The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, May 30, 1898, Image 6

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' THE HUSILIR-COIIERCIAL «Mn, ■ • ■ • k THEHUSTLER OF ROME a I I- Established, iswo. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 18W5. Issued every evening, except Saturday Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD.. EDITOR AND MANAGER. - office. Wilkerson . Hlock. Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION rally and Sunday,per year #5 0 luuday, per year #I.OO Weekly (Thk Rome Courier) pei year 50 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND BUBUI.BB D»'.y ai.dSunday, lOcente per wee), Rpmil by bank draft, exffsjj, money order or registered letter Add r 6Bß !the hustler-commercial. ROME, GA. Entered at the Postoffice at Rome, Ga., as second class matter. Advertising rates and sample, oopiaa tor th asking, BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER, of Hall. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, •of Lee. For omptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. cFor Attorney-General.. JOSEPH M. TERRELL, | of Merrlwether. ; For .Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, I • of Fulton, !For Con mlssioner ofAgriculture, O. B. STEPHENS, of Terrell. For School|Commlssioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. For Prison Commissioner JOSEPH S. TURNER, K of putman. The Hustler-Commercial is the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has th combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commercial and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome The City Marshal The Sheriff of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co, I I'Fiik Hustler-Commercial has the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. Mud dont answer argument. Cevera is in no hurry. Why ehoulhe be?. Joe Leiter didn’t coner the coal market. Who says Joe is not triot. The Oregon has swung the circle —Next gent-of-war forward and on with the dance. On June Gth the three will mix and its dollars to cents that Can dler licks. Brunswick Tinies. Friday June 3rd, Jeff Davis’ holiday will be observed in Geor gia as a legal holiday for the first lime, The Cadiz fleet is not much of a fleet. • jt is made up of good re cruiting material for Spain’s sub* Marine ex-flotilla. With the war assuming greater proportions, the price of food stuffs are on the climb Now is the time to plow that sorry stand of cotton and plant corn in its stead. The Hon. Douglass Glessner will have a fine mess of crow to eat. He has heaped ,more abuse and slander uporAthe head of Colonel Candler thankhas any other editor | I THAT ATKINSON MEETING The friends of Col. Candler who had any apprehension that there was mo''e Atkiti’on senti ment in the community than they believed, can rest easy af ter last night’s pitiful disclosure. Advertisements of the meeting in the three papers of the city for several days, the personal influence of legal friends of Judge Atkinson, the Kerr and Dunbar resentment growing out of a childish construction placed upon Candler’s telegram of congratulation to Mayor Walsh, the seductive influence of a brass band with transparencies and a train of electric cars from Har risburg, together with the val iant championship of the Her ald—all these infiences combin ed, were able to out only 250 people to hear Judge Spen cer Atkinson, a member of the railroad commission, ex-judge of the supreme court and candi date for governor, and of these 250, a conservative estimate places the number of Democrats at not exceeding 50.—Augusta Chronicle. And yet the Herald—that Sunday bull fighting exponent of Atkineonian Democracy and procurer of the Tom Hight ’etter claims Richmond county and the state for its unresignable champion. Richmond seems to be as safe as Floyd and Floyd will show by her returns some where near a ten to one vote for the old commoner, Allen D. Candler. Mark that prediction. The “little ring” kicks—all the same the people remain in the big ring. The ‘‘reformers” will again go down before the people. Mark that prediction. The Macon Telegraph said at theoutaet that Col. Candhr is an boiif-st man, and yet, because Col. Candler bas been compelled to ex pose the Telegraph nefarious methods that old republican siste r is howling. Capt. J B. Nevin has the deep sympathy of all Romans because of his unfor'unate illness. All of us hope for him a speedy and comp'ete recovery and that he may re'urn to his gallant commad at no distant date. The court officers of Floyd aie as deserving as the court officer of any other county —and the court officers of all other counties are regarded as worthy of their fees. Floyd is the only county with a Commissioner Featherston. That effort to twist Col. Can dler’s telegram to Mr. Walsh into a reflection upon Captain Dunbar and Mr. Kerr was be low the belt and was not worthy of Judge Atkinson. It was a petty appeal to local passion.— Augusra Chronicle. Comptroller General Wright is thoroughly capable of taking care I of himself. His communication on the first page of this issue is a brillirnt contribution to the lit erature of the present campa’gn in old Floyd. Capt. Wright knows how to quote the records. He al- I ways sticks to the truth 100. As an ed.tor, Judge Joel Bran ham is peerless. He made the Rome Georgian editorial page! sparkle line a diamond show case ' in a big j- welry store yesterday i morning. Judge Branham is as fine i an editor as he is a lawyer and he 1 is as able a lawyer as he is perfect 1 as a gentleman. vVho can coms j p iineut him higher. I ( The people have sense and , the people are not willing to < permit faithful and honest offi- 1 cials to be slandered out of of—! ‘ I flee by mud-slingers—no matter c how expert. The “ring” will I* defeat the self-styled “reform- a ers” by an overwhelming ma jority. Why? Why because the ® people are the ring. i JUDGE MADDOX. John M’’ddox is no chamele on in his politics. His record a as an open, clean book—not a spot of dishonesty or u blemish of demagoguery or political intrigue appears upon its pages. 'The plain, frank and open ele ment in this county and in this district are his supporters. Sift the crowd that is against him in this county and you will find a whole lot of them to be a crew of controllers, heelers, would-be republicans and malcontents. This set is displeased because he cannot be used and woofed and warped according to its im perious and unjust and unfair demands, and its unholy spleen crops out in the opposition to his candidacy. However, everybody. knows that Maddox will be nominated by an overwhelming majority and that no suspicious political alliances or official intrigues will be able to amount to any sort of respectable opposition. Even this county is not yet as sured io the score of his schem ing opponent. Murray county's Democracy and political gratitude cannot be traded and trafficked with by a few individuals now as it has been in the past and you may just down that our peo ple have and will exert their manhood at the polls and will prove to the world that no man can go to Atlanta or Carters ville or Rome or Dalton or any other town and pledge their suffrage without their consent and their unqualified approval. —Springplace Jimplecute. Only five more days and abso lutely no prospect of a joint de b te between Bob and Spencer. John Maddox remains at his post of duty. John Maddox can rest essured that the lovers of fair play will see to it that he is renominated by a handsome ma jority. Railroad Commissioner At kinson has dropped his cry of “there are no common people in Georgia.” This must have been a campaign of education for the martyr of the candler county contest. See that your ballot has the name of W. A. Wright for comp troller general, on it. Don’t let your partisan feeling get the better of your good judgement and cause you to scratch the name of such a pure, able, clean and fearless man from your ticket. Baby Mine! Every mother irao feels an ind e - dread of the pain and // danger attend- ai l ant upon the 1. ' most critical pe- r *°d of her l‘fe. W Becoming a f FpWyvM mother should be I ' I Fflwsi a source °f j°y / ITtli to all, but the suffering and I nger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER’S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman’s severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother’s Friend his a biasing to woman. SI.OO PER BOTTLE at all Drug Storea or sent by mail on receipt of price’ BOOKS Containing invaluable information of I Kurt inUirexc to all women, will be eeul , • ntt te any addresr, upon application, by I The MiDFIBLO BK6PLAVWI €#.. Mhi*. Be oks, Station ery, Daily Pa pers, Magazines, Periodicals. I We have exclusive con trol of the Chattanooga Times for Rome. HARRY RAWLINS & COMPANY; .1 302 Broad 1 J ~ Street, Medical 1 ■ Building; I J Mrs. A InveAD, residing at 720 Henry St.. Al on, 11l ~ suffered with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it ; nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies recom mended by friends; and was treated by the physicians, but re ceived no relief. She then used one . and a half hotties of Ch amber I aiL \ Paiu Balm which effected a com plee cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what 1 cured her. Ti e 25 and 50 cem sizes for sale by Curry-Arrington 1 Co. The Southern Railway offers choice of two routes with conven ient schedules and quick time out of Rome to Washington, New York and the east. The morninu train leaving Rome at 9.00 A. M. and arriving Atlanta 11. 40 A M , connects with the Washington and Southwestern Vestibuied Limited, carryiug elegant pullman sleeping cars which leaves Atlanta 12 00 noon, and arrives Washington 6 • 42 A. M. and New York 12.43P.M. The afternoon train leaves Rom* 5.855 P.M., arrives Atlanta 8.05 P.M. connecting with U.S. Fast Mail carrying Handsom pullman Sleeping Cars Atlanta to Nev York leaving Atlanta 11.50 P. M arrives Washington 9-35 P.M,, New York G .23 A.M Train No. 7 leaves Rome 1.00 A. M ~ arrives Chattanooga 4.15 A.M., connecting with train car rving elegant Pullman Drawim Room Sleeping car Chattanoog »g N.-1W York without change leaving Chattanooga 4, 20 A.M arriving Asheville 1.15P.M Washington, 6. 42 A. M., and Nev York 12. 43 P.M. This train passes by daylight, through th b J utiful scenery of “ The Land o the Sky”. Train No. 9 leaves Rome G 2- r P. M . arrives Chattanooga 8 5< P. M, coruecting with train car rying day coaches and elegan Pullman Sleeping Car Cnattai.oog to Salisbury and Salisbury to-Nev York This train leaves Chatta nooga 10.00 P. M., arriving Ashe villes 10 A. M., Washington 9,3' P. M and New York 6. ?8 A ,M- For further information call 01 J.N. Harrison City Passenger and Ticket Agent Rome Ga. Telephom No. 39. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required’ T t is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry- Arrington Drug Company. i CHEAP FUEL OR ROMANS Wh Desire to Use Qas for Cooking Put poses’ At a special meeting the Boa id of Directors of the Rome Gas Light Co. tiie fullowi: g resolu’iom* were unanimously adopted. Viz. Be it resolved. That in order to induce the citizens qf Rome to use gas for these purposes shall be re duced from $1 80 to $1 50 per 1000 cubic feit and ip order to secure prompt pay ment for al! gas used for the above named purposes a further reduction of 20 cents ped 1000 shall be made to all con sumers who. use 1000 cubic feet per month or more. Provided pay ment for same is made at the office of the company on or before the s‘h, day of the month. Mak ing sl, 30 per IfOO the net price for cooking and heating gas. And be it further resolved. That the Gas Co. shall keep on hand for sale at lowest possible prices eithei for cash or on installment plan. Gas stoves, instantaneous water heaters for bath a»d other gas appliances. By order of board of directors. J. J .Childs. Secty. Hand<tC)., handle all of th strawberries raised by us, and if others tell you* that tl.ey have Johnson s* strawberries they It 11 wl at is D 'f.’so. Chas. R. Johnson RANGES. lam h gent iorSouth ern Que en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also ch u ran o e Safety G-as olme stoves- Call and seemvstock ana get estimaes on your and tin work- door to onera house. STAMP taxes Are coming as a necessary war measure, and as a consequence medicines will be advanced in price. It you have not yet begun your course of Hood’s Sarsaparilla it is advisable to lay in a year’s supply at once and begin to take it today By so doing you will save money and regain health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is America’s Greatest Medicine. Be sure to get Hood’s* On the morning of Feb. 20 1895, I was sick with rheuma tism, and I lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle ol Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved me almost entirely frem the pain and the second afforded com plete relief. In a short time I was able to be up and about again.—A. T. Moreaux, Luv erne, Minn. Sold by all drui» gists. RIDE A MONARCH. 18 11 Sold by .1 .Sam Veal Rjme, Ga. The Monarch Bicycle is far su perior to all others. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, billiousness and liver ills. Price 25 cents. NOTICE OF DlVOKcp State of Georgia, Floyds W in me Lee Woodward c Tn? vs ) b ' b * Willi,E. Wo.«l« nr( | / dl - In Flvyd Count, S U| Ji'AX, state of Georgia. (0) . Ult term, 1898. “'l’Hily To William Edward W 0(m1 The defendant i 8 | )Pr ,. b quired, personally or by Hlt * ney, to be and appear at next Superior court, to be hS in and for said county, 011 third Monday in July next. th 'J and there to answer the p | ain tiff s demand in an action of Li bel for Divorce, as in def ’ thereof, said court will p rocee as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W M Henry, judge of said court tin. 14th day of Mardh, 1898 ’ Win. E. Beysiegel, Clk Superior Court. Floyd Co., Ga. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga will receive young men and ladies now at the actual ™ Bt the College for carrying > them through a thorough cornier cial course, and furnish board books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAI. It supplies schools and coliegee with competent teachers of p’ n inanship and principals of conimer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for 10 cents in stamps; is strong], endorsed by hundreds of busing and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography 01 Bookkeeping. Address all letter# to the Principal, 11. S. Shovelst Rome, Ga. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A I DAY. j “Mystic Cu r e” for Rheu natism I and Neuralgia radically cures in |j 1 to 3 days. I’s action upon the I system is remarkable and rnyete* | rions. It removes at once the cause | and the disease immediately dis* || appears. The first dose greatly benefus, 75 cents. Sold by Curry. 1 Arrington Co. Rome, Ga. j PROFESSIONALMi ATTORNEYS, I J. BRANHAM, | Law Office, 200 East First Street, I ROME. GA. I CHAS, W. UNDERWOOD, I Attorney at Law, Koine, Ga. M Corporal' in Law Only. 9 M B EUBANKS, | Atteruey at law. OfficeKing Bailtliug. H Rome, oa. ■ "W H. ENNIS, I Attorney at Law Will Practice in all coeiuH Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, G». fl 'W J NEEL I Attorney at law. Will practice in all ciiurtj ■ Special attention given to commercial ■ and the exainication cf laud titles. ■ office in Klug building. Home, Ga. ■ WALTER HARRIS ■ Attorney at law and J. 1’ Office overt Kane & Co.'s. ■ LIHSCOMB <Sc WILLINGHA'B Commercial Lawyers. H Gftice la Amutr howl building' J SANTZ - OR A Attorney at law, R une, Ga. Collections *■ specialty. „ ■ Masonic Temple Rome, Go. DENTISTS ■ J. A. WILLS, D.D.5.,| Office 240 1 2 Broad. > Over Cantrell A ■ J. L PENNINGTON. D D S..MD-B ■ Office. SA 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks ■ niture Co. ■ PHYSICIANS. I O. HAMILTON M Physician and Surgeon ■ Building Rome. Ga. Oce ’phone • M lu F HAMMON O B Physician and Surgeon, Office in building. Residence, No. 403 wes M Gffice ’phone No. 62. H LUMPKI 'F & PRIN ITP, | atto {NEYS at LAW, ■ Rome, ' b Georf k H| General practice throughout No Correspondence solicited. »P to mercantile collections. STENOGRAPHER- ■ GEORGE WEIGH f. H Steoogiapher a»d|Tyi>«*'’ wr Qffie*. m, Ar uawung r **’ Bp