The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 30, 1898, Image 2

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CflPf. J. B. NEVIN — WittiiirEws From ’he Legis-j latiue Race ALTHOUGH NOMINATION Was Practically Assured-Manly Card From a Brave Officer. Capt. J. B. Nevin has with drawn from legislative race. This announcement will prove a sensation because Capt. Nev in’s nomination was practically, a certainly. So far as The Hustler-Com mercial has been able to learn, Capt. Nevin’s absence from the county, enforced by his duty in Co, II 2nd Reg. Georgia volun teers, now stationed at Tampa, had worked in his favor and guaranteed his nomination. But poor health and a malady that is serious in nature and that might, under certain surround ings prove fatal, has caused (’apt. Nevin to withdraw from the political contest. He is at home and is being t< nderly nursed and doing his full duty by his health in order that he may return to his regiment at the earliest possible moment. Below is given Capt. Nevin’s manly card of withdrawal. CAPT. NEVln’s CARD. Editor Hustler Commercial, Rome, May 29, ’9B.—ln view of the fact that there is a serious doubt of my ever being able to take my seat in the Georgia legislature, if elected, and f r other other reasons oi a personal nature, I take this method of withdrawing my name from the list of candidates. I hope I shall be pardoned for saying that I considered my election a fore gone conclusion and my mail lias been heavy with letters from all parts of the county for the past few weeks with assur ances of support. It is to relieve these loyal friends from a waste of votes that I withdraw. Under the advice of Dr. George Brown, of Atlanta, excitement or un necessary worry of any kind may result fatally to me at this time, and as my principal worry and care is to get well in a hur ry and rejoin iny regiment at the earliest possible moment you see that I cannot afford to be bothered by so small a thing as a seat in the Georgia legislature. Seriously, I would not embar rass the democratic party by asking them to nominate an ineligible man, nor do I think my presentunfortunate physical condition would allow me a place in the race. Yours to command James B. Nevin. Yesterday’s Constitution, among other things had this to sav about the gallant young Roman and bis mis-fortunes just at this particular junctor: Captain James B. Nevin, cf the second regiment of Georgia volun teers, has been forced to leave his command at Tampa on account of a painful and dangerous abscess of the right ear and side of the head, Captain Nevin arrived here yesterday from Tampa and went at once to see his physician. He came here on a several day’s fur lough, but when Dr, Brown an nounced that he was dangerously affected he at once asked for a two months’ leave from the army, Captain Nevin left yesterday af* ternoon for Rome where he will remain until he gets well enough t<> rt join his commission outright. Be is very eery that he has been compelled to leave his command acc unt of sickness and hopes ■phat he can s< on go back, at least in time to go over to Cuba with the GfiPT. W. G. SMITH Today Appointed to Raise a Gomyang. WILL GO WITH COL. RAY In the Army of Invasiqn. A Splendid Officer. 4. Capt. W. C. Smith was today appointed a captain in the 3rd Reg. U. S. Vols , and ordered to raise a company of 83 men. This regiment will be command ed by Col. Ray, as brave an of ficer as ever drew a sword. The men who enlist with Capt. Smith can do so with the assur ance that they will see active service in the island of Cuba for that is the certain destination of these volunteer regiments. * The Rome company will be enlisted at once, Capt. Smith having wired his acceptance and asking for the necessary enlist ment blanks. He will receive; these papers from Col. Ray, in Washington, in a few days. Capt. Smith is reticent about who his lieutenants are, but The Hustler-Commercial is in a po sition to predict that the first lieutenant will be Mr. Paul S. Black,of the Land office Depart ment, Washington, I). C. Capt. Smith, the newly ap pointed R< me officer, is a con ductor on the Southern Railway and a man of splendid physique and fine military bearing. He is a graduate of the United States naval Academy at An apolis, of the class of 1876. He was at qhe time he quit the na vy a lieutenant Cool-headed, well educated in the science of war, perfectly fearless, Capt. W. C. Smith is a model leader for brave men. He will have no trouble in raising a splendid company. Dr. Brown furnished Captain Nevin with a certificate to the i ffect that the Captain could net possibly resume his duties without endangering his life. The certifi cate follows. “Atlanta, 6a., May 30. — To Whom It May Concern : Captain J. B. Nevin is suffering from an acute abscess of the middle ear This is a condition superinduced by expo c ure or cold. The mastoid cells are involved, and an operation may be necesssry to relieve this condition. This abscess lias affected his general health So that I deem him absolutely unfit tor military duty until this condition is improved. I have so advised him In my opinion sick leave should be granted him until be is cureo, as this condition endangers not only hearing, but his life. Respect fully “Goeorge Bb»wn. M, I).” LETTERS OF ANMINISTRA- TION. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY 1 To all whom it may cencern : Equitable mortgage company having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate of Wm B. Wiggins, late of said county deceased . This is to cite all and singular the creditors and uext, of kin of Wm. B. Wiggins to b< and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not bn granted to W. H. Ennis Co. Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggins estate. Witness my hand and official sig na ure this 2nd day May 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. B'ARD AT MOBLEYS SPRINGS. A limited number of boarder, will be received at Mobley springs Terms reasonable, Apply to J, P M<TAm>.|| Ist ’98.. 1 BLACK FIENDS Hanged Last Night by North Carolinians. OUTRAGED-MURDERED. The Young Womans Assailants Paid The Usual Penalty. Charlotte, N. C., May 30 Miss Eninia Hartzell, daughter of Mr. Samuel Hartzell, who lives four miles from Concord, was found dead in her father’s home yesternay afternoon. She had been assaulted and her ■jhroat was cut from ear to ear. The yo ung woman was of a respectable family, and the news vs the affair spread rapidly. In a short time large bodies of both town and country people assem bled, and in the course of an hour two negroes, Joe Kiser, aged twenty live and Tom John son, aged t wen tv, were arrested and the sheriff managed to get them safely to jail. The prisoner were placed in the cage, the stn ngbold of the jail, and the sheriff and other officers stood guard at the foot of the stairs. They did all they 1 could prevent the jail being fore- | cd, but as they looked out upon the sea of determined, angry j faces they realized that nothing l but the blood of the guilty would satisfy them. 11 was 20 minutes to 10 o’clock when the mob, unable any long er to restrain its fury, broke' down the j til doois. The sheriff and deputies were overpowered and the crowd rushed up the stairs toward the cell of the doomed men. The lock was brok en, the door opened and the pris oners hauled forth. The ciowd called to the sheriff to get a lamp, i but only a lantern was to be had. By this uncertain, fitful light the mob carried its victims out. '1 he sheriff saw resistance was useless, so he made no effort to frus'rata their work of ven geance. The men were taken to a point! beyond the three mile branch. They were remarkably cool con- I sidering that they were going to ' a dreadful death. They protested their innocence all along the way. | Rt v Mr. Alexander, pastor of the Presbyterian church, walked by their side, talking to them and try ing to minister to them spiritual* ly. When the place selected for the lynching was reached, a halt ! was made Mr. Alexander tried to ' silence the crowd, he could pray ! for the doomed men. The crowd could not be quieted, s i he prayid while the crowd con tinued its excited talk. The men ■ j were asked if they had any pariing words to speak. They said they ■ were not guilty, and that was all. A tree was found on which were 1 two limbs about three feet apart. Over these the ropes were thrown 1 The men were mounted on two h.-xes about two feet high. The! l noose was adjusted around each r man's neck, the box removed and ; the be dies dropped. A lew minutes after the drop,!' one hundred shots w re firud at 1 die dangling bodies ridd'ng them b with bullets. The doctors who ' were present} pronounced the men ' dead in tliiitoen minutes. Their bodies were left hanging. 1 Picnic. b The infant class of the First Baptist Sunday school will picnic j at Moblej Springs next Thursday. All the school are invited. As I ? pastor I beg that some who may not feel like going will contribute * a basket for the occasion Many will be there who cannot furnish 1 le. _. !•’ B Headden. - ■■■ ■■ ■ it ? BEST sanitary plumbing B 'Vt A V>- j’ '> 4N $ k jo \ i ♦ ‘ p 1 $ Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. t A* Gas Fixtures, Qas Stoves, L R t Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- h M► v § tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec= 3 4? trie fixtures. Id* . b W * ® ’ have employed Alex S. Pierce to $ J L * take charge of my shop department. 4 rd |[ * He is one of the best workmen in the W /VI * South. Repair work attended to & M > promptly. j < I : JOHN C’CHILDS, t N X 223 Broad st. O vosite Th os. Fahy. 1 • ' ■ ■ * Il ML ffl ■ • j (• (• t We® ranis on earth* I (•* THFY ARE THE ♦ •) , 08. •) 2 $7 KIND ®)AT OTHER PLACES. * g ItaedaitajCo.S® *• •) ** ®) Irv' yfv -OT? * J EASTER 5 * SBF Is over and now the post-lenten * « season is on. You are most cor- » jg * dially inviteo call and see the » jg zy * very latest fads and fancies, nov- » og * elties, and nice things in fash= # ionable millinery. We receive * ST new goods dvery day and they * come specially selected from the * g fashion centers. Our new flow- w ■* ers are exceptionally pretty. * * 5 - | g * S fLii’s. A. O. Garrard » * X X *