The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 29, 1898, Image 4

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MKT YESTERDH- 1 1 —■•II —■ ■ The Illegally Called Meeting of Executive Committee RATIFIED APPO NTMENTS Os Election Managers as Made By Chairman Harris At the irregularly called meet ing of the Floyd Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, held in the court house yesterday forenoon. Upon motion of Mr. Nat Harris Mr. W.M. Hardin was made chairman. Secretary Nat Harris then called the roll and announced that 13 out of 19 had answered. He then read the minutes of previous meetings. Mr. Bickers, of Barkers, stated that one word had been omitted and asked that the word “white” be inserted. Mr. Nat Harris joined in the surprised look, everyone turned on Mr. Bickers. Mr. Harris then handed Mr. Bickers a resolution which he said he had prepared on this subject and Mr. Bickers took the resolution"offered and his seat. The minutes were ’ ordered approved. Mr. Harris then mentioned the fact that since the last meet ing of the committee, that Com mitteeman E. T. Morris, of Floyd Springs, had died, and asked that the committee make due notice. ■ • Mr. Bickers moved a commit tee be appointed by the chair to draft suitable resoluticyis Motion prevailed and Mr. Harris was put on the commPtee. Mr. Nat Harris then moved that the committee proceed tc fill the Floyd Springs vacancy. 'The motion prevailed. Mr. Nat Harris nominated Mr. W. D. Bennett for said vacancy. Mr, Barnett was 'elected by a vote of 9 to 0. Mr. Nat Harris stated that a new district had been establish ed, its name being “State Line” ane nominated Mr. T. R. Early for the*place. Mr. Early, it was claimed, was in the city end a runner was sent out to find him. 11 is name was not balloted for. Mr. Bickers then rose and of fered the resolution Mr. Nat Hai ris had prepared about white primaries. The Harris-Bickers resolution is as follows : Resolved, That the third par % agraph of the resolutions be amended by adding the word “white” in the first line of the fourth paragraph between the words “all” and “Democrats” so that said paragraph when so amended shall read as follows, to wit: “That all white Democratic voters entitled to vote under the laws of the state of Georgia who were registered in the last gen eral election, or who are able to show to the satisfaction of the managers of election that they have since become entitled to registration under the laws of the state of Georgia ahd who are willing to support all the nominees of the primary herein provided for, shall be entitled to vote in said primary. And no party shall vote who, when challenged, shall refuse openly to make such pledges.” Mr. Nat Harris stated that Chairman Harper Hamilton had at first consented to call the present committee but had af terwards declined, that he, Mr. Harris,had then called it for the 1 purpose of making legal the ap- po of election managers so > ifjilo approaching primaries— | t’aat .tjLe committee and not the had the authority to I appoint the managers. Air. Nat Harris then moved fhnt, to the managers the chair man had already appointed, be i added the names of Mr. R. D. Van Dyke and F. W. Quarles. Jr. The motion was carried. i Mr. Bickers stated t.iat Bar ■ kers was satisfied and asked-that each committeeman present; speak for Ids district. Mr. Watts, of Cave Spring, asked that Mr. D. 11. Copeland and Mr. Alex Ellis be added in Cave Spring managers. Mr. Bickers then moved that as no one objected to the man agers as appointed by Chairman . Hamilton that the managers as, appointed be confirmed. Motion prevailed. Mr. Nat Harris then moved that all the managers for the primary of June 6th be appoint ed the primary managers of June 23rd. Motion prevailed. Mr. Nat Harris then asked for some one to make a motion to have a committee to demand of the various candidates enough money to pay for printing of talley sheets and such other election printing as might be needed. Mr. Bickeis arose and asked Mr. Nat Harris to explain. Mr. Bickers took his seat and Mr. Nat Harris explained. Mr. Bickers then made a mo tian appointing M>’. Nat Harris the committee that had been asked for and delegating to Mr’i Harris the authority he wanted jjaid committee to have. Mr. Bickers then moved to adjourn and the committee ad journed. Such was the action of the committee, illegally called for the purpose of naming election managers. But be it said to the credit of Committeemen Nat Harris and Biekers, of Barkers, they - had a most harmonious meeting. TROLLEY RIDE And Dance at Mobley’s Last T uesday. The trolley party and dance given at Mobley park last Tues day evening by Mr. Sam Gentry, • to his lady frientls, was a most exjoyable affair. Those present were: Messrs. Sam Gentry, Chas. ' Warner. Sproul 1 Fouche, Wal ’ ter Cothran, Nick Ayer, Walter Griffin, Robt. Graves, Frank i Freeman, Walter Ross. Linton Shaw, Barry Cothran, Langdon • Gammon,John Berry,Paul Jack, ‘ and Bob Yancey. Misses. Julia I Smith, Bonnie King, Matkins, > of Mobile; Williams, of Vicks ) burg; Mary Berry, Laura Ber -1 ry,Annie Curry, Finley, ofMem ( phis; Edith Carver, Bessie Sproull, Julia Bayard, Daisy Camp and others. Chaperones: Mesdames. Printup and Printup, : Bayard, Battey, Adkins and i McWilliams. As the date of the primary ap proaches it looks more and more as if Candler will have a major ity of 100 counties. PILES “I Buffered the tortured of the damned f with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with which I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the town of Newell. la., and never found anything I to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man. ’’ C. H.Kbitz, 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la CANDY jV X CATHARTIC wwcawfc TRAOI MARK RIOISTTRCO Pleasant. Palatable Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c, 50e ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Nl.rlln. H.h.4. C.Mpany, Cbleß.v, New York. 312 MA.Tf).RAP Sold and guaranteed by alldrug I U-DAU gists to CUKE Tobacco Habit’ v CURRY L S Diarrhoea -Dysentery Specific Is a positive and populad remedy for •M Diarrhoea, Dijsenierij, G r olera intant"in, k- Cholera Morbus, Flux, Griping and all bowel affections. We are now aporoaohing the season when Bowel affections nrevail. wnich causes great mortality, especially among children. No prudent person should be without a reliable remedy. These attacks are frexuently sudden and V’olent, often terminating in death. A renowned physician says that “in large cities, during the heated term, fully one-half the deaths are attributed to diar rhoea and dysentery.” Recognizing the seriousness of the dis order- of the alimentary canal, at the same time knowing the efficiency* of CURRY : S Diarrhoea and Dusenteru Swint; We offer it as a positive cure and safeguard upon whcib you can rely in the hour of affliction. In dysenteric troubles arising from excessive heat or the imprudent indulgence in. vegetables, fruits, etc., and in diarrhoea of children during the process of teething, nothing affords sucn prompt and permanent relief as CURRY'S Diarrhoea and Dosenteru sneeiiio As its mmo implies it ie a perfect panacea for all bowell complaints. I’nysicians recommend and prescribe it in their practice, thereey evincing confidence in this remedy, which is not a new candidate for public favor, but an old friend worthy of public trust. Were it necessary, numberless certificates could be furnished from physicians and others who have witnessed its wonderful curative properties in the various forms of summer homplaints. ITS EFFECTS ARE MAGICAL ONLY 250 A DOTTLE! <LIM iLJgii '■ i TiA (Will -rtjSs IMbF . IP ’ : .FT ’ : iMf 1 , -> . •> 1 Rome Badness College graduates fill responsible an 1 d ffi :ah po sitions, and are h'ghly commended by their employers. John D. foylor, attorney, Summerville, Gi.. “Frank Huf > faker has been with ine about three months. He is qualified thor oughly for the difficu’t duties of stenographic work.” Haisted S nith. attorney, city, saysi “F’orjsix monthsjl employed Miss Conni ■ Rus as stenographer an 1 typewriter to fill a temporary , vacancy in mv office. Coming direct y from the’college and without previous sxperience in office work, many of her Jdtities were new, u a short time her proficiency was suih that she was able to give at entinn tc details in a correct and effinent manner “ Rom® Hardware Company says; “Vliss Mamie eber is the very '' •st stenographer in Rome or out cf it “ Miss Mam le gradu ited some months ago. Messrs. Walsh and Wu In 'r, Chattanoo ji. Te in say.—W - find Mr. Carter Wimbieh a perfectly capable bookkeeper an I stenograph t . Brcwn & Washburn, Greensboro. S. C. sty. —“Mr. John Loyd keeps our hooks without any tr >uble whatever.” Many more testimonials cou’d be given. Rome Business College will not receive pupils after this m»nth n employment ti >tes. payable af:e* course is complete and posi'iou secured, Young tneu and ladies should enter now. H S, SHOCKLEY. Principal. j© l ® o'® .© • ® ® ©•••••#•••• eaiK I Repairing |f • Don’t Walk On • • O Your Uppers!; • W.A.MULLINiX,^ To Muical Poeple of Romt: I It is with pride that we announce the openi tlg I of a new and complete stock of ■ Hfflß, ■IM AND I Small Musical Instruments! in the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street I where we would be pleased to have you call and I examine our goods. ■ The stock consists of some of the best mikes I of pianos and organs on the market today. e I keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first- I class music store—Something Rome has needed for I a lo.ig t ime. Give us a call and you will* find a I music store that Romans may be proud of I We are determined to close out our stock o I -BICYCLES. at the earliest possible date. I IL IL FOl® 327 Broad Street. I S. P. Davis, Manager. I . X .X \ X \v\ \ I We keep on hand at allj imes a full stock of I Sheet Music of the very n | F.J-KAIXIE& CO 248 Broad Street. I Sale ol Summer Goods XXXXXX X X \ x \ xxx\x x* x x t< v Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras sssssssss v Ready-Made Skirts and Waists »»»»»$ We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost prices on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at Fl J. KANE and GO. 248 Broad Street- TQNSDRIAL PARLORS- LEWIS BARRETT, Artist; Only skilled inm 6,-n ilo/ed. Parlors recently renovated M®’ courteous attention and satisfactory services guaranteed, at 462, Broad street.