The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 26, 1898, Image 4

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WmiMIIIEM T HEHUSTLER OF ROME r Established, IWO. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established, 1885. ImMMI .very evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITQR AND office, Wilkerson Block. Third Avenue ■ LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION lally and Sunday,per year #<s 0 lundar, per year. SI.OO Weekly (Thk Romk Courier) pei year 50 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND BUBUI.BB De Sy and Sunday, lOceut* per wee), Remit by bank draft, pxprujs money order or registered letisr Add-ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERGIAL. ■ ROME, GA. Entered at the Postoffice at Rome, Ga., ar second class matter . Advertising rates and sample copies tor th asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN I). CAI DLIB of Hall. IFor.Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, ; of Lee. For oniptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General.i JJOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merriwether.' For’Treasurer. W.' M. SPEER, • of|‘Fuiton, For Commissioner of Agriculture, O.JJB.JSTEPHENS, . of.JTerrell. For> School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, I,Bibb. ForfPrison Commissioner JOSEPH S. TURNER, of putnian. The Hustler-Commercial is the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has th' combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commercial and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome The City Marshal The Sheriff of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co, « The Hustler-Commercial lias the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. Tne Spaniards will never forget tc remember the Maine. e As stilt as it is kept, Jit tak< s water to maw an old whisky bar* rel tight. Spring is upon us, the gardner is dressing the lawn grass, and the grass widow her lawn dresses. Douglas Breeze. A war joke fiend has suggested that President McKinley order out all the actors and convict iu the country for stars and stripes. The beautiful ixponenent of re publican doctrine, the Macon Telegraph, continues to abuse Georgia's nex‘ governor, Allen D. Uardler. The owners of the Royal Baking powder lately refused $12,000,000 for the concern, a business built up ani fostered by persistent ad vertising C( tigress is ge’tinu ready to sit a l summer if the war lasts that long. This adds another power ful leaeou for the vigorous prose cution of hostilities. If Boh and Spencer dont hurry up it is soon goii g to le everia“t iiigly too late for them to keep ’h« ir promires and give the peo pie limt-e “>:ni THEY HAVE ANSWERED Instead of calling it mud why don’t the lingsters answer, re fute or disclaim the charge of illegally appropriating $4,451 35 of the county’s rrfoney to their own use, by making the county pay that amount lor the hire of the county’s own convicts? — Rome Tribune. Now this is amusing ! The “ringsters” have answer* ! ed. They have stated that thev did draw certain sums from the county commissioners as pay, under the law, for services ren dered the people of Floyd. xliey paid out certain parts ol this sums, paid by the county commissioners, to constables, justice of the peace and witness es. Will the “reform” organ tell us who got th^r,other third?” They have answered fully and completely andnave shown that there was as much equity and more law for them having this pay, than for the Rome Tribune to draw SSO from the same source (it asked for $100) for a trade edition. They have answered and shown that as the jurors are paid by the day and the judge is paid a salary, and they, as court of ficers, must get their pay under the law, from fees, that they have been treated no better at any time than the present board of county commissioners are treating the court officers of all counties from whom Floyd buys convicts. Yes, these “ringsters” have answered, and have answered fully and completely. They an swered in the election of 1893 and again in the election of 1896, and on June 6th the “re formers,” whom the people have long since learned are “reform ers-for-office-only,” will meet their final Waterloo at the hands of the people. Mark that predic tion. Every charge made against these officers by the “reform” organ is as groundless as the ancient sensations injected into this campaign for political pur poses. If these officers have robbed the county, then every member of every board of commissioners since the organization of the county chaingang, prior to the election of the imaculate and in falible Commissioner C. N Featherston, is guilty of g rossly misappropriating county' funds The “reformer” is not sinner - in his cry for “reform.” If lu lie would charge home tc tne commissioners the crimes • they must have committed be fore the court officers could hav looted the public funds. 'Phis . the “reformer” dares not do. It would loose too many votes. “1 he county’s own convicts” —when the county lias not yet paid the sheriff, clerk of court 1 solicitor general, constable, jus [ tics of the peace or witness one ’ cent for services rendered—and when there is no law against— and when the section of the law easily admits that these court officers must be paid. If we remember correctly, Col. Featherston, this same par tisan commissioner and brilliant ( lawyer, refused to pay the news papers that had been ordered to publish the grandjury present ments, claiming there was no law for it. A newspaper man showed Capt. Featherston a sec tion, that he in his wisdom had overlooked. He came down from his high horse and since then grandjury presentments bav< been paid for as recommended* and ordered. And yet, because an arbitra ry and partisan commissioner discriminates against noii-sup y porters and accedes to all wishes of his favorites, why a “reform ; organ” comes forward after a . lapse of more than four years, , and a change of factional fiont ■ of a few weeks, and resurrects “two tbir Is” of an anciept ex- 1 plod’ d sensation, accuses its old | allies of robbing the people and yet swears by the prophets that it is not flinging mud. 'Phis is just too sil—but who got that “other third?” '1 he “reformers” disgorgeous campaign is not so disgorgeous as it w as. The “reform” organ has not yet quoted the of law i providing for the payment < f ■ trade edition fees from public funds. The “reformers” continue to I sling mud—they can’t help it. But the “rt former” has dropped I that cry of “disgorge.” It prov ed alive wire. The Savannah News claims that ( four hundred people turned out ii. Atlanta to hear Atkinson orate j Well, doesn’t the judge belong to | the Four Hundred anyhow?— Brunswick Times. | ... .. Some of Atkinson’s friends wai t • him to sp ak in Glynn county. We may be mistaken, but it seems the [■ refinement of cruelty .to ask a man to deliver hie own funeral oration in advance. Brunswick Times Paste this in you’’ hat, and bet ’ on it if you get ’he chance: When the -ta’e convention organizes 5 Gaudier will have more than twic. I as many votes as Berner and At-I - kinson together. Mucou News. 5 j- If all of his si z..ire= are validated by the c urt», Admiral Sampson already has about SIOO,OOO of prze money in sight. His is al most as good a snap as the most v aVured army contrac’or can ' hope to get. The race will not, he won by the t ‘elrquent and handsome” nor by > the “uureeignable mud s’inger.” , H jnest Allen 1). Candler, the can didate of the people, wiU cone! lirst unaer the wire —Americus Herald. I The Griffin tax fifa has been se. r v rely let alone by the an ti , Candler press. It created such ii - dignation all ever the state th t even the bitterest, opposition pa* pers did not dare to follow rp l heir attack. — A meric,us Record* r. V The Pbillippine Islands are sev . en thousand miles from our wes , tern coash Hawaii is twe thous , and miles. If we should conclude 0 to perman ntly hold the Phillip. pints, the Hxwhiian nrchipelego Aould then indeed justify its right to the the mime of Saudwhich Islands S ’ ■ t Hawaii is a sugar producing country. Cuba’s strong suit is > sugar. The Philippines are ( strong on sugar. Maybe with our prospects of home-made beet sugar and colonial cane, 3 will be able to pull through ; without Aus'rian and German help in that line ; According to the “reform” 1 organ, every county commission er in Fioyd, from tne organiza , f.ion of the county chainjan" down to the election of the im ' m xcul 'ti and infallible Gornmis -| sioner Featherston, who has ) | been guilty < f misappropiating ■ 'public funds. Capt. Featherston 'is the first board to refuse to pav 1 I the sheriff, the clerk of court, the solicitor general , the con- ] stables, the justices and the wit- 1 j nesses engaged in Floyd count . . ' {though he pays these officers in - other counties every time l e ( . buys a convict. Is this justice, j equity or law? Where did lie . great and only honest commis- ‘ sioner of Fioyd learu this pecu- , liar doctrine of I •The “r< Io m” org' n asked for : $lO9 ami got SSO from the com ' missiom rs for a trade (dition. ■To date it has not cited the pub -1 lie ti the law which authorized ! this. If the present board of county commissioners is so economic why is it that the tax rate lias been run upto 1.25? Ami why is it the “reform” organ is ser monizing on the city’s rate of 1.12 ) ami - i \ ing nothing about the county’s r ite of 1.25? 'The “reformers” claim that t must be now or not again for twi nty years. This is an iidmis *ien that John Vairtlivtr will make such a model tax collector that the people will retain him as long as possible. And in this instance the “refoi mer” betrays the fact that he does-know a few things not peculiar to ancient history. * After sitting on the frigid commissioner, before the i eople, it is not necessary for Judge George Harris to retire to a block of ice behind the house. The Judge-that-i 3 not only remem bers to have thrown the lirst rock, but will fling the last one and the people will remember it, even if the wanted-ta-be-judge is past all chances at memor\ From ambush, the “reform ers” have opened masked bat teries on Judge George Harris And yet, the “reformers” tell us that this is a family quarrel, and that no outsider has a right to meddle. The man who signs himsel/ “Citizen ’ may be a democrat, hut his bush whacking tactics are unworthy the name. Lit him come out in the open— if he is not a coward—a id stand up—if he is- a member of the democratic family and “give aid take” like an honest man should do. tMaxu-vawu-rutMwam.-*-*rwi JnMum««»vjnxjr’ REABY Every expectant mother fiat j a trying ordeal to face. If she does not ' iV\ rea d- v f° r there is no telling ( H—- - what rnay happen. Lj Child-birth it full of uncertainties ii Mature is not given proper assistance. Mother’s Friend s the best help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months before baby comes, it makes t he advent easy and nearly pain less. It relieves and preven is.“ morning sickness,” relaxes the ovei. ained mus cles, relieves, the distended f ling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous after-effects Mother’s Friend is govd for only one purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of danger and pain, $1 dollar bottle at all drug stores, or sent by rrail on ipt <>f price. Fhi r I’.-.o .s nontaining valuable informa Mon for women, will be sent to any address u<-»n application to THE BR .DFtELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga 1 _ * Mrs. A. n, residing at 720 Henry St.. Ai on, 11l ,<i with sciatic rheumatism for ove • ight months, rihedoct 'red for it nearly the whole of time, using various remedies reoom tn Hided by friends, and was treit-d by the physiciaita, but re ceived no relief. She then used one and a halt bottles of ChamberlaiL’s Pain Balin which effected a com ple e care. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured her. T e 25 and 50 cen> sizes tor sale by Curry-An inc ton Co. .The need of a good Spring Medicine is almost universal and Hood’s Sarsaparilla exactly meets this need. Be sure to (r et Hood’s. , 1 0 f 'die Primaries la lie Held J ilne Bill. ! CHAIRMAN HAMILTON Has Made The Following Gooof Appointments. The following list of managers appointed 1)7 Chairman Harper I Hamilton of the county demo- • cratic executive committee, to hold the primaries in the various ’ districts of the county on June 6tb. MANAGERSi'F TH E PRIMARY ELEC TION, June 6th, 1898. Rome district—Walter Harris [ Nat Harris and 1 lalsted Smith. , Cave Spring district —J. G. Watts, Eli Harrison, W. P ; Trout. Flatwoods district —N. J. Hus- - faker, John H. Rice, A.C. Mor i rison. Fosters Mill district—W. A. Carr, J. M. Latham, A. J. File, j Livingston district—W. H. 11. Caiup, John Weblr, H. L. Huff man. ■/ State Line district—Chas. V. Irvine, ITtomas S. Millican, T ’ Tt.”lsnrly. North Carolina district—L. , W. Early, John L Hardin, N. l H. Bass. * Texas Valley district—W. M. Hardin, Thomas McKinney, Bii- ! ly Selman. Floyd Springs district—J. C. - Garlington, J. O. Horton, Dug I Barnett. ‘ Everett Springs district—J. ” P. Earle, Jr., J. Z. Lyncli, J. J. i Mann, Sr. Watters district—W. J. Brown, Matt Penn. J. F. Ward. Ridge Valley district—T. N. Pinson, E. P. Price, James M. Watters. Etowah district—George A. Gray, J. C. Eve, J. T. Carver. Chulio district—John D. Wade, Jonn Terhune, W. L. W ade. Howells district—ll. I. Brad shaw, Will RiUh, C. T. Callo way. Barkers district—W. C. Bick ers, John Marian, John Kyle. Lindale district—ll. J. Pow ers, George S. Black, John B. Porter. Vans Valley district—W. P. 1 Hunt, Alex White, W. O. Weems. As chairman of the Democrat ic Executive Committee of Floyd county 1 have appointed the above well known citizens of Floyd county to hold the demo cratic primarv ol June 6th 1898. i May 19th, 1898. Harper Hamilton, Chairman. ST A .M P TAX ES Are corning as a necessary war and ns a conspquftnc© medicines will be advanced in price. If you have not yet begun your course ol Hood’s Sarsaparilla it is advisable to lay in a year’s supply at once and b* gin to take it today By so doing you will save money and regain health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is America’s Greatest Medicine. Be sure to set Hood’s’ * On the morning u s Feb. 20 18Ja, 1 was sick with rheuma tism, and 1 lay in bed until May 21st, when I g->t a bottle ol Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. ’The Hist application ot it relieved me almost entirely frcmthe pain and the second afforded com plete relief. Ina short tinrn 1 was able to be up and about again.—A. T. Moreaux, Luv erne, Minn. Sold by all drug gists. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. NOTICE OF DIVORcr ' State of Georgia A Winnie L e Wuedw a vs \ blt) el William E. Woodward / r di ’ In Floyd County Sun-,.; 5 Ce ’ state of Georgia No term, 1898. 0 “G July To WWi„ m Edward The defendant i 8 he b quired, personally or bv . e -y, to be and dr next Superior court, toU i ! e in and for said county n third Monday in Jul/n ex ' t ‘ t , tlle and there to answer th ’> 11 \\ itness the Honorable W M Henry, judge o f said court (V 14th day of M rt rdh, 1898 ’ h ' ! Win. E. Beysiegel’ Clk Superior (foun. Fioyd Co., G a . ROME BUSINESS COLL£ GE Rome, Ga., will receive yonnn men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for camin, them through a thorough coni cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is seeumi The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST TEAR. It supplies schools and college* with competent teachers of pen. manship and principals of conimen cial departments; sends first lei sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of busing and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography n; Bookkeeping. Address all letter* to the Principal, 11. 8. Shookut Rome, Ga. RHEUM ATISM ~CURED~IX7 DAY. “Mystic Cu p e” for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Ds action npou th# system is remarkable and myiti nous. It removes at the cause cud the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefi s. 75 cebts. Sold by Curry- Arrington Co. Rome, Ga. Essns ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM. Law Otfioe, 300 Eist Firs' Street, ROME. GA. CHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, Atturne; at Law, Koine, Ga. Corporat >n Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. ottlceKing Building. Ruine, va. WH ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all cornu Office, Masonic Temple, Koine, Ga. •W J NEJELj Attorney at law. Will practice In all court*. I Special attention given to commercial u and the examlcation cl laud titles, office iu Kiug building. Home, Ga. ■WAUTKR, HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over 1 J Kane & Co.’s. LIF’SUO.MB <Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armttrong hotel building, J SA.NTI? if O3< A. WFOR C Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections > specialty. „„ Masonic Temple Rome. Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 3401-2 Broad. * Over Cantrell * o** » —" i J. L PENNINGTON. DO S.,M 0. I m ENTIST: Office, 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur Hi lure Co. I __ PHYSICIANS. O’ HAMILTON. M & Physician and Surgeon Office, Buildlug Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone NO- IL. F HAMMOND. M Physician and Surgeon. Office in *J* building. Residence, No. 4U3 West Gttlce 'phone No tW. LUMPKIN & PRINU™ ATTO{NEYS AT LAW, „ . . Georgi*- Rome, • : : ’ Oeor gi»- General practice throughout Nori Correspoudeuce solicited. Special atie to mercantile collections. STENOGRAPHER • GEORGE;, WEIGHT. Stenographer aodjTypew-tt*r. Oflier. 14, AraaNroug RuiltHng. Tel. N