The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 26, 1898, Image 7

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" \ ' -* s*-*** 3 ** * F®k ti b BakiHJ POWDER Absolutely , ... worn 00-> * EW YOIIIG ’ OVAL ' ._ ' LOCAL HAPPfKINGS- R(W li»„-Dr. B..<k. B »ve .0 io( , t Jlree.plion.o the college ‘•rl, .Iter th.-s-™ 8 over ' last evening- PouckCocct -Only one case „s on the police court docket thil morning. is un -0M»lly quiet in police circles. I est T his Mokmno. Hon. John Temple Greve. Mt this mernhig lor his home ... Co leg. Park While in the city he was the „ u , B t of Messrs Dick and Ouy Cothrac. at their home on Second avdiue. Big Rains.— Farmers coming in the city today rep rt heavy rains in different portions of the county yesterday. '1 he prospect for good crops this year ismost excellent. Special Train.—A special train over the N. C. & St. L. R. R„ at 5 o’clock this morning carried a large number of the Shorter College girls to Atlanta. Only a very few remain in the city. GERMAN.-Tbe society young' men in the citv will give a German at the Armstrong this evening complimentary to the visiting yoing ladies. Ford’s Orchestra has been engaged for the occasion, and a most delightful evening is anticipated by all. Mu. Pippins Dead —Mr. Tom Poppins, a young man about twen years old (lied this morn ing at 6 o'clock, of typhoid fever at his home it. the 4th ward . The remains will be taken io Cedar! Creek fcr interment tomorrow/ Maj Here. Maj. I Ashley Pebbles, of Washing on. D C., arrived in t.he ci‘y this morning and will conduct Sal vation Army services at (lie First Baptist chu-ch tonight at 7:45. He wib have services tomorrow at 4 in the afternoon at the First Methodist and at the Presbyterian in the evening at 7 45 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Me.WiL, liams arrived in the city today from Forsyth. Wh 7 1, v TBE EXCELLENCE of syrup of figs fllmoiw' 1 °!' ly to t,le originality and t<Hhe .. y ° f ‘ T eomb >nation, but also manufJtn T. sl<lU with which it- is known V’ 1 Bcie “ tifie Presses Co. onlv i Ca,iforn,a I’m Syrup all the'i'm ‘ 7 e W,Sl ' to im Press upon true an I 'ori ° f P urchasin « the *42S r -'" v ' iy - As ‘ he by the P of 1 *^ B ls ,nan ufactured only akn i°> N,A F, ° Co. on e ° n Wled^.° f thftt laL>t will T d,ng ,he worthless ties. T|"'r ai 1 1 ” fae,,lr ‘ ,(1 I’.v other par- Foiinia Pi/'v ' stan <ling of the Cali cal PiofesKi SYKUP C " - wi,h the n,edi whieh the dn< ’ , llle satisfaction Riven to mm " ne r yru P of i' bas the name of familie8 ’ makes of the excelVn Company a guaranty fw it is as ! t acts on ti a > • °”' cr laxatives, bowels without •' k l<il l eys ’ liver and ’“"them, and * rP ’ tntln fT or weaken tlauseate I, does nnt P ri pe nor *«eet s , pleat dert ° get its beneficial the Company- remember the na,ne o£ FIG syrup co. NEW YORK. N.Y. MAYOR J J. SEfiY Has telegraphed Goa. Atkin son His Services. WILL RAISE A BATTERY - ——>— .. 1 And Re-organize The Old Cher okee Artillery. . Upon the receipt of a copy of the president’s proclamation, calling for 75,000 more volun teers, Mayor John J. Seay of this city, as brave an old vet as ever wore the gray, promptly wired Governor Atkinson ten dering his services and asking permission to raise an artillery company. Capt. Seay would have but little trouble in securi ig the number of men necessary for a battery, as every one who knows him and has the slightest in clination to go to the front, would be delighted to serve un- I der him. The president’s call was made yesterday. The call is for 75,000 volunteers making a volunteer 1 force of about 200,000 troops. The war department will notify Governor Atkinson at once, naming Georgia’s quota and specifying the number of men wanted for the different branches of service. It is believed that Georgia will be.asked for from 1500 to 2000 men should there be a call for one or more batteries I Capt. Seay will doubtless be commissioned to raise one of them. The Rome battery, in all probability will be called the Cherokee artillery. fl BYRD’S EYE VIEW- If, because there is no law providing for the payment of a just claim against the county, and the county commissioners pay said claim—if said payment is illegal and the payee should i be made to disgorge —then, oh my countrymen ! What is there that the Featherston board has .nut done ? * * * Now, understand me, I have •‘slung no mud” neither have I la “slime pool,” nor do I believe I I have “a right to drag I'’ 1 '’ people into “slime pools.” I have from the first took the high ground that “the laborer is worthy of his hire.” * * * * I have also contended from •the first that the “reformers” were not sincere in their cry for “reform” —that they were only a combination of office-seekers and pie-hunters. * •w * 11l the desperation of their condition they opened a cam paign of mud-slinging and un covered their “slime pools” and proceeded to try to drag down faithful officials. * » * Through their organ they search back to April 4, 1894. From then until now they bring forward nothing because since that mare’s nest was discovered they have been able to discover not even a suspicion of anything wrong. . * * * They had to have something about which to raise a shout, lor their political condition w..* un done. Their “reform’ leaders had tried and utterly failed to place a favorite supporter in the clerk of court office. * * They had failed all along.the I line, to st cure p uni l , h v strat— |egy, .-nd found the p ■; le were i well pleased with the faithful | services of honest, efficient and I courteous public, servants. •* * * This condition would never do. They found’an organ in the morning paper, it having just lost the city’s priming, and they opened up by c tiling on county officials to disgorge cert in sums, . oi money paid them by the com . oiissioners for sei vices rendered. * * * Thej told the people they had been robbed and said that two thirds of the boodle had gone to the sheriffs and clerk’s offices. (They ref iso to tell where the 1 1 “uthci I.' 1” weal to ) * * * ‘These faithful officers were I;. I ].l ii :o oi.atf.s” and job bers” 1 I “boodlers” and were called upon to “dis_ r all this because the Featherston ‘ board said there, was no law providing for the payment of court officers for services render- ■ edithe county. *,.* That was • . . The law failed to provide for the payment . ’ s dins of ; court officers. « * A heinous offense, and be cause - the '“misappropriating” I board.’, of the past had construed the law differently and these of ficials bad accepted pay for ser vices rendered from sakl com missioners then th< sc efficient officials must step down and out. * * * Now look at the action of the Featherston board. What has it done in the way of paying out | m.mev where the claims are not j providtd for by law? i Has it a record? ! " * ] It. cerlaiidv has A record that Iris '- up today and charges the I F'athorston board as being pai t'.'?.ii •■> its vc'v heart. A record that shows that th rule 'i, ; s been to construe the law to lit the case according tithe p'lrlisan-; ship of the claimant, at least in j m : t ases. For evidence to prove this st dement I cite you to Judge G orge Harris’ Tuesday article, also to his communication today and—if this is not enough and you want a world of ii, why go to the records of the board oi commissioners —or read the Southern Argus of this week. Forsonsi Mention- hlr J. T. A. fuff', cf Atlanta,lfits . in the. city today. Mr. Almei R. Davie, left today on a weeks fish at Crystal Springs. Clever “Bill” Smith, a popular , ex-Romap. is shaking hands with hie many friends in the c:’y to day. Mr. J. Kd Camo, of L: ■ .rgston. spent today m th • city and re ports good ruins in his district yes da y, Mrs. Lucj ITudeTssn after f spending “«V‘r. i' d. .y-i most pea - antly in th Q citv rw.urned to In r I ’■home in Cedartown today, • ! Miss Juba Poe, a. charming ' young iadv who nas, h off- ing Shorter eolhge, ei: this morn- ’ i ig for her bom-) m TAladega. Misses Laura and Helen Smith, who popular young ladies ■ who have been atlenaipg Shorter / c illege returned to heir home in ■ I Anniston tod .y . Mr. .) . L ILmseal ai d dulled ■ 1 ter, Miss Carrie, who iiave been m ’ i t.’ e city Sh wtet C >1- ', colnmencem * it, lelt thia morning foi 'heir home in Ccd a i town . i • Woman’s Friend Hie ti: I (lives Nerve Sircngth Woo;!’.-: t o-e:. hi Fflakes the Lioc-1 FiUch ana Puro, Creates an A; and Health, \ e;or and Vitality. “• i\ t int I ' ig'.it t<» write « few i woni:- ci u <.f l-.'ijd'is Sai si'.parilla, j which bs;3 done gr<. i s tor met 1 Wi’.s in i; (icC. ut.? eco:<iiti;>'; ■inti iva.i sick iat in : stoma, ii ; ,:d -in tl| ... !. j tried ■ reinedk $ )>i .«• .:■ -lendid for (email j WeaKne .ses. !at V. !>■< dicim-s brought |on other ;;■ .. ! ■. ( ,o wonk I could not attc rni e in • homit hold duties and I then ■ trv 'loud’s Sar- iiapariiia. ' :'<< r ? !: d ; i'ei thi ; fiedietiK ashort tin:- ■ t • f, i etrineth. J Ci-.'.'A' Sin. n. -J im'■ I 'u>s:'. ; ■t ; aery e'l day without iu.yi’n ' x '.ave teken IJood’s , ' ' ■ ; a. j | ; . 11 :• |i>- <!:y tlii » I 1;..v0 i".-.Q fcr five years Since t'J.iii'; b J'arsnjxirilla and flood's ’’'.ii/ I feei ■ in <1 in the morning. I idn h i n< ". •■'!.' and am mire J have richer an I ; nrer bt00.,1. I have always been ».»-• : i ■• th scrofula, hut now I am rid o. . ft ' 're my last child was born : ! > • . s I. :r : iparilla, and my giil f t'iiit strong, while y Cti'. • not well and lived to I ■m i ' ■■ ■■'. ■>" ■•> <>'d." Mbs. E. F, Lt , 1.. x . . ’Ouri Valley, lowa. ?. D <„■ pari?la jsih" ‘ One True rjooil Pur Tse: • Hood’s I ill, : ; Fros. W. C. Riley, is in this city visiting Mr. A. F. Hmich of tl e D. H. Baldwin. &Co , firm Mr. Riley'is a graduate cf the Bosun conservatory of Music. Miss Gussie Ilouseal, one of Shorter’s fairest and most, ac camplished graduates, left this morning for her home in Cedar town to the regret of her many friends here. APhLICA J ION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORG A. F 1x01'1) Ci UNTY. Whereas Julius W. Evens, ex ecutor o.f Hulbert Evans, dcce-s- Gd, represents to the court in his petition dul'’ tiled, that he h..s ad mi i-dt red Hiilljert Evans’ estate, kiiis is to cite ;,i] persons concern j d, kindr d . ii'! creditors, to show cau-ei' any ili -v can, why said administrator should not be dis charged trom his ratior and receive letters of diftn’ssion or. the first AL nday in August 1898 This May 2nd,'1898. John P. Dt.vts, Oidinury mH !imn miiiimr TO EVERYONE.' Who suffers with any chronic iliseas&. f any part of the hum a n body, such as kidm-t am, bladder, heart, liver and stomach troubh -, face aud skin eruptions, disorders of t he s< x ual organs, sexual weakness and Jndiffi-rniit ■ etc. Provided spplieation be made at once, in or der that lie inventions, appdauce.s and never failing remedies may receive the widest po.s.-i hie publicity, and prove their own men's by actual use I'.lid permanent cures. No moi ey whatever wi 1 be received by the State Medi cal Sanitarium from anyone under its treat ment until beneficial results are acknowledged Its remedies and appliances have been com mended by the n 'p ip-, rs of two continents and elide; s. d by . I.e yr atet doctors in I lie world. 'A lien' 'level-ipement is desired they m-c ii’plish it and n ve; fail to invigori.te, a;.I-nil.. > n I iortify. 'i’hev infuse new life and energy. They per n anei.tiy stop all io ses which undermine •he constl'ution and produce despondency. Ti.. -one, refresh and rentore to manhood, r rdl 1 of age They cure evil habits and peri, au-ntl y remove their effects*, as well as tn >se oi ex, esses an I overtaxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No fali'.ire. no publicity, no deception, no disap pointment. Write today. State Medical Sanitarium, Eva.vSion, Ulin WHEN TRAVELING Wliellu ron pleasure l out, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Sy iup of Figs, as it acts m )st ‘pleasantly and effect □ ally on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, head aches, and other forms of sick piess. For sale in 50 cent bottles i by all leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. A LPI .1 ) IE IN ) RE F.IRN Account the Quadrennial General Conference M. E church South, May 4th to 28th the Western & Atlantic R ; R. will ■ ’1 vbry low round trip tickets. : his will afford a splendid op portunity to visit the the eastern cities. Call on C. K. Aver P. & T. A. If you appreciate a good tea, you can get it at Lloyd’s. No ead pack i ;e to poison you. ■-E H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., . I • .Successors to > £ ROME PHARMACY. TW 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. n; ? We have bought the entire stock of the Rome e#\ Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in 'hE t ’ ie d’’ u g’ piescription and patent medicine lino. Our jy, stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en dertVor to the best of our ability to please you at all times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. Fullline of druggist ’s sundries, toilet articles and such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. i&Y . Come to see us. • s w 3 I g S. M Stark, • * MW© Ii 3 ANO mum FULLI'-- h/ X Mu a ' !s■; * * Dougherty Bidg, 2nd Ave £ K-» F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. II g Plumbing and Tinning. 2 Engineers’ and machinists* 3 supplies. Stoves, ranges and '«* * " Sts G tin ware. Gas and electric fix= 3 tures. INSURANCE gasoline 2 stoves. Water meters. . 325 Broad st. Phone 32. S si.23and $l5O Negligee shirts for $ I U. GAIIH 5 COMPANY I ARE •- "I • for gveryono in Rome to come V « in and see the magnificent stock oilmen’s and boy’s clothing, bicycle and golf suits, is what "’e are doing, but we are hus- "'r? tling while we wait. We will • s show you the finest stock of f fI clothing, made from the newest tUyh .3.: styles and patterns in fabrick perfect fitting and handsome, to * .-- be found in Georgia, and th r W are above competition in values I for the price. I Fhegreatest line of n jgligee shirts ever shown i 1 Rome. J. A. GAMMON &C J. —— - Oilers the public the finest teams, nest convey ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock and mules on sale con- | stantly. 30eAMD:30S hRSAS StHEET,i!R3»E,j fiJGiU ’ ■E