The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 26, 1898, Image 6

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fA. hjxmmc m. '«■" imam n kiwkhhi I “r. D S. Glenn Writes a OBS Newsg Letter. (MNOLER WILL GARRY The County of Wilcox. The Gress Lumber Co. Kramer, Ga., May 26 —Edit>- or Courier: Having a little leisure time at my coin maud, I thought I would write a few lines for your valuable paper from this section of the state. The weather is very dry down here; we are needing rain bad ly, crops are suffering and gar den truck is burning up. The Gress Lumber Co., is do ing a large business at present They are considerably behind with orders and the mill is being run to its full capacity. The postmaster received a postal card yesterday from Eng land addressed to ‘‘Lord Beres ford/’ on the .opposite side it contained this short message : “Are you still alive?” It was not iigned but bore a mysterious mark. a t the bottom it says: * P. M., If he is not there please forward to his last address. ” Tie postmaster sent it to City of Mexico, as that was the last place he was heard from. Col. and Mrs. G. V. Gress left today for Atlanta, where they will reside during the summer. Mr. Morgan Gress is now lo cated in New York. He is run ning the office of the Duplex Phonograph Co., of which Mr. G. V. Gress is president. War is all the talk down here now. Politics is seldom men tioned, but Col. Gaudier will carry this (Wilcox) county by a good majority. Yours faithfully, D, S. Glenn. _ Latest” Books, Station ery, Daily Pa pers, Magazines, Periodicals. We have exclusive con trol of the Chattanooga Times for Rome. HARRY RAWLINS TCfc & COMPANY; 302 Broad . Street, Medical • Building; % CASH ONLY Is the system that makes the »t Frank Wright’s Far m-icy different from you blind them elswhere. Corner op posit Masonic Tempi. Just a Moment Please • - f The Opportunity of a Life-time For Big Dividend- Paying \ • Investment '. THE ALASKA GOLD.PLACER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY Capital stock $5,000,000— f ull paid—aiidnon-nsseesable.Promisee to !>• as good as the Beel Teleph )NE, WesTingii t Ain Brake, Graph phone or Pid nograph and other similar indiiUtrial enterprises which re paying thousands in profits to their sh an bidders. This is an industiial rather that' a Mining Company. We have he only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (patented) that will work in the frozen ground 01 the Klondike cud toe Northwest, where w< take our and extract the gold from the claims of others just as thrashing m-chines ai< talen into the wheat country t< break out the fanner's wheat. One of our machines does Hivvuk of over 1,000 men each day and we save the of gold.that is usual ly lost by other methods, so it can readily be seen what enormous profits we will earn in the fabulously rich gold mines of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one. must be acquainted. Every prospector th re is cur pr ./, • r he must eventually come to uh to have his claim Vi i ked. T' .< v. < believe w shall,in time be payin as large dividends a the world-famous en terprises mentioned above. Ours is aHmila industrial stock which only be had for a limited t n» at th' •, -y I<>w /trice of $2.50 .10.00 share. * This is an opportunity of a life time. No ev ery day does Foitrnt kr. c a one’s.door Tee only The only s f I used in . J. the west Hyrr..u_ s.-jii ii. iic Mine & Nor; h 1 >i; /k ■■ east Patttn’d) -M. . . e - OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PRESIDENT, H P. To.vnley, New York lls <, L. II„• ilf .» I!• iae i, Sant Fe New Meat Matager of the Eqaitable,Lite Assurance So •r ■ !.-■ I aai-m-i mil Mining Congree IJT VICE PRES,Hon.J N Now York H.m loh.t P H yt Seattle, washingtor Ex-Treasurer of the Unit ad Sta’ee Fx— h T ImSice, Stiteof >vish..’g-o ND VICE I’ReS 6. Parmly Brown,New York Geo. McLean, Utnufaetu er, Passaic, N; J Treas, Andrew McLean. Mgf'r Pauaic, n1,.1 > . ii-n < >ur .-, Ir, l.i ig Capitalists Portland Secty and Ass‘t Treas. 1. Nur York .lames .V. Cli , I Seattle, Washington Auditor an 1 Counsel, qpn K. Weeks. New Y >rk or Mi ’.ing <j ~u 'J. nrberof Coiumosce Consulting Engineer Win. F. Lay, Now Yo ■. L-lie ’ Brin. P .’r J'arf, Field, Farm. N. I Pres Lay System Hydraulic Placer Mining . <)>.,.■• V. ■' i,k New Yogi Lawrence I’. liiown. New Yore . The business’ability’fina.ic'al standing of mr Directors are among the beet evidences of our success. To raise the capitol to place several plants in thd Klondike small block cf stock h now off ■rod to tin public kit the very uw rate of of 25 cents on the 101 ltr >r $2 > 0 for each $lO When tms block is sold, no more will be offered at less than or,slo per share Au investment of $25 to SSO in '.his stock should very soon return large profits—Even 100 to 1— and t 1 as afortuue for the sa gacious investor). Certificates are in very attiS tive Onin,'called “Gold-Backs' and are trausferab’e from hand to nand. Send for illustrated Prospectus w her fu•! (xplnnation is given of how we can earn euch enorcmas '.roll's by the Lay System. Read! Reflect! Investigate! Invest! All information cheerfully giv-.n? by ths Secretary. Call or write —Alaska Gold Placer Macfi ne Mming Co. Hume cilices, Whington Building, No. 1 Broadway New York, N. Y. > n'WWi - rrn~ •mwiwr:-- -- - —j - , jxv. rmaaMtirtourcj 3 Best White GLEHORNS! f: F° r the very best b eed and most perfectly marked fowls, le we orders with J. T. Crouch dt Co,, $S p trio. Splendid cocker iso-Jy J • i n -^a' : > --A on ■■ -LiAdQ. t rimruiTu-i J" " —*' ~ *■* ~~ »»> ... ■> IZ4 . I =4ll n kJ 8 permanently cured by using DR. WHC 'HALL’S B.b UMATIC CURE. The euroet and the berL Sold by druggista a positive ••! irantee. Price 50 cents per box. Sample sent free on mention f this pnidi;'; mn. THE DR. WHITEHALL M RIMINE ( >.. South Bend, Indian, , Una/ a <lui*iflUi w 4 w ibiO ‘w Uluiu “ilill '■fi.k | lbl a,j 'ilui.illJ ’’.jiijj l I * I LIVERY, SALE AND^FEEb}ISTABLES SfeiSEOffers the public the fin -t t • itu bst convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horsct tad mub son sale con stantly. • s 306 Mg 303 .W ■M >l. ♦' • WB»r«>lMiMi A IE IT EKS Ob' ASM). JbTRA-| ’1 ION. GE ku I i M i.YL < il ' : V 'I ii all wlion; il u,i < cein.ei 1) ! ; Eqii'iab e mi.i’ 'tip.e cumpuny having in pnq.' r form applied to Ime for permanent letters ol ad I I I (ninLtraiion on the nt M hi |B. Wiiiiriiis. bite i f said c milj ( deceased. This i« to lire all mid ( singular the creditors ami uext lofkmof Vi n B W ggim 'o be ' ini! appeal tmy otli'.e within I lhe limt al a ii iy law and show cause, il a v tin v can-, why per maneiit ndmi; i nation shou il not tin g anted to W. H . Ennis Co. Admr. oi M id. B iggios »state. Witness my hand am! officia sig na ure tin- 2nd dav May 1898. .!■ iin P. Davis. Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE ! STATE OF CEoRGIA FLOYD CoUNTY,- George W. Thomas j Libel for di vs ■ vorcein Floyd L. P. Thomas i Sur»er’r Court State of ( eargia, No. 83 Januar” term 1898.' To L. P. Thomas, —The defend ant is hereby required personal!) ; ■r by attorn v, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to lie held in and for eaid county on the thiri iMotidav in Ju y next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s demand in an action of libel for divorce, as in default thereof sa'd I court will proceed as to justice I shall appertain. Witne.'S th 1 Hono a 1 le W M- Hen-y, Judge of sai(i court., this 9th day ol February 1898. Win E. Beysiegel, C. C. Supe rior Court, Floyd county Da. The* h t waters, the mounlain air, equable climate and the pine forests inalse Hot Springs lhe most wonderful health ai d pleasure re sort m the world, summer or win ier, li i- owned, endorsed and cunti oiled by tbe U. 8. llovern iiii nt and h.s a"ccm< nodations foi all class'.-. Tii Aril gton and Park hotels and GO ot'iers aud '2OO ooaiiii.ig h u- s. are . pm all sum mer. Having an alii ule o r 1000 feet it ; s a cool, safe and nearby refuge liuring lhe healed term in the sou h For iidormation cone rnii <_ r Hot Springs address C F, Cooley, Vamiger business M'n's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and pait cui rsif lhe crip see local agent or address W. A. Turk Gen’l Pass, Agt.. S -utlurn Ry.. Washington, D.C. | BRIN I OUR HEROES HOME! Tbeb au'.iful cong ‘ Bring Our He rnej H'mu” dedicated to tbt He roes ol tin U.S. Bittelship 'laine s one ot tr.-i finest national song’ ever written The v.-ords ring with patriotism and the music is stir ring and full >f fire, and filth g the noble sentim -at to which it is de dicaled. Arranged for Piano vnd Organ. I hit, song and sixteen other pag s of fu.l sheet music will be an receipt of 25 cents Xddress, Popular Music Co., Indianap- !is, Ind i n * ar~ ‘ • i ■ Beware of Imitations i I I * ? I JOHN DUNCAN’S SONS, Agents, NEW YORK. ; ■ Kw B * w c S & ! “Isulß'rca th. tortures of the d»tuned w-i'.h protrudl -r piles bro. ; lit. on by constipa tion with which 1 was aidi-md for twenty o ye ■ 1- ■ cross yo tr C ASt .'.l. ETS in the town of ;< ■ .veil. In., anti never found anythinr f to eq sal them T>.-daj I aisi entiiely free from piles and feel like n no iv na n." ’ o C. H. Kelt.-., liil Jouca St., Sioux City, la c A It DY p CATHARTIC f TRADE MARK REO'STTREO I Pl ■.ss<a:i>. l-.-da:;.' ' i', •. ~,t, 'i.ibie (load. Po •■" Nctci .. Gripe. .Ke.46c. ... CURE CONSTtPATIOW. "... '*r St.rllag t »»p. n-. t hlrnn. «.>ntrr»l. \.w Tort. 312 1 1 . Arrnleci by nlltlrng- .om IV DRV |( ~ t < uKE foUnci. iUbit. <V rft'w ■—ll ■ jlr*»<»A *-h SHERIFF. | I hereby myself as a candidate for sheriff cf Floyd county subject Io the democratic primary of June 6th, 1.898. My deputies will be J. I*. Mc- Connell, J. D. Turner and Craws Moore. J. K. Williamson. ICR CU F K C SUPERIOR COURT- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the oflice of'Clerk of Superior court, subject to the action of the democratic primaries of June 6 th. 1.898. Mr. Walter H. Ross will be my deputy as heretofore. W. E. Beyseigel, FUR .CORONER. I am a janditate for re-election as coroner of Floyd county, sub ject to the democratic primary of June 6ih. and will gratefu'ly • ppreciate the votes of my friends and the public. F. H. SCHLAPBACH. ♦ . - FOR CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT. I respectfully announce my self is a candidate for clerk of superior court of Floyd county, subject to the democratic pri ' mary June 6th, 1898. Mr, W. Sam Cothran will be associated with me as assistant, ilf elected, mv entire time and energies will be given to serving the public to their entire satis faction. I). W. Simmons. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candid ite for sheriff of Floyd county, subject to the democrat ic piim.iry to beheld June 6th, 1898. Messrs. William J. Griffin and T. Berry ‘Broach and Mr. Dau Byars will be my deputies. We very respectfully solicit your vote, and promise to faith fully and honestly perform tht duties of the office. J. Ed Camp. FOR TAX ASSESSOR. • I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the oflice of tax assessor of Floyd county subject to the action of the democrats in the primary elections of June 6th, 1898. K. L. Foster. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. In announcing rayself as a candidate for state and county tax collector of Floyd, subject to the democratic primary on June 6th, I desire to call your attention to some of the reasons vh) I ask your support, Chief )f these reasons is the record of services faithfully rendered. This record is open to the in •pection of every citizen and tax payer of Floyd county, and has already been passed upon by those officials whose duty it is to keep an eye on such matters. it/ thou sands of dollars have passed through my hands, and for every cent of this money receipts are held in my office. The taxes due the state and county have been closely collect ed by me, and this has been dene without oppressing the tax payers individually or collec tively. I propose to make a clean •ampaign for re-nomination,and ' my pledge for the future is my official conduct in the past. : Thanking you for your sup- 1 port heretofore given, [ respect- ! fully ask your votes and co-op- M-ation in the present contest. Yours truly, V. T. Sanford. IL ARD at MORLEVJ SPRINGS. ( A limited number of boarders vill be received at Mobley eprines. Penns reasonable, Apply to J. P. dcCouneli May Ist ’9B. ■■■■ • .hbwmw I F()R . In the com !tl g electioii the privilege of Floyd r " by party precedent, (o democratic nominee for from the 42nd senatorial I hereby announce my Sel ? r ‘ Cl ' candidate for the (kITI nomination for Senator MII to the action of the democj primary of June 6th. e W ANNOUNCEMENT. Please announce m v i l9n a canilidale for senator 42>.d senatorial district suh to lhe democratic pri ra „,, held on June the 6th. R P9 , * b" 1 -’- R-T.FooZ* ANNOUNCEMENT. j hereby a"^7 ce ■andidate for tl le )egis|ats# ‘ subject to the democratic nn mary June 6th. P J- B. Nevi X for treasurer. I appreciate most the kind support I received J the voters of Floyd county ia electing me county treasurer i a the past and again respectful] submit my name as a candidate tor renomination in tliepri marF of June 6th. If re-elected I agaio pledge myself to render Hie same non partisian service to al the people (when fundsareoul as I have honestly endeavored to do in the past. Respectfully, Jas. B. Bin,, ANNOUNCEMENT. announce mvseifas candidate for the office ol tax receiver of Floyd couuty lubjtel o the dem icratic primary to bo held CD Jule 6th 1898. J- N . Crozier. For The Legislature To the voters of Floyd cconty: I hereby announce myeelfa can didate for the office of frpwnh tive in the lower house of the next General Assembly of Geor gia. my candidacy subj'ctto the primary of .Ju-i' l 6th 98. J. Li ND-AY J -HNBON, For TAX CiLLECT- R. I hereby announce myeefaciP l didate f >r the office of tax collec tor of Floyd county, subject to it tiou of primary of June fitb 1898 John M. Vandiver. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the voters of Floyd county Urged by many friends to mat the race, I hereby announce ffij self as a candidate for tha Low House of the next General Ji sembly, subject to the FD County Primary election to : held on June Bth . It being oui, three weeks until the election, 1 will be almost impossible to m’l t n•extensive canvass, but I fl endeavor to see as many ot voters of the county as possible. Very r spectfuLv. R. A. Denny- FOR REPAESNTATIVE I hereby announce my 3e ' f candidate for a seat >u d ie '°* l hou«e of the. General Assembly o Georgia, to represent Floyd con” tv, my candidacy subject to t action of of the democratic ary of Juue the 6th- W. 0. Bryan- FOR THE LEGISLATURE Editor 11 ustler-Commeri i -J Please kindly announce up didacy, for membership 1,1 lower bouse of the next g''' assembly. Subject to an api’ 1 by my countrymen at t»e “ box in the primary 00 proximo. HpN’RV ? FOR LEGISLATURE I hereby announce nl - >bel [ | ) candidate for election t° lower house of the Georgia s islature, subject to the dem<* ic primary on June 6th, n e John C. Fo**