The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 26, 1898, Image 5

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■( There !• i" dm ’' “ St “, t6 , ffaire in R» me - 0,,e ot 0U - reterr to d ,e °tl‘ er a - a 7*l! ,'pot.—Americus Herald. S '* e charitable, brother, the ..reform” organ was sore over a couple of crushing de .mis, and , excitement, caused by pend “ masters, made a typograpb. i",(error. It should have sad “City Printei. 000 When Col. Candler becomes cevernor he ought to give the Telegraph's chief bushwhack, r anything he w ants, ilielele graph has done more to elect Candler than any paper in Geor gia—Macon News. The Telegraph has had help au d lots of it in Rome, Augusta and Griffin. 0 0 0 Herbert Barnum Seeley, of Seeley dinner lame, has enlisted, it is said, with a desire to fight Spaniards. 000 A woman in a New York theatre who has a son on the warship New York fainted the other day when a dispatch was read from the stage saying that vessel had been sunk. 000 The English government has feared the ten thousand Span iards at work on its immense harbor improvements at Gibral tar would be caked to the war but it appears since they are re ceiving good wages that the Spanish government will let them continue to work and tax them to support the war. 000 Sir Henry Irving, who at one time in his professional career lived, or tried to, on $5 a week, has hud an income of more than $70,000 a year for the past ten years. 000 A new kind of a church lot tery is the device of a congrega tion in Hanford, Cal., which is going to equip its pastor for a two years’ stay in the Klondike on condition that if he makes a rick strike he shall pay off the church debt. 000 the New Orleans btates evi dently has no patience with our strategy board, for it says : “A lot of superannuated dunder heads and featherheaded popin jays in Washington called a board of stalegy have been mov ing regiments from one camp or port to another with more ostentation than Caesar display ed in moving his legions ft\ m to Italy and elsewhere, or Are You Easily Tired? , Just remember that all your ♦ . rength must come from your ? ■■ £°£* p Did you ever think of ♦ :: Perhaps your muscles need * ;; re strength, or your nerves; ♦ ;; w Q «v ertl j Pß y°ur stomach is t you eaT d Cannot di 8 0St w hat | :: then take n6ed mor<l str «»Sth | SCOTT'S I EMULSION > : i °[ god-Liver Oil with Hypo- I ; The oil is the most $ sUenL C h laneed of aU foods into j ;; length; and the hypophos- t fphites are the best X tonics for the nerves. ? SCOTT’S EMUL- | oION is the easiest' X and quickest cure for X w ®ak throats, for X coughs of every kind, X ?k d i° r all cases of de- X odity, weak nerves; X and loss of iiesh. ♦ «COTT* Xviirj- *’’■ J ' lgßis ‘ s - i BOWNt . Chetnwts, New York. | I CHEAPER GAS Important Meeting Os The Rome Gas Light Co. CHEAP FUEL FOR ROMANS Who Desire to Use Gas for Cooking Purposes - • At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rome Grs Light Co. the following resolutions were unanimously adopted. Viz. Bd it resolved. That in order to j induce the citizens of Rome to use gas for these purposes shall be re duced from $1 80 to $1 50 per 1000 cubic sett aud in order to secure prompt payment for al! gas used for the above named purposes a further reduction of 20 cents pel 1000 shall be made to u'l con sumers who use 1000 cubic feet per month or more. Provided pay ment for same is made st the office of the company on or be tore the sh, day of the mouth. Mak ing sl, 30 per ItOO the net price for cooking and heating gas. And be it further resolved. That the Gas Co. shall keep on hand for sale at lowest possible prices either for cash or on installment plan. Gas stoves, instantaneous wa'er hea'ers for bath rooms avd other gas appliances. By order of board cf director®. J. J.Childs. Secty. than Napoleon displayed in moving his victorious troops through Europe, and all the time the season of pestilence was approaching and the Span iards are building fortifications behind which they could slaugh ter our soldi j rs.” 000 Your Uncle Allen Candler hasn’t forgotten his experienc from '6? to ’65. He is shelling the woods and making votes from the mountains to the sea shore. —Thomasville Times-En terprise. 000 The Americus Herald says : “Why doesn’t young Mr. Leiter come to the front and oiler to pay half the expenses of this war? He and the goddess of lib erty are the direct beneficiaries.” 000 Gen. C. A. Evans has appoint ed sixty assistantant commis sioners in as many counties in Georgia to solicit money and ad supplies for the •entertain ment of visiting Veterans to the July reunion. He will continue the good work until every coun ty in the state has an assistant commissary. 000 It is safe to say Elbert will go solid for Phil Cook for secretary of state and 0. C. Stevens for commissioner of agriculture, j Elberton Star. 000 Just a little longer, and then we will see who gets the nomin ation for governor. We predict almost a walk over for Candler. —Colquit County Courier. 000 Hon. alien D. Candler spoke nere today to a large and apj ie ciative audience. He was intro duced by Mayor William bur well who spoke several minutes. When Col. Candler arose to speak the applause was deafen ing. Hancock county will go for Candler by a large majority . Sparta Correspondence in Con stitution. Hand &0 > . ha.idle all of th sirawbdrries raised by ue, ar.d if 1 others tell you that they ha\e Johnson s strawbe- ries Ithey Uli what is n t/so £ n Uhas-.R. Johnson £ □PTT. TSTTTTJjR, Every city r. iw brings us heavy ship ’ men ts of standard and seasonable iur- mture, ana with the coming of spring we have already received a CAR LOAD OK BABY All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beauty and 1 strength :|MATTlT<rG-S, JIOTG-S,- • UARPE’TS In this department we have received tor ie spring trade one car load of 1 . mattidg which we imported direct 1 from Japan. Here you can find ne w patternsand the pretties i of designs and at remarkably low prices. t J L STOVES- . Do v;i ieed a new stove in your kiteh o Tien call o.i m and you will go n.> whsre else. e hive the L best a 1 t lat nieansl an economic i stove in sense of the wor I. TUT UAMIfQ HL H All Ku ni t ibf ro lunii l uiiL ul * 1EJ 305 Broad st- ’-Phone 52- j Undertakers, Embalmers, and Fu= 5 neral Directors. Como, Wis., Hyannis. Nebr., ‘ Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. I would not Is I regard PISO’S without PISO’S -t r'H-'mrrTVß-TWIBTKmB CURE FOR CON CURE for CON- SUMPTION as the : SUMPTION for any P ”l3 best Cough medi thing. For a had Ljg cine on the market. Cough or Ct -1 it is “ having used it foi > beyond 'all others. 15 years. 5 Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” «• juji ■■ir« 11 ■■■nariT- t~* OOOOOOOOOUOOCXDOOCaOOOOOCXDOOO o'oooooooooooooooo9ooooooooo 8B F. Montgomery < | 8 8 ~>9 227, BROAD ST. > C Q SICK, ACCIDENT AND LlFt O § Insurance | . Q WE Nl T üBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE *3 Q VERE BE- f PEOPLE OF T.HE CITY AND COUN I'Y. 0 WANTED —Wo want wide-awaku agents to represent mr c impanies in the counties of Po'k, Bartow, F oyd, Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whii.field, Cat'osa and Q ' q Dade. Call on or nldresa ns at pur Rome otfice, Q (J B. F. MONTGOMERY Gen’l Agt, U . —*■ uoooooooo OOOOOOOCO X JUUOOUOOOQQOOOQOC ■ Ours h ■ ■ Completely- 1 11,.; De, partmi-..i .’’ursery A! I • *** low rates. We publish one oi > < 5 n '«.<*« r th eadirigSeed, Plant and Tree C-.alOR .esispueci. ri »imKua«ionxnh. , «wxa * * w m c j) will be rna led 1 re* . Send tor it nvw, it will - -ave vou money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory H the Union" 43ye-U qvare dealing has made uspatron-and friends t .rand ” near. Ha ve hundreds of carloads of # X FRUIT AKD CRMEMTAL TREES, SiiiWßS, BOSES, PLANTS. . ' UM send bv mail postpaid, Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses. Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival e Mtirfaction guaranteed; It rirer by express or fr. ghi. 44th year. 33 stteet.housea. 1,000 acn THE STORKS £ HARRISON CO.. Box 528 Finesville, f __2 —: —-■-.t- 11 —— —3 I THh MODEL LAUNDRY’ ; i Tq doing the best of work And guaran -1 tees satisfaction- Prices are reasonable. Fine work a specialty The Preferred Accident INSURANCE COMPAN T, NEW YORK, The PivTerrml's policies are particularly adapt' d for business men, and special policies are issued for liaiiseis, lor phyeii lans, suißeotis and dentists, and for tiaveling men. The Pre lerred is an old line slock company With assets of over MMI.QPOOO. JOHN R. THORNTON, ATLANTA, GA. • • • • STATE MANAGEE • • II.H II -Al' ■■■■na ■ ■■■■! IUN a in— ■ 111 I mil anma mi nw o m n« cav wi a mvm THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL . Ro nit. Ga ■ Reouiar . SiMii Boarders : Rates I Monthly. I AxU T ■ ■M 1 -A—- --LLT“ 7 '■ ...- The place to get’a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. j IHU aMaMMBHRMRMmWMMKmmaMBMnMMMMBMMKAJSDOtx: m ttJWKW ■ X'.nJM- MDQ «JfV..fwanniunhMfl I | I I Sctaol Siipolies.-I | A We are pioneers in the school books ami school sup- ass ply business and we are also right up-ro-da + e in every- >w thing that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. ss<S ■»> Ss« Ann /tk./tv /rs *rV vx ‘'/v'nxt \\\\ t WILL PW. ‘ ANN \\\\ ■I . $ ■ »s> No hcuse m the St >U car. serve vou better when vou de- sire to invest ir. a new covering fcr tee dear :id walls of - >m y>y> your home. See <-,ur stock on hand and samp’es W f H. A. SMITH, I|i | THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. •?| | |of.Ojß l* j Hon.Jno.W. Maddox I Makes the best Congressman this district Ever had. He will be elected again. Knows How. ■ > Gen. Fitz. Lee 9 ) Will make a “Jimdandy” commander of the American troops on the island of Cuba He knows How. ' I 11 ; Tom Turner 1 ■v ■ ■- -- ■ ~r Has been printing in this town for the past twenty years, and has turned out from the Economical Printing House some of the best printing ever done in the South. Knows How ) 11 Call on us at No. 221 Broad Street, or drop us a postal. Me or Ben will call on you, talk to you inteligently about your dob Printing and save you money, We Know How. • I CANDY j ta'jea'Kw 4 CURE CONSTIPATION ' iOc 25c 50c DRUGGISTS J , ' '"‘''KMMKA I .Mp ■ IHH I 111 Illi I Ilf I mill ■ ■ - .»* '*.*4