The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 29, 1898, Image 1

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eighth yeas smoke xtra good and rebel yell cigars yjIIEO STHTES j Kile to Whip Rny Nation On Earth. lENARKftBLESTATEMEN 1 ’ , Made By Lord Wolseley of Br'ihish Army. ’ Landen. May 2» - Lord W “ 1M ’ , Lommaua-r-o-^"' 8 of [itli in to-day, said. 'mifonWe lor the I. oiled I Les that this war i« not with a, E-class Power, f°r if i 9 evident] Lin web an encounter they] Lid be badly beaten at the be- I believe ti e Amer- L 3 are able to defeat any nation the long run. He also said: ”Tha United State Lid make a mistake in attemp- Lto invade Cuba with volun- Lwho are not fully drilled and Lipliued. If that was done, tie Led Sta’ea might expect heavy kraea when those troops encoun- red the trained Spanish troops laud. It would be a grave error I under-estimate the strength of be adversaries of the American Lops. I would regret to see the Liencanseven temporarily beaten lah my sympathies are with Bin.” I U. SAM AND J. BULL ■Btt.'e Their Little Difficulties ■ Easily. Washington, May 28.—The ■nadian negotiations were re ined at the state department ■ay. An understanding has ■n reaehed tint details of the Bgotiaiions will not be made ■blic until definite results have Bn obtained. In a general wav, ■wever, it is stated that the ■rit prevailing at the confer— Be gives better promise of an i Beement than ever before. | ■is is due probably to the re expressions of cordiality •ween Great Britain and the B>ledStates. It has found ex- Bssionin tevend ways since B conference began. is said that the Canadian Bpie still share in this grow- ■ b"°dwi!l ( and that when a ■mber of the Canadian parlia- | nt raade a speech the other ■ "icidontally casting a reflec- B 011 this country the two par- I stkis, Sir Wilfred Laurier, the liberal leader, and I 1,11 ' 1 upper, conserva f e rebuked the I- / ' lul ’ expression, | le| n<uks being greeted with E* S . ' Cl ' eere f ™"‘ '’Olh F of hie chamber. I,'" has i Sßued I y »'l officials along t | le I 1 la “ coast, including New fcr L inv tore P° rl hnmedi- L, ? ft tosend “al " J! ’“ r “‘her munitions Alliger. l*L l ! > I) r r e ! t "'“ r - wi,iie r ia »ite J i t ,, lfs . l, ’. bot !' parties . Bt’hii l ,p ' a tion is to pre- It':?' 8 ° f «'■ -ni- "o’' 1 / UC . 11 SOreßtrai tß Cuba. ° the bl,,cka ded ■ take uoli'< I CiUladuui ® have | p?tß e»ce ofq COgnizHnce of ■ enor I soeiat e of Mr. Pol o THE ROME 111 STUH- OALVdJU IAL THE SUBMARINE Vessel Holland Would Re- Move Yorpedm FROM SANTIAGO HARBOR. It Is Said The Plan May be Con sidered. New York, May 28 . —Th . Frees says J. J .Holland, buddjr of the submarine boat Holland, has gone to Washington with Col. 0. F. Grey for the purpose of making an offer to thd vovern*. ment, which if accepted perhaps will solve the the the problem of how to destroy Cevera’s Fleet. Mr. Holland will submit his proposi tion to the secretary of the na vy at once. He is willing to un der ake to sail his submarine into the channel of the narrow en trance to Santiago harbor, destroy the mints planted there, and if necessary proceed into the harbor and deal a few blows at Cerveru’s fleet. Mr, Holland declares that his plan to do this is entirely fea-ible. The boat is in shape and ready for the work, and he will agree, if the secretary of navy thinks favor ably of his proposal, to obtain a crew of volunteers for the work. All that he will ask of the au« thorities is transportation for his vessel and men to JCuba. Once there, he agrees to do the rest. Mr. Holland proposes to take bis boat to Santiago, tilting her out and getting everything in ieadi«. news under the protection of Com modore Schley and his squadron. Then when the opportune move ment arrives, probably just at dawn, theHoiland will start on its mission. Before it comes within sight of the fortifications which form on both sides of th<> entrance it will -ink beneath the surface of the water and steal quietly toward th p main channel. When this is reach ed it will reconnoiter to get the lay outef the mine fieldsand then withdrawing to a safe distance dis charge one or more of its subma rine torpedoes among the mines. This is the regular process known as countermining which is eimilary ly conduced, but by a vessel above the water which lays along side the harbor mines ano’her se ries which when exploded opens up the whole channel. Mr. Holland believes that by bis method the channel into Santiago could be opened without great difficulty. He is prepared, if neccessary. after this task has been accomplished , to proceed in his craft underneath the water into the harbor and at tempt to blow up one or nice of Cevera’s battleships. If the navy department has not another plan for the disposal of Cevera Mr. Holland's scheme may be consid ered. ♦ in the Spanish legation here,but there is reason to believe that if Mr. Du Bose and the Spanish consul at Montreal do not strict ly abide by the asylum they will be called to account and made to discontinue their operations. Exchange Made. Key West, May 28.—Hayden Jones, the world’s correspondent arrived here this morning on a United States gunboat. He was exchanged for a Spanish pris oner. ROME GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 29. 1898, HAWAIIAN POLICY 1$ to Lend fill Aid Io United States. THEIR ENTHUSIASM Will Give American Sailors Great Liberty. % Honolulu, May 20.—Via San Francisco, May 28. —Ths Hawai ian Star published the following] yesterday : There is not doubt whatever that the Hawaiian government has made a distinct tender of the islands to the ex cutiva of the United States. The news has been published in many of the coast ane eastern papers and has been denied. The Star is in a position to state that su:h a letter has been written and that a reply to it is being awaited here. This reply will probably reach Honolulu by the next mail. It is impossible to get the exact text of the letter and the island executive does not feel that it is diplomatic courtesy that the letter should be given to the public here before the United States government can renly. The mere fact that the transports are coming here and the island being used as a basis for supplies for ti e Manila squadron makes a large number ot people think the offer will undoubtedly be accepted. ENTHUSIASM Ah' HONOLULU. The steamer China, which stop-., pe I at Honomiu on her way from the Orient report* that the pe< p'e of that city weie making great preparations to receive the tram port fleet which left this city tor Manila and which will ston at Honolulu er. route. The town war being decorated with flags and bunting and the freedom of the cty will offered to the men on the steamships. The China passed the transports City of Pekin. City of Sydney an< Australia last night and reports the three vessels as ] r >ceedi<ig wester’y at great speed wth al well on board. SOME TALK Os Grave Complications Over The Matter. Grave foreign complications may grow’ out of the action of the Hawaiian government in al lowing the United States to make Honolulu a base of sup plies and naval operations in the Pacific. Your correspondent is informed on the highest authori ty that two European govern ments —France and Germany through then consular represen tatives in Honolulu, have taken action which is construed to in dicate their displeasure at the course of Hawaii. They have not entered am formal protest, but have inquired of the Hawaiian government who' its attitude would be during war. What reply, if any, the Ha waiian governmen* mad« to tho inquiry is rot known in Washing ton. It is known, however, th t the government the of Island * 11 not maintain neutrality, but v ill allow the United States to use ts territory and the harbour at Hoi - ololu as freely as if they were a part of th*» States. VALUES! | We wish to emphasize the word VALUE and define its true meaning, as it is employed in this announce ment. The principle upon which this business is built |is Vakfe=giving. The Best Quality and Greatest Quantity for the Lowest Price consistent with modern merchandising. Such has been our methods of winning the confidence of the public, and such will always be our plan for holding that confidence. We never Sell Out at Cost Nor FAKE the people in any way. And while the prices we name and the descriptions of the goods we give be low may seem unreasonable, yet they are truQ, and those who come first will find some of the best values offered in Rome in a long time. No goods charged at these prices. Everything strictly cash. ladies' Dressing Sacks Only 10 Cents Each. There is only 75 in ah, and those who come first will get them. Wc will, however, be compelled to limit them to one to each customer. Ladies’ Shirt Waists. Laundered, with detachable Stand- Pretty Percale waist, worth and sold ing Collar . . . for much more, for this sale XtyC Laundered Shirt Waist, regular price was 50 cents, but for this special Fine Line Ladies’ Shirt Waists, some sale . . . real ne Dimities, Chambras, Or- Ladies’ Shirt Waist of good quality W ° rth “ P tO o’ 00 Percale, new standing collar, de- ’ * * * ’ BQC tachable . . 1 'he Best Goods and Lowest Prices. ValuesinMuslin Underwear ' > Material is right, cut is f I- - right, styles the latest and y / T | prices are below any ever ! heard of in this city. Ladies’ [ ' •< 1 \ full size Night Robes made r I I i ’ of good quality muslin, well t •• [ (; r? ; , made and worth much more, J V | / but as long as they last -> nr <£ >■< / nrr ’< / Ladies full size gowns,well \ 1 i L / / made of real good material, ; lb J \. \ / / with embroidery and insert- > ing, each only 43c i Ladies’ Fine Quality Gown, beautifully trimmed 1 with embroidery, inserting and baby ribbon only j-g- , \ TH iS GOWN IS WELL WORTH ,00. One lot of Gowns, handsomely and Chimese worth 75c for . • YQC elaborately trimmed and worth up to Ladies full size Drawers for \ $1.50 each, on?v . . ()QC Corset Covers worth 25c for Ladies’ Night Robes of fine muslin, ....... . , . , , , & with handsome embroidery and insert- f|ed each . ing collar, tucked yoke, sleeves nicely 49c trimmed with embroidery and the Ladies’ full wide skirts made of excel garment finished with pretty finish- lent quality muslin trimmed with ing brade, worth twice our price, embroidery and only SQC Don’t miss this sale of Underwear. They are positively the best vanes shown in Rome in a longtime, and which you will probably never be offered again. This sale begins flonday morning and will continue until the end of the week unless the goods are sold out in less time. Come and see and you will be well paid LANHAM SONS, Seven Stores, Fifth Avenue, Rome, Ga., Tom Turner, Printer v Rome, 1 O CENTS PER WEEK