’h itig definitely known hen about the pis-iLli operations in j eastern Cuba, but th' view h ac cepted ut I’ l h place as u fuct that the Spanis!■ 11 et is blockaded in Santiago harbor, in which event (!»«» naval ■ pinion here is that th* Spanish fleet has “committed suicide.” • It is no l>re ich of ennfi lence <o say that C u.mMor* Schley and Hear Admir 1 Sampron are believ to Admiral Cevera in th'ii re ch, if the Spaniards are in Santiago b t ear they can be block aded and starved out, A sing!- heavy American vessel can hold the harboi e narrow exit 'hrougb which the Spaniards could emergi only singly. The Spanish fleet is very fast, '•■.it it ih not composed of heivily ■ mored vessels Indeed any of Aiimfiil Sampsm's batt'e [ ships could in the opinion of naval experts, ei p-<ge the entire Spanish fl -et with a fair chance of coming off v ctor ions. TO LA ira i u CLASSIFY The following items came in too late for cl* sift ui* ion: The lit tle baby of Prof and Mrs. JI. S. Shockley is quite sick at the home of its parents on West First street Mi-s. Annie Mallett, a charm in.» young lady of Summerville, is the guest of Mrs. Henry G. Smith, on upper broad street. Picnic —Twelve couples of young people L .'t early this ! morning to spend the day _ at . I B irnesleys on a picnic. Day. or Prayer. —The Ladies Foreign Missionary Society of the First Methodist church,have » set aside tomorrow as a day of fastitig and prayer and earnest ly request all its members to ob , serve the day and attend the prayer service in the lecture room of the church in the after noon ac 4 :30 o’clock. " Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, billiousness and liver ■ ills. Price 25 eents. ■M I - - ' I CITY LICENSE. ? All pere us carrying on business in the city es R ime and subject to city license are heieby notified to call at the City flail and pay ■ their liceu e, otherwise the city ’ marshal will be instructed to s serve police court V summons, r I April 220 d, 1898. Halstead Smith. h Cletk of CouiiciL b SHARP RAZORS. ii When you are in need of a hair f cut or a sl ave give Bariett & Sat.- i ders, the old reliable barbers a call They guarantee satisfaction. r 'hop 212 Broad street, next t<> Douglass ’ st able. p ——————i e BEST OF ALL To cleanse t he system in a gentle i and truly neficial manner, when the Spring.ime comep, use the I true i,nd <. : lent remedy, Syrup of Fig*. On ttle will answer for al Iho nr. \ and costs oii'y 50 I ’cn's Bu. ihe g. nume. Manu al b, tne California Fig , | -yvrup Company only, and lor sale v all di ur.' :<ts ) II wit’d - tied .k* Cure is garan- I d. 25c anti lUc at Frank i V.-igh’’sb rmav.c i I "7 . ... _ THE SUMMER TERM. At Rome Business College begins Monday, June 6th I'B9B. A com -1 plete course in b >ok-kee.ntz hi d • I business practice reduced from I Yls, 00 io £2. dO. ' A compl te course of short hand md office dilation reduced from t 35. 00 to $27, 50, ; i’enmanshi| . spelling, arithmetic i practical grammar $2,’50 to $1 00 ; per month, according to age ol i pupil. H.A. ,ckl v.Prm’. ' V I s over and now the post-lenten ’ Vs season is on. You are most cor- S S - dially invited to call and see the * ■ • very latest fads and fancies, nov- * * hX i« cities, and nice things in sash- | H ! Si. X ionable millinery. We receive | I X£ new goods dvery day and they * ifr come specially selected from the * i fashion centers. Our new flow- J X ers are exceptionally pretty. | 'fe I Hrs, Ao Oo Garrard 11 11 ft HE ON OBOES • I ■ ‘ ■ (• ? . b ™ » life 4 118 D * | ' ARE THE » $7 KIND ,T OTHER PLACES. ’«* § iOuraeiTaitagCoZia i I) - -i *i? : 4 BEST SANITARY PLUMBING b .A■ . _ k -C! N f > cib? «v- far cbl ’ W f Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. i Water M i A m Qas Fixtures, deters Qas stoves ’ fb ) xdl R ps, Hydraulic rains, steam fix- Y tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- W <p * 4? trie fixtures. 4? ( 5 have employed Alex S. Pierce to L X take charge of my shop department, p 1U f is one of the best workmen in the R South. Repair work attended to W Fl promptly. p 8 * —— I ■ I JOHNOOHILDS. £. Ml M K- n 223 Broi l st. Opposite Thas. Fahy. L1 ' / k ’