The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 26, 1898, Image 3

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~ii,s I t>ri Sanford is Wromj : JN D TM? M R SR^Ril uadAdmltteO 110 Was Wr °" K H But Did it Again. Please ullo«' ! P a,;o „|u«ble paP®-- n “‘ k “ FCP •' T.xCollecto’- Sanfo’tl s cards ol 2 M.»d May 22st. I desire dial Mr. Sanford du. gelled the 4’ ecial ‘“J. .‘ , teeu liquor deaiers before Apr 1898. I read Mr. Sanford’s card of May Ist, and. to,roe called 1, is attention to tbe mistake he had nude I stated to him fbat I had bin, tlrn special tax for L V. stoifregen, who was doing business i” the Pavlovsk, house, lie begged my pardon for pni mv sister’s name m the Ler, and said he won d go and Lk her to excuse him tor it. I desire to state that 1 assisleo Mr. Sanford in his race for tax collector, and I think he will ad iu it that I did as much, if not more than any other one man in Floyd county. It seems to me that this is the way he is trying! to repay my kindness by adver-. tisiugtothe world that my sis-1 ter is conducting a business! without paying the special tax She is not selling beer, though | mv brother is, and 1 paid th< , special tax to Mr. Sanford for said business. 1 gave.the tax , receiver’s a check for the amount in January and took 8 receipt for same. I have the re— cei t That check was paid at the bank on March 31st 1898 and shows for its self —that date being stamped on the face of tin check. I showed this diet kto Mr. Sanford alter his card of 'May Ist appeared. This is the $l5O that Mr. San ford, in both his cards, says he did not get. I say he did got it, J and I think the people of Floyd county know me well enough to know that I would not say a thing if it were not true. Mr. Sanford certainly has col lected this $l5O. He certainly got it before April 1, 1898. He. certainly had his attention called to it after his card of May Ist was printed. He certainly ac knowledged his error after see ing the banks entry on the face of the check. And yet, after ac knowledging his error then, he republishes the statement of May Ist on May 21st. These are the fads. Respectfully, H. G. Stoffkeqen, Do You Shave?—Do you want an easy comfortable shave? or a stylish haircut? Then you give Barrett & Sanders a call, For the past five years Sanders has been with the Armstrong barber shop, and is well known to the public. Shop 312 Broad street, next Douglass Livery stable. ' WHEN TRAVELING Whether on pleasure bent, or msiness, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effect ually o U [| le kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches, and other forma of sick ness. For sale in 50 cent bottles nil leading druggists. Manu actmed by the California Fig kyrup Company only. BALTIMORE A XI) RETURN Account the Quadrennial eil( l al Conference M. E church ‘’“"th, May 4th to 28th the Atlantic R R. will Ti ■ Ve ‘.yJ ow ~ou nd trip tickets. .J s " 1 ' a^or d a splendid op citi Ull , i y tu the the eastern Can one. K. Ayer P. A vonZ' 1U a DP r eciate a good tea, g «t it at Lloyd’s. No Ptck ig 9 to prison you. _ J—ryw. -y ■.w.-'tatabA < RIDE A MONARCH. ***”v, r \\ Sold by J. SaniVeal Rsine, Ga. The Monarch Bicycle is far su perior to all others. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxes RSR; .'OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, '.iiidiiwss. Fulness after meals,. Head iche. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings >f Ji ■ it. Loss of Appetite, Costivemis. Blotches on the Skin. C<>td Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF (N TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. !:< H UIN PILIJB, taken as direct ed. Will nuickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem ar.'l cure sick Headache*- Fur a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beechrm’s Pills are Without a Rival And hnve the * LZ- ?.EST SALE of any P.’ tent Medicine in the World. 26c. . t all Drug Stores, jeL. SOUTHERN m Rfuufly. Cou lease.l Silieilule In Effect Maj I. 18'18. stations. No in No. 11 No. 8 Lv Cb.ittanooga li.HUiuii 3.10 pm I 1 I(l,mi Ar 11-.illon 7..'>kun; 4.21 pm 12.10a i Ar Rome I’.tMuni; 5.35 pm I Hum Ar Atlanta 11.40 am 8.05;,m, 50 mm Lv Atlanta I. Li.piii 8.15 pm 5.20 am Ar Macon 7.10 pm 10. V»am 8. Ar Jesup 4. Hlum 2.38 pm Ai Everett 5 25iim X-L’.pui I Ar Jacksonville ... K. :■ Lv Ji sup lO.biam 6.56 pm Ar Jacksonville' l.Mlpm 10.15 pm Lv Everett , s.:<oum X3opm Ai Brunswick| 6.3o;im| i. ■ • No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chutla- uoga to Atlanta. No. U> carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chat- Urn oga to AU mta. No. Hear... • Pu'.iman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Jacksonville anil Atlanta to Brunswick. STATIONS. No. 7 I N.I. No 18 Lv Atlanta .... iI 00pm I.oopm 7." an Ar Komc ' l.’iOinr.' A. 25pm 1i1.33>,m , Ar Dalton ... LLlatn ?.:>lpm 11.1-i.-m Ar 1 liut(:iii<><> a i i..; in KaCpir. I.OJpm Lv ChaluitKH.i: a 8 I lain: o.luem Ar HuiKill...| I.2“pw Ar Lexington "i.liJi'm I..'Miami Ar Loui .ville 1 i .'"rii mJ ArCincinnati 7.3fipm| Lv ( natuiniioga .... i l.'fipm 1 2.‘>pn> Ar Nashville . ! ti. Apm’am; 6..V>pm No. 7 C'irrie Pullnriu Slocning <'.ir Atlanta to < ’hatu.m i .ga ami Cleat, anoo.-a to < I’acinnuti. No. 9 carries Pubinm S.eaping Car A'.l-mta to Cincinnati ami < ualtiui .oga to Louisville. ST V. <V. N. 6. N . INo. 16. Lv Chattanooga Kl.i;::n -I. Ilium lOlMlpn. Ar Knoxville II ■ non I.loam Ar Morris! .wn I.23ptn ‘.t.Vi.-.u: 2.2 am Ar Hot Si rim s, 11.16am' 4.ouam Ar Asheville 1.1.5 pm 5. iOam Ar Salisbury : ; '• I": m m Ar <;reensl>.,ro '..1 : 9.5.‘pm 110, m Ar Raleigh :: Lktim 3.1 1 rr Ar Norfolk , 2 I .. y .... l 7.3i):jm lr ... •• Ar Wa iiin. t0n....| 6. 42 on H. . . n. Ar New Yoril 12.4’pm 6. ” m No. r.’earri'.s Pullin n SI.--ping <'ar Cha ta aooon to New V irk via A-’ieville a nl Sai ls >iwto Ri ’ll n mil arrivin ' Ri -hinonil6.llia m. also Pullman Slvipiug Car Greensboro to Ntr lolk. No. pi is ,11,1 t-.iin Cant tana i.ra to Salis bu *.v. with I’allin > > Slmtpiag <' ir Chaltan 'Os-a to Aslis nirv a i.l S.i’.-imry to New York with out chan-e. 8, ■, , '■ A". I No. II <ii :!■ anoo-i*7. ...’j . 5.00 pm 8.40 am \r Km.'svillv .1 s - ’ H. ;’.mi \r Morri wa ' 2.l’inn I.’. -luii Ar Bristol ; 7.00 am: IL \r Wush.iw.'ton ; , 7.l"nm Ar Nevi York.A.. N>>. 6 I‘itri-h‘s ’’ tV ’< vi ;ii i ' ’ ar i hatya lioo ra t.IV . tin t .ia l Chait in oga to New Yia lt « Uli u. eh i i No. i ci- I-; ’a .ai in SI ■■ p’nr Car Knox ville to Hit tol. ' siiii. -. .. i ( I? i.v Rom.. .’... «.ioa» Ar Anipston , 11 ' 1 ’’ Ar B'nnliiitli'iin ■■ ■■ , ~ n Ar Selmr. ’ I Ar Meridian‘ Ar NcW Or’en'is..., ' " :I| o Ar .la.m-.eC7 ~ I I-- - ‘ 1 No. 15 I SNo79] 2 ~ +No ' ,fi H N -°IR. •J.lklpm i.'Mlpm Lv Koine .ar 8.50 am B..t>am | ipm 6.57 pm Ar Giiil ilen. nr 6-iMlam b.. Ham (i.lXlpm 7. U'pm Ar AtOil n. lv 5.4 i;im 6. oum t Dally except Sunday. i Sunday only, I«. S. (JANNON. HU v.p. & n. m.. Washington. D.O J. M. CULP. Triit. Mgr.. Wa hlngtbn. D, C. W- A. TURK. G. P. A.. Washington. D- O. f. DENSCOTER, A.o.p.A..Chattancioga,Tenu ' ~ "■ SUMMER S’-HOOL. I will open iny summer tchonl on the fi"et Monday io July.hptcial attention given to pupils pr pal ing for the university. Palemon J. King, May 21, ’9B. CURRY'S iarrhoea - Dysentery Specific Is .1 positive' and populad remedy for H Diarrhoea, Dij«gitj, G r ol6ra liilaiit>"i)i, k- Cho’era Morbus, Fltix, Griping and all bowel affections. We are now apuroa diing the season when Bowel t flections i>rt vail, wlii- h . .Tiisi’s mortality, especially among children. No prudent person should be without a reliable remedy. These ittacks are frextu inly sudden and violent, often terminating in iloath. A renowned physician says that “in large cities, during the heated term, fully one-half the deaths are attributed to diar rhoea and dysentery.” Recognizing the seriousness of the dis irders of the alimentary canal, at the same time knowing the efficiency of CIJ RRY: S Diarrhoea and Dasenm SneclllG We oiler ii, as a positive cure and safeguard upon whcili you qan rely in the hour of afHiction. In dysenteric troubles arising i’rom c’ cessive heat or the imprudent indulgence in vegetables, fruits, etc., and in diarrhoea of children during the process of teething, nothing affords sucn prompt and permanent relief as CURRY'S 'Diar aid DMitarii SDOOllte. As it implies it ie a perf< ct b .nacea for all bowel! complaints I’ : >i< ins recommend and prescribe it in their practice, thereey evincing conn lence in this remedy, which is not candidate for public favor, but an old friend worthy of public trust. Were it necessary, numberless certificates could be furni-hed i’rom physicians and others who h ive witnessed its wonderful ci rative properties in the various forms of summei Complaints. ITS EFFECTS ARE MAGICAL ONLY 250 A DOTTLE] >■ - A 1 \ o. 11 V- • • r !’? R 'WU ih K S'■' \ -Hi i T ■B ' 4 • . ' ■ ... ■ n Ij' 4 . Zs”. .'twA'. R >iH'> 1) mn si T>" i; 1 4 - i bi i hfi 'I r•; >» h'.Y •a i i diTj jul p>. sitions', an i are 'i ’jo-um t i 11 1 by their e npl ijers. J)a i I), r jyl ir, ait >ra V. 8 I'n-ner/dh, G i.. sav-ti: “Frank Huf faker ill b ■i wi !i in > M» >u th re J m ritha. Ho is quLifi id th jr ughlv f >.' t’ i * 'i :li • i't 1 l iis of sten I’raphic w irk .” ii i'd -1 8 b i. i c H'.uz, oity, i "F >r six n tilths,l employe Miss J. i i ■ .1 > a- 4 i >xf i.i'i «r ii 1 t.v j >.v.'itar 11 till a temporary vacancy m nz oT' i. 0 i ninz dir ct y fro n thi cillege and without previous x i < !.■) in ’tli m w >rk. mmy oflur dn ies were iinw, b i't m ash irt :i n i hu' >r ri ii hi jy w is' so ;h th it sh t wis able 11 give at; teuti hi to IY. u sin i ■. it tjl and efli ;i si .n inurr- “ R hii >llir 1 .v tri Li ii i iiv-i lys ' “-list vlinis eber is th i very b -st st-Mi >z;' ’ph sr m R uni >r l) Gt of jit “ Miss M rn’e graduated sotm n in ths a.< j. M tssr.s. Wdihiil>V>l I i t, Ci itt in i> p, f.i i i ay —W find Mr. 'Carter Wi I'r - i tjt’ • it' Jc. ip ibl ■. 'b i »rk tep ir m ' stenographer. "Brown &W H i iir i, Gsinb ri S 0 s iy. ‘viz. John Loyd ke.’ps ii ■b s >'?s wth any t-'nbis w'nt-ver.” M in V n i• s t 1 s: i n ’ i' sI s c >u d ba g v > i. d’ n i ’F: L; iis> ) r! i» ■ vil ! n>t reo nV - p » »ils if i•, this month ■ m nil lv n• it n’im.p i •’ ‘’’l J *tte •c i i s’ G oinii s e and posi‘ ion secured Y >ung ns ian 1 is should eut«r n iw. II S Sil ) 2KLEY. Principal. ®0 0 B S> O' e0• • « © ® IRe pairing || ®Don’t Walk On | ® || Your Uppersit iW, A-MU LLIN IX,M S asonPc Tmpi| To Muical Poeple of Rome: It is with pride that we announce the opening I . of a new and complete stock, of MB, lais, AND I ■Small Musical Instruments I in the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street, where we would be pleased to have you call ami examine our goods. The stock consists of some of the best mikes of pianos and organs on the market today. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a’first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a long time. Give us a call and you will find q music store that Romans may be proud of. We are determined to close out our stock o - BICYCLES- I at the earliest possible date. K. E. FORBES 327 Broad Street. t S. P. Davis, Manager. NX X XX.XX X-\ \;N-N.X X X XX X X.X X X X.2XX X- We keep on hand at all times a full stock of Sheet Music of the very na II ■— . _ - _ F.J-KANE& CD 248 B?oad Street. Sale ol Summer Goods XXXN.NN NN NNNN LTV \ \ \ \ A X * \ * t \ v Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales Gingham and Madras. U ( I Ready-Made Skirts and Waists We intend to close out our shoe! stock, so take advantage of cost! i prices on shoesof the best makes. I I MW ’ 1 H i Special prices on everything at F. J. K ARE i 248 Broad Street- ii , I 8 TONSDRIAL PARLORS- H > LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; t. Only skilled m m employaJ. Parlors recently renovated Mo-4 t courteous attention and satisfactory services guaranteed, at No F l “ 4W2, Broad street,