The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 26, 1898, Image 8

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IMk T BMHI "HBT WWW wk ih y lIM IBt bIBIi wVFA JI ||j > < i •'X -X. ’X “X -X K •*-V -X «X. -X -X. «X. -X «X «X .X -X -X -X .X -X -X .X .X -X. -X. J > •-X1 ?5r ?*5? f®st < “2r ’®" '■ ”* t Sr •*£-■ •■5? ’•*■*£ <»» «**; **••>£ «&«5 ■ ■'<*£' «n«~ <£&■ <«s£ X’ ' r -r 'jf' •jp' 'jjtr ‘jcr '#■ 'jr W 4> SgJ This space will be occupied by a notice of \l/ the greatest sale that has ever occurred in /|S Rome. Don’t fail to watch these columns. /|\ M> /fr -Xk -Xx -X. -X. -X "X. .X -Xu 'X «Xk .x .X .X "X .Xu «Xh .X .X X.x .X .X .X -X .X -X •X.vSX *Xf ’•% * •“& ■*“?; ’* Ke Z- ■‘*’*s ■* BB * t ‘ •’S® 4 '- •W* : IX* ‘ • F '*? 'atf \ WWW MIWWW r■ W W mJ Ml MB I h 1$ »h m S-« 3 W 0 II ■ W™«i I H■ BA 14 B-C 5r B BE M PS lOg fc-m | J M m - W\ # • Bws feU m • AX« Wlkllll 'ML v/Vi SHORTER COLLEGE Graduating Exercises Last Night Were LARGELY ATTENDED. I Hon. John Temple Graves De- livered The Address. The commencetr ent exercises < f Shorter College, came to an end last night an 1 was the most brilN isnt in the history of the col lege . Hon. John Temple Graves was the orator of the occasi< n and de livered his famous lecture on the subject of “The Twentieth Centu rv woman ” Dr. A J. Battle, president of Shorter culleage, in a few well chosen words introduced Mr. Graves, to the large audience as sembled. Mr. Graves spoke for two hours and a half and delivered a master ly discourse. Col. D. B. Hamilton president of the board of trustees, in hebalf of the board made a biief talk. Twenty five fair young lady grad uates received their diplomas. The following special deplamas and medals was awarded by Dr. Battle : "French diplonr r—Miss Nellie Adamson. English honor certificates Misses Lucy Aiken, Hazel Adkins Helen Gambrell, Emmie Wright. Latin certificate —Mies Annie Callaway . Gold tneda's in art —Misses Julia I Dian and Sarah B ile Duggan. Gold medal in music—Mies j Florid r Bayard Seay. English composition medal— Misses Elizabeth Harris and Ava IL intup. J 1* griidii-iPe medal—Miss j Josephine Bennett. Deportment medals to city pu«. I pile—Misses Nellie’Adamet d ami Belle Comer. Deportment med il in boarding department—Miss Annie Calla way. = ’ The Southern Railway offers choice of two routes with conven ient schedules and quick time out of Rome to Washington, New ■ York and the east. The morning I train leaving Rome at 9.00 A. M. j land arriving Atlanta 11. 40 A. M . ' connects with the Washington and Southwestern Vestibuied Limited, carrying elegant pullman sleeping cars which leaves Atlanta 12. 00 noon, and arrives Washington 6.- 42 A. M. and New York 12.43P.M. The afternoon train leaves Rome 5.355 P. M., arrives Atlanta 8.05 P.M. connecting with U.S. Fast Mail carrying Handsoin pullman Sleeping Cars Atlanta to New York leaving Atlanta 11.50 P.M. arrives Washington 9-35 P.M,, New York G .23 A.M Train No. 7 leaves Rome I.OOj A. M ~ arrives Chattanooga 4.15' A.M., connecting with train car rving elegant Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping car Chattanooga to New York without change, leaving Chattanooga 4, 20 A.M. arriving Asheville 1.15P.M . Washington, 6. 42 A. M., and New York 12. 43 P. M. This train, passes by daylight, through the beautiful scenery of “ The Land of the Sky”. Train No. 9 leaves Rome 6. 25 I P. M. arrives Chattanooga 8. 50 )P. M, cornecting with train car rying day coaches and elegant Pullman Sleeping Car Cnattut.ooga t • Salisbury and Salisbury to New York This train leaves Chatta nooga 10 00 P. M ~ arriving Ashe villes 10 A. M. , Washington 9,35 P. M and New York 6. ?B A ,M • For further information call on J.N- Harrison City Passenger and ; Ticket Agent RorneGa. Telephone No. 39. i BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world i for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, ' i Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,'Let ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. T t is guaranteed /togive perfect satisfaction or ■ money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For sale by Curry-' Arrington Drug Company. M» THE SUMMER TERM. j Ai Rom - Business Collegia begins M nduy June G h 1898. A com pt-te course in bouk-keeing and I ustness practice reduced from sls, 00 to 32. 00, A compute course of short hand and f'ffice dictation reduced from : $35. <0 to $27, 50, ! Penmanship, spelling, arithmetic ' pra~‘ical grammar $2, bO to $4 00 i per month, according to age of pupil. H S. Shock Lt y, Pnul. CHEAP RATE'S. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening, jThe schedule between these ; points is as follows. Leave Rome il :00 a. tn. arrive Chattanooga' 4:15 am.; leave Rome 10:35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. in. • ie. ve Rome 6:25 a. in. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There I is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar- I rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta looga 6:30 a in. arrive Rome ): 00 •?.. m ; leave •Chattanooga 3 :10 p. m. ai live Rome 5 :35 p. n ; 1, uv • (Hmttanooga 10 :10 p. irrive Rome 1 :14 a. m . Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. F>r further information call on I N. Hi rib on, ci tv pas-en aim' ticket agent, Rome, (Ja. Phone 39 Hood’s Pilis cure nausea, sick headache, biliiousness and liver ills. Price 25 cents. • <HY LICENSE. All pers u ca r rying on business 1 i i the city et R me and subj. ct ' t • city li.s nS'- are heieby notified 1 l » "ail at th City Hall and pav t ieir 1 kerne, otherwise the city ti ..r-liai will be instructed to ■ rvi pohcH court R summons, , April 22 d. 1898. Halstead Smith c ft Cl»n k of Council. PUBLLj SALE Or REAL ES TATE. GE' ><GIA, FLOYD county —Whereas ■ n th'' 20th day of December 1897 firn thy Goins executed and de viled to Mrs. A. H. Cheney a note it’ll m u'tgage on the land hereinafter described for the pur l>os ■of seen: fn ,• the debt repre en<ed by said note, which mrrt ■itige io reco.deil in the clers’s of fice of Fuyd Superior Court in book N . 1, ci mortgages, p ge 486. And wT ere as in said mortgage said Timothy oins give to Mi>p A. H Cheney the power to sell sai land in case of d> fault in the prompt payment at maturity of ' the prm :pn and inter st of said debt. Now therefore by virtue of ibe power so vested in the und< r signed, which is more accurately shown by id. 'euc to said mort gage, Mrs. A. H. Cheney will sell at public outcry to th« highes ■ bidder for cash on (In- fi.-.r Tues | cay in June 1898, during the lesal hours of sale before the court bouse 'door in Rome, Ca.. the laud de scribed in the aforesaid mortgage, towit: Beginning at. the South west corn rof the lot bought of William A. Fort and Mary F. Thomas by Amanda Capernm, (which deed j's hereby rßerre<] to) and runnii g thence East 60 feet thence due North 331 feet more or less tc. the Northern liri" of s iid mt, thence Southwest to the cor ner of said lut.ihence Sou’h to the beginning point a dislurce of 361 feet cont’imi g one-half of an sere more < r less. Ihe said i ote and mortgage were g v n to secure an indebted ness of $25'00 with 8% interest lii m date and 10% attvrney tees. I'be said n< te ami mortgage are now past due and so declared. The total amount of prit.cijiul, inter est and and attorney's fees and charges and < ;.•/> ms -, | Bu j e th ul will he due on Slid note and mortgage on the first . uesday in J mi" 1898, is s‘)s 60. Fee simple till a in accordance with the pjw er of sale contained in said mort gage will te made to the purchaser at said sale, and the proceeds of such sale will be applii d to the payii. ii' of said debt w ith inter est. attorney’s tees and expense’s of sale and the remainder, n any, will I e paid ovei to tne pers; n en titled tc same. Inis May sth 1898 Mbs. A. H. Cheney. ’. By W. T. Cheney, Att’y, W. r. C. Ch 3 i 3/ // iH ake i n and carry tax I i if. s -•-••• * -’’ ti’ ***’*tr!'’'^‘** , * , *‘*“**t idi.i 11 ■ * •. *. 1.1 ii I TrxtlT rT’Tti'i nTtTtnl Ift HT! •; i: jwniwiiitirttnwfflntm 1 AWHOLECLUBp ril || w , IS ii Make I I w B I I carry a full and c nnplete line of jewelry, iuclu* ding Dianin Is ill! My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- itrt :::*£ er more complete. WEDDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. j J. K Williamson | *""" ■■■ ’WSk/e Everything in the drug line and a full line of druggists sun dries. Your especial attent’on is called to the fact that our prescription department has been the feature of our business for years. Its well earned reputation is now a matter of pride with us. Your orders solicited. C. 7W. 231 Broad. Telephone H THE HODEL LAUNDRV Is doing the best of work and guaran tees satisfaction, Prices are nust reasonable. Fine work a specialty